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ProtaStructure Suite Enterprise 2018 SP1 Software
ProtaStructure Suite Enterprise 2018 SP1

ProtaStructure Suite Enterprise 2018 SP1

ProtaStructure Suite is the most comprehensive solution for multi-material analysis, design and automated detail drawings of structures. ProtaStructure Suite combines the power of ProtaStructure together with the full detailing capability of ProtaDetails for the ultimate building design and detailing solution for structural engineering professionals. See below for information on which system is best for your business. ProtaStructure Professional Suite is the all-in-one package for multi-material modelling with steel, concrete and composite members, 3-D finite element analysis, code-compliant design and detailing of building structures. ProtaStructure Enterprise Suite extends professional edition with advanced time-history, staged construction and nonlinear analyses, seismic isolators, nonlinear link elements and  seismic assessment/retrofitting. ProtaStructure 2018 includes new module - ProtaSteel - for steel connection design and detailing. Hundreds of new features and enhancements in ProtaStructure and ProtaDetails for rapidly designing and documenting your building projects, and our dynamic new ProtaBIM 2018 for coordination with other leading BIM systems.

More infoCompare editionsVideo lessonsWhats new in 2018 version.
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HACI eTank 2016 v1.2.60 Software
HAC Innovations eTank 2016 v1.2.60

HACI eTank 2016 v1.2.60

eTank is a joint venture between HACI and Aqua Consultants and allows the instantaneous design and costing of a Full Tank.
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CSI PERFORM-3D v7.0.0 Software

CSI PERFORM-3D v7.0.0 


CSI PERFORM-3D was designed for nonlinear analysis and performance assessment for 3D structures.

Displacement Based Design
  • Traditionally, earthquake-resistant design has been strength-based, using linear elastic analysis.
  • Since inelastic behavior is usually allowed for strong earthquakes, this is not entirely rational.
  • Strength-based design considers inelastic behavior only implicitly.
  • Displacement-based (or deformation-based) design considers inelastic behavior explicitly, using nonlinear inelastic analysis.
  • Displacement-based design recognizes that in a strong earthquake, inelastic deformation (or ductility) can be more important than strength.
  • PERFORM-3D allows you to use displacement-based design.
Implementation of ASCE 41
  • Procedures for displacement-based design using inelastic analysis are specified in ASCE 41, ”Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings”.
  • ASCE 41 applies to the retrofit of existing buildings, but the procedures can be applied to the design of new buildings.
  • PERFORM-3D implements the procedures in ASCE 41.
  • However, PERFORM-3D is a general tool for implementing displacement-based design. It is not limited to ASCE 41.
Capacity Design
  • The response of a structure to earthquake ground motion, whether elastic or inelastic, is highly uncertain.
  • Capacity design is a rational way to improve the response of a structure in a strong earthquake, by deliberately controlling its behavior.
  • Capacity design controls the inelastic behavior of a structure, by allowing inelastic behavior only in locations chosen by the designer. In these locations the structural components are designed to be ductile. The rest of the structure remains essentially elastic, and can be less ductile.
  • Controlling the behavior in this way improves reliability, reduces the amount of damage, and can reduce construction costs.
  • PERFORM-3D allows you to apply capacity design principles.
  • PERFORM-3D has powerful capabilities for inelastic analysis, but it is not intended for general purpose nonlinear analysis.
  • If you have no idea how your structure will behave when it becomes inelastic in a strong earthquake, PERFORM-3D can probably help you to identify the weak points, and hence can guide you in improving the design.
  • However, PERFORM-3D is not intended for ”design by analysis”, where the engineer expects the analysis to determine exactly how a structure will behave.
  • PERFORM-3D is a powerful tool for implementing displacement-based design and capacity design. It will help you to produce better designs, but it will not do the engineering for you.
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Command Digital Studios AutoHook 2018 v1.0.4.00 Software
Command Digital Studios AutoHook 2018 v1.0.4.00

Command Digital Studios AutoHook 2018 v1.0.4.00

AutoHook - это небольшое приложение, которое перехватывает нажатия клавиш и передает их AutoCAD. Если AutoHook обнаруживает соответствие нажатой клавиши назначенному макросу, то управление передается AutoCAD и выполняются действия описанные в макросе. Примеры макросов прилагаются.

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HVAC Solution Professional v8.4.2 Software
HVAC Solution Professional v8.4.2

HVAC Solution Professional v8.4.2

HVAC Solution Professional allows you to drag-and-drop super-intelligent objects to design air systems including both air handlers and rooftops. It also provides you with tools to build hydronic, steam and control systems. The software includes all the necessary piping and ductwork components to model most systems with unparalleled flexibility. Top this off with the capability to select equipment from one of our many equipment manufacturers that meet your design capacities. Create equipment and control schedules, bill of materials, schematic in dxf format, an electrical coordination matrix and more.

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Red Hen Media Geotagger v3.2 Software
Red Hen Media Geotagger v3.2

Red Hen Media Geotagger v3.2

Do you want to geotag your 360 photos and videos, but your camera lacks a GPS sensor? Media Geotagger is your solution. It syncs GPS track logs with photos and videos taken without a GPS-enabled camera. Geotag your videos and photos post-process with Media Geotagger. View exactly where your media was taken in Google Earth (through Red Hen Systems' IsWhere) or ArcMap (through Esri's ArcGIS component to view, edit, create, and analyze geospatial data). Whether you are taking video with an action-camera, snapping photos of wildlife in remote mountains with a high-end camera, recording damage after a natural disaster with a simple digital camera, or capturing a holiday adventure with friends with your phone, Media Geotagger shows you the exact location of the data you are collecting.

