Автор: Williams
Дата: 10 июля 2012
Просмотров: 2 289 |
Honeywell UniSim Flare R390.1.0
UniSim Flare has been designed to facilitate the design and rating of flare and vent system piping throughout the entire design process. The program interface uses a flow diagram for direct visualization of the piping network. Detailed tables of all pertinent data and calculated results support this. UniSim Flare can model the piping system topologies most commonly found in flare systems.
UniSim Flare is the latest addition to the UniSim Design product family. This steady state flare and relief network simulator is used for designing, rating and debottlenecking flare or vent systems.
The following list describes the features of UniSim Flare:
- Ability to model convergent, divergent, and complex looped flare or vent systems for design, rating, or debottlenecking.
- Easy data import directly from UniSim Design case files for analyzing various relief scenarios.
- Ability to support calculations for single or multi-phase flow (including rigorous three-phase flash), and simple MW (molecular weight) or full compositional analysis.
- Multiple flow/pressure drop methods, including Isothermal Gas, Adiabatic Gas, Beggs & Brill, Dukler and Orkisewski.
- User-friendly graphical user interface and reporting methods.
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 8 июля 2012
Просмотров: 2 022 |
GEDCO OMNI 3D Design v12.000 x64
GEDCO OMNI 3D Design - пакет обработки 3D сейсмических съёмок и проектирования сейсмических работ.
GEDCO OMNI 3D Design is the industry standard for seismic survey design and modeling. Developed by geophysicists for geophysicists, GEDCO OMNI 3D Design is used by hundreds of specialists around the globe for the planning, execution, and analysis of land, marine, transition zone, VSP, and multi-component surveys. GEDCO OMNI 3D Design features a superior user interface and a versatile multi-project handling capability, both of which allow users to quickly and effectively analyze and monitor their seismic acquisition projects.
x86 version with tutorials you can find here. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 6 июля 2012
Просмотров: 1 715 |
Информационная-справочная система Зодчий v9.06 + базы от 28/04/2012
База данных ИСС Зодчий включает более 8 тысяч документов в области строительства. Это действующие в Украине государственные строительные нормы ДБН, ДСТУ Б, СНиП, ГОСТ, СН, ВСН, ресурсные сметные нормы на строительные, ремонтные, монтажные, пуско-наладочные и другие работы, а также законодательные акты, организационно-распорядительные документы, методические и справочные материалы Госстроя Украины и более 30 других министерств и ведомств. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 5 июля 2012
Просмотров: 4 234 |
Carlson 2013
with medicine for x86 users only
Carlson 2013 - пакет прикладных программ на плаформах AutoCAD 2000-2013 и IntelliCAD для работ по геодезии, геологии, построения цифровых моделей местности, проектирования генпланов, ГИС, добычи полезных ископаемых. Полная версия Carlson 2013 включает в себя данные программы: Survey, Civil Design, Hydrology, GIS, Construction, Takeoff, Field, Natural Regrade, Point Cluids, Basic Mining, GeoTech, Geology, Underground Mining, Surface Mining и SurvGNSS. Эти модули могут работать как совместно, так и раздельно.Функциональные возможности:
- автоматизация обработки данных геодезической съемки;
- ввод и анализ данных по скважинам, построение геологической модели месторождения;
- построение геологических карт в изолиниях, разрезов;
- оценка запасов;
- проектирование открытых и подземных работ;
- планирование добычи и определение графиков загрузки оборудования.
Более подробно тут и тут.
Видеоролики по работе программы можно найти здесь.
Новое:Ribbons – Added new ribbon interface along with many new toolbars. SQLite – Added support for SQLite for coordinate files, drillholes and GIS. Report Viewer – New output method from Report Formatter for formatted fields and table layout. Twist to 3D View – New command to rotate points, symbols and text to face the current 3D viewpoint. Google Earth – Support for points and import of KML. Tree Surveys – New Field-to-Finish coding methods plus tree reports and tables. Cut Sheets – New spreadsheet interface, import from SurvCE and plan view labeling methods. Dynamic Point Elevations – Added method to link point elevations to reference surface or 3D polylines. Wall Polyline Profiles – New command to define 3D wall for surface modeling by top and bottom profiles. Lateral Design – New lateral structure types for sewer network plus lateral reporting and profiles. Create Image From Drawing – New command to create a georeferenced image from the drawing entities. Geology Data Management – New database format, new lookup tables, upgraded editor, selection by filter. Range Diagram Calculator – New command to design cut/place for dragline with graphics and reports. Fence Diagram – Support for angled drillholes. IntelliCAD 7.2 – Improved performance and stability. Support for MrSid and JPG 2000 images
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 4 июля 2012
Просмотров: 2 488 |
Schlumberger MODFLOW Flex 2012.1 v1.0.52.0 x86+x64
medicine for x64 systems added
Visual MODFLOW Flex is the industry standard software for 3D groundwater flow, heat and contaminant transport modeling.
- Integrated Conceptual and Numerical Groundwater Modeling.
- Powerful 2D and 3D Visualization Capabilities.
- Intuitive and Easy-to-Use.
Более побдробно тут. |
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