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Iqsoft TunnelCAD v2012.8.18.16 Software

Iqsoft TunnelCAD v2012.8.18.16

Iqsoft TunnelCAD v2012.8.18.16
Iqsoft TunnelCAD is the complete solution for tunnel volume calculations and geometrical study.

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Anadelta Tessera 2013 v3.0.9 build 2013.04.29 Software

Anadelta Tessera 2013 v3.0.9 build 2013.04.29

Anadelta Tessera 2013 v3.0.9 build 2013.04.29

Tessera is a multifunctional road design and construction program. While it has been designed with large scale projects in mind, it is very practical and efficient even for smaller tasks. It offers a range of sophisticated features for precise planning, analysis, and production of drawings as well as tables. Anadelta Tessera is the platform of choice for Greek road construction and design companies. Tessera is highly configurable and can be easily adapted to each specific project's parameters. It includes a sophisticated terrain system which supports features such as breaklines, nested calculation boundaries, extensive post-processing capabilities as well as advanced visualization capabilities. It is very easy to define the initial road layout, which can later be refined by using the program's advanced road planning functions. Tessera features a complete set of transition curves which can be freely combined to produce the actual corridor layout. The roadway surface is constantly recalculated and visible during the design stage. The corridor sidelines are computed by taking into account the initial road width as well as any widenings that the user has placed along the road. During the next stage, the program produces the terrain profile along the corridor as well as at the cross sections. The long section can be modified by using the mouse, while the program displays helpful information such as slopes and height differences to the user as well as any specific geometric properties of the road at the current working position. By taking advantage of the rich library of typical cross section templates included in the program, the user can quickly and accurately model the required cross sections. Even if an exact match is not found, the user can either modify an existing typical cross section or visually construct a new one from scratch. In either case, the new cross section is added back to the library. After applying the selected typical cross section template, the resulting cross sections can be freely edited and the program will recalculate all affected quantities. Finally, Tessera can print and export all generated designs and tables. The printing process is highly configurable, satisfying even the most sophisticated presentation needs.

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MicroSurvey MapScenes Forensic CAD 2013 v13.0.2.7 Software

MicroSurvey MapScenes Forensic CAD 2013 v13.0.2.7

MicroSurvey MapScenes Forensic CAD 2013 v13.0.2.7

MapScenes Forensic CAD – программа для построения схем происшествий. Это мощное и богатое инструментами программное обеспечение дает уверенность правоохранительным органам и специалистам по реконструкции происшествий, что они представляют доказательства точно, убедительно и неопровержимо. MapScenes Forensic CAD позволяет создавать масштабируемые схемы для суда, а также очень наглядно представлять дела для защиты и обвинения. Информация, собранная на месте преступления или ДТП используется для создания подробных и точных схем происшествий. Полная интеграция с программой Evidenc eRecorder гарантирует получение точных схем, позволяя следователям с уверенностью говорить о конкретных «причинах и следствиях» происшествий. В любой момент, используя MapScenes Capture вы можете показать то, что произошло на самом деле с помощью анимации.

More info.

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Gemcom GEMS v6.4 Software

Gemcom GEMS v6.4

Gemcom GEMS v6.4
Gemcom GEMS – горно-геологическая система для крупных горнодобывающих промышленных предприятий. Система включает в себя несколько функциональных модулей, каждый из которых может использоваться как самостоятельно, так и в совокупности с другими. Самая мощная сетевая версия и клиент-серверная архитектура GEMS SQL.

Решаемые задачи:

  • ведение базы геологических данных;
  • проведение статистического анализа геологической информации;
  • подсчет запасов различными методами (многоугольников, обратных расстояний, обычного кригинга, индикаторного кригинга, мультииндикаторного кригинга, методом средневзвешенного по каркасной модели и др.);
  • построение блочной геологической модели;
  • детальная обработка маркшейдерских данных;
  • проектирование и планирование горных работ;
  • построение моделей фактических выработок по данным маркшейдерских съемок;
  • перспективное и оперативное планирование горных работ;
  • оптимизация конечных контуров карьера и календарного плана развития горных работ;
  • создание и ведение горно-графической документации.
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H&R Resources Silencer v2.3.2 Software

H&R Resources Silencer v2.3.2

H&R Resources Silencer v2.3.2

Silenceris ideal for fan inlet and exhaust silencers and duct silencers.


  • Internal and external areas, weights, number of internal and external stiffeners are provided as well as quantity of infill and perforated metal sheets.
  • Full costing facilities are provided.
  • Edit the material cost rates and labour hour rates to suit your manufacturing requirements.
  • Evaluate different design styles to suit special needs.
  • Specify design pressures.
  • In duct sound power, sound pressure, free field spherical or hemispherical radiation figures are all catered for.
  • Set Defaults for styles and splitter thicknesses.
  • Load in your own company logo and name.
  • Edit the detail text and select sections to be printed (enables you to quickly customise the hard copy sent to your customers).
  • Regenerated Noise levels are now displayed when selecting silencers to meet a specified insertion loss spectrum.
  • Tutorial available from within program Help.
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IRIS Readiris Corporate v14 build 2129 Software

IRIS Readiris Corporate v14 build 2129

IRIS Readiris Corporate v14 build 2129

Readiris - идеальное решение для тех, кому нужно быстро и точно переводить бумажные документы в форматируемый текст с максимально полным сохранением исходного оформления. Благодаря уникальной технологии распознавания Readiris, программа с 99% точностью распознает тексты и максимально полно сохраняет исходное оформление документа. Readiris распознает документы на 107 языках, включая русский, белорусский, казахский, украинский. Readiris легко и быстро экспортирует результаты распознавания в популярные офисные приложения, включая Word, Excel и многие другие. Распознанный текст можно сохранить в различные форматы: PDF, HTML, Microsoft Word, DOC, RTF, CSV и TXT.

