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CSoft Model Studio CS Технологические схемы 2022 Software

CSoft Model Studio CS Технологические схемы 2022

Программа предназначена для разработки технологических и монтажно-технологических схем (марки ТХ, ТТ). Инженерный программный комплекс для создания принципиальных, технологических и монтажно-технологических схем установок и производств.

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Cadence 6SigmaDCX DataCenter Design Pro 2023.2 HF2 Software

Cadence 6SigmaDCX DataCenter Design Pro 2023.2 HF2

Cadence is a pivotal leader in electronic systems design, building upon more than 30 years of computational software expertise. The company applies its underlying Intelligent System Design strategy to deliver software, hardware, and IP that turn design concepts into reality.

Cadence DataCenter Design Software and Insight Platform (formerly Future Facilities 6SigmaDCX product line) offers physics-based simulation software for the next generation of data center design and management to maximize operational performance.

6SigmaRoom by Future Facilities Ltd. has been rebranded into two distinct product offerings from Cadence Design Systems: DataCenter Design and DataCenter Insight. See About DataCenter 2023.2 for more information about these two product offerings.

DataCenter Design and DataCenter Insight Desktop 2023.2 follow on directly from 6SigmaRoom Release 17.1, so all known and fixed issues that applied to 6SigmaRoom Release 17.1 also apply to DataCenter Design and DataCenter Insight Desktop 2023.2

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Engineered Software PIPE-FLO Pro v19.0.3747 Software

Engineered Software PIPE-FLO Professional v19.0.3747

Engineered Software, Inc.’s PIPE-FLO Professional is the world’s leading fluid flow analysis and design modeling software tool. Within the PIPE-FLO platform, users can experience a variety of modules that solve specific challenges. These versatile tools provide value across multiple disciplines, industries and during all stages in the lifetime of a fluid piping system. They provide a common basis for operators, process and design engineers and management to understand, communicate and document their fluid piping systems and processes. Equally applicable to process, support and distribution systems in commercial, industrial and public facilities, PIPE-FLO products are an invaluable tool for the design, commissioning, operation and modification of fluid piping systems.

Video tutorials

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IES VisualFoundation v12.00.0001 Software

Integrated Engineering Software VisualFoundation v12.00.0001

IES, Inc. creates high quality structural design software for engineering and related professionals. Your solution for general analysis, frames, trusses, shear wall systems, foundations, retaining walls, floor systems and more in steel, wood, concrete, aluminum, cold-formed, and masonry.

Why use VisualFoundation? You have choices in the marketplace, for mat footings -even among IES tools! VisualFoundation shines in a number of areas:

  • Dedicated to foundations, so easier to use than VisualAnalysis for this task.
  • Automated modeling - the FEA model is built and refined automatically.
  • Incorporate the effects of walls and beams in the slab.
  • Over 2500 companies use IES tools: one part-time support person at IES!

Major Benefits and Abilities:

  • Mat foundation analysis and design.
  • Complex mat boundaries, including circular and polygonal templates.
  • Generate copies of modeling elements using rectangular or circular patterns.
  • Multiple mat thicknesses or soil properties.
  • Holes in mats.
  • Combined footings.
  • Wall footings.
  • Walls, grade beams, columns and pile supports.
  • Unlimited model size.
  • Support for codes: IBC, ASCE 7, ACI 318.
  • Automated FEA meshing and soil-spring supports.
  • Sophisticated thick-plate finite element formulation.
  • Import & Export DXF files.
  • Import & Export with VisualAnalysis.
  • Improved usability: easy graphics and toolbar commands.

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Pythagoras CAD+GIS v23.00.0011 Software

Pythagoras CAD+GIS v23.00.0011

Сегодня для геодезиста доступно множество специальных программ, и часто для начинающего геодеза встает вопрос – с какой программы начать? Следует понимать, что «идеальной» программы вам найти так и не светит. Можно встретить в Интернете утверждения типа «я работаю только в GeoniCS, CREDO, AutoCad» - но это не более, чем частные мнения. Каждая из программ призвана решать определенный спектр задач. То, что подойдет кадастровому инженеру – покажется отстоем топографу-изыскателю или тому, кто работает на стройке.

