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Lloyd's Register IP 2018 v4.5.5 (update 2019) Software
Lloyd's Register (ex. Senergy) Interactive Petrophysics 2018 v4.5.5 (update 2019)

Lloyd's Register IP 2018 v4.5.5 (update 2019)

IP is a fast, scalable software solution for Geoscientists tasked with maximising the value of subsurface data. Using IP this analysis can be done with an interactive interface, which enhances efficiency and productivity for Geoscientists. IP is a mathematically-robust software for Geoscientists seeking a stable, powerful interface that enables them to customise workflows to their needs. Its interactive parameters enable fast analysis and interpretation for geological and petrophysical decisions. User proficiency is crucial to maintaining a competitive edge and giving your team the latest skills that they need to make expert analysis of their wellbore data. Using IP provides you and your team seamlessly integrated workflows across subsurface disciplines and supports improved reservoir performance throughout the entire assets’ lifecycle.

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Baker Hughes JewelSuite GeoMechanics 2017.2.584 Software
Baker Hughes JewelSuite GeoMechanics 2017.2.584

Baker Hughes JewelSuite GeoMechanics 2017.2.584

From 1D well-centric models to static full-field 3D models, the JewelSuite Geomechanics application gives you greater insight into geomechanical risks to prevent nonproductive time and optimize the performance of your wells and reservoirs. Create powerful models to accurately assess geomechanical risks for better well plans. Define a safe operating window to maximize drilling performance. Minimize drilling risk, all while improving safety. JewelSuite Geomechanics helps you determine proximity to a critical or failure state using stress, pore pressure, and rock mechanical properties on faults and fractures of varying geometry and orientation. The modular design of JewelSuite Geomechanics offers the flexibility to use the modules as standalone tools or in combination for an advanced, integrated geomechanical workflow. More than 35 percent of nonproductive time is caused by geomechanics-related events. JewelSuite Geomechanics creates unified and consistent geomechanical models to minimize uncertainty in your data, maximize confidence in your modeling results, and provide a more complete and precise picture of the earth's subsurface. If you’re not drilling in the reservoir’s most productive zones, you are compromising on recovery. Trouble predicting pressure and wellbore stability could also limit production. Get the answers you need before and during drilling to lower operational risks and place wells in the zones with greatest potential.

  • Identify risks: Track geomechanical and drilling risks along with geologic hazards.
  • Mitigate control issues: Prevent abnormal pressure-related well control issues and proactively define safe operating windows to reduce pressure-related nonproductive time.
  • Improve assessments: Perform uncertainty assessments to identify highest risk scenarios.
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Nicestsolution Safety Barrier Manager v3.2.1604 Software
Nicestsolution Safety Barrier Manager v3.2.1604

Nicestsolution Safety Barrier Manager v3.2.1604

SafetyBarrierManager is a software tool that helps to analyse risk using safety-barrier diagrams. Safety-barrier diagrams show how safety barriers prevent accidents and how they improve safety in a clear and transparent way. Risk analysis using SafetyBarrierManager will become easier, better and understandable, also for non-experts.

SafetyBarrierManager allows you to:
  • Describe accident scenarios in the form of safety-barrier diagrams.
  • Perform qualitative and quantitative assessments of accident scenarios.
  • Manage the documentation of foreseeable hazards, safety barriers and risk reducing measures.
  • Extract tables with barriers, consequences, mitigating actions and more.
  • Include links to other resources, such as on-line drawings or procedures.
  • Publish safety-barrier diagrams an all other documentation and results directly on the web.
SafetyBarrierManager is the graphical implementation of Layer-Of-Protection-Analysis (LOPA). It is a tool with integrated fault-tree and event-tree assessment. It calculates the expected frequencies of the accident scenarios. It gives direct input to quantified risk analysis. Safety-barrier diagrams are very similar to bow-tie diagrams, but more versatile.
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nanoSoft nanoCAD 20: PLUS, SPDS, MECHANICS v20.0.5094.0501 Software
nanoSoft nanoCAD 20: PLUS, SPDS, MECHANICS v20.0.5094.0501 x64