Readiris is a powerful OCR software designed to convert all your paper documents, images or PDF into editable and searchable digital text (Word, Excel, PDF…) in just a click.

More info.


Readiris Pro can scan 50 pages at a time. It is not possible to scan or open more than 50 pages inside a single Readiris project. Readiris Corporate can open an unlimited number of pages inside a single project.

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SureTrack EPC SureTrack-INT v1.4 Software

SureTrack EPC SureTrack-INT v1.4

SureTrack EPC SureTrack-INT v1.4

SureTrack EPC solutions is founded by engineers from the industry that we’re servicing and we are not from software background. We understand exactly what is required in an EPC project for an effective control since we have experienced the pain of managing complex projects using some makeshift software and manual methods to achieve our aims. Our well thought-through and generic solutions could be implemented at all of your project sites and can be customized by yourself to meet your and your customer needs. This is our edge over the competition, both in developing the software and in communicating to our customer subsequently.

SureTrack-INT is a database of ASME B&PV Code interpretations published since 1977. SureTrack-INT provides instant reference to interpretations which will help you to resolve disputes in the understanding of code clauses.

Product Highlights:

  • Database consists 12,000+ Interpretations of the ASME B&PV Code Sections I through XI, B31.1, B31.3, B31.4 and B31.8 published since 1977.
  • Select a Paragraph reference or key word reference in SureTrack-INT and all interpretations related to your selection will be listed within seconds.
  • Search by a word or words and SureTrack-INT will instantly list all the interpretations containing these word(s).
  • Helps to resolve disputes very quickly in case of difference in interpretations between you and your customer.
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ESRI ArcGIS Desktop v10.2 Software

ESRI ArcGIS Desktop v10.2

ESRI ArcGIS Desktop v10.2
ESRI – американская компания, производитель геоинформационных систем. Семейство программных продуктов компании ArcGIS получило широкое распространение в мире и, в частности, в России. По некоторым оценкам, её доля на международном рынке ГИС составляет около 35%.

ArcGIS Desktop - настольная геоинформационная система, обладающая максимальной функциональностью в линейке программных продуктов ArcGIS. Включает всю функциональность ArcGIS for Desktop Basic (ArcView) и ArcGIS for Desktop Standard (ArcEditor) и расширяется дополнительными инструментами пространственного анализа и обработки данных, а также профессиональными картографическими инструментами. В мире геоинформационных систем ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced (ArcInfo) ‘де факто’ является стандартом ГИС и каждый день используется в тысячах организаций для создания, редактирования и анализа данных.

Более подробно тут.
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CSI ETABS 2013 v13.1.1 build 1035 Software

CSI ETABS 2013 v13.1.1 build 1035 x86+x64

CSI ETABS 2013 v13.1.1 build 1035

For nearly 30 years, ETABS has been recognized as the industry standard for Building Analysis and Design Software. Today, continuing in the same tradition, ETABS has evolved into a completely integrated building analysis and design environment. The system built around a physical object based graphical user interface, powered by targeted new special purpose algorithms for analysis and design, with interfaces for drafting and manufacturing, is redefining standards of integration, productivity and technical innovation.

The integrated model can include moment resisting frames, braced frames, staggered truss systems, frames with reduced beam sections or side plates, rigid and flexible floors, sloped roofs, ramps and parking structures, mezzanine floors, multiple tower buildings and stepped diaphragm systems with complex concrete, composite or steel joist floor framing systems. Solutions to complex problems such as panel zone deformations, diaphragm shear stresses, and construction sequence loading are now at your fingertips.

ETABS is the solution, whether you are designing a simple 2D frame or performing a dynamic analysis of a complex high-rise that utilizes non-linear dampers for inter-story drift control.

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CSI XRevit 2014 Software

CSI XRevit v2014

CSI XRevit 2014

CSI XRevit a link that allows for data exchange between ETABS 2013 / SAP2000 v15.2.1 and Autodesk Revit Structure 2014. CSI XRevit supports true round-tripping, specifically - four different workflows of data interchange:

  • Exporting from Revit Structure to create a new ETABS / SAP2000 model.
  • Exporting from Revit Structure to update an existing ETABS model.
  • Importing from ETABS /SAP2000 to create a new Revit Structure model.
  • Importing from ETABS to update an existing Revit Structure model.

CSI XRevit supports both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Revit Structure 2014. CSI XRevit for Revit Structure 2014 is only compatible with ETABS 2013 v13.1.1 and SAP2000 V15.2.1

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