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Steffen Rigy RIGOTECH Pre-Cut Optimizer v2.0.88 Software
Steffen Rigy RIGOTECH Pre-Cut Optimizer v2.0.88

Steffen Rigy RIGOTECH Pre-Cut Optimizer v2.0.88

Pre-Cut Optimizer is a calculation program for cut optimization of Standard sections and other rod material.

Pre-Cut Optimizer ist ein Berechnungsprogramm zur Zuschnittoptimierung von Standard-Profilen und sonstigen Stangenmaterial. Als Basis für die Berechnung dient die integrierte, voll editierbare Stückliste. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, Stücklisten aus MassCalc professional (ab Version 6) sowie Stücklisten aus Textdateien oder der Windows-Zwischenablage zu importieren. Stücklisten können ebenfalls als CSV- bzw. Text-Dokumente exportiert werden. Als Resultat der Berechnung erhalten Sie eine detaillierte Zuschnitt-Liste, eine Reste-Liste sowie eine entsprechende Bedarfsliste (Bestell-Liste). Diese konfigurierbaren Listen können sie ausdrucken oder über die Windows-Zwischenablage anderer Software zwecks Weiterverarbeitung zur Verfügung stellen.
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Gray Technical XYZ Mesh v3.0.8 Software
Gray Technical XYZ Mesh v3.0.8

Gray Technical XYZ Mesh v3.0.8

If you have tried to take X Y Z data and graph it three dimensionally inside of Microsoft Excel you know that Excel’s graphing capabilities are quite limited. With XYZ Mesh you can convert and copy your data directly into Excel’s native format of MESH, Surface/Wireline Graph or 3D Line/Scatter Plot. With 3D line graphs and scatter plots you can even preview, rotate and pan your data before it is exported. This same function can be used with Wireframe 3D Surface Charts and Contour Graphs to convert Latitude, Longitude and Altitude into MESH for graphing. XYZ Mesh no longer contains a maximum row count for conversion. This value is set to 2,500 by default because anything above that row count causes the program to decrease in speed, however it can be increased or decreased by user preference. XYZ Mesh will not convert data with ‘0’ entries in the X or Y plane. XYZ Mesh will automatically change these values from ‘0’ to ‘0.0001’.

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Waterloo Maplesoft Maple 2016.2 build 1194701 Software
Waterloo Maplesoft Maple 2016.2 build 1194701
+ Maple 2016 E-Books and Study Guides

Waterloo Maplesoft Maple 2016.2 build 1194701

Waterloo Maple – мощная вычислительная система, предназначенная для выполнения сложных вычислений как аналитическими, так и численными методами. Waterloo Maple содержит поверенные, надежные и эффективные символьные и численные алгоритмы для решения огромного спектра математических задач, включая широко известные библиотечные численные алгоритмы компании NAG (Numeric Algorithm Groop).

Waterloo Maple умеет выполнять сложные алгебраические преобразования и упрощения над полем комплексных чисел, находить конечные и бесконечные суммы, произведения, пределы и интегралы, решать в символьном виде и численно алгебраические (в том числе трансцендентные) системы уравнений и неравенств, находить все корни многочленов, решать аналитически и численно системы обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений и уравнений в частных производных.

В Waterloo Maple включены пакеты подпрограмм для решения задач линейной и тензорной алгебры, Евклидовой и аналитической геометрии, теории чисел, теории вероятностей и математической статистики, комбинаторики, теории групп, интегральных преобразований, численной аппроксимации и линейной оптимизации (симплекс метод) а также задач финансовой математики и многих, многих других задач.

Главным достоинством системы Waterloo Maple является ее способность выполнять арифметические действия. При работе с дробями и корнями они не приводятся в процессе вычисления к десятичному виду, что позволяет избежать ошибок при округлении. При необходимости работы с десятичными эквивалентами в системе Waterloo Maple имеется команда, аппроксимирующая значение выражения в формате чисел с плавающей запятой.

Система Waterloo Maple вычисляет конечные и бесконечные суммы и произведения, выполняет вычислительные операции с комплексными числами, легко приводит комплексное число к числу в полярных координатах, числовые значения элементарных функций, а также многих специальных функций и констант.

