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Four Dimension Technologies CADPower v18.01a Software
Four Dimension Technologies CADPower v18.01a

Four Dimension Technologies CADPower v18.01a

CADPower is an add-on software to help you increase your productivity with AutoCAD and Bricscad. It helps you work smarter, faster and eliminates various bottleneck you might face using just your CAD software. In short, CADPower adds more value and power to your CAD software. CADPower is a collection of frequently asked tools for various CAD operations. The tools are categorized in easily accessible categories like Polyline, Blocks, Attributes, Draw, Selection, Inquiry, Miscellaneous and so on. They are available as pull-down menus, toolbars, tabbed ribbons (AutoCAD 2012 and later), as well as from the command-line as directly callable commands. Most of the commands also offer command-line versions (without dialog boxes) which can also be used in automated processing using scripts.

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Trimble GPS Pathfinder Office v5.85 Software
Trimble GPS Pathfinder Office v5.85

Trimble GPS Pathfinder Office v5.85

Trimble GPS Pathfinder Office software is a powerful and easy-to-use software package of GNSS postprocessing tools. Incorporating Trimble DeltaPhase differential correction technology the software is designed to develop GIS information that is consistent, reliable, and accurate from GNSS data collected in the field.

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ESurvey CADD v13.02 & Civil Tools v2.10 Software
ESurvey CADD v13.02 & Civil Tools v2.10

ESurvey CADD v13.02 & Civil Tools v2.10

ESurvey CADD is a comprehensive software solution for Civil Survey Engineers for creating Contours Quickly, Section Generation for Volume Calculation, Earthwork Quantities (Quantity Takeoff) and Converting point data into Topographical map.

Key Features
  • Topodraw: Import point data from CSV or drawing Import blocks automatically while creating drawing Export codes, point data in different layer selectively Create Total station data from CAD drawing Selectively Auto Connect codes in CAD
  • Contours: Import data from CSV, Excel or CAD for Contour generation Generate Contours directly within CAD Draw Section for any alignment fixed on the Contour Map Generate Contour Area and Contour Volume instantly - Boundary Based / Specific Levels Generate Grid Elevations (Block Levels)
  • Earthwork: Import data from CSV/CAD and Generate Section Drawings with Earthwork Calculation Generate Earthwork calculation with fixed formation level or between two surfaces Generate interim Earthwork reports during progress of projects Generate detailed quantity calculation (Quantity takeoff) reports either using Tripizoidal method or Block method Generate Elevation grids or Block levels without getting into complicated surface creation Generate Earthwork Calculation reports between given Depth of cut or Depth of Fill Automatic calculation of Optimum Fixed Formation level
  • Benefits: Save considerable time while generating drawing from field data. Detailed Layerised Output helps to process the drawing easily Avoid Creating terrain for Contour generation Separately Generate Presentable Quality Smooth contours Quickly Lightweight contours thereby reducing the drawing file size Generate Boundary, Grid Elevation, Grid annotation, Contours, Contour annotation in Single step.
More info.

Civil Tools is a bunch of efficient drafting, analysis and design solutions. Collection of solutions related to Infrastructure Engineering for better drafting, design and analysis CAD Layout, Excel to CAD, Parcels, Pavement Design, Quick Section, Road Network , Sewer Network, Water Network.

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ESI ITI SimulationX Pro v3.8.2.45319 Software
ESI ITI SimulationX Pro v3.8.2.45319 x86+x64

ESI ITI SimulationX Pro v3.8.2.45319

Discover new fields of application including non-Newtonian fluids and the simulation of medical equipment for toxicological and pharmacological analyses. Enhanced as well as new model libraries for hydraulic lubrication systems, hydraulic brake systems and energy analyses for urban districts, for instance, and a model library for 3D belt drives are just a few highlights. With powerful calculation methods and a fresh graphical user interface, system simulation has never been more efficient and convenient.

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Update 6005 for Graphisoft Archicad 20 Software
Update 6005 for Graphisoft Archicad 20

Update 6005 for Graphisoft Archicad 20

This is update only. For both RUS and INT versions.

