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IES VisualPlate v1.00.0006 Software

Integrated Engineering Software VisualPlate v1.00.0006

IES VisualPlate v1.00.0006

IES, Inc. creates high quality structural design software for engineering and related professionals. Your solution for general analysis, frames, trusses, shear wall systems, foundations, retaining walls, floor systems and more in steel, wood, concrete, aluminum, cold-formed, and masonry.

What will VisualPlate do for you? Wall, slab or plate bending analysis and design. With a program dedicated to these tasks, your job is made easier. Integrates with IES VisualAnalysis.

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CSI SAP2000 v15.2.1 Software

CSI SAP2000 v15.2.1

CSI SAP2000 v15.2.1
CSI SAP2000 - cистема трехмерного статического и динамического анализа методом конечного элемента и проектирование сооружений. CSI SAP2000 следует в той же самой традиции, показывающей очень сложный, интуитивный и универсальный пользовательский интерфейс, приведенный в действие непревзойденным механизмом анализа и средствами проектирования для инженеров, работающих над транспортировкой, индустриальными, общественными работами, спортивными состязаниями, и другими средствами. От основанной графической среды моделирования трехмерного объекта, к большому разнообразию опций анализа и проектирования, полностью интегрированных через один пользовательский интерфейс, CSI SAP2000, оказался наиболее интегрированной, производительной и практической универсальной структурной программой на рынке сегодня.
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IES ShapeBuilder v6.00.0011 Software

Integrated Engineering Software ShapeBuilder v6.00.0011

IES ShapeBuilder v6.00.0011

IES, Inc. creates high quality structural design software for engineering and related professionals. Your solution for general analysis, frames, trusses, shear wall systems, foundations, retaining walls, floor systems and more in steel, wood, concrete, aluminum, cold-formed, and masonry.

Section properties calculator, stress analysis, shape database customization. Get torsion properties, cracked section properties, concrete section capacities and interaction diagrams. Integrates with VisualAnalysis.

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IES QuickConcreteWall v2.00.0003 Software

Integrated Engineering Software QuickConcreteWall v2.00.0003

IES QuickConcreteWall v2.00.0003

IES, Inc. creates high quality structural design software for engineering and related professionals. Your solution for general analysis, frames, trusses, shear wall systems, foundations, retaining walls, floor systems and more in steel, wood, concrete, aluminum, cold-formed, and masonry.

QuickConcreteWall specializes in reinforced concrete shear walls and is an excellent tool for detailing a concrete wall subject to in-plane forces. Complex ACI interaction checks are done instantaneously as you tweak design parameters and view the results. Complete rebar detailing is provided in a productivity-quick format.

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MecaStack v5.1.9.7 Software

MecaStack v5.1.9.7

MecaStack v5.1.9.7

MecaStack is a stand-alone executable program that performs the overall structural analysis of Self Supported or Guy Wire Supported Steel Stacks. It uses a stiffness matrix to completely model the stack and its loadings, and then applies the appropriate acceptance criteria based upon the user selected design code. The program also calculates the natural frequency of the structure so that the dynamic along wind and dynamic across wind (vortex) loads can be applied to the stack.

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IES QuickRWall v3.00.0005 Software

Integrated Engineering Software QuickRWall v3.00.0005

IES QuickRWall v3.00.0005

IES, Inc. creates high quality structural design software for engineering and related professionals. Your solution for general analysis, frames, trusses, shear wall systems, foundations, retaining walls, floor systems and more in steel, wood, concrete, aluminum, cold-formed, and masonry.

QuickRWall is perhaps the best tool on the market for retaining wall design! It will get you out of the 'black box' and into high-quality wall design in short order. The reports are excellent with full equations and intermediate data readily available for complete checking. QuickRWall is very graphical, extremely easy to use, fast, and robust.

Key Benefits:

  • Cantilever Retaining Walls.
  • Gravity Retaining Walls (ACI Chapter 22 provisions).
  • Restrained Walls (e.g. Basement Wall, propped cantilever).
  • Wall stems may be concrete or masonry (or mixed).
  • Wall stems may be tapered (battered) or stepped.
  • Design Checks according to IBC 2009, ACI 318-08, or MSJC 2008.
  • Wide variety of loading types.

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IES VisualAnalysis v10.00.0003 Software

Integrated Engineering Software Visual Analysis v10.00.0003

IES VisualAnalysis v10.00.0003

IES, Inc. creates high quality structural design software for engineering and related professionals. Your solution for general analysis, frames, trusses, shear wall systems, foundations, retaining walls, floor systems and more in steel, wood, concrete, aluminum, cold-formed, and masonry.
What will VisualAnalysis do for you? General purpose analysis and design of just about anything.

