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RUNET software BETONexpress version 24.07/2023 Software

RUNET software BETONexpress version 24.07/2023

With BETONexpress you can easily design structural elements of reinforced concrete. For each structural element, you specify the basic dimensions, loads and material properties, and you obtain the detailed concrete design in ultimate limit state (ULS), and in serviceability limit state (SLS).

The dimensioning is according to Eurocode 2, EN 1992-1-1:2004, Design of concrete structures, General rules and rules for buildings, with supplement of Eurocode 7, EN 1997-1:2004, Geotechnical design – General rules, for geotechnical analysis (footings, retaining walls), Eurocode 0, EN 1990:2002, for load combinations, and Eurocode 8 for seismic loading. The last EN versions of the Eurocodes are implemented. You can also compute the capacity of slabs, beams and columns strengthened with FRP (fibre-reinforced polymers). Regular and light weight aggregate concrete included.

The program's CAD modulus automatic generates detailed drawings of the structure and the reinforcement. A combined detailed report and reinforcing steel schedule is produced for the designed concrete components. Assumptions and references to design codes are shown in the report. The reinforcing steel schedule can be edited with a specialised editor which is included. The user can select the applicable National Annex. The design code parameters, as well as default values, can be adjusted by the user. Design Charts and Tables for use and understanding of Eurocode 2 are included n the program. In addition a set of engineering tools are included in the program.

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Cadence Design Systems Fidelity Pointwise 2023.1 Software

Cadence Design Systems Fidelity Pointwise 2023.1

Pointwise - программа для построения трёхмерных сеток различных CFD и FEA приложениях. С помощью этой программы вы можете сделать сетку вокруг любого типа объекта с разнообразной геометрией. Сетки в Pointwise, могут использоваться с программами для анализа, включая вычислительную гидрогазодинамику (CFD) и конечный анализ элемента (FEA). В Pointwise включены фильтры для экспорта сеток в популярные форматы, в том числе для трёхмерных программ. Вы можете строить сетку вокруг любого типа объекта, используя Pointwise это не ограничено никакой специфической геометрией.

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Structural Vibration Solutions DEWESoft ARTeMIS Modal Pro v7.2.2.4 Software

Structural Vibration Solutions DEWESoft ARTeMIS Modal Pro v7.2.2.4

This is the basic version of ARTeMIS Modal having a frequency domain method for Operational Modal Analysis, and optionally direct data acquisition support and frequency domain methods for Experimental Modal Analysis. It is the software that allows you to get both modal analysis and operating deflection shapes analysis at a favorable entry price. The software includes setup tasks allowing you to create a project from scratch. There is a geometry generator where test geometries can be made in an object oriented manner, or you can upload gerometries into the software from various popular file formats. Measurements for Operational Modal Analysis and Operating Defection Shapes analysis can be loaded from more than 20 different file formats. Measurements channels can be assigned to the right geometry nodes and directions using drag and drop features. The software has a variety of built-in signal processing tools that can be used to enhance the performance of the analysis methods. In the basic version there are tools for detrending, decimation and filtering of the raw data as well as spectral density estimation. There is alsp an automatic selection of the so-called projection channels for more effective processing. The basic version has the effective Frequency Domain Decomposition (FDD) method for Operational Modal Analysis. There are various validation features available, such as mode shape animation and the Modal Assurance Criterion. In addition, it has time and frequency domain Operating Deflection Shapes analysis. It also comes with a built-in report generator which allow you to produce predefined reports in Microsoft Word and Microsoft Power Point. The basic version seamlessly integrates with the Direct Hardware Control, and Experimental Modal Analysis plugins. This opens up for direct measurements for Operational Modal Analysis as well as e.g. direct impact testing for Experimental Modal Analysis.

Standard is the mid-size version of ARTeMIS Modal that, besides all the tasks and features of the basic version, also includes additional frequency domain methods for Operational Modal Analysis and more validation features. This version includes signal processing for detection of harmonic peaks in the spectrum. Harmonic peaks are caused by the presence of rotating components during measurements of a structure. During operational modal analysis of rotating machinery, it is important to be able to distinguish peaks of structural modes from peaks caused by the excitation. Two additional Frequency Domain Decomposition methods are available, that can estimate mode shapes and natural frequencies with more accuracy. On top, these methods also provide an estimate of the damping ratios. Modal parameters from the three built-in modal estimators can be validated against each other in a special designed validation task. In addition, modes obtained from external tools can be imported through Universal File Format and validated against internally produced results. The Standard version seamlessly integrates with the Direct Hardware Control and Experimental Modal Analysis plugins.

