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Transoft Solutions AutoTURN Pro 3D v9.0.3.316 Software
Transoft Solutions AutoTURN Pro 3D v9.0.3.316
for Autodesk AutoCAD 2007-2015, Bentley Microstation, ZwSoft ZWCAD, Bricsys BricsCAD

Transoft Solutions AutoTURN Pro 3D v9.0.3.316

Transoft Solutions AutoTURN - ведущее САПР-решение, позволяющее архитекторам и проектировщикам дорожных магистралей, автобусных остановок или погрузочных площадок моделировать траекторию маневрирования транспорта. 

Создав чертеж, архитекторы могут смоделировать перемещение транспортного средства по указанному участку дороге или площадке, с целью выявления потенциально опасных мест и последующего исправления недочетов проекта.

Transoft Solutions AutoTURN демонстрирует целый ряд усовершенствований, упрощающих работу специалистов. В распоряжении инженеров-проектировщиков окажутся новые и обновленные библиотеки транспортных средств, а, кроме того, новая версия продукта упростит имитацию поведения автомобилей с управляемыми передними и задними колесами.

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Bentley Microstran Advanced Software
Bentley Microstran Advanced build 23/02/2015 

Bentley Microstran Advanced

Эх, скоро не останется у нас компаний в части проектирования и анализа строительных конструкций. Ну, кроме Bentley и Autodesk. Они супили, блин, уже почти всех recourse

Microstran - утилита для сруктурного анализа инженерных сооружений (мосты, здания ...)

Оригинальная предыдущая версия тут.
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Bentley RAM Structural System V8i SS7 Software
Bentley RAM Structural System SS7 V8i build 20/02/2015 x86+x64

Bentley RAM Structural System V8i SS7

The RAM Structural System is a specialized engineering software tool for the complete analysis, design, and drafting of both steel and concrete buildings. It optimizes workflows through the creation of a single model by providing specialized design functions for buildings and by providing thorough documentation. RAM Structural System allows for the analysis and design of a building using a single model. The entire structure can be modeled, including decks, slabs, slab edges and openings, beams, columns, walls, braces, spread and continuous footings, and pile caps. This full structural model increases designer confidence and creates an efficient environment when dealing with changes. The RAM Structural System increases productivity by performing the tedious and time-consuming functions specific to the design of a building such as calculation of live load reductions and lateral load calculations for wind and seismic. In addition, designs are optimized for both concrete and steel. Your competitive advantage is realized with the thorough documentation. RAM Structural System automatically provides steel material takeoffs and detailed and summary reports of design calculations and drawings. And for BIM, RAM Structural System offers bidirectional integration with CADstudio and Bentley’s Structural Modeler, Structural Documentation Center and Autodesk's Revit Structure.

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Applied Imagery Quick Terrain Modeller v8.0.4.4 Software
Applied Imagery Quick Terrain Modeller v8.0.4.4 x86

Applied Imagery Quick Terrain Modeller v8.0.4.4

Quick Terrain Modeler is the world's premier 3D point cloud and terrain visualization software package. Designed for use with LiDAR, but flexible enough to accommodate other 3D data sources, Quick Terrain Modeler provides an easy to use software experience that allows users to work with significantly more data, render larger models, analyze data faster, and export a variety of products. These benefits enable very powerful, yet simple and intuitive, terrain exploitation.

More info.

Sample and training data can be found here.
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Golden Software keygen Software
Golden Software keygen revision 1


Nothing to add. Just use.
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Golden Software Surfer v12.6.963 Software
Golden Software Surfer v12.6.963 x86+x64

Golden Software Surfer v12.6.963

Golden Software Surfer – мощная система создания трехмерных карт, моделирования и анализа поверхностей, визуализации ландшафта, генерирования сетки и многого другого. Продукт позволяет создавать реалистичные 3D карты с учетом освещенности и теней, использовать изображения местности в различных форматах, экспортировать созданные карты в различные графические форматы и печатать в цвете размером до 50 м по диагонали. Мощные интерполяционные функции позволяют создавать точные поверхности высочайшего качества.

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Golden Software Grapher v11.4.770 Software
Golden Software Grapher v11.4.770 x86+x64

Golden Software Grapher v11.4.770

Golden Software Grapher - мощный и одновременно простой в использовании графический пакет, позволяющий быстро создавать высококачественные графики. Grapher позволяет строить более 54 видов двухмерных и трёхмерных графиков. Кроме того, вы можете настраивать любую часть графика или создавать свои собственные графики, наилучшим образом описывающие ваши данные. Программа содержит 4 типа двухмерных графиков: линейные, столбчатые, полярные и специальные. Все эти типы графиков доступны и в трёхмерном исполнении. Если вам требуется отразить дополнительную переменную, вы можете воспользоваться графиками 3D XYZ, контурными картами или картами поверхности.

