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GIS and Geocomputation for Water Resource Science and Engineering Bookware
Barnali Dixon & Venkatesh Uddameri - GIS and Geocomputation for Water Resource Science and Engineering

Wiley, 2016
pdf, 1095 pages, english
ISBN 978-1-118-35414-8 (cloth)
ISBN 978-1-118-35413-1 (pbk)

GIS and Geocomputation for Water Resource Science and Engineering

GIS and Geocomputation for Water Resource Science and Engineering not only provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of geographic information systems but also demonstrates how GIS and mathematical models can be integrated to develop spatial decision support systems to support water resources planning, management and engineering. The book uses a hands-on active learning approach to introduce fundamental concepts and numerous case-studies are provided to reinforce learning and demonstrate practical aspects. The benefits and challenges of using GIS in environmental and water resources fields are clearly tackled in this book, demonstrating how these technologies can be used to harness increasingly available digital data to develop spatially-oriented sustainable solutions. In addition to providing a strong grounding on fundamentals, the book also demonstrates how GIS can be combined with traditional physics-based and statistical models as well as information-theoretic tools like neural networks and fuzzy set theory.

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Semantix Roaming Studio v3.0.4419.19125 Software
Semantix Roaming Studio v3.0.4419.19125

Semantix Roaming Studio v3.0.4419.19125

Semantix Roaming Studio is a TAP3/RAP/NRTRDE editor desktop application offering full TAP 3.x, NRTRDE 2.1 and RAP 1.5 support, conversions between TAP3 versions (upwards or backwards), validations, import/export to ASCII, error highlighting, custom field exporting to Excel, advanced editing operations and many other features.

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InGeomatics Mr.CAD Professional Edition v7.0 Software
InGeomatics Mr.CAD Professional Edition v7.0

InGeomatics Mr.CAD Professional Edition v7.0

Mr.CAD Professional Edition is the preferred application by Land Surveyors, Engineers, & Developers. Provides the tools to easily develop in AutoCAD, a wide variety of different drawings. Includes modules for Topography, Land survey, Lot subdivision, Plot Plan, Leveling, Sanitary sewer, Storm sewer, Architectural drawing, Electrical, Plumbing, and many more.

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ESRI ArcGIS Desktop v10.5 eng+rus + addons Software
ESRI ArcGIS Desktop v10.5 eng+rus + addons

ESRI ArcGIS Desktop v10.5 eng+rus + addons

ESRI – американская компания, производитель геоинформационных систем. Семейство программных продуктов компании ArcGIS получило широкое распространение в мире и, в частности, в России. По некоторым оценкам, её доля на международном рынке ГИС составляет около 35%.


ArcGIS Desktop - настольная геоинформационная система, обладающая максимальной функциональностью в линейке программных продуктов ArcGIS. Включает всю функциональность ArcGIS for Desktop Basic (ArcView) и ArcGIS for Desktop Standard (ArcEditor) и расширяется дополнительными инструментами пространственного анализа и обработки данных, а также профессиональными картографическими инструментами. В мире геоинформационных систем ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced (ArcInfo) ‘де факто’ является стандартом ГИС и каждый день используется в тысячах организаций для создания, редактирования и анализа данных.

ArcGIS Data Interoperability
Дополнительный модуль ArcGIS Data Interoperability extension for Desktop – это интегрированный пространственный набор ETL, который запускается в рамках геообработки с применением технологии Safe Software's FME. Он позволяет объединять данные из нескольких источников и в разных форматах, использовать эти данные с инструментами геообработки и публиковать их с помощью ArcGIS for Server.

ArcGIS 64-bit Background Geoprocessing
Установка Background Geoprocessing заменяет обычную 32-битовую фоновую обработку, которая является стандартом в ArcGIS 10.1 for Desktop, на 64-битовую, что служит для обработки и выполнения анализа на системах с большим количеством оперативной памяти, помогает обрабатывать большие массивы данных, которые в 32-битовой среде часто вызывают сбои. Поскольку вся обработка выполняется в 64-битовом пространстве, используется больше ресурсов системы.

ArcGIS Case Tools
Одной из стратегий, которая используется для создания базы геоданных, является использование языка UML для проектирования схемы и CASE-средств подсистемы ArcGIS для создания наборов классов объектов, классов пространственных объектов, таблиц и других объектов. Язык UML - это стандарт, который был разработан Object Management Group (OMG) для выполнения объектно-ориентированного анализа и проектных решений. Многие называют этот язык инструментом для моделирования «компонентов программного обеспечения».

ArcGIS Data Reviewer
Чтобы производить картографическую продукцию высокого качества и выполнять тщательный анализ данных, исходная база данных должна иметь высокое качество и хорошую поддержку. ArcGIS Data Reviewer позволяет управлять данными в дополнение к созданию данных и их анализу. Data Reviewer обеспечивает совершенную систему для автоматизации и упрощения проверки качества данных, что может существенно улучшить целостность данных.

ArcGIS Location Referencing
The Location Referencing package is designed to detect and upgrade an existing installation of Esri Roads and Highways for Server.

ArcGIS Workflow Manager
ArcGIS Workflow Manager – приложение для управления корпоративными рабочими процессами, которое представляет собой платформу интеграции сред многопользовательских баз геоданных ArcGIS.

