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CSS Civil Site Design v21.10 Software
Civil Survey Solutions Civil Site Design v21.10 for Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D 2015-2021 x64

CSS Civil Site Design v21.10

For over 18 years CSS has assisted customers in the civil and survey industries with premium technical support, specialised and customised training services and development of industry driven software solutions built on Autodesk and other technologies. Civil Site Design (ex. Advanced Road Design) adds highly efficient and simple-to-use civil design tools for road network design, highways, road reconstruction, site grading, surfaces, stormwater, sewer and pipeline design to your current CAD platform.

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CSS Stringer Survey Suite v21.10 Software
Civil Survey Solutions Stringer Survey Suite v21.10 for Autodesk Civil 3D 2021 x64

CSS Stringer Survey Suite v21.10

Stringer Topo has been developed for the Australian surveying industry to facilitate the reduction and presentation of survey observations inside your drawing, whether you’re using AutoCAD, AutoCAD Civil 3D or BricsCAD. Developed by surveyors with over 20 years experience in the industry, Stringer focuses on maximizing your efficiency in adding and editing breaklines using point data directly in the drawing.

Stringer Topo delivers fast, easy to use field-to-finish topographical surveys, reducing your raw survey data to COGO points, automating the creation of 2D and 3D linework representing the point features, as well as adding breaklines to a TIN surface, all ready for final documentation and plotting. Associated functionality includes survey quality reporting, point export, import/export to numerous formats, traverse editing and drafting for cadastral plans.
  • Stringer Topo works directly on COGO points and surfaces in the drawing to automate the breakline creation process and enable immediate updating of surfaces as points are edited.
  • Stringer Topo provides you with all the tools you need to convert a raw observation file into an editable observation file, through to automated import of co-ordinated points.  In AutoCAD Civil 3D, Stringer Topo works directly with the Civil 3D point objects.  In other versions, Stringer Topo includes it’s own COGO point engine to provide user editable point display, point groups and point editing commands.
  • Stringer Topo makes it quick and easy to add, edit and remove breaklines directly inside the drawing. With a wide collection of point and string editing tools you can quickly correct any pickup errors and get to the finished product.  A survey Surface is automatically created and updated as Stringer Topo adds breaklines based on the point codes.
  • Stringer Topo includes tools to import from other surveying programs so you can work with historical data.
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WordRake for Microsoft Outlook & Word v3.95 Software
WordRake for Microsoft Outlook & Word v3.95

WordRake for Microsoft Outlook & Word v3.95

Плагины предназначены для тех, кто хочет обезопасить себя от нелепых ошибок и сэкономить время на редактирование текстовых документов и электронных писем.

  • - Находит в тексте часто повторяющиеся слова и речевые обороты, слова-паразиты и прочую «воду».
  • Предлагает варианты замены или удаления лишних слов и оборотов без потери смысла.
  • Облегчает процесс создания документов в соответствии с требованиями о максимальном количестве слов.
  • Пользователь может принять или отклонить правки программы.
WordRake is a great tool for the copyediting stage. Verbose writers, authors wanting to cut down on editing costs or editors looking to speed up their editing process will most benefit from WordRake.
What It Does: WordRake cuts out the unnecessary words or phrases that creep into your writing. It works with Microsoft Word and Outlook.
Who It’s For: Bloggers, authors and editors using Microsoft Word or Outlook.
How It Works: Select the text you want to edit, then use the WordRake add-in. It uses track changes to suggest edits, which you can accept or reject.
The Best Part: WordRake is as close as you can get to an automatic editor. It appealed to me more as an editor than a writer, but it’s great at eliminating unnecessary phrases and words that bog down your writing.
What Would Make It Better: I threw a your/you’re mistake in to see if WordRake would catch it. It didn’t, even though Microsoft Word flagged it. If WordRake could catch common writing mistakes like your/you’re or their/they’re/there in addition to unnecessary words, it’d be a hard tool to beat.
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LogicNP Obfuscator Enterprise for Net v2020, CryptoLicensing Enterprise Net v2020 Software
LogicNP Obfuscator Enterprise for Net v2020 build 200911, CryptoLicensing Enterprise Net v2020 build 200731

LogicNP Obfuscator Enterprise for Net v2020, CryptoLicensing Enterprise Net v2020

Crypto Obfuscator for .Net v2020 - powerful obfuscation & code protection for .Net apps.