Поэтому сразу очертим круг задач для Pythagoras CAD:

  • Для начинающих. Если вы ранее никогда не сталкивались с геодезическими программами - Pythagoras CAD вам подойдет для обучения, поскольку программа очень проста в освоении, есть подробная инструкция, и Pythagoras CAD решает практически все типовые задачи в области геодезии.
  • Для кадастра. Подходит довольно плохо, поскольку не поддерживает основные форматы описания кадастровых участков (для Украины это форматы IN4 и новый XML). Для кадастра советую освоить программу Digitals.
  • Для топографа. Подходит. Позволяет быстро отрисовать топоплан в условных знаках, построить горизонтали и т.д. Однако во многих организациях существует стандарт оформления топопланов в той или иной программе. Например в своей работе все полевые планы, абриса и рабочие чертежи я веду в Pythagoras CAD, а при сдаче объекта мне приходиться переводить чертеж под стандарты предприятия (программа на базе AutoCad)
  • Для строительного геодезиста. Вариант идеальный, поскольку позволяет вести геодезическую карту объекта со всеми данными (схему обоснования, импортировать генплан, строить исполнительные и д.р.)
  • Для маркшейдера. Не подходит абсолютно в силу специфики работы.
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JCT Consultancy quickGreen v2.0.3.0 Software

JCT Consultancy quickGreen v2.0.3.0

quickGreen is an innovative software tool to help signal engineers measure and calculate phase intergreens for traffic signal junctions. The software is designed not only to speed up the measurement process but also to reduce errors, improve the ease of checking of intergreens and assist with archiving intergreen calculations.

The quickGreen process for determining intergreens is as follows:

  • A drawing of the junction is imported into quickGreen from any of the usual sources including AutoCAD, a PDF, satellite imagery or even a scanned drawing.
  • After importing the drawing is calibrated to a known scale within quickGreen.
  • Lanes, Turning Movement Paths, and Pedestrian Crossings are added by overlaying them on the scaled drawing. Turning Movement Paths can be easily refined to fit any geometry using typically one or two control points on the path.
  • As the model is built up, quickGreen will automatically locate intergreen conflict points and measure distances between stop lines and conflict points, as required by the calculation method described above. This results in X distances for the critical conflict points.
  • Traffic signal Phases are added to group lanes controlled by the same Phase.
  • The critical X distances are used to calculate a Phase Intergreen Matrix using the lookup table in the UK Traffic Signs Manual, Chapter 6.
  • Calculated intergreens can be overridden and adjusted if necessary and notes can be added to explain why adjustments have been made.
  • The Intergreen Matrix can be exported to LinSig or other signal design software.
  • Traffic - Pedestrian and Pedestrian - Traffic Intergreens can also be calculated.
  • A detailed PDF report showing how the intergreens were calculated as well as the final Intergreen Matrix can be produced.
  • quickGreen can easily accommodate changes to Junction geometry. As lanes or turn paths are moved conflict distances and intergreens are instantly recalculated allowing the effects of changes to Junction geometry to be quickly evaluated.
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Medixan RadiAnt DICOM Viewer 2023.1 Software

Medixan RadiAnt DICOM Viewer 2023.1

RadiAnt - это инструмент для просмотра медицинских изображений стандарта DICOM PACS.

Эта программа способна открывать и отображать результаты исследований, полученные из различных модальностей медицинских изображений:

  • Цифровая рентгенография (КР,ЦР)
  • Маммография (МГ)
  • Компьютерная томография (КТ)
  • Магнитно-резонансная томография (МРТ)
  • Позитронно-эмиссионная томография (ПЭТ-КТ)
  • Ультразвуковая диагностика (УЗИ)
  • Цифровая субтракционная ангиография (ЦСА)
  • Гамма-камера, радионуклидная диагностика (РНД)
  • Вторичные изображения и сканированные изображения
  • Structured Reports (SR)

Программа поддерживает несколько типов DICOM изображений:

  • Монохроматические (как КР, КТ, МРТ) и цветные изображения (УЗИ, 3D-реконструкции)
  • Статические изображения (например, КР, МГ, КТ) и динамические последовательности изображений (ЦСА, УЗИ)
  • Несжатые и сжатые изображения (RLE, JPEG, JPEG-LS, JPEG 2000)
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Hexagon PC-DMIS Premium 2023.2 Software

Hexagon PC-DMIS Premium 2023.2

PC-DMIS metrology software enables dimensional measurement data to flow through your organisation, because quality is the grounding truth for design and manufacturing. PC-DMIS 2023.2 gives you more control and simplicity for greater efficiency. The latest update delivers more efficiency gains with a range of new smart features and updates to popular tools. Create new features faster with enhanced Measurement Strategies. Navigate complex objects with an updated ClearanceCube. Generate a pointcloud from CAD models for offline routine creation without scanning a physical part. And much more.

PC-DMIS 2023.2 continues to innovate with smart, time saving features that will make programming measurement routines easier and more intuitive.

Create pointcloud routines offline without scanning a physical part. Portable CMM users can now simulate point cloud data and practice working with feature extraction and dimensioning offline.

Updated Measurement Strategies for hassle free feature creation. Quick Path display visualises the probe path whilst using Quick Features to Identify potential collisions when creating measurement routines. Smart Ending offset considers the effective working length of the tip in use to avoid shanking.

Add move points to Auto Feature plane with a Touch Trigger Probe to avoid fixture clamps or obstacles. AutoPlane now has same level of flexibility as Measured Feature.

