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Deswik v4.0.1416.29157 Software
Deswik v4.0.1416.29157 x86+x64

Deswik v4.0.1416.29157

Deswik Mining Consultants is an international company offering innovative mining engineering and geology services. We also produce cutting edge mine planning software by merging technical mining domain skills from each sector, with specialist programming expertise and the latest software development technologies. Our consulting acts as R&D for our software, and our software gives our consultants and clients a competitive edge. The company was formed in 2008, by the founders of African Computer Mining Services Pty Ltd (ACMS) who originally developed the popular Mine2-4D mine planning software. Deswik was also involved in minerals processing, however this part of the business has since been sold. Though Deswik is a relatively young company, our heritage of almost 20 years of delivering mine planning software solutions means that we have come a long way in a short period of time ... and we've only just begun. Our culture of high performance and innovation will ensure we remain a formidable force in the industry for a long time to come.

Deswik.CAD has been designed by mining engineers with decades of professional software development experience and a proven history of building technical mining applications. Programmed in the latest technologies to take advantage of high performance and cutting-edge computing developments, Deswik.CAD provides the user with a simple, modern and intuitive CAD-style interface. Deswik.CAD is effectively a spatial database combining the power of CAD with the ability to attribute, filter and report data visually and in tabular format. The file format is XML, so all data is open and transferable to other systems. Deswik.CAD is used across all mining sectors and is used in underground and open pit mines, both coal and metal, throughout the world. A list of all available modules and their functionality is outlined below.

Deswik.Scheduler. From interactive Gantt charts to PERT network diagrams, Deswik Scheduler is tailored for the needs of open pit or underground mine planners and can handle massive data sets while remaining responsive. For project managers, Deswik Scheduler provides Work Breakdown Structures and detailed Critical and Point to Point path analysis. Create detailed shift calendars for long term down to shift by shift scheduling or import your time usage model. Deswik Scheduler directly integrates with Deswik.CAD and the Deswik Interactive Scheduler to allow simple updating of mining task information from the graphics. Deswik Scheduler can import and import schedules from most of the popular scheduling packages including Microsoft Project, Primavera, and EPS.

The Deswik Landform and Haulage solution has the power, flexibility and ease of use to enable all engineers to answer questions which have hitherto been very difficult to answer. How many trucks do I require? What is the best truck to apply to my mining geometry? Is in-pit crushing and conveying more economical than a traditional truck haul? How does my fixed fleet affect my mining schedule and shovel productivities? What is the incremental value of adding a truck to my current fleet? Traditionally haulage has been performed by taking centroids from mining and dumping locations and manually calculating cycle times. Due to the manual nature of the process, only a handful cycletimes are practically possible and larger data sets are consequently used. Deswik has found that this can result in up to a 20% margin of error and, in addition, few options can be explored which leads to sub-optimal planning outcomes. The Deswik Landform and Haulage solution has the power, flexibility and ease of use to enable all engineers to answer questions which have hitherto been very difficult to answer. How many trucks do I require?
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Bricsys Bricscad Platinum v16.1.02.40514 Software
Bricsys Bricscad Platinum v16.1.02.40514 eng x86+x64

Bricsys Bricscad Platinum v16.1.02.40514

Вышла новая версия BricsCAD v16 с расширенными возможностями BIM проектирования и 3D моделирования. BricsCAD v16 объединяет инструменты для 2D черчения, 3D моделирования, разработки деталей из листового металла и архитектурного проектирования (BIM). 

Подробнее тут.


О новом в версии 16 здесь.

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Dassault Systemes CATIA Composer R2016 HF2 Software
Dassault Systemes CATIA Composer R2016 HF2 v7.1.2.2885 x64

Dassault Systemes CATIA Composer R2016 HF2

CATIA Composer предназначен для создания интерактивных руководств, презентаций и технических иллюстраций на основе 3-х мерной модели изделия. Благодаря поддержке широкого диапазона форматов файлов, CATIA Composer позволяет работать с продуктом целиком, даже если он был создан в различных CAD-системах. Результаты работы можно сохранить в собственном формате CATIA Composer вместе с автоматически добавляемым свободным просмотровщиком, либо экспортировать в распространённые стандартные форматы данных, такие как PDF, HTML, AVI и SVG. CATIA Composer – удобная и функциональная система разработки мультимедийного контента, автоматизирующая процесс создания инструкций по сборке/разборке, технических иллюстраций, интерактивных 3D анимаций, маркетинговых материалов, каталогов продукции, учебных материалов, web-страниц и много другого.
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S.T.A. DATA 3Muri Pro v10.0.2.1 Software
S.T.A. DATA TreMuri Pro v10.0.2.1

S.T.A. DATA 3Muri Pro v10.0.2.1

3Muri is a software for analysis of structures built in masonry and mixed materials through a non-linear (pushover) and static analysis. The strengths of 3Muri is its innovative computation method (FME) that is able to give more information on the structure’s real behaviour to seismic actions, aside an extreme simplicity of use. 3Muri offers a drawing area for insertion of the structure with intuitive controls, an engine for the creation of computation models and their solutions, and a post-processor for immediate presentation of the results and creation of the computation report. 3Muri was created by a joint project of S.T.A. DATA and the research group headed by Professor Sergio Lagomarsino, from the Construction Technique department of Genova University. Along with other specialists (eng. Andrea Penna and eng. Alessandro Galasco from Pavia’s Eucentre, and eng. Serena Cattari, Genova University) they finalized the theoretical aspects of 3Muri through laboratory’s experiments and analysis on real structures. That continuous collaboration guarantee an always updated software, completely operative and reliable for the most professional requirement.