  • .Net Assembly Code Protection & Obfuscation
  • Automatic Exception Reporting
  • Optimization & Performance Improvement
  • Smaller & Simplified Deployment
More info

CryptoLicensing for .Net v2020 - licensing, copy-protection and activations for .Net apps.
CryptoLicensing for .Net is a 100% .Net licensing solution for any C# and Visual Basic.Net (VB.Net) software including:
  • Windows Forms (WinForms), WPF applications,console apps, components and controls.
  • ASP.Net web sites.
  • .Net Core and .Net Standard assemblies.
  • .Net Compact Framework apps developed for Pocket PC and Windows Mobile.
  • Silverlight apps and libraries including Windows Phone 7.0.CodeProject 2012 Member's Choice Winner.
  • XNA and XBox games and libraries.
  • Windows Services, Office Add-Ins.
  • Mono / Mono For Android applications.
More info
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Insight Numerics Detect3D v2.52 Software
Insight Numerics Detect3D v2.52

Insight Numerics Detect3D v2.52

Detect3D is the most accurate and trusted 3D fire and gas mapping tool for the design and assessment of detector layouts. Using the integrated design environment, line-of-sight flame detectors, and point and open-path gas detectors can be interactively positioned and oriented within any geometry. The user can highlight zero-visibility zones and interactively adjust the position or orientation of the detectors and receive real-time feedback. Detect3D is the ONLY fire and gas mapping tool on the market that can be installed on Windows workstations. 

  • Import CAD in Microstation (.dgn), Autodesk AutoCAD (.dxf), STEP, IGES, OBJ and Stereolithography (.stl) formats.
  • Define multiple fire zones and assign hazard categories for each one.
  • Export the isovolumes to CAD so they can be loaded back in to your CAD software.
  • Output auto-generated reports showing coverage statistics for each fire zone in pdf and MS Excel formats.
  • All obstructions are accounted for automatically - no need to represent the geometry using simplified primitive shapes such as spheres and cylinders.
  • What is in your CAD file is what will obstruct the detector.
  • The obstruction of the detector's field-of-view (FOV) is accurately calculated in full 3D by casting thousands of rays.
  • Import flame detectors from our manufacturer's database or create a custom flame detector field-of-view.

  • Interactively re-position or re-orient detectors and receive immediate feedback for the improved layout.
  • Add detectors one at a time or add them in a one or two dimensional array to expidite your design process.
  • Quickly highlight zero-visibility areas within each fire zone using 3D isovolumes and 2D contour plots.
Using technologies akin to that used for concert hall design, Insight Numerics is in development of algorithms to quickly assest the acoustic soundscape of process areas to enable engineers to optimally position acoustic gas leak detectors.
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Insight Numerics in:Flux v1.46 Software
Insight Numerics in:Flux v1.46 x64

Insight Numerics in:Flux v1.46

in:Flux is CFD software that analyses ventilation and gas dispersion within complex geometries. It is aimed at all engineers, including those who have never previously performed a CFD themselves. The speed and simplicity of in:Flux is unrivaled.  Organizations can now carry out CFD modeling at a fraction of the time and cost associated with other CFD products.

  • The only CFD software specifically designed for dispersion and ventilation analyses, eliminating the need of expertise to ‘tweak’ general purpose codes.
  • Interface directly with many CAD formats (DGN, DWG, DXF, IGES, STEP, OBJ, STL), no approximations are made to the CAD geometry.
  • All meshing, boundary conditions, and numerical setup is automated.
  • Post-processing visuals can be added after calculations have finished rather than hope planes defined prior to the simulation contain relevant information.
  • Once the process is understood, multiple simulations can be set up very quickly as simulations are automatically scheduled without the need of scripting.
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COMSOL Multiphysics v5.6.0.280 Software
COMSOL Multiphysics v5.6.0.280 Linux + macOS + Windows

