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Datacubist Oy Simplebim v10.0 SR6 Software

Datacubist Oy Simplebim v10.0 SR6

Datacubist is a software company based in Finland with the mission to solve BIM exchange problems in the building industry. Datacubist develops simplebim, a BIM editor that enables targeted, professional quality BIM exchange and easily integrates into existing BIM applications, services and processes. Software developers can create add-ons for Simplebim or use the simplebim. Developer platform for creating stand-alone BIM solutions. Simplebim is an application for editing IFC BIM models. Import IFC4x3 files, trim unnecessary objects and properties and edit property data. Preview the result and export the model into a new IFC4x3 file that is smaller, imports better into other IFC enabled applications and contains data that can be trusted. Simplebim is easy to learn and use. It has a modern ribbon based user interface with full drag and drop support and configurable workspaces.

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Flownex Simulation Environment 2023.1 v8.15.1.5364 Software

Flownex Simulation Environment 2023.1 v8.15.1.5364

Flownex Simulation Environment delivers technology that enables you to study how systems will behave in the real world, where fluid is the driving factor. Flownex system simulation relays the overall effect of changing specific properties on components, allowing clients to examine extensively all possible variations of a system in the design and optimization of systems.

Flownex Simulation Environment provides turbomachinery engineers with an easy to use, off-the-shelf tool for modelling combustion chambers, secondary air systems, blade cooling flows, lubrication systems with oil-air mixtures, as well as overall cycle integration and operation.

Blade Cooling
By coupling 1D flow Flownex models with 3D heat transfer models in ANSYS Mechanical or CFX, a detailed turbine blade cooling simulation can be conducted. Flownex contains industry-standard pressure drop and heat transfer correlations for typical turbine blade features such as turbulator strips and pedestals. This allows designers to rapidly see the effects of their design changes on the maximum blade temperatures and cooling airflow rate.

Preliminary combustor design requires that an extensive number of geometrical and operational conditions be evaluated and compared. Especially during this phase, Flownex is an essential tool for combustor design engineers as it accurately captures important parameters such as the mass flow rate distribution through air admission holes, associated pressure losses as well as liner wall temperatures. Networks can be easily configured and solved within a few seconds. This result in substantial development cost savings because of the reduction in the number of detailed 3D simulations and rig tests required. A further advantage is the ability to use the Flownex results as boundary conditions for subsequent localized 3D models.

The primary use of Flownex in lubrication systems is used to determine optimum drain line sizes given the limited space inside the engine. This requires two-phase pressure drop calculations in lines with oil-air mixtures. In parallel with this engineers can determine whether or not scavenge pumps are required for fluid transportation in the drain lines and, if so, what the pumping requirement will be.

Flownex includes a comprehensive rotating component library for analysing the secondary air system of a gas turbine engine. This enables engineers to quantify the bleed air consumption and flow distribution through the entire system. Furthermore, coupling Flownex with Ansys Mechanical enables engineers to perform detailed thermal studies of critical rotating components. Flownex includes:

  • Real gas models.
  • Windage power calculation.
  • Choking calculations.
  • User-defined HTCs.

Release notes

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Graphisoft Archicad 27 build 4030 RUS Software

Graphisoft Archicad 27 build 4030 RUS

ArchiCAD - это мощное приложение моделирования, которое позволяет архитекторам более эффективно проектировать здания с использованием технологии Virtual Building. ArchiCAD позволяет архитекторам сконцентрироваться именно на проектировании, выполняя эту работу самостоятельно или в коллективе, обмениваясь при этом данными с консультантами и специалистами в других областях.

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Mestrelab MestReNova v15.0.0 build 34764 Software

Mestrelab MestReNova v15.0.0 build 34764

MestReNova is a multipage, multivendor, multitechnique and multiplatform analytical chemistry software suite designed as a container for the plugins. MestReNova is a multivendor software suite designed for combined NMR, LC/GC/MS and Electronic & Vibrational Spectroscopic techniques. The new version 15 is a major release incorporating many new features in most plugins. It has integrated three new products Mnova ElViS, BioHOS and StereoFitter and fixed several bugs.

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Thunderhead PyroSim 2023.3.1206 Software

Thunderhead PyroSim 2023.3.1206

PyroSim – это пользовательский интерфейс для программы Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). Полевая модель FDS может предсказывать распространение дыма, температуры, угарного газа и других опасных факторов во время пожара. Результаты моделирования используются для обеспечения безопасности зданий при проектировании, определения безопасности существующих зданий, реконструкции пожаров при расследованиях, и помощи в тренировках пожарных. FDS – мощный инструмент для моделирования пожара, разработанный Национальным институтом стандартов и технологий (National Institute of Standards and Technology – NIST). FDS моделирует сценарии пожара с использованием вычислительной гидродинамики (CFD), оптимизированной для низкоскоростных температурно-зависимых потоков. Такой подход оказывается очень гибким, и может быть применен к различным пожарам, начиная от горения в печах и до пожаров на нефтяных танкерах. Также с помощью FDS может быть выполнено моделирование, не включающее горение, например, работа вентиляции в зданиях. Расчетная модель FDS и программа для визуализации Smokeview тесно встроены в PyroSim.


