Автор: Williams
Дата: 13 октября 2013
Просмотров: 9 459 |
S-FRAME Structural Office 2012 v10:
Structural Office R10 is a suite of structural analysis and design software with powerful BIM/CAD links, is designed to increase productivity and collaboration among projects' stakeholders. The various components of Structural Office may be purchased separately or bundled together within Structural Office, and with the exception of S-STEEL Design, they can all operate as stand-alone applications as well.
S-STEEL - design of steel structures including steel members, plate girders, tapered plate girders and more. Includes code checking, auto-design and optimization to multiple design codes on a complete structure or just part of a structure. S-STEEL is fully integrated with S-FRAME.
S-PAD - a standalone steel design and optimization product. Quickly check columns, beams or braces without the need to build a detailed model for the complete structure. Built with the structural engineer consultant in mind.
S-FRAME - a complete structural modeling, analysis, and design environment. S-FRAME features numerous productivity tools, advanced analyses, a variety of material models, flexible load combination methods, fast and accurate solver technology all bundled within a powerful and intuitive user interface.
S-CONCRETE - comprehensive section design and detailing tool of reinforced concrete beams, columns and walls. Its powerful graphical output capabilities provide immediate feedback to the engineer as design parameters are changed. S-CONCRETE is integrated with S-FRAME.
S-LINE - an intuitive yet powerful standalone application for the analysis, design and detailing of continuous reinforced concrete beams. S-LINE supports code checking and automated design and detailing to multiple design codes for a variety of section types.
P-FRAME - 2D structural analysis tool.
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 11 октября 2013
Просмотров: 1 331 |
Advance Steel and / or Advance Concrete customer letter
Dear Advance Steel and Advance Concrete user,
It is with great pleasure and honor for me, Francis Guillemard, as founder and CEO of Graitec, to share with you very exclusive news.
Indeed Autodesk has signed a definitive agreement with Graitec to acquire certain technology assets, including its Advance Steel and Advance Concrete product lines, and associated employees.
The acquisition will enhance Autodesk’s current offerings for structural engineering and expand its portfolio of technology for Building Information Modeling (BIM) for structural fabrication and detailing.
Why is Autodesk acquiring technology assets from Graitec?
Autodesk’s strategy is to extend BIM across the building lifecycle beyond design to support fabrication and construction of structural systems with best-in-class solutions. With the acquisition of Advance Steel and Advance Concrete Technology, Autodesk is expanding its technology and gaining domain expertise to accelerate the adoption of BIM for structural detailing and fabrication, and to connect BIM workflows between engineers, engineering consultants and contractors.
What does that means for me as a user of Advance Steel or Advance Concrete?
In fact, Graitec will remain your support partner as it is today, providing the best in class support to your daily use of this core technology. The development of Advance Steel and Advance concrete will now be done by Autodesk. For such development, a team of over 40 Graitec developers has joined Autodesk, and will guarantee the continuity of the development for both products.
What happens to Graitec ?
Graitec will continue to reinforce its expertise in the structural field. We continue to develop and market our Structural analysis solutions (Advance Design, Arche, Melody, CS Statik, Superstress). In close collaboration with Autodesk, Graitec will also develop vertical add-ons to the Autodesk BIM solutions, aiming to enhance the customer experience with specific and vertical expertise. This R&D investment will be particularly important for Advance Steel in order to complete and extend the products automation.
Last but not least, Graitec continues to be your partner for any sales, training or support purpose. Graitec benefits from an exclusive agreement with Autodesk for Advance Steel and Concrete.
To summarise, in the future, the development of Advance Steel and Advance Concrete will be done at Autodesk, the customer relationship such as the support and training will continue to be the responsibility of Graitec.
We have worked all along this acquisition process, having constantly in mind the best interest for the Advance Steel and Concrete users.
As founder of Graitec, I personally believe that this is a fantastic opportunity for the future. From a product perspective, Advance Steel and Concrete will definitely benefit from the best BIM platform and environment, but also from the AEC experience and unique knowledge of Autodesk. We also expect to see the user community drastically increase, making Advance Steel and Concrete the solutions of choice for Steel and Concrete detailing markets.
