Автор: Williams Дата: 17 октября 2018
Просмотров: 1 597
Advanced Conveyor Technologies Sidewinder v7.2.2
Sidewinder was developed from the ground up using the latest software development tools and years of conveyor design experience. The program can handle conveyors of any length, geometry, and drive configuration. It incorporates a wide range of conveyor design calculations from both international standards and many published technical papers. Whether you're new to conveyor design, or an expert with years of experience, Sidewinder will help you optimize your conveyor design in order to prove a safe, reliable, and economical system. If you are in need of a belt conveyor software design package, or you are tired of struggling with your existing software, give Sidewinder a try today!
Автор: Williams Дата: 10 октября 2018
Просмотров: 1 444
Advanced Conveyor Technologies Newton v2.60.00
Newton is a general purpose Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulation package used to quickly and accurately model three-dimensional behavior of granular flow. A variety of constitutive models have been included to model a wide range of material properties including wet, sticky, cohesive material. Material degradation, surface wear, impact damage, energy dissipation, and other fundamental parameters can easily be analyzed. Newton is extremely flexible and can handle a wide variety of material properties and geometries including conveyor transfer chutes, apron feeders, chain feeders, bucket elevators, and more. It is developed and maintained by the engineering group at AC-Tek.