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ESurvey Civil Tools v2.99 Software

ESurvey Civil Tools v2.99

Civil Tools is a bunch of efficient drafting, analysis and design solutions. Collection of solutions related to Infrastructure Engineering for better drafting, design and analysis CAD Layout, Excel to CAD, Parcels, Pavement Design, Quick Section, Road Network , Sewer Network, Water Network.

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ESurvey CADD v14.70 Software

ESurvey CADD v14.70

ESurvey CADD is a comprehensive software solution for Civil Survey Engineers for creating Contours Quickly, Section Generation for Volume Calculation, Earthwork Quantities (Quantity Takeoff) and Converting point data into Topographical map.

Key Features

  • Topodraw: Import point data from CSV or drawing Import blocks automatically while creating drawing Export codes, point data in different layer selectively Create Total station data from CAD drawing Selectively Auto Connect codes in CAD
    Contours: Import data from CSV, Excel or CAD for Contour generation Generate Contours directly within CAD Draw Section for any alignment fixed on the Contour Map Generate Contour Area and Contour Volume instantly - Boundary Based / Specific Levels Generate Grid Elevations (Block Levels)
  • Earthwork: Import data from CSV/CAD and Generate Section Drawings with Earthwork Calculation Generate Earthwork calculation with fixed formation level or between two surfaces Generate interim Earthwork reports during progress of projects Generate detailed quantity calculation (Quantity takeoff) reports either using Tripizoidal method or Block method Generate Elevation grids or Block levels without getting into complicated surface creation Generate Earthwork Calculation reports between given Depth of cut or Depth of Fill Automatic calculation of Optimum Fixed Formation level
  • Benefits: Save considerable time while generating drawing from field data. Detailed Layerised Output helps to process the drawing easily Avoid Creating terrain for Contour generation Separately Generate Presentable Quality Smooth contours Quickly Lightweight contours thereby reducing the drawing file size Generate Boundary, Grid Elevation, Grid annotation, Contours, Contour annotation in Single step.
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Thunderhead Ventus 2023.2.1206 Software

Thunderhead Ventus 2023.2.1206

Ventus is designed to provide a pressurization simulation for smoke control analysis. The simulation is performed by CONTAM, an open-source application maintained and developed by NIST.

Like PyroSim and FDS, Ventus provides a premium user experience for industry leading simulation software. By utilizing our expertise in delivering 3D modeling applications for fire protection eningeering, Ventus will exceed the demands of CONTAM users who want to accelerate their smoke control projects.

  1. Ventus allows users to build 3D models of pressure zones based on actual building geometry.
  2. Ventus manages multi-variable scenarios for simplified batch CONTAM simulation and analysis.
  3. Ventus tabulates results data for multiple scenarios into digestible CSV data and 3D visuals.
  4. Whether for stairwells, atriums, or underground buildings, proper air handling systems must be designed for pressurized smoke control in case of emergency. Ventus provides a clear and efficient path from modeling a building to understanding temperatures, pressures, and densities so that the proper solution can be reached.

Thunderhead Engineering supports you every step of the way. Whether you want in-depth training or self-taught materials, you can learn performance-based design modeling with greater efficiency and proficiency. We design our software for anyone to learn, and our customers are delighted when our support team helps them succeed.

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Command Digital Studios AutoHook 2023 v1.22 Software

Command Digital Studios AutoHook 2023 v1.22

AutoHook - это небольшое приложение, которое перехватывает нажатия клавиш и передает их AutoCAD. Если AutoHook обнаруживает соответствие нажатой клавиши назначенному макросу, то управление передается AutoCAD и выполняются действия описанные в макросе. Примеры макросов прилагаются.

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Bentley AutoPIPE 2023 version Software

Bentley AutoPIPE 2023 version

AutoPIPE предлагает комплексные программные инструменты для расчета давления в трубах. Повышайте эффективность работы и улучшайте контроль качества с помощью интуитивной среды моделирования и расширенных средств анализа. Налаживайте эффективный обмен информацией между инженерами, конструкторами и проектировщиками САПР за счет совместимости AutoPIPE с основными приложениями для проектирования промышленных объектов.

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