Waterloo Maple имеет также множество мощных инструментальных средств для вычисления выражений с одной и несколькими переменными. Систему Waterloo Maple можно использовать для решения задач дифференциального и интегрального исчисления, вычисления пределов, разложений в ряды, суммирования рядов, умножения, интегральных преобразований (таких как преобразование Лапласа, Z-преобразование, преобразование Меллина или Фурье), непрерывных или кусочно-непрерывных функций.
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TWI CrackWise v5.0 R29795 repack Software
TWI CrackWise v5.0 R29795 repack

TWI CrackWise v5.0 R29795 repack

CrackWISE is developed for the automation of fracture and fatigue assessment procedures (BS 7910) for engineering critical assessment.

  • automates the widely-accepted flaw assessment procedure, BS 7910
  • fully compatible with the fracture and fatigue clauses of BS 7910:2013. An analysis carried out using CW5 is therefore compatible with the document and traceable to the relevant clauses
  • based on over 20 years of experience in software development and ECA consultancy
  • extensively validated software, developed under TickIT plus
  • latest advances in fracture assessment techniques incorporated
  • current edition of BS 7910 in pdf included
  • user-friendly interface, intuitive to both existing and new CrackWISE users
  • software and technical support available from TWI experts
  • future integration with TWI RiskWISE and IntegriWISE
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RUNET BETONexpress v17.01/2017 Software
RUNET BETONexpress v17.01/2017

RUNET BETONexpress v17.01/2017

RUNETsoftware is developing structural design software for Civil engineers and Architects. The programs deal with both finite element and dynamic analysis and utilize CAD and CAM methods. 

With BETONexpress you can easily design structural elements of reinforced concrete. For each structural element, you specify the basic dimensions, loads and material properties, and you obtain the detailed concrete design in ultimate limit state (ULS), and in serviceability limit state (SLS). 

The dimensioning is according to Eurocode 2, EN 1992-1-1:2004, Design of concrete structures, General rules and rules for buildings, with supplement of Eurocode 7, EN 1997-1:2004, Geotechnical design – General rules, for geotechnical analysis (footings, retaining walls), Eurocode 0, EN 1990:2002, for load combinations, and Eurocode 8 for seismic loading. 

The last EN versions of the Eurocodes are implemented. You can comute also the capacity of slab, beams and column strengthened with FRP (fibre-reinforced polymers). Regular and light weight aggregate concrete included. 

The program's CAD modulus automatic generates detailed drawings of the structure and the reinforcement. A combined detailed report and reinforcing steel schedule is produced for the designed concrete components. Assumptions and references to design codes are shown in the report. The reinforcing steel schedule can be edited with a specialised editor which is included. The user can select the applicable National Annex. The design code parameters, as well as default values, can be adjusted by the user. Design Charts and Tables for use and understanding of Eurocode 2 are included n the program. In addition a set of engineering tools (unit conversion, computation of areas, moments of inertia, standard steel sections etc.) are included in the program.

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TWI RiskWISE 5 for Process Plant v5.1.0.28350 Software
TWI RiskWISE 5 for Process Plant v5.1.0.28350

TWI RiskWISE 5 for Process Plant v5.1.0.28350

Risk Based Inspection (RBI) / Risk Based Maintenance (RBM) software for oil, gas & chemical  plant and power plant, in accordance with API 581 new generation, code compliant Risk Based Inspection (RBI) software for optimising plant inspection and maintenance evaluates an API 581 compliant risk profile for the plant provides run length indexes (RLI) in generic manner covering all damage mechanisms for each equipment item the risk and RLI are combined to output safe inspection and maintenance intervals formally designed for use by plant personnel such that implementation is not dependent on external consultants future integration with TWI's CrackWISE and IntegriWISE software.

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TWI CrackWISE v5.0 R29795 Software
TWI CrackWISE v5.0 R29795

TWI CrackWISE v5.0 R29795

CrackWISE is developed for the automation of fracture and fatigue assessment procedures (BS 7910) for engineering critical assessment.

