Автор: Williams
Дата: 2 ноября 2012
Просмотров: 1 488 |
GlobalCAD Landscape 2013 v1.2
GlobalCAD Landscape is the integrated landscape design solution that simplifies the way you work with AutoCAD and Bricscad. In today's competitive environment, GlobalCAD Landscape boosts productivity and helps you deliver winning designs ahead of time.
Key Features:
- Freedom to investigate design concepts with professional 2D symbol libraries.
- Published in association with industry experts, design libraries are indexed into familiar categories, saving valuable drafting time.
- Instant ribbon/toolbar access to symbols, hatch patterns and complex linetypes.
- Create stunning presentations with an outstanding array of 3D models, featuring landscape GIS and civil.
- All models are render-ready with applied materials for fast, effortless photorealistic results directly within AutoCAD/Bricscad.
- Options also exist for seamless export to visualization packages such as Autodesk 3DS Max and AccuRender.
- Browse and compare blocks and drawing details fast within libraries.
- Create extensive libraries containing 2D, 3D and attributed blocks within seconds - with no user intervention necessary.
- Generate surveys with ‘intelligent’ survey markers - for ultimate accuracy.
- Move any markers in your drawing and their associative XYZ label automatically updates to reflect their new position.
- Easily create 3D surface terrains (mesh and solids options) covering vast areas with a single mouse click.
- Conversion tools to instantly transform any existing surface mesh to solids.
- Quickly attach attribute and cost information to drawing objects and symbols.
- Query drawings and export data to popular formats including MS Excel and Access.
- Bi-directionally link drawings and corresponding spreadsheets.
- The most complete reference with extensive data on over 10,000 plants.
- Uniquely expandable, add your own plant data, photographs and more.
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 1 ноября 2012
Просмотров: 1 012 |
GlobalCAD Architecture 2013 (ex-LandARCH)
Компания GlobalCAD анонсировала новую версию продукта Architecture 2013 (ex-LandARCH) , превосходного решения для архитекторов и ландшафтных дизайнеров, использующих инструменты на базе платформы AutoCAD и, внимание, Bricscad!
GlobalCAD Architecture 2012 поможет значительно повысить продуктивность труда перечисленных выше специалистов благодаря превосходному набору инструментов для двухмерного и трехмерного проектирования, наличию встроенного модуля расчета затрат и составления спецификаций материалов (BOM), и механизмов управления проектами. В комплект поставки входит впечатляющая библиотека 3D-моделей, которые могут обрабатываться в приложениях AutoCAD и Bricscad или передаваться для последующего рендеринга в специализированные пакеты, такие, как Viz Render и 3DS Max.
GlobalCAD Architecture 2013 поддерживает новую версию AutoCAD 2013.
Более подробно тут. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 30 октября 2012
Просмотров: 1 146 |
Four Dimension Technologies CADPower v13.10a
CADPower is an add-on software to help you increase your productivity with AutoCAD and Bricscad. It helps you work smarter, faster and eliminates various bottleneck you might face using just your CAD software. In short, CADPower adds more value and power to your CAD software. CADPower is a collection of frequently asked tools for various CAD operations. The tools are categorized in easily accessible categories like Polyline, Blocks, Attributes, Draw, Selection, Inquiry, Miscellaneous and so on. They are available as pull-down menus, toolbars, tabbed ribbons (AutoCAD 2012 and later), as well as from the command-line as directly callable commands. Most of the commands also offer command-line versions (without dialog boxes) which can also be used in automated processing using scripts. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 29 октября 2012
Просмотров: 2 515 |
Data East XTools Pro v9.1.956 for ArcGIS Desktop up to v10.1
XTools Pro – уникальный набор полезных инструментов для пространственного анализа, конвертации объектов и работы с атрибутивными таблицами в ArcGIS, существенно расширяющих стандартный функционал системы ArcGIS. XTools Pro 8.2 включает в себя более сотни инструментов для проведения различных преобразований и анализа векторных и табличных данных, а также геообработки.
Подробнее тут. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 28 октября 2012
Просмотров: 1 877 |
Four Dimension Technologies GeoTools v13.10a
GeoTools is an add-on program for AutoCAD and Bricscad which provides you with a number of useful productivity tools that are designed exclusively for the geographic data user. It is a heterogenous collection of CAD tools that are useful for users in the mapping, surveying, GIS, facilities planning, real estate and infrastructure management industry.
