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Tadema Hvac Software Mollier Demo v4.70 Software
Tadema Hvac Software Mollier Demo v4.70

Tadema Hvac Software Mollier Demo v4.70

Mollier diagram is a powerfull application based on the H-S diagram or Mollier diagram. The application can be used to make calculations of air treatment processess such as heating, cooling and humidifying. The output of these calculations is conviniently stored in a spreadsheets which can be exported to Microsoft Excel.

More info.
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Graitec OMD 2018 Software
Graitec OMD 2018

Graitec OMD 2018

Depuis sa commercialisation en 1993, Arche s'est imposй comme le logiciel de rйfйrence pour la conception et le dessin de bвtiments en bйton armй. A partir d'un modиle 3D de bвtiment composй de dalles, poutres, poteaux, voiles et fondations, Arche analyse la stabilitй globale de l'ouvrage et produit automatiquement tous les plans de ferraillage. Le logiciel Arche se distingue avant tout par les innovations techniques qu'il met en œuvre : prй dimensionnement de la structure, calculs de descente de charges et de contreventement mixant mйthode traditionnelle et modйlisations numйriques sophistiquйes, production automatique des plans de ferraillage des йlйments de structures suivant diffйrentes normes, notamment les EC0, EC1, EC2 et EC8.

Melody automatise le dimensionnement et la vйrification des profilйs et des attaches pour les portiques, les planchers ou les chemins de roulement. Melody produit йgalement des mйtrйs, des estimatifs et des notes de calcul complиtes en quelques minutes.

More info Arche, Melody.
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Cambridge Structural Database 2017 Software
Cambridge Structural Database 2017

Cambridge Structural Database 2017


The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) is the world’s comprehensive and up-to-date database of fully validated crystal structures. The 2017 release contains over 840,000 entries – an impressive increase of more than 55,000 entries! Containing important and unique structures not available anywhere else, the CSD is used by scientists worldwide and provides the complete crystal structure database for chemists working with any organic and metal-organic compounds.

The 2017 release contains targeted enhancements to a record-breaking 73,985 existing CSD entries, including:
  • Enrichment of pharmaceutical structures, including addition of DrugBank IDs.
  • Addition of validated metal oxidation states to over 21,000 entries.
  • Inclusion of article DOIs for many older entries.
  • Manual addition of structures from non-electronic data.
  • Enhancement of many entries from 35 years of historical structures.
The CSD-System brings you essential crystallographic and structural chemistry capabilities to deliver knowledge from the CSD: powerful 2D/3D search, extensive geometry and interaction analysis, high impact graphics, as well as connectivity via the CSD Python API.

The exciting new CSD Python API has been improved for usability including:
  • Seamless installation of the CSD Python API within the CSD 2017 release.
  • An upgraded CSD Python API menu in Mercury with even more scripts.
Enhancements to Mercury and ConQuest including the ability to:
  • Make use of touch-screens with Mercury for pinch, pan and zoom.
  • Sketch a molecule within Mercury and convert to a 3D model.
  • Perform additional crystallographic transformations in Mercury (such as inversion, switching space group settings or changing origin choice).
  • Utilise two new metal-organic framework (MOF) subsets within ConQuest.
CSD-Discovery provides in one place all the tools you need for discovering new molecules.

Our focus on quality and usability continues through improvements in our leading docking software GOLD including the ability to:
  • Make the most of your unlimited processes with streamlined licensing on clusters.
  • Automate and integrate preferred workflows with our first implementation of GOLD in the CSD Python API.
  • Receive faster more robust development of GOLD in the future as a result of extensive updates to the underlying code.
No protein structure? No problem! To complement the structure-based virtual screening capabilities of GOLD, CSD-Discovery now includes a complete ligand-based workflow allowing you to:
  • Produce experimentally realistic ensembles of conformers using our CSD-driven Conformer Generator.
  • Generate your pharmacophore from known binders using the improved Ligand Overlay application.
  • Screen your virtual library using the Field-Based Ligand Screener in the CSD Python API.
Key to usability is, of course, education, so watch out for a series of new GOLD tutorials, in line with other new videos covering many application areas of the CSD-Enterprise family.

CSD-Materials helps you explore exciting new materials through analysing intra- and intermolecular interactions within the lattice, allowing you to understand your material’s behaviour and refine its properties.

In line with our quality and usability push, we’ve made a number of improvements based on work with our Crystal Form Consortium including:
  • Enhancements to the graphical user interface for studying crystal packing similarity and dissimilarity.
  • Significant advances in the layout and usability of the Hydrogen Bond Propensity application.


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GeoStru Slope 2018.25.6.1275 Software
GeoStru Slope 2018.25.6.1275

GeoStru Slope 2018.25.6.1275

Slope is the program which carries out the analysis of soil or rock slope stability both in static and seismic states utilizing the limit equilibrium methods of Fellenius, Bishop, Janbu, Bell, Sarma, Spencer, Morgenstern & Price and Discrete elements method (DEM) for circular and non circular surfaces by which it is possible to ascertain slippages in the slope, examine a gradual failure, and employ various models of force-deformation relationship. Reinforcements with piles, gravity and/or reinforced concrete bracing walls, nettings, geofabrics, anchors, and terracing may be specified. Distributed and point loads may be defined.

