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Microstran Limcon v3.62.140220 build 20/02/2014 Software
Microstran Limcon v3.62.140220 build 20/02/2014

Microstran Limcon v3.62.140220 build 20/02/2014

Limcon - утилита для разработки и анализа сочленения стальных конструкций типов AISC 360 (ASD / LRFD), CAN / CSA S16, BS 5950, AS 4100, NZS 3404.

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DynaRoad v5.3.6.16789 Software
DynaRoad v5.3.6.16789

DynaRoad v5.3.6.16789


Финская компания DynaRoad Oy является разработчиком программного обеспечения и сервисов для управления проектами в области гражданской инженерии и строительства инфраструктуры, например, магистралей, туннелей, железных дорог, городских зон и портов.

ПО DynaRoad предназначено для оптимизации перемещения земляных масс, планирования на основе LBS-сервисов и контроль за производством.

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Infolytica MagNet v7.4.1.4 Software
Infolytica MagNet v7.4.1.4 x86

Infolytica MagNet v7.4.1.4

MagNet is 2D/3D simulation software for electromagnetic fields, predicting the performance of any electromagnetic or electromechanical device: Electric Motors and Generators, Magnetic Levitation, Transformers, Actuators, Sensors/NDT, Induction Heating, Loudspeakers, Magnetic Recording Heads, MRI, Transcranial Magnetic Simulations.

MagNet uses the finite element technique for an accurate and quick solution of Maxwell's equations. Each module is tailored to simulate different types of electromagnetic fields and is available separately for both 2D & 3D designs.

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Geovariances ISATIS 2013 v13.0 Software
Geovariances ISATIS 2013 v13.0 x64

Geovariances ISATIS 2013 v13.0

Geovariances ISATIS is comprehensive geostatistical software package. It provides an exclusive range of proven geostatistical techniques for in-depth data analysis, estimation and simulations.

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CSI SAFE v14.0.0.1029 Software
CSI SAFE v14.0.0.1029

CSI SAFE v14.0.0.1029

CSI SAFE - програмный продукт, предназначенный для автоматизации расчетов и деталировки железобетонных плит и фундаментов от простых до сложных. Программа выполняет расчет и деталировку плит и плит по грунту произвольной формы, различной толщины, с капителями, проемами, балками по периметру. Фундамент фундамент можно смоделировать из плиты, ленточного и отдельно стоящего. Расчет выполняется МКЭ. Фундаменты расчитываются как толстая пластинка на упругом основании. Программа выполняет схему армирования с учетом расчета на продавливание плиты от колонны. Есть возможность также выполнить проверку по второй группе предельный состояний. Удобная опция экспорта из ETABS (другого программного продукта этой компании) для дальнейшего расчета.
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Proektsoft Design Expert v2.4 Software
Proektsoft Design Expert v2.4

Proektsoft Design Expert v2.4

Design Expert is an advanced software package for design and detailing of reinforced concrete and steel structural elements: foundations, columns, beams, shear walls, stairs, slabs, etc.

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Proektsoft PSCAD v1.1 Software
Проектсофт PSCAD v1.1

Proektsoft PSCAD v1.1

PSCAD е български софтуерен продукт, разработен от Проектсофт ЕООД за цялостно проектиране на строителните конструкции на етажни сгради в съответствие с Еврокод и българските национални приложения.

Програмата включва комплексни функции, които обхващат всички етапи на проектирането:
- Изграждане на 3D параметричен модел на конструкцията чрез въвеждане на елементите на отделните етажни нива;
- Автоматично генериране на монтажни и кофражни планове, изгледи и разрези към AutoCAD или ZWCAD;
- Анализ на гредови и безгредови плочи, пространствен модел на сграда, равнинни рамки, фундаментни плочи/гредоскари по МКЕ;
- Автоматична връзка с модулите на Design Expert за оразмеряване, конструиране и изчертаване на армировката.

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DBI Argos v5.6.87.407 Software
DBI Argos v5.6.87.407

DBI Argos v5.6.87.407

Argos is a program for fire risk evaluation, which can predict smoke spread, temperature, radiation etc. Simulations are based on a zone-model which can model fires in up to 10 rooms. 

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XP Solutions xpsite3D v1.337 Software
XP Solutions xpsite3D v1.337
XP Solutions xpsite3D v1.337
xpsite3D is a revolutionary 3D site, subdivision and road design software package built by engineers for engineers. The suite offers advanced road and residential site engineering with an easy-to-use interface and powerful automated design functions. It allows for quick and easy production of site and road layouts including complex junctions and roundabouts/traffic circles. It provides full control of very rapid 3D views of all aspects of your designs – above and below ground.

xpsite3D takes you from conceptual layouts through to fully engineered models and drawings in a way that is intuitive to design engineers and CAD professionals. Its inbuilt engineering intelligence allows you to create accurately engineered surfaces and volumes, which results in excellent productivity gains. But it gives even more benefit for the inevitable design reworks: when you move or modify any part of the roadway, the dimensions of the connected objects are adjusted automatically. The ease of use of the suite means designers can retain control of their road and site design rather than relying on others to interpret their designs into other software packages.

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BITControl Aqua Aero v2.1 build 04.04.2011 Software
BITControl Aqua Aero v2.1 build 04.04.2011

BITControl Aqua Aero v2.1 build 04.04.2011

The aeration system is the most important equipment of a wastewater plant. 75% of the energy used for the wastewater treatment is covered by the aeration system. The correct design of the aeration system is the basis for a good operation and the operational costs. As the energy costs are the main cost value of an aeration system, a real comparison of different systems must concern both the operation and the invest costs of the whole life cycle.

With Aqua Aero you are able to design the aeration system with blowers, mixers and pipelines for different chamber geometries. You have the choice of membrane aerators (as tubular-, disc- or plate aerators) and surface aerators (in the next version of Aqua Aero). From a database you can choose fitting aggregates for the single calculation steps. As important efficiency parameter the oxygen efficiency is provided. With the calculation of investment, reinvestment and operating costs the economical calculation of Aqua Aero covers the whole life cycle of the aeration. And you get a detailed documentation of the calculations and true scaled drawings of the equipment.

And an important feature added to Aqua Aero for optimizing the construction: now you can calculate more than just one project and compare them objectively by one value.

Shortly combined: Aqua Aero is a powerfull tool for economical and procedual design of aeration systems for wastewater treatment plants.
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