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Bentley WaterCAD V8i SS5 Software
Bentley WaterCAD V8i SELECT series 5 build 01/08/2014

Bentley WaterCAD V8i SS5

WaterCAD служит для проектирования и анализа систем водоснабжения от моделирования работы системы при пожаротушении и проверки качества воды, до учета энергопотребления и управления капитальными затратами.

WaterCAD является готовым решением, что позволяет использовать его автономно, или в AutoCAD. Независимо от используемой платформы, программное обеспечение WaterCAD содержит единый набор файлов с данными модели для надлежащей функциональной совместимости с каждой из платформ.

Автономный интерфейс предоставляет легкие в использовании инструменты компоновки модели, поддержку фона сложной структуры, утилиты преобразования из CAD, GIS и баз данных, а также неограниченное число уровней отмены и восстановления операций компоновки. Кроме этого, пользователи AutoCAD могут добавить функции интеграции AutoCAD для создания, компоновки и построения диаграмм моделей с прецизионной точностью в среде, которая уже стала для них привычной.

Пользователи WaterCAD могут использовать рисунки AutoCAD, чтобы создать гидравлически связанную модель со связями между, базами данных, таблицами и собственно моделью.

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Bentley HAMMER V8i SS5 Software
Bentley HAMMER V8i SELECT series 5 build 01/08/2014

Bentley HAMMER V8i SS5

Программное средство HAMMER занимает первое место в отрасли среди продуктов для анализа переходных процессов и моделирования гидравлических ударов и анализа переходных процессов. Коммунальные службы, муниципалитеты и проектные компании во всем мире используют программное обеспечение HAMMER для эффективного выявления, контроля и минимизации рисков, связанных с переходными процессами.

More info.

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MIDUSS v2.25 rev.473 Software
MIDUSS v2.25 rev.473

MIDUSS v2.25 rev.473

MIDUSS helps you to engineer complex drainage networks to convey flow hydrographs from single event storms.

MIDUSS lets you:
  • generate hydrographs using a variety of built-in hydrologic models;
  • design a network of pipes, channels, culverts, ponds, infiltration trenches, cascading pipes, diversions - all with preliminary sizing done automatically and flood routing where appropriate;
  • use interactive design and immediate feedback to quickly optimize each element as you progress downstream;
  • use automatic mode to analyze and adjust your completed design under more severe storms;
  • concentrate on engineering; robust error detection and step-by-step prompts are provided throughout;
  • import/export hyetographs or hydrographs at virtually any stage;
  • feel good about your investment: we offer competitive software pricing and on-going updates and support;
  • get going fast with detailed Reference and Tutorial manuals as well as free audio-visual lessons;
  • feel assured we know what we're doing - MIDUSS is 20 years on the market and still going strong.
More info.
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CSI ETABS 2013 v13.1.5 Software
CSI ETABS 2013 v13.1.5 build 1102 x86+x64

CSI ETABS 2013 v13.1.5

For nearly 30 years, ETABS has been recognized as the industry standard for Building Analysis and Design Software. Today, continuing in the same tradition, ETABS has evolved into a completely integrated building analysis and design environment. The system built around a physical object based graphical user interface, powered by targeted new special purpose algorithms for analysis and design, with interfaces for drafting and manufacturing, is redefining standards of integration, productivity and technical innovation.

The integrated model can include moment resisting frames, braced frames, staggered truss systems, frames with reduced beam sections or side plates, rigid and flexible floors, sloped roofs, ramps and parking structures, mezzanine floors, multiple tower buildings and stepped diaphragm systems with complex concrete, composite or steel joist floor framing systems. Solutions to complex problems such as panel zone deformations, diaphragm shear stresses, and construction sequence loading are now at your fingertips.

ETABS is the solution, whether you are designing a simple 2D frame or performing a dynamic analysis of a complex high-rise that utilizes non-linear dampers for inter-story drift control.

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Steel&Graphics ArteN A 4D build Software
Steel&Graphics ArteN A 4D build

Steel&Graphics ArteN A 4D build

ArTeN A4D turns AutoCAD users who need to have a quick and easy tool to draw architectural 3D models with 2D drawings. Through the use of a parametric database allows to draw the architecture elements such as walls, doors, windows, rooms, roofs, stairs etc., extract the perspective and isometric views, print lists of building elements for the purposes of the calculation of materials. ArTeN A4D allows to drawn and check the steel reinforcement of the concrete structures.
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Steel&Graphics TecnoMETAL BIM SUITE 2015 Software
Steel&Graphics TecnoMETAL BIM SUITE 2015 build

Steel&Graphics TecnoMETAL BIM SUITE 2015

TecnoMETAL software created for steel structure design and calculation.The new 2015 version uses the AutoCAD 2015 engine for maximum compatibility between the CAD system and the benefits of Autodesk BIM platform. TecnoMETAL allows the user to use an interaction and a combination of useful features to the design of the steel structures with a lower price than individual software.