Most importantly for Graitec and for me, we will continue to serve you, with our best local support in order to secure your loyalty and custom with Graitec as the industry specialists with unique vertical and industry knowledge.
Graitec is very proud to partner with Autodesk to continue to serve the industry with a common vision and strategy and a shared customer centric approach.
Each and every Graitec employee is available to answer any question you might have. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Graitec, your AEC partner for the future.
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 9 октября 2013
Просмотров: 1 179 |
AeroHydro MultiSurf v8.5.379
MultiSurf is a rich and versatile system for parametric design of 3D geometric objects, particularly complex objects involving freeform curves and surfaces.
Precise control of complex shapes:
- Accurate, durable joins between surfaces.
- Parametric variation: MultiSurf updates the entire model when you change underlying objects.
- A surface for every purpose: 30 surface types let you use the right surface for every aspect of your design (not limited to NURBS like other applications).
- Fairing tools: curvature profile and surface curvatures displays help you refine your design.
Export: DXF, IGES, POV-Ray rendering files, VRML; to AeroHydro programs: MSDEV developable plate expansion, MSPLEX compound-curved plate expansion, HYDRO hydrostatics, OFE offset file editor, AHVPP sailboat performance analysis.
Import: DXF, IGES; FL/2B, Autoship, MaxSurf, FastYacht files.
General calculations: weight schedule, mass properties, angles, clearance, distance of points.
Special marine design tools: upright hydrostatics, ship lines, offset files.
There are some demos. You can find them here. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 7 октября 2013
Просмотров: 6 843 |
Graitec Advance Suite 2014 x86+x64
Graitec Advance - программный комплекс проектирования металлоконструкций.
Advance Concrete был разработан специально для профессионалов в области проектирования железобетонных конструкций, нуждающихся в комплексном, удобном в использовании и полностью интегрированном в AutoCAD программном обеспечении. Программа автоматизирует процесс создания чертежей общих видов, опалубочных чертежей, чертежей армирования и ведомостей материалов.
Advance Steel был разработан специально для профессионалов в области строительного проектирования, нуждающихся в комплексном и полностью интегрированном решении на базе AutoCAD. Advance Steel автоматизирует полный цикл проектирования металлоконструкций (создание детальной трехмерной информационной модели конструктивного решения, деталировку узлов, разработку комплекта рабочих чертежей марок КМ и КМД, получение соответствующих спецификаций и ведомостей материалов по ГОСТ), а также вывод данных на станки с ЧПУ.
Advance Design was specifically developed for industry professionals that require a superior solution for the structural analysis and design of Reinforced Concrete and Steel structures according to the latest versions of Eurocodes (EC0, EC1, EC2, EC3 and EC8). Advance Design features include easy modeling, a powerful FEM analysis engine, top-level design wizards, automated post-processing of results and automated reports. Achieve a new level of computer-assisted engineering with Advance Design. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 6 октября 2013
Просмотров: 2 567 |
Avenza Geographic Imager v4.3.0
Компания Avenza Systems, разработчик системы подготовки ГИС карт к изданию (MAPublisher) в среде Adobe Illustrator and Macromedia FreeHand, а также баз данных MAPdataUSA и MAPdataWorld, объявила о выпуске новой версии расширения Geographic Imager, которое призвано дополнить эту мощную графическую систему возможностями работы с геопространственными данными. Новое расширение содержит новые инструментальные средства для поддержки импорта/экспорта ГИС-данных, аэрокосмических снимков и их редактирования, что позволит полностью использовать все функциональные возможности Adobe Photoshop для работы с графикой. С помощью Geographic Imager в среде Adobe Photoshop станут доступны операции с GeoTIFFs (растровый формат) и другими форматами географически привязанных изображений, автоматическое составление мозаик, преобразования в другие проекции на основе опорных точек.
В новой версии плагина обеспечена более полная поддержка форматов системы Adobe Photoshop с доступом к новым инструментам для импорта, редактирования экспорта геопространственных данных, в том числе аэрокосмических снимков. Кроме того, новая версия поддерживает работу со всеми функциями Adobe Photoshop, такими как, например, вырезка фрагментов графики, установка уровней прозрачности ее элементов, редактирование по пикселям и управление контрастом и яркостью. |
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