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Sentinel Systems Platinum WinSen v3.42.0022 Software
Sentinel Systems WinSen Platinum v3.42.0022

Sentinel Systems Platinum WinSen v3.42.0022


  • Log into the property's access control system remotely using a VPN connection.
  • Monitor the property activity of serveral locations using a single workstation.
  • No cache of information held in memory, Platinum validates ALL activity through the database which raises the bar in reliability.
  • Owner auditing of all changes to the system configuration and tenant data.
  • Multiple communication ports are supported for additional access control systems.
  • Able to monitor and identiy multiple doors per unit.
  • Alarm and monitor building and hallway entrances.
  • Utilizes SQL Server as the database engine
  • The NEW platinum access control runs as a Windows service, meaning no personnel log in is required.
  • Offering both, current and deliquent tenant alerts.
  • Instantly open gates or building doors remotely.
  • Supports non-tenant access codes.Controls access to unattended sites, using static IP addresses.
More info.
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Ensoft Group 2016.10.12 Software
Ensoft Group 2016.10.12

Ensoft Group 2016.10.12

GROUP has been well accepted as an useful design tool for analyzing the behavior of piles in a group subjected to both axial and lateral loadings. The program was developed to compute the distribution of loads (vertical, lateral, and overturning moment in up to three orthogonal axes) applied from any multiple locations in the pile cap to piles arranged in a group. The piles may be installed vertically or on a batter and their heads may be fixed, pinned, or elastically restrained by the pile cap. The pile cap may settle, translate, and/or rotate and is assumed to act as a rigid body.

The program will generate internally the nonlinear response of the soil, in the form of t-z and q-w curves for axial loading, in the form of p-y curves for lateral loading and in the form of t-r curves for torsional loading. A solution requires iteration to accommodate the nonlinear response of each pile in the group model. Program GROUP solves the nonlinear response of each pile under combined loadings and assures compatibility of geometry and equilibrium of forces between the applied external loads and the reactions of each pile head.

The p-y, t-z, q-w and t-r curves may be generated internally, employing recommendations in technical literature, or may be entered manually by the user. The pile-head forces and movements are introduced into equations that yield the behavior of the pile group in a global coordinate system. The program can internally compute the deflection, bending moment, shear, and soil resistance as a function of depth for each pile. 

For closely-spaced piles, the pile-soil-pile interaction can be taken into account by introducing reduction factors for the p-y curves used for each single pile. As an option, the user can ask the program to generate internally some suggestions for p-multipliers to automatically reduce the soil resistance. GROUP is able to generate or lets users specify p-y reduction factors for two orthogonal axes.

The program allows the user to select computations of the required unit side friction at the top and bottom of each soil layer along with a unit tip resistance. The program employs commonly-accepted equations to compute internally the estimated unit side friction and unit tip resistance based on the soil properties that are specified by the user for each soil layer.

Users can also input external nonlinear curves of axial load versus settlement for each pile in the group. Those external curves can be obtained by the user based on load tests or using the Ensoft programs APILE and/or SHAFT.

GROUP introduces several enhancements: Use of multiple load cases representing concentrated loads at the pile cap and/or distributed lateral load at the piles; Concentrated loads at the pile cap may be defined at any position; Distributed lateral loads at the piles can be defined by local or global axes; Load combinations can be specified by the user and are set by load factors applied at the defined load cases; Maximum and mini-mum envelopes may be computed for both load cases and load combinations; GROUP v8 can provide flexibility and stiffness matrices (in 2D or 3D models) for different levels of loading.
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Ensoft LPile 2018.10.02 Software
Ensoft LPile 2018.10.02 repack

Ensoft LPile 2018.10.02

LPILE is a special-purpose program based on rational procedures for analyzing a pile under lateral loading using the p-y method. LPILE solves the differential equation for a beam-column using nonlinear lateral load-transfer (p-y) curves. The program computes deflection, bending moment, shear force and soil response over the length of the pile.

As an option, components of the stiffness matrix at the pile head may be computed internally by LPILE so users can incorporate basic soil-structure interaction in their super-structure analyses. Another option from LPILE provides graphs of pile-head deflections for various pile lengths, to help users with optimum pile penetrations (for lateral response).

Nonlinear lateral load-transfer from the foundation to the soil is modeled using p-y curves generated internally using published recommendations for various types of soils. Special procedures are programmed for computing p-y curves for layered soils and for rocks. Alternatively, the user can enter manually any other externally generated ip-y curves.

Five types of pile-head boundary conditions may be selected, and the structural properties of the pile can vary as a function of depth. LPILE has analytical features to compute the nonlinear moment-curvature relationships and nominal moment capacity of a pile’s section based on specified pile dimensions and nonlinear material properties. Optionally, the user may enter nonlinear moment-curvature relationships to be used in place of the internally-generated values. LPILE provides several design recommendations for rebar arrangements in drilled shafts.
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Golden Software Surfer v15.1.305 Software
Golden Software Surfer v15.2.305 x32+x64

Golden Software Surfer v15.1.305

Golden Software Surfer – мощная система создания трехмерных карт, моделирования и анализа поверхностей, визуализации ландшафта, генерирования сетки и многого другого. Продукт позволяет создавать реалистичные 3D карты с учетом освещенности и теней, использовать изображения местности в различных форматах, экспортировать созданные карты в различные графические форматы и печатать в цвете размером до 50 м по диагонали. Мощные интерполяционные функции позволяют создавать точные поверхности высочайшего качества.

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