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Golden Software Surfer v13.2.438 Software
Golden Software Surfer v13.2.438 x86+x64

Golden Software Surfer v13.2.438

Golden Software Surfer – мощная система создания трехмерных карт, моделирования и анализа поверхностей, визуализации ландшафта, генерирования сетки и многого другого. Продукт позволяет создавать реалистичные 3D карты с учетом освещенности и теней, использовать изображения местности в различных форматах, экспортировать созданные карты в различные графические форматы и печатать в цвете размером до 50 м по диагонали. Мощные интерполяционные функции позволяют создавать точные поверхности высочайшего качества.

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Golden Software Strater v4.7.1742 Software
Golden Software Strater v4.7.1742 x86+x64

Golden Software Strater v4.7.1742

Golden Software Strater – инструмент пространственного отображения геологических разрезов и скважин в виде настраиваемых диаграмм на основе файлов баз данных, LAS файлов, ODBC и OLE DB источников данных.
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Blue Marble Global Mapper v17.0.2.101915 Software
Blue Marble Global Mapper v17.0.2.101915 x64

Blue Marble Global Mapper v17.0.2.101915

Вышла новая версия программы для просмотра карт и векторных изображений - Global Mapper v17.0

Global Mapper позволяет не только просматривать но и преобразовывать или редактировать, а даже и распечатывать всевозможные карты и векторные наборы данных. Global Mapper позволяет вам загружать ваши данные как слои ( только с условием, что вы работаете в Digital Elevation Model), или же как отсканированную карту, если вам надо изобразить местность в 3D. Есть также хорошая особенность, что позволяет вести работу в реальном времени. Происходит это путем загрузки данных с GPS приемника который подключен к компьютеру. 

Global Mapper поддерживает огромнейшее число форматов. Работать с ней легко и просто, интерфейс не перенасыщен различными опциями, вы можете смело работать в ней и не задумываться о том, куда нажать, что бы сделать что - то.

Please Note: The Global Energy Mapper module is now built into Global Mapper
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CYPE 2015 Software
CYPE 2015 eng+rus+blg

CYPE 2015

CYPECAD - program that carries out the analysis and design of reinforced concrete and steel structures, subject to horizontal and vertical loads, for homes, buildings and civil work projects. Its use guarantees maximum analysis reliability and optimum drawing design. The geometry of the structure can be introduced automatically. The user can personalise the design and edit the elements that have been introduced, with the on-screen support provided: numerous help options and error and warning texts. Provides very complete and precise construction drawings of the structure. CYPECAD is adapted to the latest national and international construction codes.

CYPE 3D - it is an agile and efficient program brought about to carry out the design of three dimensional structures composed of steel and timber bars, and their foundations, which includes pad footings, pile caps and strap and tie beams. Additionally, these can be redesigned and so obtain their maximum optimisation. It has been adapted to national and international steel, timber, aluminium and concrete construction codes. The program carries out the analysis, design and check of the fire resistance of timber sections. Performs a seismic analysis of the structure (Modal Spectral Analysis) according to national and international codes. Second order effects (P-delta)  are considered with wind and seismic loads.

CYPE-Connect - the program can check slabs with or without transverse punching shear reinforcement, takes into account the presence of openings or lightweight zones in the slab, and the position of the supports (internal, edge or corner). Punching shear verification is a program that checks the Failure Limit State of concrete for punching shear in flat and waffle slabs exposed to concentrated loads from rectangular or circular supports. 

More info: http://www.cype.com/en/

Вниманию российских проектировщиков: программный комплекс CYPECAD получил сертификат соответствия №0896268 требованиям нормативных документов:
- СП 20.13330.2011 Нагрузки и воздействия Актуализированная редакция СНиП 2.01.07-85
- СП 63.13330.2012 Бетонные и железобетонные конструкции. Актуализированная редакция СНиП 52-101-2003
- СП 14.13330.2011 Строительство в сейсмических районах. Актуализированная редакция СНиП II-7-81
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Autodesk React Structures Tech Preview v29.3.0.6311 Software
Autodesk React Structures Tech Preview v29.3.0.6311 x64

Autodesk React Structures Tech Preview v29.3.0.6311

React Structures is intuitive structural analysis software that connects to the BIM process.

More info.

Now the software is available on 'Free Autodesk software license'.
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Bentley STAAD.Pro V8i SS6 v20.07.11.45 Software
Bentley STAAD.Pro V8i SS6 v20.07.11.45 build 29/09/2015
(including STAAD.foundation V8i SS4 release 5.3)

Bentley STAAD.Pro V8i SS6 v20.07.11.45


Bentley STAAD.Pro - лидер в области программного обеспечения для расчета строительных конструкций и проектирования. Bentley STAAD.Pro - выбор профессионала для проектирования любых структур, в том числе водопропускных труб, нефтехимических заводов, тоннелей, мостов, многоквартирных домов и многих других конструкций из стали, бетона, лесоматериалов, алюминия и холодногнутой стали. Bentley STAAD.Pro сертифицирован по системе сертификации ГОСТ Р.

Более подробно тут.

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