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Pix4Dmapper Pro v2.0.1 Software
Pix4Dmapper Pro v2.0.1

Pix4Dmapper Pro v2.0.1

Pix4Dmapper is the leading photogrammetry software for professional drone mapping. More info.

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AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design 2013 v1.3.28 Software
AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design 2013 v1.3.28

AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design 2013 v1.3.28

AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design is a pavement design software, which builds upon the mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide, and expands and improves the features in the accompanying prototype computational software. ME Design supports AASHTO"s Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide, Interim Edition: A Manual of Practice. ME Design is a production-ready software tool to support the day-to-day pavement design functions of public and private pavement engineers. The Pavement ME Deflection Data Analysis and Backcalculation Tools is a standalone software program that can be used to generate backcalculation inputs to the AASHTO Pavement ME Design software for rehabilitation design. The tool is capable of analyzing raw deflection data files obtained from Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) testing devices, backcalculating in-place elastic layer moduli for flexible and rigid pavements and generating inputs for performing rehabilitation design using Pavement ME. It can also be used to perform loss of support analysis and load transfer efficiency (LTE) calculations.

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ADAPT ABI 2019 Software


ADAPT-ABI 2019 is a special-purpose program developed for the design and analysis of prestressed concrete bridges built either segmentally or conventionally. It provides information for geometry and stress control during construction, as well as design values for service load. ADAPT-ABI has been serving bridge design engineers worldwide for over twenty years, and has provided the foundation for analysis of many notable bridges. Featuring a 3D modeling interface, and intuitive 4D construction sequencing capabilities, this next generation ADAPT-ABI delivers unparalleled modeling ease and speed. Packed with a full range of powerful modeling and analysis capabilities, ADAPT-ABI is a practical tool bridge engineers can use to rapidly evaluate design options and shorten project delivery times.

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HTC STX v3.5 Software
Heat Transfer Consultant STX v3.5
for wXP users only

HTC STX v3.5

The STX program is designed to assist the heat exchanger engineer to obtain competitive and reliable designs for industrial TEMA type shell and tube heat exchangers. Some of the features of the program are described briefly in the following paragraphs.

STX operates in the design, rating or evaluation mode. A case optimization routine will optimize the length of the exchanger with respect to cost. A special routine is included for vertical thermosiphon reboilers and falling film evaporators. Many different cases may be run at once in the special batch mode.
  • Design determines the surface area and exchanger dimensions for specified process conditions
  • Rating determines the amount of excess surface area and available fouling factor for a specified exchanger and operating conditions
  • Evaluation checks to see if the exchanger will perform the specified duty and if it won't, will determine the available duty and outlet conditions.
Vertical Thermosiphon Modes:
  • Pressure Drop finds the pressure drop and required liquid level for a specified circulation rate
  • Flowrate finds the circulation rate and fraction vaporized for a specified liquid level
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HTC ACX v3.5 repack Software
Heat Transfer Consultant ACX v3.5 repack
for wXP users only

HTC ACX v3.5 repack

The ACX program will design or analyze API type air cooled (or air heated) heat exchangers. These exchangers consist of rectangular tube bundles with air flowing once across the outside of the tubes. The tubes may be high fin, low fin or plain (no fins). The primary equipment type considered is that of an aerial cooler (heater) where axial flow fans force the air across the tubes. Other exchanger types considered by ACX are preheaters, recuperators and regenerators. The fluid outside the tubes may be air or other gases or gas mixtures. Applications include coolers, heaters, condensers and evaporators.

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x-Force keygen v2 for ALL Autodesk products v2020 Software
x-Force keygen v2 for ALL Autodesk products v2020

These are original (x-force) and c7111981/LAVteam (based on x-force code) keygens. Product keys are in the file \product keys\product.keys.2020.txt

This time some fucking clowns going by the name of Shit Heads (we won't mention them) decided to HexEdit our Autodesk Keygen.
Put your resources into something worth it instead of stealing the work of REAL Crackers. You wasted our time again. 

You Will get a new Keygen, new design, for the matter. V2 


All our OLD friends ... and to all our fans
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HTC ACX v3.5 Software
Heat Transfer Consultant ACX v3.5
for wXP users only

HTC ACX v3.5

The ACX program will design or analyze API type air cooled (or air heated) heat exchangers. These exchangers consist of rectangular tube bundles with air flowing once across the outside of the tubes. The tubes may be high fin, low fin or plain (no fins). The primary equipment type considered is that of an aerial cooler (heater) where axial flow fans force the air across the tubes. Other exchanger types considered by ACX are preheaters, recuperators and regenerators. The fluid outside the tubes may be air or other gases or gas mixtures. Applications include coolers, heaters, condensers and evaporators.

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Autodesk Inventor Nastran 2020 Software
Autodesk Inventor Nastran 2020 eng x64

Autodesk Inventor Nastran 2020

Autodesk Inventor Nastran - программный комплекс для расчетов задач механики твердого деформируемого тела, основанный на методе конечных элементов. Решатель Nastran является одним из лучших решателей для задач механики деформируемого тела.

Задачи, которые позволяет рассчитывать программный комплекс Autodesk Inventor Nastran:
  • линейный и нелинейный статический анализ;
  • расчет устойчивости;
  • модальный анализ;
  • стационарный и нестационарный тепловой расчет;
  • расчет композитных материалов;
  • расчет температурных напряжений;
  • тепловой расчет с нелинейными граничными условиями;
  • отклик на случайные частотные нагрузки;
  • расчет вынужденных колебаний;
  • расчет динамических нагрузок;
  • расчет пластических и гиперупругих свойств;
  • расчет падения тела.
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x-Force keygen for ALL Autodesk products v2020 Software
x-Force keygen for ALL Autodesk products v2020

These are original (x-force) and c7111981/LAVteam (based on x-force code) keygens. Product keys are in the file \product keys\product.keys.2020.txt

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ETA Dynaform v5.9.4 build 2019.03.21 Software
Engineering Technologies Associates Dynaform v5.9.4 build 2019.03.21 x64

ETA Dynaform v5.9.4 build 2019.03.21

ETA Dynaform - специализированный программный комплекс, ориентированный на моделирование процессов листовой штамповки и использующий в качестве ядра математический аппарат программы LS-DYNA. Пре- и постпроцессинг Dynaform построен с учетом всех специфических особенностей техпроцесса - он автоматизирует стандартные операции подготовки расчетной схемы и функции оценки и интерпретации результатов анализа и базируется на общепринятой терминологии, знакомой каждому инженеру-технологу. Инструментарий программы включает:

  • Автоматическое построение сеток;
  • Адаптивные сетки с анимацией истории построения;
  • Обширную библиотеку промышленных материалов;
  • Автоматизированное позиционирование инструмента;
  • Вовлечение явлений потери устойчивости листа – коробления;
  • Расчет тангенциальных усилий под прижимами (тормозными ребрами);
  • Расчет упругой разгрузки изделия ;
  • Высококачественную визуализацию всех результатов и анимацию;
  • Построение предельной диаграммы "формуемости”.
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