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AVEVA PRO/II Simulation 2024.0.1 Software

AVEVA PRO/II Simulation 2024.0.1

AVEVA PRO/II Simulation optimizes plant performance by improving process design and operational analysis and performing engineering studies. Designed to perform rigorous heat and material balance calculations for a wide range of chemical processes, AVEVA PRO/II Simulation offers a wide variety of thermodynamic models to virtually every industry.

AVEVA PRO/II Simulation offers a comprehensive library of components, thermodynamics and physical property data, and unit operations. Rigorous refinery reactor models now available.

You can create custom models and reporting via Microsoft Excel. AVEVA PRO/II Simulation integrates with industry-standard licensors including HTRI, OLI, Koch-Glitsch, and MySep. Import assay information via Unified Supply Chain Management.

AVEVA PRO/II Simulation can be used in virtually every industry, including oil and gas production, refining, petrochemicals, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and polymer plant modelling.

AVEVA PRO/II Simulation is available via the cloud in addition to the traditional on-premise access method. This new infrastructure allows for secure user access control, seamless maintenance, and simplified IT overhead.

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AVEVA Production Accounting 2024.1 Software

AVEVA Production Accounting 2024.1

AVEVA Production Accounting addresses the pressing issue of unaccounted losses for refineries, petrochemical plants, and other processing facilities. This solution improves efficiency with data reconciliation by finding errors in raw plant data and closing the mass balance and production accounting. Doing so helps the plant better account for feedstock and products, as material tracking and product yield tracking accounts for inventory and pinpoints losses.

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AVEVA Production Accounting 2024 Software

AVEVA Production Accounting 2024

AVEVA Production Accounting addresses the pressing issue of unaccounted losses for refineries, petrochemical plants, and other processing facilities. This solution improves efficiency with data reconciliation by finding errors in raw plant data and closing the mass balance and production accounting. Doing so helps the plant better account for feedstock and products, as material tracking and product yield tracking accounts for inventory and pinpoints losses.

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AVEVA Production Accounting 2023 Software

AVEVA Production Accounting 2023

AVEVA Production Accounting addresses the pressing issue of unaccounted losses for refineries, petrochemical plants, and other processing facilities. This solution improves efficiency with data reconciliation by finding errors in raw plant data and closing the mass balance and production accounting. Doing so helps the plant better account for feedstock and products, as material tracking and product yield tracking accounts for inventory and pinpoints losses.

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AVEVA Production Accounting 2022 R2 Software
AVEVA Production Accounting 2022 R2

AVEVA Production Accounting 2022 R2

AVEVA Production Accounting addresses the pressing issue of unaccounted losses for refineries, petrochemical plants, and other processing facilities. This solution improves efficiency with data reconciliation by finding errors in raw plant data and closing the mass balance and production accounting. Doing so helps the plant better account for feedstock and products, as material tracking and product yield tracking accounts for inventory and pinpoints losses.

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AVEVA Production Accounting 2022 Software
AVEVA Production Accounting 2022

AVEVA Production Accounting 2022

AVEVA Production Accounting addresses the pressing issue of unaccounted losses for refineries, petrochemical plants, and other processing facilities. This solution improves efficiency with data reconciliation by finding errors in raw plant data and closing the mass balance and production accounting. Doing so helps the plant better account for feedstock and products, as material tracking and product yield tracking accounts for inventory and pinpoints losses.

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AVEVA Bi Gateway Analysis Client Tableu Desktop 2022.3.1 Software
AVEVA Bi Gateway Analysis Client Tableu Desktop 2022.3.1 build 16.12.2022

AVEVA Bi Gateway Analysis Client Tableu Desktop 2022.3.1

AVEVA BI Gateway synthesizes data from across the plant, revealing relationships that would be all but invisible otherwise. It models big data into manageable chunks, so that industrial teams can track performance against the metrics that matter most – in time enough to make a difference. AVEVA BI Gateway continuously computes the metrics that are important to improving plant, multi-plant, or infrastructure performance. This enables tighter adherence to operating goals with near real-time resolution. You will be better able to understand the impact of planning, execution, staffing, and equipment behavior on key strategic variables such as quality, performance, material, and energy consumption.

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AVEVA INPLANT Fluid Flow Design 2022 Software
AVEVA (ex. Invensys, SimSci) INPLANT Fluid Flow Design 2022 build 12.10.2022

AVEVA INPLANT Fluid Flow Design 2022

The INPLANT Fluid Flow Design program is a steady-state, fluid flow simulator for designing, rating, and analyzing plant piping systems. Engineers can quickly rate and analyze the safety of plant piping systems via the INPLANT Fluid Flow Design Graphic User Interface for Microsoft® Windows® Operating Systems. INPLANT Fluid Flow Design also enables the design of new piping systems or the revamp of a wide variety of existing systems. Applications range from simple, single pipe sizing and rating calculations to large, multiphase fluid piping networks with complex, nested-loop topology. Easily solve relief system problems involving networks with single or multiphase fluids at high velocities or in critical flow.