Main installers are here: RUS and INT

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CNC Consulting EditCNC v3.0.2.9 Software
CNC Consulting EditCNC v3.0.2.9

CNC Consulting EditCNC v3.0.2.9

EditCNC is the perfect companion to your CAD CAM software. A lightning fast text editor designed for CNC programmers has many powerful features designed purely for CNC programming and editing.

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WeBBusterZ Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger Design v6.0 Software
WeBBusterZ Engineering Software Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger Design v6.0

WeBBusterZ Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger Design v6.0

Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger Design (PHex) is a software tool that is made to demonstrate the thermal analysis and calculations of Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers. The calculations are performed through a series of click buttons arranged in order. Please note that the software can only do the basic design calculations the mechanical design! The software is easy to use and have the ability to calculate unknown temperatures. The plate dimensions and materials can be entered, this includes the size of plate heat exchanger and chevron angle.

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Avenza Geographic Imager v5.2.1 Software
Avenza Geographic Imager v5.2.1 x64

Avenza Geographic Imager v5.2.1

Компания Avenza Systems, разработчик системы подготовки ГИС карт к изданию (MAPublisher) в среде Adobe Illustrator и Macromedia FreeHand, а также баз данных MAPdataUSA и MAPdataWorld, объявила о выпуске новой версии расширения Geographic Imager, которое призвано дополнить эту мощную графическую систему возможностями работы с геопространственными данными. Новое расширение содержит новые инструментальные средства для поддержки импорта/экспорта ГИС-данных, аэрокосмических снимков и их редактирования, что позволит полностью использовать все функциональные возможности Adobe Photoshop для работы с графикой. С помощью Geographic Imager в среде Adobe Photoshop станут доступны операции с GeoTIFFs (растровый формат) и другими форматами географически привязанных изображений, автоматическое составление мозаик, преобразования в другие проекции на основе опорных точек.

В новой версии плагина обеспечена более полная поддержка форматов системы Adobe Photoshop с доступом к новым инструментам для импорта, редактирования экспорта геопространственных данных, в том числе аэрокосмических снимков. Кроме того, новая версия поддерживает работу со всеми функциями Adobe Photoshop, такими как, например, вырезка фрагментов графики, установка уровней прозрачности ее элементов, редактирование по пикселям и управление контрастом и яркостью.
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AVEVA Instrumentation & Electrical v12.1 SP3 Software
AVEVA Instrumentation & Electrical v12.1 SP3

AVEVA Instrumentation & Electrical v12.1 SP3

AVEVA's Instrumentation engineering software for systems engineering,  design and through-life maintenance on all types of ships and industrial plants. A feature-rich instrumentation and control engineering software for systems engineering, design and through-life maintenance on all types of ships and industrial plants. AVEVA Instrumentation’s four integrated program modules support the entire instrumentation and control system life cycle from engineering and design, through installation, maintenance and modification.

AVEVA Electrical is a feature-rich software suite for electrical engineering and design. With its advanced graphical user interfaces, use of design rules and catalogues, and maximum workflow flexibility, AVEVA Electrical is the preferred choice for all sizes of project. Fully integrated with ETAP, the industry-leading electrical analysis tool, AVEVA Electrical supports the round-tripping of data between both applications. Projects can be initiated in either AVEVA Electrical or ETAP and the integrity of data between the applications can be ensured. Combined with AVEVA Everything3D, the integration enables the whole life cycle of electrical design to be realised, from analysis, to functional design, to physical layout.

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AVEVA Engineering v14.1 SP1 Software
AVEVA Engineering v14.1 SP1

AVEVA Engineering v14.1 SP1

AVEVA Engineering allows multi-disciplinary engineering teams to work  effectively and efficiently on projects in the marine and plant industries. A highly configurable data model allows it to meet a wide range of project, customer and industry requirements, and to manage virtually any scope of engineering data. Typical ways you can benefit includes facilitating the exchange of information between disciplines, managing tag registers and achieving controlled integration with other data sources. Each discipline retains full control of its information relating to any item. Configurable consistency checks can be applied across the database at any time to check data quality, while built-in tools enable the status of individual objects to be carefully controlled and made visible to other users. A wide variety of fully formatted reports can be generated automatically, such as master tag registers, line lists, equipment lists or valve lists, and any kind of ad hoc or departmental report. 

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