In addition to all features and tasks of the Basic and Standard versions, this version has up to five different time domain methods for Operational Modal Analysis. The methods are all of the very fast en efficient Crystal Clear Stochastic Subspace Identification (CC-SSI) type. These methods estimate the modal parameters directly from the measured time series, and some methods even estimate the uncertainties of the modal parameters. This version also includes effective peak reduction techniques, that can be used for pre-processing of the measurements. It can effectively remove selected peaks that can be e-g. servere harmonic peaks caused by the presence of rotating components during measurements of a structure. The Pro version seamlessly integrates with the Direct Hardware Control and Experimental Modal Analysis plugins. It also integrates with the Structural Health Monitoring plugins for Damage Detection, Modal Parameter History tracking and Interstory Drift Analysis. An Automatic File Upload plugin is also available. With this plugin, files being dumped in a designated folder will automatically be uploaded and processed by the software. In this way, modal parameter estimation and damage detection can be performed automatically with user interaction.

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RUNET software EUROCODEexpress ver 16.08/2023 Software

RUNET software EUROCODEexpress  ver 16.08/2023

EUROCODEexpress is an integrated and comprehensible software including all the structural Eurocodes. It is a work and studying companion for all the Eurocodes, from Eurocode 0 to Eurocode 8.

  • Eurocode 0, Basis of structural design
  • Eurocode 1, Actions on structures
  • Eurocode 2, Design of concrete structures
  • Eurocode 3, Design of steel structures
  • Eurocode 4, Design of composite steel and concrete structures
  • Eurocode 5, Design of timber structures
  • Eurocode 6, Design of masonry structures
  • Eurocode 7, Geotechnical design
  • Eurocode 8, Design of structures for earthquake resistance

A complete package, and source of information on designing and understanding the Eurocodes, and the National Annexes. The program is built up from groups of components based on the structural Eurocodes. You can design structural object based on the different eurocodes, select National Annexes, adjust parameters, and do design and analysis of frame 2D-structures. Design charts and graphs for use and understanding the Eurocodes are included. A detailed design report is produced for the designed structural components. Assumptions, graphics, references to the Eurocodes and the National Annexes are shown in the report. The user can select the applicable National Annex. Design code parameters, material values and default values can be adjusted.

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Aquaveo Watershed Modeling System v11.2.4 Advertising

Aquaveo Watershed Modeling System v11.2.4

Aquaveo WMS является ведущим решением для 1D-гидрологического , 1D-гидравлического и 2D-распределенного гидрологического моделирования. Aquaveo WMS содержит мощные инструменты для топографической обработки данных, автоматизированного разграничения бассейна, расчета геометрических параметров.

Aquaveo tutorials can be download from here

Whats new

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Structural Vibration Solutions DEWESoft ARTeMIS OMA v7.2.2.1 Software

Structural Vibration Solutions DEWESoft ARTeMIS OMA v7.2.2.1 

DEWESoft ARTeMIS OMA offers a solution to measure and analyze structural dynamics of constructions, machines, vehicles, and other devices as they behave while in operation. With OMA you can estimate the same modal parameters as with the traditional experimental modal techniques (EMA), but without requiring information and control of external input excitations like shakers and impact hammers. The modal parameters are the mode shape, the natural frequency, and the damping ratio. OMA is also referred to as output-only modal analysis, ambient response analysis, ambient modal analysis, in-operation modal analysis, and natural input modal analysis. DEWESoft ARTeMIS OMA is only working with UNV geometry files and the .dxd format for time-domain data. It does not include any EMA or ODS functionality.

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Ce.A.S. s.r.l. ParatiePlus v23.0.3 Software

Ce.A.S. s.r.l. ParatiePlus v23.0.3

In Italy as well as in many Countries worldwide, several designers rely on Paratie Plus in their retaining wall projects. For example, in the construction of the High Speed Trains guyed bridge over Po River near Piacenza, several cofferdams and other waterfront structures had been designed by our engineers using past versions of Paratie Plus. More recently, thank to the same design tool, other Italian engineering firms, have designed the temporary cofferdams for all river crossings along the new high speed train line linking Milano to Brescia. Stemming from a cooperation, since 1985, with professor Roberto Nova from Politecnico di Milano, Paratie Plus is a non linear analysis program conceived to model the soil-structure interaction of a flexible retaining wall, by means of the popular subgrade reaction method, a simple yet widely accepted approach in current design practice as well as by most of design standard worldwide, including Eurocodes.

Thanks to its effectiveness, Paratie Plus is a simple yet accurate retaining wall design tool. In most cases, a Paratie Plus analysis can be sufficient to completely define a wall design. However, even in very complex situations, Paratie Plus may provide valuable design information, at least in the preliminary design stages: if required, selected final layout will be more thoroughly analyzed, with more advance but complex programs such as FLAC.

