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LH Logismiki Steel Connections v1.12.0.32 Software
LH Logismiki Steel Connections v1.12.0.32

LH Logismiki Steel Connections v1.12.0.32

The software is used for the design of connections between steel structural members according to the clauses of Eurocode 3 / prEN 1993-1-8: 2003 / Part 1.8: Design of steel structures; Design of joints (Greek version 5 May 2003).

The module interacts with the software Fespa:
  • for obtaining all needed information for the calculation of a joint (geometry of members, actions effects), and
  • for creating the report and structural drawings for every joint.
The user may work with the module "Design of joints” independently (without Fespa), by using the geometrical and load characteristics that he desires.

The program calculates the connections between members of cross-section type H or I and covers:

Moment connections
  • Bolted beam-to-column connections with end-plate,
  • Bolted beam-to-beam connections with end-plate,
  • Column base connection to concrete fundament with anchors.
Shear connections
  • Bolted beam-to-column connections with steel angles,
  • Bolted beam-to-column connections with steel angles, with the beam connected to the web of the column,
  • Bolted beam-to-beam connections with steel angles.
Tension connections
  • Bolted or welded connections of diagonal members.
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Technodigit 3DReshaper Meteor 2018 v18.0.9.28954 Software
Technodigit 3DReshaper Meteor 2018 v18.0.9.28954

Technodigit 3DReshaper Meteor 2018 v18.0.9.28954

3DReshaper Meteor is a software dedicated to metrology. It is a polyvalent software in terms of 3D modeling, supplemented by 3D inspection tools and CAD. Moreover, its interface with measuring arms of the Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence group makes it a complete software finding its place in many applications and all types of industries.

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Technodigit 3DReshaper 2018 v18.0.8.28954 Software
Technodigit 3DReshaper 2018 v18.0.8.28954

Technodigit 3DReshaper 2018 v18.0.8.28954

3DReshaper is the easy-to-use and versatile software solution dedicated to processing any type of point clouds in a wide array of applications. From point cloud to deliverables, from engineering to heritage, from surveying to manufacturing, 3DReshaper is the complete toolbox to meet your 3D modeling and inspection needs.

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Innovative Geotechnics PileROC v2 Software
Innovative Geotechnics PileROC v2

Innovative Geotechnics PileROC v2

Innovative Geotechnics provide geotechnical design tools for pile groups, laterally loaded piles, nonlinear p-y curve generation and rock socket design including single piles or pile groups under lateral and vertical loading based on finite element method. Our programs are focused on the geotechnical analytical knowledge, improving user engagement and reducing potential input uncertainties. All geotechnical programs and software adopt simple input interface for the users to interactively input the analysis information such as soil layer information, soil properties, and foundation parameters.

PileROC is a program specially designed to predict the settlement for the piles socketed into rock under compressive axial loading and estimates ultimate and factored axial capacities for a range of socket lengths.

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Innovative Geotechnics PileAXL v2.2 Software
Innovative Geotechnics PileAXL v2.2

Innovative Geotechnics PileAXL v2.2

Innovative Geotechnics provide geotechnical design tools for pile groups, laterally loaded piles, nonlinear p-y curve generation and rock socket design including single piles or pile groups under lateral and vertical loading based on finite element method. Our programs are focused on the geotechnical analytical knowledge, improving user engagement and reducing potential input uncertainties. All geotechnical programs and software adopt simple input interface for the users to interactively input the analysis information such as soil layer information, soil properties, and foundation parameters.

PileAXL is a program that analyzes the behaviour of single piles under axial loading applied at the pile head for both onshore and offshore engineering problems. More info
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Innovative Geotechnics PileLAT v2.2 Software
Innovative Geotechnics PileLAT v2.2

Innovative Geotechnics PileLAT v2.2

Innovative Geotechnics provide geotechnical design tools for pile groups, laterally loaded piles, nonlinear p-y curve generation and rock socket design including single piles or pile groups under lateral and vertical loading based on finite element method. Our programs are focused on the geotechnical analytical knowledge, improving user engagement and reducing potential input uncertainties. All geotechnical programs and software adopt simple input interface for the users to interactively input the analysis information such as soil layer information, soil properties, and foundation parameters.

PileLAT is a finite-element based program that analyzes the behaviour of laterally loaded piles (Single piles mainly under lateral loading) based on automatically generated nonlinear p-y curves for various soil and rock types. More info
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DotSoft ToolPac v18.0.5.0 Software
DotSoft ToolPac v18.0.5.0

DotSoft ToolPac v18.0.5.0

In the never ending quest for faster AutoCAD/BricsCAD systems, users go the extra mile to purchase the fastest hardware.  Faster processors, graphics cards, etc., are implemented in an attempt to speed up the processing of drawings.  These improvements come at great expense and only provide a marginal gain in the amount of time it takes to actually complete a drawing.  This expensive hardware is often underutilized as the operator wastes time doing repetitive tasks in the struggle to finalize a drawing.

If you do only one upgrade to your system this year, it should be the implementation of productivity software. Our ToolPac product was designed to eliminate the numerous bottlenecks in AutoCAD and BricsCAD. It contains over 750 functions designed with one purpose in mind, to save you time.

ToolPac is in use today by thousands of architects, engineers, and designers! This comprehensive collection of productivity tools works with AutoCAD 2007 or higher (LT not supported) or BricsCAD v12 Pro or higher.  It works equally well in all environments, including Architectural, Engineering, Civil, Mechanical and Design.

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Geocentrix Repute v2.5 update 2 Enterprise Edition Software
Geocentrix Repute v2.5 update 2 Enterprise Edition

Geocentrix Repute v2.5 update 2 Enterprise Edition

Repute provides a rich set of tools for designing/analyzing onshore piles, including:

  • various types of single pile, using current and historical design standards (such as Eurocode 7 & BS 8004)
  • pile groups under generalized 3-dimensional loading, using linear or non-linear soil models
The program includes a wide range of engineering capabilities for designing single piles to modern design standards and analysing pile groups in 3-dimensions using linear and non-linear soil models.

Repute 2.5 is available in three editions:
  • Standard (for single-pile design)
  • Professional (for pile-group analysis)
  • Enterprise (for both)
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Geocentrix ReActiv v1.7 Software
Geocentrix ReActiv v1.7

Geocentrix ReActiv v1.7

ReActiv is an interactive computer program for designing reinforced slopes in a wide variety of soil types, using reinforced soil or soil nails. ReActiv's user interface has been designed to make the program simple to use and quick to learn - without sacrificing the level of control over calculations that engineers demand.

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Carlson SurvCE v6.0 Software
Carlson SurvCE v6.0

Carlson SurvCE v6.0

Carlson SurvCE – это мощное программное обеспечение для полевого контроллера или КПК, предназначенное для сбора и обработки полевых данных.

Carlson SurvCE позволяет осуществлять сбор данных и управлять работой ГНСС-приемников, тахеометров и цифровых нивелиров ведущих мировых производителей.

Carlson SurvCE предназначен для использования в следующих областях:
  • топографии;
  • промышленном и гражданском строительстве;
  • горном деле;
  • проектировании;
  • строительстве автодорог и др.;
  • геофизических работах;
  • ландшафтном дизайне.
Carlson SurvCE предлагает для потребителей следующие модули:
  • TS – базовый модуль - предназначен для работы с механическими электронными тахеометрами;GPS – модуль для работы с GNSS приемниками;
  • RTS – модуль для работы с роботизированными электронными тахеометрами;
  • Roads – модуль для работы с тахеометрами и GNSS приемниками при дорожном строительстве.
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