nanoSoft nanoCAD 20: PLUS, SPDS, MECHANICS v20.0.5094.0501

nanoCAD – российская САПР-платформа, содержащая все необходимые инструменты базового проектирования. Знакомый интерфейс, прямая поддержка формата *.dwg и расширяемость делают nanoCAD лучшей на сегодня альтернативой при выборе инженерной платформы для любой отрасли. Российская универсальная САПР-платформа, содержащая все необходимые инструменты базового проектирования, выпуска чертежей и разработки приложений с помощью открытого API. Знакомый интерфейс, непосредственная поддержка формата *.dwg и расширяемость делают ее альтернативой №1 при переходе на новые базовые решения. Платформа nanoCAD постоянно развивается и совершенствуется. При разработке восьмой версии основное внимание было уделено повышению точности математического аппарата и удобства работы с программой, развитию корпоративных функций и интеграции с BIM-системами.
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ASVIC Mech-Q Full Suite v4.21.001 for AutoCAD 2000-2021 Software
ASVIC Mech-Q Full Suite v4.21.001 for AutoCAD 2000-2021 x32+x64

ASVIC Mech-Q Full Suite v4.21.001 for AutoCAD 2000-2021

If your looking for powerful Engineering Software that that gets the job done, look no further. Mech-Q is AutoCAD Mechanical, Structural, HVAC, and Piping all in one suite!

  • Comprehensive pipe, fittings, and valves.
  • Create Rectangular, round and flat oval ducting.
  • Includes range of mechanical symbols & housings, gears and more.
  • Create steel details, shapes, stairs and more.
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Schlumberger Petrel 2017.4 Software
Schlumberger Petrel 2017.4

Schlumberger Petrel 2017.4

Petrel is an integrated software solution that enables you to solve all your subsurface challenges - from seismic interpretation through reservoir simulation. Petrel eliminates the communication problems that exist between different software packages and associated technical disciplines. All work processes in Petrel contribute to developing and refining the same volumetric earth model, static to dynamic. The common environment and workflow automatically captures your knowledge as your work progresses. This eliminates the information mismatch or information loss that is common when using individual applications. Now you can easily integrate new data, rapidly updating earth models and lowering your overall E&P risk. 

  • All tools from seismic interpretation to simulation are integrated in one application, eliminating import and export problems and promoting collaboration.
  • Strong visualization capabilities give you instant QC of all data in 3D.
  • Models can be updated instantly when new data arrives to make quicker and more reliable decisions.
  • All results can be copy-pasted to any Windows application making it quick and easy to report and present your latest results.
  • Petrel has a familiar Windows user interface, undo/redo functionality, and stores modeling history, making it easy to use and learn.
  • Petrel Modules.
  • Geophysics.
  • Geology.
  • Reservoir Engineering
  • Well Engineering.
  • Data and Results Viewer.
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Eos Systems PhotoModeller Premium 2020.1.1 Software
Eos Systems PhotoModeller Premium 2020.1.1 x64

Eos Systems PhotoModeller Premium 2020.1.1

PhotoModeler Premium provides the tools for you to create accurate, high quality 3D models and measurements from photographs. The process is called photo-based 3D scanning. PhotoModeler Premium is a 3D scanner that provides results similar to a 3D laser scanner (with appropriate textures). This 3D scanning process produces a dense point cloud (Dense Surface Modeling, DSM) from photographs of textured surfaces of virtually any size.  PhotoModeler Premium is also perfect for many drone / uav projects. The PhotoModeler Premium software has all the capabilities of the base PhotoModeler Standard product plus the capability to do Dense Surface Modeling (DSM), 3D scanning, SmartMatch, Geographic Systems, and Motion capture. Because Premium can handle all the functions of Standard (such as coded targets, manual projects, etc.), if you have a mix of project types, Premium may be the best choice for you. See the chart on the product overview page for a quick comparison of the products, and a detailed feature comparison.

PhotoModeler Premium is a sophisticated tool to build accurate Dense Surface Models and get measurements from your photos. Use PhotoModeler Premium to build:
  • Dense Surface Models where a large number of 3D points are needed.
  • Models that traditionally would require a 3D laser scanner
  • Drone and UAV projects such as volume measurement, ortho-photos, contours, etc.
  • Perform measurements over time with the Motion capability.
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Agisoft Metashape Pro v1.6.3 build 10723 Software
Agisoft Metashape Pro v1.6.3 build 10723 x64

Agisoft Metashape Pro v1.6.3 build 10723

Agisoft Metashape Professional - это передовое программное обеспечение, максимально раскрывающее возможности фотограмметрии, а также включающее в себя технологии машинного обучения для анализа и пост-обработки, что позволяет получать максимально точные результаты.