  • automates the widely-accepted flaw assessment procedure, BS 7910
  • fully compatible with the fracture and fatigue clauses of BS 7910:2013. An analysis carried out using CW5 is therefore compatible with the document and traceable to the relevant clauses
  • based on over 20 years of experience in software development and ECA consultancy
  • extensively validated software, developed under TickIT plus
  • latest advances in fracture assessment techniques incorporated
  • current edition of BS 7910 in pdf included
  • user-friendly interface, intuitive to both existing and new CrackWISE users
  • software and technical support available from TWI experts
  • future integration with TWI RiskWISE and IntegriWISE
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TWI IntegriWISE v1.0.1.24840 Software
TWI IntegriWISE v1.0.1.24840

TWI IntegriWISE v1.0.1.24840

TWI’s IntegriWISE fitness for service software is a comprehensive tool for managing and assessing plant integrity data. The software has been designed to operate with the flexibility of a stand-alone application, or the power of centralised server architecture. When it is implemented through a server, IntegriWISE can be used as a central repository for all integrity-related plant information, with the ability to record and track key design and operating data, facilitate integrity assessments, and provide traceability for integrity management decisions. As a stand-alone application, individual users have the flexibility to carry out ad-hoc calculations and analyses.

Key highlights
  • automates Level 1 and Level 2 Fitness for Service (FFS) assessments described in API 579/ASME FFS-1
  • all assessments are rigorous applications of a selection of the most widely used and relevant FFS standards or procedures from API and ASME (e.g. API 579-1/ ASME FFS-1 2007, ASME B31.G)
  • material databases from the following design codes are included in the software: ASME VIII, ASME B31.3, ASME B31.4, ASME B31.8, PD 5500, API 650, and API 620
  • IntegriWISE offers the next generation in plant integrity management systems, by allowing engineers and managers to improve safety and plant availability and to reduce outage and maintenance costs
  • decision-support software designed to assist engineers in evaluating the integrity of pipework, pipelines, pressure equipment and high temperature structures
Key futures
  • wide range of assessment modules for different damage mechanisms including metal loss, pitting corrosion, laminations, hydrogen damage
  • wide range of equipment and component geometries including cylindrical shells, spheres, torispherical heads, elliptical heads, bends, elbows, reducers
  • calculation of critical operational conditions and safe continued operating loads to applicable international standards such as API 579-1/ ASME FFS-1 2007, ASME B31G, etc. in a single software tool
  • assessment management based on equipment with possible multiple assessments for each piece of equipment
  • a hierarchical structure enabling multiple assessments that can be used to conduct "what-if” scenarios
  • assessment reports generated in accordance with API 579-1/ ASME FFS-1 2007
  • future integration with TWI RiskWISE and CrackWISE software
  • users can undertake a `what if´ likelihood and consequence appraisal of each component, to determine the minimum level of inspection and maintenance, to mitigate the risk of failure and optimize the current inspection program
  • provides an indication of remaining life for all damage mechanisms, based on an implicit time dimension of risk (risk of failure generally increases over time) which is the only rational basis for setting safe operating periods between inspections
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OCAD Mapping Solution v12.1.9.1236 Software
OCAD Mapping Solution v12.1.9.1236

OCAD Mapping Solution v12.1.9.1236

OCAD is more than just a map drawing software. OCAD provides you with a powerful software package for producing and editing any kind of maps (e.g. topographic maps, city maps, hiking and biking maps, Internet maps). It provides interfaces within the following fields: Geodata Capture (mobile application), Import and Export of Geodata, Desktop Publishing (DTP) and creating Web Maps. Moreover, with the latest add-on – the ThematicMapper – it enables you to create even thematic maps with OCAD.

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3D Systems Geomagic Sculpt 2016.2.62 Software
3D Systems Geomagic Sculpt 2016.2.62 x64

3D Systems Geomagic Sculpt 2016.2.62

Geomagic Sculpt is a simple, fast yet sophisticated precision voxel 3D sculpting and modeling software solution. Create organic designs and edit and transform existing 3D data with sculpting, shaping and detailing tools not found in traditional CAD software. Get the sensation of clay modeling with the benefits of digital design.

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