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Valentin Software PV*SOL premium v7.5 R4 Software
Valentin Software PV*SOL premium v7.5 R4

Valentin Software PV*SOL premium v7.5 R4

Valentin Software offers innovative planning and simulation solar energy software for yield calculation and therfore for a sustainable energy supply.

PV*SOL premium is dynamic simulation pv program with 3D visualization and detailed shading analysis of photovoltaic systems with storage systems.

More info.
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Thermoflow v21.0 Software
Thermoflow v21.0

Thermoflow v21.0

Thermoflow is the leading developer of thermal engineering software for the power and cogeneration industries. Since 1987, Thermoflow's software product line has grown to become the most popular, well-proven, and comprehensive system available today.

There are two types of heat balance programs: "Application-Specific" and "Fully-Flexible". An Application-Specific program is a special-purpose tool, focusing exclusively on one type of plant. The program includes a vast, general model and the user selects a subset of it via a guided, structured procedure.  A Fully-Flexible program is a general-purpose tool, which allows its user to construct any model by connecting appropriate building blocks, in a flexible, unfettered fashion.  Each type of program has advantages and limitations.

Application-Specific Heat Balance Engineering Software. This line includes Thermoflow’s most popular programs, GT PRO & GT MASTER for gas turbine-based cycles, STEAM PRO & STEAM MASTER for pure steam power plants, and RE-MASTER for repowering existing steam plants by adding gas turbines. It also includes the Plant Design Expert (PDE) program for executive-level use of GT PRO.

Fully-Flexible Heat Balance Engineering Software. THERMOFLEX is a fully flexible program that allows you to model a broad range of thermal systems, with emphasis on power generation and cogeneration. THERMOFLEX can be used to model gas turbine combined cycles, steam power plants, or repowering, in addition to a virtually endless variety of power plant systems, standard or novel. THERMOFLEX provides design and off-design modes into a single program, so you can use one program for all your calculations. THERMOFLEX is an economical alternative for users who have a wide range of application interests, but insufficient activity in any one plant type to justify the cost of the application-specific programs.

More info.
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Thunderhead Engineering PyroSim v2015.4.1214 Software
Thunderhead Engineering PyroSim v2015.4.1214 x64 eng+rus build 16/12/2015

Thunderhead Engineering PyroSim v2015.4.1214

PyroSim представляет программа для создания модели динамики пожара. Она используется для моделирования огня, чтобы точно предсказать направление движения дыма, температуры и концентрацию токсинов во время пожара.

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Bricsys Bricscad Platinum v16.1.05.40889 english Software
Bricsys Bricscad Platinum v16.1.05.40889 eng x86+x64

Bricsys Bricscad Platinum v16.1.05.40889 english

Вышла новая версия BricsCAD v16 с расширенными возможностями BIM проектирования и 3D моделирования. BricsCAD v16 объединяет инструменты для 2D черчения, 3D моделирования, разработки деталей из листового металла и архитектурного проектирования (BIM). 

Подробнее тут.

Новое в версии 16 здесь.
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FARO Technologies SCENE v5.5.0.44203 Software
FARO Technologies SCENE v5.5.0.44203 x64

FARO Technologies SCENE v5.5.0.44203

SCENE 3D laser scanner software is specifically designed for the FARO Focus3D. SCENE processes and manages scanned data easily and efficiently by using automatic object recognition as well as scan registration and positioning. SCENE can also generate high-quality colorized scans very quickly, while providing the tools for automated target-less scan positioning. This point-cloud software for scanners is extremely user-friendly, from simple measuring to 3D visualization to meshing and exporting into various point cloud and CAD formats. Once SCENE has prepared the scan data, you can commence evaluation and further processing right away. Scan projects can even be published on a web server at the touch of a button. The new SCENE WebShare feature allows easy access to laser scans with a standard Internet browser.

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IronCAD Design Collaboration Suite 2016 v18.0 Software
IronCAD Design Collaboration Suite 2016 v18.0 x86+x64

IronCAD Design Collaboration Suite 2016 v18.0

Компания IronCAD, выпускающая разнообразные вспомогательныеинструмент ы для автоматизированного проектирования, представила новую версиюсвоего пакета IronCAD Design Collaboration Suite 2016. В состав этого релизавпервые включен модуль IronCAD COMPOSE, который позволяет манипулироватьмоделями и сборками в виртуальном 3D-окружении. С помощью модуля COMPOSE пользователь может запрашивать модели и сборки из репозитария, чтобы вноситьизменения в отдельные элементы и их соединения.

Помимо этого, в комплект входят следующие модули:

IRONCAD - is the tool of choice for 3D design engineers when deadlines are tight and a high degree of unanticipated change is to be expected. It provides a revolutionary replacement to today’s history-based parametric-only systems.