Why use VisualAnalysis? You have choices in the marketplace for general-purpose FEA tools but VisualAnalysis shines in a number of areas:


  • Excellent for everyday projects.
  • Great for unusual projects, and large, complicated models.
  • Three feature and price levels available: Compare Levels.
  • Building-code support is optional, use it for mechanical applications too.
  • Extremely versatile: model just about anything!
  • Reporting is extremely powerful and very flexible (save your own styles).
  • So easy to use, most customers are productive within hours of installing.
  • Over 3000 companies use IES tools: one part-time support person at IES!
  • BIM support: VARevitLink provides two-way integration with Autodesk Revit Structure.

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IES VisualFoundation v4.0.3.0 Software

Integrated Engineering Software Visual Foundation v4.0.3.0

IES VisualFoundation v4.0.3.0

IES, Inc. creates high quality structural design software for engineering and related professionals. Your solution for general analysis, frames, trusses, shear wall systems, foundations, retaining walls, floor systems and more in steel, wood, concrete, aluminum, cold-formed, and masonry.

Why use VisualFoundation? You have choices in the marketplace, for mat footings -even among IES tools! VisualFoundation shines in a number of areas:

  • Dedicated to foundations, so easier to use than VisualAnalysis for this task.
  • Automated modeling - the FEA model is built and refined automatically.
  • Incorporate the effects of walls and beams in the slab.
  • Over 2500 companies use IES tools: one part-time support person at IES!

Major Benefits and Abilities:

  • Mat foundation analysis and design.
  • Complex mat boundaries, including circular and polygonal templates.
  • Generate copies of modeling elements using rectangular or circular patterns.
  • Multiple mat thicknesses or soil properties.
  • Holes in mats.
  • Combined footings.
  • Wall footings.
  • Walls, grade beams, columns and pile supports.
  • Unlimited model size.
  • Support for codes: IBC, ASCE 7, ACI 318.
  • Automated FEA meshing and soil-spring supports.
  • Sophisticated thick-plate finite element formulation.
  • Import & Export DXF files.
  • Import & Export with VisualAnalysis.
  • New! Improved usability: easy graphics and toolbar commands.

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IES QuickFooting v2.0 Software

Integrated Engineering Software Quick Footing v2.0

IES QuickFooting v2.0

IIES, Inc. creates high quality structural design software for engineering and related professionals. Your solution for general analysis, frames, trusses, shear wall systems, foundations, retaining walls, floor systems and more in steel, wood, concrete, aluminum, cold-formed, and masonry.

Concrete spread footing (single column pad), imports from VisualAnalysis. Design and check reinforced concrete footings under a single column without building a complex analysis model of the building.

Key benefits:

  • Will check several footings all at once (for worst case).
  • Automatic sizing and detailing (optional). 
  • Advanced handling of biaxial loading.
  • Offset pedestal from footing center.
  • Checks footing, pedestal, and interface.
  • Stability checks: Bearing pressure (net & gross), overturning, sliding, and uplift.
  • Complete units flexibility.
  • Accurate calculation of bearing pressure under biaxial loading.

Gets you out of the black box with Transparent Reporting. The software presents hyperlinks from every check to the complete check details including full algebraic expression of the code formula, substituted values, intermediate results, final results, and "OK" or not! This checking and verification output is available on-screen and in a detailed report. The software does the work, but you can check it every step of the way, and so can your checkers, the building-department people, or anyone else who needs to know.


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IES QuickMasonry v3.00.00009 Software

Integrated Engineering Software Quick Masonry v3.00.00009

IES QuickMasonry v3.00.00009

IES, Inc. creates high quality structural design software for engineering and related professionals. Your solution for general analysis, frames, trusses, shear wall systems, foundations, retaining walls, floor systems and more in steel, wood, concrete, aluminum, cold-formed, and masonry.

A stand alone tool of masonry components to manage multiple structural components within a single project file. The QuickMasonry "Project Management" tool offers the ability to design a whole series of lintels and walls, for a single building in one project file, following the latest masonry design specifications and offering a host of impressive features.

Quick Masonry has been specially designed to display every calculation performed along with any associated diagrams. This complete exposure of calculations is unmatched in the industry and allows the peace of mind that comes from personally viewing and verifying any calculation about which there may be a question.

Masonry Components Handled:

  • Lintels & Beams
  • Bearing Walls
  • Panel Walls (loads out of plane)
  • Shear Walls
  • Columns and Pilasters

Design Specifications:

  • MSJC-2008 or MSJC-05 Code Provisions (ACI 530, ASCE 5, TMS 402, ASCE 6, TMS 602)
  • Strength Design Provisions
  • ASD (Allowable Stress Design) both MSJC-2008 and MSJC-05, reinforced & unreinforced

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