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MicroSurvey inCAD 2014 v14.2.0.126 Software
MicroSurvey inCAD 2014 v14.2.0.126
for english version of AutoCAD 2014 only

MicroSurvey inCAD 2014 v14.2.0.126

MicroSurvey inCAD transforms AutoCAD into a survey and design powerhouse while maintaining a fully integrated user interface within AutoCAD.

AutoCAD on its own is a powerful drafting program. But, Surveyors need tools to help them compute coordinates, balance traverses, annotate drawings, compute areas and the list goes on. Adding inCAD to your existing copy of AutoCAD is like switching from measuring with a chain to measuring with an EDM. After a few months you'll wonder how you ever worked without it!

More info is here.

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Bentley Power InRoads V8i SS3 Software
Bentley Power InRoads V8i SS3

Bentley Power InRoads V8i SS3

Bentley Power InRoads is proven civil engineering 3D road design software that works the way you want with the power you need to complete your transportation infrastructure projects. It provides complete 3D CAD drafting capabilities, powerful mapping tools, and design automation for civil engineering professionals. Power InRoads features an innovative road design approach using constraint-driven, 3D parametric modeling in a total-project context. Power InRoads includes robust tools for survey data reduction, site design, road design, storm and sanitary design, bridge geometry modeling.

More info.
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BITControl Aqua Designer v6.3 Software
BITControl Aqua Designer v6.3

BITControl Aqua Designer v6.3

Aqua Designer is a software tool for the design of the several processes of a wastewater treatment plant, from mechanical treatment via biology up to sludge treatment. Regarding the basis of calculation, the process and the construction all common process variations are to choice. Planning is supported by many auxiliary functions. As result Aqua Designer supplies extensive documents ready to be printed for official documents, including buildings, machines, operating costs and true scaled drawings. Aqua Designer is used world-wide for the planning of treatment plants.

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Bentley PowerSurvey V8i SS3 Software
Bentley PowerSurvey V8i SS3

Bentley PowerSurvey V8i SS3

PowerSurvey is a comprehensive survey data management solution. It provides surveying professionals with a complete set of survey-specific tools for both InRoads and GEOPAK. Built on MicroStation PowerDraft, the software directly processes the data from your field survey device and automatically displays the resulting graphics onscreen. You can then manipulate the data using PowerSurvey's editing, reduction, and adjustment tools. PowerSurvey communicates with all industry-leading data collectors. Connect your data collector directly to a personal computer, laptop, or tablet PC and use PowerSurvey to manage the survey data. PowerSurvey can also upload GEOPAK or InRoads data to the data collector for field stakeout procedures. PowerSurvey supports extensive feature databases that detail the representation of each survey shot or feature — including symbolization, labeling, DTM control, and more. The feature database is completely user-definable and ensures standardization from the field surveyor to designer. As you process data, the software draws points and features in accordance with the feature table specified. With this powerful capability, you can generate drawings onsite —immediately after the survey has been collected — for in-field verification. Editing and adjusting your survey data is an intuitive process when you use PowerSurvey. The software employs industry-standard routines to quickly make geometry adjustments and finalize your data. PowerSurvey offers least squares, compass rule, and transit rule adjustments. You can visually inspect the adjusted data and complete the topographic drawing in both DGN and DWG formats. The data can then be shared with the members of the project team that are using either GEOPAK or InRoads. Bentley PowerSurvey includes integrated coordinate geometry (COGO) tools. This valuable toolset enables you to perform offset commands, intersections, traverse, and many other geometry commands. Additionally, you can leverage the data generated with other modules of the InRoads and GEOPAK families of products.
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Bentley Power GEOPAK V8i SS3 Software
Bentley Power GEOPAK V8i SS3

Bentley Power GEOPAK V8i SS3

Bentley Power GEOPAK is proven civil engineering road design software that works the way you want with the power you need to complete your transportation infrastructure projects. It provides complete CAD drafting capabilities, powerful mapping tools, and design automation for civil engineering professionals. Power GEOPAK features an innovative road design approach using constraint-driven, 3D parametric modeling in a total-project context. Power GEOPAK includes robust tools for Survey data reduction, Site design, Road design, Storm and sanitary design.
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Merrick MARS Explorer v7.1.7112 Software
Merrick MARS Explorer v7.1.7112 x64

Merrick MARS Explorer v7.1.7112

Компания Merrick, один из мировых лидеров в области лидарных съемок, ГИС-картографирования, создания цифровых ортофотоланов и фотограмметрии, объявила о выпуске версии 7 своей программной системы MARS Explorer для обработки данных дистанционного зондирования. MARS предназначена для обработки данных о местности, их анализа и управления ими. Она позволяет эффективно работать с большими объемами лидарных съемок и включает мощный инструментарий.

More info.
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Bentley AutoPIPE V8i SS5 Software
Bentley AutoPIPE V8i SS5

Bentley AutoPIPE V8i SS5

Bentley AutoPIPE - наиболее эффективное ПО для анализа напряжений в трубопроводах.

Bentley AutoPIPE provides a comprehensive and advanced software tool specialized in pipe stress analysis. The intuitive modeling environment and the advanced analysis features provide for increased productivity and improved quality control. Fluent data collaboration can be obtained through the integration with structural and 3D models providing an environment for increased business growth.

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PROKON v2.6.20 Software
PROKON v2.6.20 with SP from 05/03/2014

PROKON v2.6.20

PROKON Structural Analysis and Design (Структурный анализ и дизайн) разработан командой профессиональных инженеров и предназначен для использования структурными инженерами и техниками. PROKON представляет собой набор нескольких десятков структурных анализов проектирования. Пакет имеет модульную природу, но его истинная сила заключается в тесной интеграции анализа и проектирования.

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С праздником, милые женщины!!! News
C 8 Марта!!!
Что Женщине нужно на самом-то деле,
Мы более-менее, вроде бы, знаем!
И все, что себе пожелать вы хотели б -
Мы именно этого вам и желаем!

Успехов - в работе! Погоды - приятной!
Любви - чистой, нежной и неоднократной!
Детей - разнополых! Пальто - по фигуре!
Соседей в купе - что не пьют и не курят!

Волос - шелковистых! Зубов - белоснежных!
Мужей - состоятельных! Спонсоров - нежных!
Любовников - умных! Супругов - в законе!
Свекровей - живущих в другом регионе!

Невесток - покорных! Тарелок - помытых!
Мужей - не храпящих и на ночь побритых!
Коллег - не зацикленных только на бабах!
Врагов - слабосильных! Врагов - сильно слабых!

Обедов - в постель! Впечатлений - полярных!
И... этих... ну... в общем, того... регулярных!
Намерений - разных, но лучше серьезных!
Жилищ - пяти-комнатных и пяти-звездных!

Билетов в автобусах - только счастливых!
Друзей - не занудных! Подруг - не ревнивых!
Ну, вот и поздравили мы, как могли:
Мужчины LAVteam - всех женщин Земли!
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Leica LISCAD v11.1 Software
Leica LISCAD v11.1

Leica LISCAD v11.1

 Программа Leica LISCAD предназначена для геодезистов и изыскателей для обработки сырых данных и получения результатов в нужном виде. Данное ПО используется для последующей обработки геодезических измерений, полученных в ходе полевой съемки с помощью приборов большинства известных производителей, в первую очередь Leica Geosystems. Данные любых геодезических инструментов могут быть очень легко импортированы и превращены в окончательные отчетные материалы.

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