COMSOL Multiphysics v5.6.0.280

COMSOL Multiphysics (Femlab) – пакет моделирования, который решает системы нелинейных дифференциальных уравнений в частных производных методом конечных элементов в одном, двух и трех измерениях. Он позволяет решать задачи из области электромагнетизма, теории упругости, динамики жидкостей и газов и химической газодинамики. COMSOL Multiphysics также дает возможность решить задачу как в математической постановке (в виде системы уравнений), так и в физической (выбор физической модели, например модели процесса диффузии). Безусловно в любом случае будет решаться система уравнений, и различие заключается лишь в возможности использовать физические системы единиц и физическую терминологию. В так называемом физическом режиме работы также можно использовать заранее определенные уравнения для большинства явлений, имеющих место в науке и технике, таких как перенос тепла и электричества, теория упругости, диффузия, распространение волн и поток жидкости. Для обеспечения более тесной интеграции COMSOL Multiphysics с системами проектирования от сторонних производителей реализована поддержка файлов формата Parasolid и добавлен новый интерфейс для двухстороннего взаимодействия с продуктом Autodesk Inventor. Благодаря этому интерфейсу любые изменения, сделанные в процессе работы в программах COMSOL или Autodesk Inventor, будут автоматически приняты в обоих приложениях. Специалистам предлагаются усовершенствованные инструменты для последующей обработки, визуализации моделей и обмена результатами анализа. Набор дополнительных модулей (AC/DC Module, Chemical Engineering Module, Earth Science Module, Heat Transfer Module и др.) обеспечивает ускоренное решение специфических задач.

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Intetech Electronic Corrosion Engineer v5.4.0 Software
Intetech Electronic Corrosion Engineer v5.4.0
with the new extended keygen

Intetech Electronic Corrosion Engineer v5.4.0

Intetech Electronic Corrosion Engineer is a tool for the quantitative estimation of corrosion rates and the selection of materials for gas and oil production systems and processing facilities. The software is available as a stand-alone PC version for single users, or a server-based system for multiple users. Significant improvements range from technical modelling developments, new functionality, updated information on materials, wider choice of graphs and improved reporting and printing capabilities. The software is in a new-look format which is compatible with latest operating systems.

Intetech Electronic Corrosion Engineer tools:
  • Corrosion rate predictionfor carbon steel in sweet or sour conditions that consider different options for corrosion control.
  • Risk prediction tools that evaluate the risk of carbon steel failure.
  • Corrosion-resistant alloy (CRA) evaluators that select the most suitable CRA for specified environmental conditions, and automatically take into account the risks of corrosion, pitting and stress-corrosion cracking.
  • Life-cycle cost calculators that evaluate the economics of carbon steel and CRA options on the basis of Net Present value so that material cost comparisons can be provided.
  • A database of alloy tubing and pipe manufacturers.
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Rarlab WinRAR v6.00 Software
Rarlab WinRAR v6.00 chi+eng+ger+por+rus+ukr x32+x64

Rarlab WinRAR v6.00

Архиватор RAR является самой распространенной программой после операционной системы и браузера, ведь большинство программ и в Интернете, и у пользователей хранятся в сжатом виде в архивах.

WinRAR – мощная утилита для создания и управления архивами, содержащая целый спектр дополнительных полезных функций. Программа WinRAR ежедневно используется миллионами людей во всем мире для экономии места на ПК и быстрой передачи файлов.

WinRAR больше не поддерживает Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT.

What's new in the latest version:

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Siemens Simcenter Flomaster 2020.2 Software
Siemens Simcenter Flomaster 2020.2 v9.8.0 Build 996 x64

Siemens Simcenter Flomaster 2020.2

Программный комплекс Flowmaster - мощное средство для анализа сложных гидравлических, газовых и тепловых систем. Flowmaster позволяет инженерам быстро проектировать модели системы посредством использования встроенных компонентов и современного интуитивно понятного графического интерфейса. Единая база данных позволяет осуществлять сотрудничество множества инженеров в ходе работы над проектом. Открытый программный интерфейс приложения делает возможной интеграцию с программными продуктами других производителей.

Flowmaster применяется для расчета и проектирования:
  • топливных систем автомобилей и самолетов;
  • систем кондиционирования пассажирских салонов;
  • судовых и газотурбинных гидравлических систем;
  • систем смазки и охлаждения двигателей;
  • выхлопных систем автомобилей;
  • гидравлических систем оборудования;
  • систем отопления, охлаждения, водоснабжения и подачи газа;
  • систем газо- и нефтеперекачки и многого другого.
Flowmaster is the leading general purpose 1D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solution for the modeling and analysis of fluid mechanics in complex piping systems of any scale. Companies can maximize their return on investment by integrating Flowmaster at every stage of the development process, taking advantage of the data management and collaborative capabilities of this analytical tool. It is used by companies across a wide range of industries to reduce the development time and costs of their thermo-fluid systems. It helps systems engineers to: simulate pressure surge, temperature and fluid flow rates system-wide; understand how design alterations, component size, selection and operating conditions will affect the overall fluid system performance accurately and quickly.
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