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Proektsoft PSCAD v2.3 Software
Proektsoft PSCAD v2.3

Proektsoft PSCAD v2.3

PSCAD е български софтуерен продукт, разработен от Проектсофт ЕООД за цялостно проектиране на строителните конструкции на етажни сгради в съответствие с Еврокод и българските национални приложения.

 Програмата включва комплексни функции, които обхващат всички етапи на проектирането:
  • Изграждане на 3D параметричен модел на конструкцията чрез въвеждане на елементите на отделните етажни нива;
  • Автоматично генериране на монтажни и кофражни планове, изгледи и разрези към AutoCAD или ZWCAD;
  • Анализ на гредови и безгредови плочи, пространствен модел на сграда, равнинни рамки, фундаментни плочи/гредоскари по МКЕ;
  • Автоматична връзка с модулите на Design Expert за оразмеряване, конструиране и изчертаване на армировката.
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Konekt Electra v5.91 Software
Konekt Electra v5.91

Konekt Electra v5.91

ELECTRA is a new generation of Shape-Based Autorouting software for PC boards. By contrast with traditional gridded maze autorouters, a shape-based approach allows for more efficient use of routing area and is more suited to handle complex design rules requirements of high density SMD or through holes boards and achieve the highest route completion rates. ELECTRA uses an effective multi-pass cost-based conflict reduction algorithm to find a routing solution adapting to the natural flow of the nets. Adaptive routing algorithm is the only proven approach to reach high completion rate on today’s complex PCBs. ELECTRA provides immediate feedback on the routing progress and conflict reduction rate.

- Shape based autorouting with adaptive multi-pass conflict reduction technology.
- Interactive Contour Router with Push and Shove.
- Pattern Router for fast, esthetical results and in average 20% less vias.
- Handles complex PCB designs with timing conditions such as min/max length, match length and differential pair constraints .
- Active flow with controlled autorouting of preselected interconnects.
- Real-time Verification.
- Reasonable Cost of ownership.
- PCB CAD plug-in, Specctra DSN format support.
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BITControl Aqua Aero v2.1 Software
BITControl Aqua Aero v2.1

BITControl Aqua Aero v2.1

The aeration system is the most important equipment of a wastewater plant. 75% of the energy used for the wastewater treatment is covered by the aeration system. The correct design of the aeration system is the basis for a good operation and the operational costs. As the energy costs are the main cost value of an aeration system, a real comparison of different systems must concern both the operation and the invest costs of the whole life cycle.

With Aqua Aero you are able to design the aeration system with blowers, mixers and pipelines for different chamber geometries. You have the choice of membrane aerators (as tubular-, disc- or plate aerators) and surface aerators (in the next version of Aqua Aero). From a database you can choose fitting aggregates for the single calculation steps. As important efficiency parameter the oxygen efficiency is provided. With the calculation of investment, reinvestment and operating costs the economical calculation of Aqua Aero covers the whole life cycle of the aeration. And you get a detailed documentation of the calculations and true scaled drawings of the equipment.

And an important feature added to Aqua Aero for optimizing the construction: now you can calculate more than just one project and compare them objectively by one value.

Shortly combined: Aqua Aero is a powerfull tool for economical and procedual design of aeration systems for wastewater treatment plants.
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BITControl Aqua Designer v8.0.9 Software
BITControl Aqua Designer v8.0.9

BITControl Aqua Designer v8.0.9

Aqua Designer is a software tool for the design of the several processes of a wastewater treatment plant, from mechanical treatment via biology up to sludge treatment. Regarding the basis of calculation, the process and the construction all common process variations are to choice. Planning is supported by many auxiliary functions. As result Aqua Designer supplies extensive documents ready to be printed for official documents, including buildings, machines, operating costs and true scaled drawings. Aqua Designer is used world-wide for the planning of treatment plants.

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Autodesk AutoCAD 2018 Software / Sport
Autodesk AutoCAD 2018 eng+rus x86+x64

Autodesk AutoCAD 2018

Autodesk AutoCAD является мировым лидером среди решений для 2D- и 3D-проектирования. Будучи более наглядным, 3D моделирование позволяет ускорить проектные работы и выпуск документации, совместно использовать модели и развивать новые идеи. Для AutoCAD доступны тысячи надстроек, что позволяет удовлетворить потребности самого широкого круга клиентов.

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WeBBusterZ S&THex v3.1 & Physical Properties Estimation DB v 3.6.1 Software
WeBBusterZ Engineering Software
Shell and Tube Heat Exchange Design v3.1.0.0
Physical Properties Estimation Database v3.6.1

WeBBusterZ S&THex v3.1 & Physical Properties Estimation DB v 3.6.1

Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design (S&THex) is a software tool that is made to demonstrate the chemical design & rating calculations. Unlike other tools, ensures that the calculations are performed step by step to help in understanding the design calculations.

Physical Properties Estimation Database has over 1400 components and can estimate physical properties for pure components based on correlations. All you provide is Temperature and the software will do the rest. The software doesn’t take into account any pressure during the estimation. If the temperature is not within the correlation range for a particular property, the software will warn against the estimation error. All mixture estimations are based on general equations for mixture estimates. The software will use the pure properties of components involved along with general equations to estimate the mixture properties.
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