Since 2009, Paratie Plus evolved towards an integrated design environment, which offers several additional analysis options, including slope stability analysis and 2D seepage analysis. Some of the most relevant Paratie Plus features, which are hardly found in competitor tools on the market, are listed here:

  • a rigorous soil model formulation within modern Soil Mechanics framework;
  • a special constitutive model for clays in both drained and undrained conditions, based on critical state concepts;
  • a realistic construction stage modelling, even for quite complex sequences;
  • a general seepage scheme for layered soils;
  • external loadings and interaction with nearby foundations modelling;
  • in any construction stage, support and loading layout can be modified arbitrarily ( special non linear supports, prestressed ground anchors, struts, slabs and other features are allowed);
  • two facing walls can be modelled thus allowing a coupled analysis of a sheetpile and its anchoring wall;
  • a pseudo-static seismic procedure is included, based on a well documented proprietary algorithm;
  • a GUI interface including, among many other features, a complete set of online correlations to assist the Users in selecting appropriate soil parameters based on most common in situ or lab tests;
  • a linkage with the modern Limit Stated design methods, according to Eurocodes 7 and 8 as well as to NTC, EC2 , EC3 , AISC and ACI, for structural checks.
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Bentley MicroStation 2023 CONNECT Edition version Software

Bentley MicroStation 2023 CONNECT Edition version online installer

MicroStation — самая производительная, наиболее доступная и совместимая САПР-платформа для проектирования, строительства и эксплуатации мировой инфраструктуры.

Вам, вероятно, известно, что 95% инфраструктуры в мире проектируется, строится и поддерживается с применением файлов форматов DGN и DWG. При помощи MicroStation пользователи имеют возможность непосредственно редактировать содержимое обоих форматов файлов одновременно. Эта возможность превращает MicroStation в платформу для обеспечения совместимости, являющуюся обязательным атрибутом.

MicroStation также является платформой для инноваций, расположенной в центре полного спектра вертикальных программных приложений, обеспечивающей пользователей возможностью индивидуализации приложений с помощью VBA, а также возможностью «вертикального роста» при помощи узкоспециализированных решений для увеличения производительности при поддержании полной целостности данных по всему проекту.

С учетом лишь из этих двух соображений, то, что MicroStation используется всеми, включая архитекторов, инженеров, картографов и подрядчиков по проектам в области архитектуры, строительства и инженерного проектирования, не должно вызывать удивления. За счет этого данная система становится стандартом для лучших проектировщиков мира, являющихся участниками рейтинга ENR Global 150.

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Leica Infinity v4.1.0.45424 Software
Leica Infinity v4.1.0.45424

Leica Infinity — интуитивно понятное офисное программное обеспечение от компании Leica Geosystems — пришло на смену Leica Geo Office. Геодезическая съемка сегодня предполагает наличие возможности гибко и быстро обрабатывать полевые данные и информацию их офиса в любом месте и передавать их. Сегодня более, чем когда-либо прежде, существует потребность в едином Рабочем процессе для всех проектов. Для реализации этой потребности и было разработано Leica Infinity: дружественная, интеллектуальная программная платформа  с интеллектуальной информационной архитектурой, которая открывает безграничные возможности по организации рабочего процесса. В результате получаем повышение эффективности, прозрачности и просто улучшения всего процесса съемки.

Опционально программа имеет следующие модули и возможности:
  • Обработка данных тахеометрии
  • Обработка нивелирования с возможностью уравнивания по высоте
  • 3D уравнивание
  • Работа с поверхностями
  • Работа с результатами сканирования
  • Обработка одночастотных и многочастотных GNSS
Leica Infinity осуществит для Вашего проекта комплексную обработку различных видов данных: TPS, GNSS, изображения, сканирование. Многочисленные форматы данных можно легко редактировать, архивировать и экспортировать в CAD-приложения (системы проектирования) без потери целостности и «борьбы» с трудностями, часто встречающимися при преобразованиях. Это относится не только к данным от различных типов инструментов, но и данных, полученных с разных сайтов и от изыскательских команд.
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САПРОТОН NormCAD v11.12 Software
САПРОТОН NormCAD v11.12 x32+x64

NormCAD выполняет расчеты строительных конструкций по СНиП и готовит проектную документацию для представления заказчику и в органы экспертизы:

  • расчет стальных конструкций (расчет балок, колонн сплошного и составного сечения, профнастила и узлов ферм из гнутых профилей);
  • расчет железобетонных конструкций (расчет балок, колонн, стен и плит: подбор арматуры, проверка сечений - в т.ч. тавровых и двутавровых, косое внецентренное сжатие, расчет круглых колонн и колонн с распределенной арматурой, трещиностойкость, проверка прогиба, расчет на смятие и продавливание);
  • расчет каменных и армокаменных конструкций (проверка сечений - прямоугольных и тавровых на центральное и внецентренное сжатие, растяжение, срез, трещиностойкость и смятие);
  • расчет фундаментов;
  • теплотехнический расчет (сопротивление теплопередаче и паропроницанию стен, покрытий, перекрытий и светопрозрачных конструкций).
  • другие строительные и машиностроительные расчеты.
Главное преимущество - на сегодня это единственная программа, в которой расчет оформляется в виде текстового документа (в формате Word), подобному созданному опытным конструктором вручную, что позволяет легко проконтролировать любую часть расчета.
О новом в версии 11.12
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