This update enables path generation for parts with more complex geometries. ClearanceCube is now more user friendly - settings are easier to define and use with click and drag editing of dimensional parameters.

Easily review steps in an offline measurement routine by speeding up or slowing down at critical or problematic stages for debugging. Easy to access from the execution dialogue and adjustable in real time.

Use feature hits to create a Best Fit construction with just a few clicks. Previously the single mean position of all the points of the feature would be highlighted – these single points caused an error for Best Fit construction where multiple points are needed. With Select all hits – each hit from individual planes are easily selected and added to a Best Fit construction.

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Opencartis Spatial Manager Desktop v8.6.1.14511 Software

Opencartis Spatial Manager Desktop v8.6.1.14511

Spatial Manager Desktop is a Windows desktop application designed to manage spatial data in a simple, fast and inexpensive way. Developed by a group of professionals working in the areas of GIS, Planning, Infrastructure and Civil Engineering, it provides the user with powerful tools to address the most common tasks of management and operation in the world of spatial information.

Key Features:

  • Read and write spatial data using a wide range of file formats and spatial servers.
  • Calculate geometric transformations of the features in the import and export processes.
  • Choose from among a lot of dynamic Backgrounds Maps from providers such as Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Bing, MapBox, Ordnance Survey, etc., or configure your own maps from TMS, WMS or WMTS servers.
  • Export all or part of the elements in the visible Layers of the map and their data to a KML or KMZ file.
  • Arrange your maps in Layers that can be fully managed by the application.
  • Manage the alphanumeric data attached to the elements, design and edit the structure which will be used to store the data.
  • Calculate simple or complex expressions using operators and functions that can be applied to field values in a table and/or to constant values.
  • Perform spatial analysis operations over the objects in the drawing or map generating new objects from such analysis.
  • Location and geo-coding tools help to add reference elements and enhanced data to existing objects.
  • Spatial Manager Desktop includes the ability to save tasks that make it easy to run repetitive import and export processes.

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IES Quick Suite v5.6 Software

IES Quick Suite v5.6

QuickRWall, QuickFooting, QuickMasonry, QuickConcreteWall

IES, Inc. creates high quality structural design software for engineering and related professionals. Your solution for general analysis, frames, trusses, shear wall systems, foundations, retaining walls, floor systems and more in steel, wood, concrete, aluminum, cold-formed, and masonry.

QuickRWall is perhaps the best tool on the market for retaining wall design! It will get you out of the 'black box' and into high-quality wall design in short order. The reports are excellent with full equations and intermediate data readily available for complete checking. QuickRWall is very graphical, extremely easy to use, fast, and robust.

Key Benefits:

  • Cantilever Retaining Walls
  • Gravity Retaining Walls (ACI Chapter 22 provisions)
  • Restrained Walls (e.g. Basement Wall, propped cantilever)
  • Wall stems may be concrete or masonry (or mixed)
  • Wall stems may be tapered (battered) or stepped
  • Design Checks according to IBC 2009, ACI 318-08, or MSJC 2008
  • Wide variety of loading types

QuickFooting. Concrete spread footing (single column pad), imports from VisualAnalysis. Design and check reinforced concrete footings under a single column without building a complex analysis model of the building. 

Key benefits:

  • Will check several footings all at once (for worst case)
  • Automatic sizing and detailing (optional)
  • Advanced handling of biaxial loading
  • Offset pedestal from footing center
  • Checks footing, pedestal, and interface
  • Stability checks: Bearing pressure (net & gross), overturning, sliding, and uplift
  • Complete units flexibility
  • Accurate calculation of bearing pressure under biaxial loading

QuickMasonry is a stand alone tool of masonry components to manage multiple structural components within a single project file. The QuickMasonry "Project Management" tool offers the ability to design a whole series of lintels and walls, for a single building in one project file, following the latest masonry design specifications and offering a host of impressive features. Quick Masonry has been specially designed to display every calculation performed along with any associated diagrams. This complete exposure of calculations is unmatched in the industry and allows the peace of mind that comes from personally viewing and verifying any calculation about which there may be a question.

Key benefits:

  • Lintels & Beams
  • Bearing Walls
  • Panel Walls (loads out of plane)
  • Shear Walls
  • Columns and Pilasters

Design Specifications:

  • MSJC-2008 or MSJC-05 Code Provisions (ACI 530, ASCE 5, TMS 402, ASCE 6, TMS 602)
  • Strength Design Provisions
  • ASD (Allowable Stress Design) both MSJC-2008 and MSJC-05, reinforced & unreinforced

QuickConcreteWall specializes in reinforced concrete shear walls and is an excellent tool for detailing a concrete wall subject to in-plane forces. Complex ACI interaction checks are done instantaneously as you tweak design parameters and view the results. Complete rebar detailing is provided in a productivity-quick format.

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