INOVATE – a 3D design solution that works throughout the product lifecycle. From conception to completion, INOVATE allows users to explore and verify creative design opportunities at any stage of product development. Even unforeseen pre/post production modifications are easily resolved using INOVATE's powerful capabilities. It is perfectly suited for situations where 3D design concepts must be verified before committing to a formal design process.

IRONCAD DRAFT - an extremely powerful 2D mechanical drafting tool with an easy to learn, industry standard user interface and a unique 3D integration capability, enabling users work in 2D but also to view, leverage, analyze, render and reference 3D model data.
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KBC Petro-SIM and the SIM Reactor Suite v6.1 build 1416 Software
KBC Petro-SIM and the SIM Reactor Suite v6.1 build 1416 x86+x64

KBC Petro-SIM and the SIM Reactor Suite v6.1 build 1416

KBC’s unrivalled software simulation, modelling, and other analytical tools allow your team to operate your facilities more profitably, manage environmental and operational risk, optimise upstream and downstream processes, and maximise production. They also allow you to accurately model reservoir and production fluids to provide flow assurance with Infochem’s Multiflash, monitor resource and energy usage to achieve environmental responsibility goals, and combine KBC process expertise with Petro-SIM simulation software to uncover no-capital or low-capital investment opportunities enhancing daily operations.

Petro-SIM is the first commercially available steady state process simulator that accounts for time-based modelling, in combination with scenario management and assessment of cumulative results, to allow for life of facilities modelling.

Petro-SIM incorporates game-changing Workflow Management into a process simulation platform; the enablement of workflows provides the ultimate in design, rating and optimisation of your facilities. The Workflow Management system is designed to be simple enough to allow easy configuration by a non-programming user allowing the easy configuration of pre-built workflows in a single case, but powerful enough that someone with programming skills could complete repeatable and complex workflows outside of Petro-SIM for use in multiple cases.

Petro-SIM with Infochem's Multiflash is the only purpose built oil and gas facilities process simulator environment that combines the rich DNA of process simulation with a fully integrated PVT engine such that flow assurance studies and black oil characterisation can be completed directly inside the process simulator.
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INRS-ETE Hyfran Plus v2.2 Software
INRS-ETE Hyfran Plus v2.2

INRS-ETE Hyfran Plus v2.2

Hyfran Plus (HYdrological FRequency ANalysis) is a software used to fit statistical distributions. It includes a number of powerful, flexible, user-friendly mathematical tools that can be used for the statistical analysis of extreme events. It can also, more generally, perform basic analysis of any time series of Independent and Indentically Distributed data.

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Chasm Consulting Ventsim Visual Premium Extended v4.1.0.0 Software
Chasm Consulting Ventsim Visual Premium Extended v4.1.0.0 build 31/12/2015

Chasm Consulting Ventsim Visual Premium Extended v4.1.0.0

Ventsim was originally introduced to mining operations in 1994 to help visually design, improve and optimize underground ventilation systems. It is now licensed to over 1000 mine sites, consultants, universities, governments and research agencies around the world. The new Ventsim Visual ventilation software was released in 2009 and offers a graphically rich and dynamic ventilation environment with many more features than the original Ventsim Classic. Ventsim Visual is available in three versions: Standard, Advanced and Premium.

The difference between versions.

Ventsim Visual Standard is a lower cost version based on incompressible flow simulation routines and includes dynamic animated 3D graphics showing real airway dimensions and shapes together with animated air flows. Colours show over 30 different data types including airflow, velocities, various pressures and costs. In addition, the Standard version comes with contaminant spread routines to help predict steady state flow of gases, dust, fumes and smoke.

Ventsim Visual Advanced uses advanced compressible flow modelling, including automatic density and fan curve adjustment, automatic natural ventilation simulation and prediction of temperatures and humidity due to rock strata, auto compression, diesel equipment and electric motors.

Ventsim Visual Premium includes all features of Ventsim Visual Advanced as well as VentFIRE fire simulation, VentLog ventilation survey record software, and the optional LiveView remote data connection and display module.

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Studio Tecnico Guerra Thopos 2016 v7.03.00 Software
Studio Tecnico Guerra Thopos 2016 v7.03.00

Studio Tecnico Guerra Thopos 2016 v7.03.00

Thopos is a software topography equipped with CAD autonomous instruments, entities and functionality targeted for use in field surveying. The program is suitable for surveyors and engineers and surveyors is a comprehensive and reliable to manage all operations topographic relief in the country, thanks to the controller integrated GPS, development, design to final drafting of the drawings.

Video tutorials are here.
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