Metashape позволяет обрабатывать изображения, получаемые с помощью RGB- или мультиспектральных камер, включая мультикамерные системы, преобразовывать снимки в плотные облака точек, текстурированные полигональные модели, геопривязанные ортофотопланы и цифровые модели рельефа/местности (ЦМР/ЦММ).

Дальнейшая постобработка позволяет удалять тени и искажения текстур с поверхности моделей, рассчитывать вегетационные индексы и составлять файлы предписаний для агротехнических мероприятий, автоматически классифицировать плотные облака точек и т.д.

Возможность экспорта во все внешние пакеты для постобработки делает Agisoft Metashape Professional универсальным фотограмметрическим инструментом.

Change log
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CSI Bridge v22.1.0 build 1639 Software
CSI Bridge v22.1.0 build 1639 x64

CSI Bridge v22.1.0 build 1639

Modeling, analysis and design of bridge structures have been integrated into CSI Bridge to create the ultimate in computerized engineering tools. The ease with which all of these tasks can be accomplished makes CSI Bridge the most versatile and productive software program available on the market today. 

Using CSI Bridge, engineers can easily define complex bridge geometries, boundary conditions and load cases. The bridge models are defined parametrically, using terms that are familiar to bridge engineers such as layout lines, spans, bearings, abutments, bents, hinges and post-tensioning. The software creates spine, shell or solid object models that update automatically as the bridge definition parameters are changed. 

CSI Bridge design allows for quick and easy design and retrofitting of steel and concrete bridges. The parametric modeler allows the user to build simple or complex bridge models and to make changes efficiently while maintaining total control over the design process. Lanes and vehicles can be defined quickly and include width effects. Simple and practical Gantt charts are available to simulate modeling of construction sequences and scheduling. 

CSI Bridge includes an easy to follow wizard that outlines the steps necessary to create a bridge model. 

Completely integrated within the CSI Bridge design package is the power of the SAPFire analysis engine, including staged construction, creep and shrinkage analysis, cable tensioning to target forces, camber and shape finding, geometric nonlinearity (P-delta and large displacements), material nonlinearity (superstructure, bearings, substructure and soil supports), buckling and static and dynamic analysis. All of these apply to a single comprehensive model. In addition, AASHTO LRFD design is included with automated load combinations, superstructure design and the latest seismic design.

News in release 22.1.0 here and there
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CSI SAP2000 v22.1.0 build 1639 Software
CSI SAP2000 v22.1.0 build 1639 x64

CSI SAP2000 v22.1.0 build 1639

CSI SAP2000 - cистема трехмерного статического и динамического анализа методом конечных элементов и проектирования сооружений.

SAP2000 следует принципам, основными чертами которых являются современный, интуитивно понятный и универсальный пользовательский интерфейс, основанный на уникальном расчетном ядре и инструментах проектирования конструкций для инженеров, разрабатывающих объекты транспортной инфраструктуры, промышленные и гражданские здания, спортивные сооружения и другие объекты.

Начиная с трехмерной объектно-ориентированной рабочей среды моделирования и до широчайшего спектра опций расчета и проектирования конструкций, комплексно интегрированных в один мощный пользовательский интерфейс, SAP2000 – это наиболее интегрированный, производительный и практичный расчетный комплекс общего назначения, существующий на сегодняшнем рынке. Интуитивно понятный интерфейс позволяет Вам создавать модели конструкций в кратчайшие сроки без долгого процесса обучения. Сегодня Вы можете использовать SAP2000 для всех Ваших задач по расчету и проектированию, в том числе и для небольших повседневных задач.

Комплексные модели могут быть созданы и разбиты на конечные элементы с использованием встроенных шаблонов. Интегрированные инструменты проектирования конструкций способны автоматически сгенерировать ветровые, волновые, нагрузки от транспорта и сейсмические нагрузки на модель, а также выполнить полную автоматическую проверку стальных и железобетонных элементов согласно нормам проектирования различных стран.
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