GeoTools is a time-saver productivity tools built for geo-data using CAD users who want to work smart and not hard. In the AutoCAD version of GeoTools, there are a large number of AutoCAD Map tools as well that making working with object data a breeze.
GeoTools functions are arranged in easily categorized pull-down menus, toolbars and also as tabbed ribbons in AutoCAD 2013 and later versions. Some of the borad category of tools you will find in GeoTools are Polyline, Annotation, Drawing Cleanup, Digitizing, AutoCAD Map, Inquiry and so on. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 27 октября 2012
Просмотров: 2 109 |
Добромыслов А.Н. - Примеры расчета конструкций железобетонных инженерных сооружений
Ассоциации строительных вузов, 2010 pdf, 270 pages, russian ISBN: 978-5-93093-713-8
В книге приведены цифровые примеры расчета и конструирования железобетонных конструкций инженерных сооружений массового применения: подпорных стен, тоннелей и каналов, различных типов резервуаров, бункеров, силосов, водонапорных башен, опор трубопроводов, коллекторов, малых мостов и пандусов, открытых крановых эстакад. Содержатся необходимые справочные материалы и пояснения для выполнения расчетов.
Для инженеров-строителей и студентов строительных вузов. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 26 октября 2012
Просмотров: 2 248 |
Добромыслов А.Н. - Ошибки проектирования строительных конструкций
Ассоциации строительных вузов, 2007 djvu, 184 pages, russian ISBN: 978-5-93093-470-0
В книге рассмотрены мало освещенные в литературе вопросы возникновения ошибок при проектировании строительных конструкций и их последствия. Приведены наиболее часто встречающиеся ошибки при проектировании железобетонных, стальных, деревянных и каменных конструкций, оснований и фундаментов. Проанализированы аварии зданий и различных инженерных сооружений, вызванные ошибками проектирования. Отдельно рассмотрены ошибки при проектировании зданий и сооружений в сейсмических районах. Даны методы экспертной оценки проектов строительных конструкций и сооружений на предрасположенность аварии.
Книга рассчитана на инженеров-проектировщиков и студентов строительных вузов. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 24 октября 2012
Просмотров: 2 393 |
Optimized Gas Treating ProTreat v5.0
ProTreat software was originally developed for simulating processes for the removal of H2S, CO2, and mercaptans from a variety of high and low pressure gas streams by absorption into thermally regenerable aqueous solutions containing one or more amines. Recently added capabilities include the physical solvent DMPEG (dimethylether of polyethyleneglycol) for acid gas removal, and dehydration using triethylene glycol (TEG). The ProTreat package makes exclusive use of a column model that treats the separation as a mass transfer rate process. This completely eliminates the need for empirical adjustments to simulate new applications correctly. Equilibrium stages and user-supplied estimates of tray efficiencies and HETPs are avoided, and columns are modeled with the number of real trays and physical depth of real packing they actually contain.
ProTreat simulation never requires you to translate theoretical stages or NTU's into actual tray counts or bed depths of real packing. The ProTreat mass transfer rate model deals with real trays and packing right from the outset. It calculates the separation achievable by the specific internals selected for installation in a given tower shell (including swages). Even such details as the number of tray passes is considered.
The ProTreat simulator's mass and heat transfer rate based model for columns applies to both absorbers and regenerators. This can produce substantially different temperatures for the vapor and liquid leaving a tray or a packed segment. It also allows regenerators to be modeled with the same high degree of reliability as absorbers. Because regenerator performance more often than not is decisive in setting contactor performance, the ability to simulate regenerators can be critical to success in revamps, troubleshoots and grass roots designs. Mass and heat transfer rate based modeling is especially valuable in selective treating applications where controlled CO2 slip is wanted. In such applications absorber over-design can be as fatal as under-design. One of the most difficult-to-simulate applications is regenerator off-gas upgrading. ProTreat handles such applications just as easily and naturally as it does conventional absorbers.
The ProTreat package has the full flexibility needed to allow any imaginable flowsheet for amine-based acid gas removal process to be constructed and simulated. From the user's perspective, drawing functionality is similar to Corel Draw. A flexible flow-sheeting capability is needed when simulating processes with the complexity often found in refineries where, for example, multiple contactors at various pressures are supported by one or two common regenerators. In addition to absorbers and regenerators, unit operations blocks include flash tanks, heaters and coolers, cross-exchangers, mixers, dividers, compressors, and turbines. |
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