INPLANT - это мощный инструмент моделирования стационарных режимов, проектирования, оценки и анализа трубопроводных систем завода. Инженеры могут быстро оценить и проанализировать безопасность трубопроводов установки с использованием INPLANT. INPLANT также позволяет проектировать новые трубопроводные системы или модернизировать разнообразные существующие трубопроводы. Диапазон применения от поверочного и проектного расчета одной трубы до многофазных кольцевых сетей трубопроводов, со сложной топологией. С помощью INPLANT решаются проблемы однофазных и многофазных систем сброса на факел при высоких скоростях движения флюида или при критических расходах. INPLANT помогает инженерам быстро определить причину плохой гидравлики в работе трубопроводов и способствует формированию экономных решений.
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AVEVA Dynamic Simulation Suite 2022 Software
AVEVA (ex. InvensysSimSci) Dynamic Simulation Suite 2022 build 28.04.2022

AVEVA Dynamic Simulation Suite 2022

AVEVA Dynamic Simulation is a comprehensive, dynamic process simulator that enables users to meet and beat the dynamic challenges of designing, commissioning, controlling, and operating a modern process plant safely, reliably, and profitably.

AVEVA Dynamic Simulation
State-of-the-art, field-proven dynamic simulation for modern process plants.

AVEVA Dynamic Simulation Power
An advanced power plant modeling and dynamic simulation environment for use throughout a power plant’s life cycle.

Engineering Services
An unparalleled combination of industry experience, process simulation knowledge and best-in-class technology.

Operator Training
High fidelity dynamic simulations of the actual process plant connected with 3rd Party control systems as a platform for control checkout and operator training.

By assisting in process design, controls checkout and control system design, AVEVA Dynamic Simulation enables process yield improvement and reduction of capital investment costs.

First principles models, including rigorous thermodynamic and fluid flow calculations, bring a superior level of robustness and accuracy to dynamic process simulation.

Translate a steady-state AVEVA PRO/II Simulation into a running dynamic simulation to eliminate tedious data re-entry, and preserve the thermodynamic methods that you trust.

AVEVA Connect makes AVEVA Dynamic Simulation available via a pure SaaS model in addition to the traditional on-premise access method.
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AVEVA PIPEPHASE Pipeline Network Design 2021 Software
AVEVA (ex. Invensys, SimSci) PIPEPHASE Pipeline Network Design 2021 buid 04.10.2021

AVEVA PIPEPHASE Pipeline Network Design 2021

Pipeline Network Design can model applications ranging from single well sensitivity analyses of key parameters, to a multi-year planning study for an entire production field. Pipeline Network Design improves profitability and performance in companies across the globe by using proven solution algorithms, modern production methods, and software analysis techniques to create a robust and efficient oil field design and planning tool.

Pipeline Network Design improves profitability and performance in companies across the globe by using proven solution algorithms, modern production methods, and software analysis techniques to create a robust and efficient oil field design and planning tool.

Pipeline Network Design provides a comprehensive set of industry standard empirical and mechanistic methods for analysing multiphase flow phenomena in pipes. Coupled with extensive fluid models and a rigorous energy balance incorporating a detailed heat transfer analysis capability, Pipeline Network Design is a flexible tool for evaluating the complete range of fluid flow phenomena encountered in single-phase and multiphase pipelines.

The time-stepping feature in PIPEPHASE makes it a flexible field planning tool. Once a field-wide network model has been built, the planning tool is created by setting up scenarios for future facility expansion along with reservoir decline characteristics. The completed model provides a unique look-ahead capability for the entire asset, incorporating the long-term effects of both reservoir decline and investment in new facilities.

The robust, field-proven network simulation capability enables the user to model large networks of connected wells, pipes, and associated facilities. The detailed well bore model and extensive inflow performance (IPR) library, combined with a complete set of surface equipment modules, allows you to configure the necessary details of a field-wide oil and gas gathering (or injection) system, and incorporate all of the interdependent components from the sandface to the downstream separation facilities.

Oil producers have a real, quantifiable problem managing and modelling their reservoirs and linking them to the surface. Pipeline Network Design has the modelling capabilities needed to accurately manage and model reservoirs by developing an interface with reservoir simulators and enhancing pipeline technology.
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