Спецификации Grapher:

  • Разноцветные столбчатые и пузырьковые диаграммы.
  • Градиентная заливка для всех объектов.
  • На графиках 3D XYZ можно добавлять вертикальные линии сетки.
  • Настройка любой части графика под вашу уникальную ситуацию.
  • Простое создание своих собственных пользовательских графиков с помощью мастера.
  • Создание шаблонов и их сохранение для использования на других графиках.
  • Разбиение длинных подписей к осям.
  • Автоматизация процесса постороения графиков.
  • Запись процессов графика внутри сценария.
  • Экспортирование графиков для использования в презентации и публикации в одном из многочисленных форматов, в том числе векторных PDF, EMF, EPS и т.д.
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Bentley RAM Elements V8i SS4 Software
Bentley RAM Elements V8i SS4 build 19/02/2015

Bentley RAM Elements V8i SS4

RAM Elements V8i (formerly RAM Advanse) provides quick, reliable tools for specific structural tasks. RAM Elements V8i is the only structural engineering software system that offers finite element analysis plus stand-alone or integrated design tools all in one low-cost, easy-to-use package. Cost savings is realized with RAM Elements V8i due to the ability to maintain a single program with many functionalities. For example, the flexible interface options include toolkit programs that function as stand-alone or integrated with the 3D model. RAM Elements V8i comprehensive analysis and design provides thorough compliance with leading design codes and multiple options for dealing with changes which leads to increased efficiency. Improve your quality control with fluent data collaboration. RAM Elements V8i is a single source for many structural components and interoperates with RAM Connection V8i, RAM Structural System V8i, STAAD.Pro V8i, and ProSteel V8i. Whether you are designing trusses, continuous beams, frames of all types, retaining walls, masonry walls, tilt-up walls, shear walls, footings, or performing many other everyday design tasks, RAM Elements V8i delivers the industry’s most productive and easy-to-use engineering analysis and design toolkit.

More info.
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Insight Numerics Detect3D v1.52 Software
Insight Numerics Detect3D v1.52 x64

Insight Numerics Detect3D v1.52

Detect3D is the most accurate and trusted 3D fire and gas mapping tool for the design and assessment of detector layouts. Using the integrated design environment, line-of-sight flame detectors, and point and open-path gas detectors can be interactively positioned and oriented within any geometry. The user can highlight zero-visibility zones and interactively adjust the position or orientation of the detectors and receive real-time feedback. Detect3D is the ONLY fire and gas mapping tool on the market that can be installed on Windows workstations. 

  • Import CAD in Microstation (.dgn), Autodesk AutoCAD® (.dxf), STEP, IGES, OBJ and Stereolithography (.stl) formats.
  • Define multiple fire zones and assign hazard categories for each one.
  • Export the isovolumes to CAD so they can be loaded back in to your CAD software.
  • Output auto-generated reports showing coverage statistics for each fire zone in pdf and MS Excel formats.


  • All obstructions are accounted for automatically - no need to represent the geometry using simplified primitive shapes such as spheres and cylinders. What is in your CAD file is what will obstruct the detector.
  • The obstruction of the detector's field-of-view (FOV) is accurately calculated in full 3D by casting thousands of rays.
  • Import flame detectors from our manufacturer's database or create a custom flame detector field-of-view.


  • Interactively re-position or re-orient detectors and receive immediate feedback for the improved layout.
  • Add detectors one at a time or add them in a one or two dimensional array to expidite your design process.
  • Quickly highlight zero-visibility areas within each fire zone using 3D isovolumes and 2D contour plots.


  • Using technologies akin to that used for concert hall design, Insight Numerics is in development of algorithms to quickly assest the acoustic soundscape of process areas to enable engineers to optimally position acoustic gas leak detectors.
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Tekla Structural Designer 2015 v15.0.0.40 Software
Tekla Structural Designer 2015 v15.0.0.40

Tekla Structural Designer 2015 v15.0.0.40

Tekla Structural Designer is revolutionary software that enables engineers to analyze and design multi-material buildings efficiently and profitably. Fully automated and with powerful features for optimizing concrete and steel design, engineers can quickly compare alternative design schemes, manage changes efficiently and collaborate seamlessly. Regardless of project size or complexity, Tekla Structural Designer helps engineering offices maximize profits by improving productivity. Using its fully automated design capabilities, structural engineers can save time, enhance client service and successfully bid for more projects.

More info.
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