TecnoMETAL suites are available in 4 versions each dedicated to a specific professional needs:
  • STANDARD: AutoCAD application software dedicated to 2d drawing and to check connections of steel structures.
  • PREMIUM DESIGN: AutoCAD application software dedicated to 2d and 3d drawing and to check connections of steel structures.
  • PREMIUM ANALYSIS: AutoCAD application dedicated to the verification of connections and the 3d model of steel structures with a possibility to design 2d drawing of steel structures.
  • ULTIMATE: AutoCAD application dedicated to 2d-3d design of steel structures with check of 3d steel structure and connections.
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CSI SAP2000 v17.0.0.1083 Software
CSI SAP2000 v17.0.0.1083 

CSI SAP2000 v17.0.0.1083

CSI SAP2000 - cистема трехмерного статического и динамического анализа методом конечного элемента и проектирование сооружений. CSI SAP2000 следует в той же самой традиции, показывающей очень сложный, интуитивный и универсальный пользовательский интерфейс, приведенный в действие непревзойденным механизмом анализа и средствами проектирования для инженеров, работающих над транспортировкой, индустриальными, общественными работами, спортивными состязаниями, и другими средствами. От основанной графической среды моделирования трехмерного объекта, к большому разнообразию опций анализа и проектирования, полностью интегрированных через один пользовательский интерфейс, CSI SAP2000, оказался наиболее интегрированной, производительной и практической универсальной структурной программой на рынке сегодня.

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CSI Bridge 2014 v17.0.0.1083 Software
CSI Bridge 2014 v17.0.0.1083 

CSI Bridge 2014 v17.0.0.1083

Modeling, analysis and design of bridge structures have been integrated into CSI Bridge to create the ultimate in computerized engineering tools. The ease with which all of these tasks can be accomplished makes CSI Bridge the most versatile and productive software program available on the market today. 

Using CSI Bridge, engineers can easily define complex bridge geometries, boundary conditions and load cases. The bridge models are defined parametrically, using terms that are familiar to bridge engineers such as layout lines, spans, bearings, abutments, bents, hinges and post-tensioning. The software creates spine, shell or solid object models that update automatically as the bridge definition parameters are changed.

CSI Bridge design allows for quick and easy design and retrofitting of steel and concrete bridges. The parametric modeler allows the user to build simple or complex bridge models and to make changes efficiently while maintaining total control over the design process. Lanes and vehicles can be defined quickly and include width effects. Simple and practical Gantt charts are available to simulate modeling of construction sequences and scheduling.

CSI Bridge includes an easy to follow wizard that outlines the steps necessary to create a bridge model.

Completely integrated within the CSI Bridge design package is the power of the SAPFire analysis engine, including staged construction, creep and shrinkage analysis, cable tensioning to target forces, camber and shape finding, geometric nonlinearity (P-delta and large displacements), material nonlinearity (superstructure, bearings, substructure and soil supports), buckling and static and dynamic analysis. All of these apply to a single comprehensive model. In addition, AASHTO LRFD design is included with automated load combinations, superstructure design and the latest seismic design.

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S-FRAME Structural Office 11 repack Software
S-FRAME Structural Office 11 repack 
(S-FOUNDATION 2014 v1.4.6, S-CALC 2013 v1.51, S-CONCRETE 2013 v11.00.32, S-FRAME 2013 Enterprise v11.00.23,
S-LINE 2013 v11.00.10, S-PAD 2013 v11.00, S-VIEW 2013 v1.0.1)

S-FRAME Structural Office 11 repack

S-FRAME Structural Office 11 repack

Structural Office R11 is a suite of structural analysis and design software with powerful BIM/CAD links, is designed to increase productivity and collaboration among projects' stakeholders. The various components of Structural Office may be purchased separately or bundled together within Structural Office, and with the exception of S-STEEL Design, they can all operate as stand-alone applications as well.

S-STEEL - design of steel structures including steel members, plate girders, tapered plate girders and more. Includes code checking, auto-design and optimization to multiple design codes on a complete structure or just part of a structure. S-STEEL is fully integrated with S-FRAME.

S-PAD - a standalone steel design and optimization product. Quickly check columns, beams or braces without the need to build a detailed model for the complete structure. Built with the structural engineer consultant in mind.

S-FRAME - a complete structural modeling, analysis, and design environment. S-FRAME features numerous productivity tools, advanced analyses, a variety of material models, flexible load combination methods, fast and accurate solver technology all bundled within a powerful and intuitive user interface.

S-CONCRETE - comprehensive section design and detailing tool of reinforced concrete beams, columns and walls. Its powerful graphical output capabilities provide immediate feedback to the engineer as design parameters are changed. S-CONCRETE is integrated with S-FRAME.

S-LINE - an intuitive yet powerful standalone application for the analysis, design and detailing of continuous reinforced concrete beams. S-LINE supports code checking and automated design and detailing to multiple design codes for a variety of section types.

P-FRAME - 2D structural analysis tool.

S-FOUNDATION - analyze, design and detail concrete foundations in one complete solution package with easy 3D visualization tools and automated 2-way S-FRAME Analysis links.
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