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GeoStru Liquiter 2018.18.4.448 Software
GeoStru Liquiter 2018.18.4.448

GeoStru Liquiter 2018.18.4.448

Liquiter software is designed for soil liquefaction analysis and supports a wide variety of field tests. The results of the analysis are presented as: Safety Factor Soil Liquefaction / Probability of Soil Liquefaction; Cyclic mobility of clay; Liquefaction of sand and clay; CSR, variable CSR with depth from SHAKE results; Reconsolidation Settlement, Lateral Spreading; Residual Strength.
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Ce.A.S. ParatiePlus v17.0.5 Software
Ce.A.S. s.r.l. ParatiePlus v17.0.5

Ce.A.S. ParatiePlus v17.0.5

In Italy as well as in many Countries worldwide, several designers rely on Paratie Plus in their retaining wall projects. For example, in the construction of the High Speed Trains guyed bridge over Po River near Piacenza, several cofferdams and other waterfront structures had been designed by our engineers using past versions of Paratie Plus. More recently, thank to the same design tool, other Italian engineering firms, have designed the temporary cofferdams for all river crossings along the new high speed train line linking Milano to Brescia. Stemming from a cooperation, since 1985, with professor Roberto Nova from Politecnico di Milano, Paratie Plus is a non linear analysis program conceived to model the soil-structure interaction of a flexible retaining wall, by means of the popular subgrade reaction method, a simple yet widely accepted approach in current design practice as well as by most of design standard worldwide, including Eurocodes.

Thanks to its effectiveness, Paratie Plus is a simple yet accurate retaining wall design tool. In most cases, a Paratie Plus analysis can be sufficient to completely define a wall design. However, even in very complex situations, Paratie Plus may provide valuable design information, at least in the preliminary design stages: if required, selected final layout will be more thoroughly analyzed, with more advance but complex programs such as FLAC.

Since 2009, Paratie Plus evolved towards an integrated design environment, which offers several additional analysis options, including slope stability analysis and 2D seepage analysis. Some of the most relevant Paratie Plus features, which are hardly found in competitor tools on the market, are listed here:
  • a rigorous soil model formulation within modern Soil Mechanics framework;
  • a special constitutive model for clays in both drained and undrained conditions, based on critical state concepts;
  • a realistic construction stage modelling, even for quite complex sequences;
  • a general seepage scheme for layered soils;
  • external loadings and interaction with nearby foundations modelling;
  • in any construction stage, support and loading layout can be modified arbitrarily ( special non linear supports, prestressed ground anchors, struts, slabs and other features are allowed);
  • two facing walls can be modelled thus allowing a coupled analysis of a sheetpile and its anchoring wall;
  • a pseudo-static seismic procedure is included, based on a well documented proprietary algorithm;
  • a GUI interface including, among many other features, a complete set of online correlations to assist the Users in selecting appropriate soil parameters based on most common in situ or lab tests;
  • a linkage with the modern Limit Stated design methods, according to Eurocodes 7 and 8 as well as to NTC, EC2 , EC3 , AISC and ACI, for structural checks.
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Applied Imagery Quick Terrain Modeller v8.0.7 Software
Applied Imagery Quick Terrain Modeller v8.0.7 x64

Applied Imagery Quick Terrain Modeller v8.0.7

Quick Terrain Modeler is the world's premier 3D point cloud and terrain visualization software package. Designed for use with LiDAR, but flexible enough to accommodate other 3D data sources, Quick Terrain Modeler provides an easy to use software experience that allows users to work with significantly more data, render larger models, analyze data faster, and export a variety of products. These benefits enable very powerful, yet simple and intuitive, terrain exploitation.

More infoSample and training data can be found here.

Whats new in version 8.0.7:
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Autodesk Simulation CFD 2018.0.1 Software
Autodesk Simulation CFD 2018.0.1 x64

Autodesk Simulation CFD 2018.0.1

Autodesk Simulation CFD - предназначен ждя гибкого моделирования потоков жидкостей и теплового моделирования. Можно прогнозировать поведение изделий при эксплуатации, оптимизировать проекты и проверять работу изделий еще до их передачи в производство.

Подробнее тут.
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GLOBE Claritas v6.5.1 Software
GLOBE Claritas v6.5.1

GLOBE Claritas is a sophisticated software package for 2D and 3D land and marine seismic data processing. Designed for maximum flexibility, it gives you a no-constraints enabling layer for seismic data processing, developed over 20 years by GNS Science, New Zealand’s premier geoscience provider.

GLOBE Claritas is cluster-enabled and highly scalable, with the ability to run on laptops through to supercomputers. It also gives you a custom module development environment, with straight-forward integration of third-party add-ons. If you are looking for a robust and well developed seismic processing system to underpin your specialist geophysics or seismic processing business, GLOBE Claritas is the cost effective solution you need.

Video tutorials.
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Gstarsoft GstarCAD 2018 build 170930 Software
Gstarsoft GstarCAD 2018 build 170930 x64

Gstarsoft GstarCAD 2018 build 170930

GstarCAD - это программа для создания чертежей в формате DWG/DXF, ставшем общепринятым стандартом.Она является не только достойной заменой AutoCAD, но и по соотношению цена/качество отличной альтернативой распространенным российским и зарубежным «аналогам автокад» и САПР, таким как Bricscad, Btocad, Nanocad, progeCAD, ZWCAD, Infrasoftcad. Благодаря применению в GstarCAD современных технологий производства систем проектирования, основанных на новейших разработках Open Design Alliance и ITC (консорциум Intellicad ), САПР GstarCAD обеспечивает практически полную совместимость со всеми существующими САПР-системами и cad программами, использующими формат векторной графики DWG (OpenDWG или RealDWG). Файлы, подготовленные в этих форматах, не только открываются и редактируются в GstarCAD, измененные в GstarCAD файлы Вы можете отправлять вашим партнерам, не беспокоясь о потере информации.

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