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Paolo Rugarli - Steel Connection Analysis Bookware
Paolo Rugarli - Steel Connection Analysis

Wiley-Blackwell, 2018
pdf, 537 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-119-30346-6

Paolo Rugarli - Steel Connection Analysis

Steel connection analysis and checking is one of the most complex problems in structural engineering, and even though we use very powerful computing tools, it is still generally done using very simplistic approaches. Fromthe point of view of a typical structural engineer, the problem to solve is to design and check nodes, not single connections, i.e. a number of connections between a number of different members – maybe tens or even hundreds of load combinations, inclined member axes, and generic stress states. In a typical 3D structure there may be several tens of such nodes, or maybe even hundreds, which may be similar, or may be different from one another; identifying nodes that are equal is one of the problems that the designer has to face in order to reduce the number of different possible solutions, and in order to get a rational design. However, this problem of detecting equal nodes has not been sufficiently researched, and there are currently no tools that are able to properly solve this issue. If posed with the due generality, the problem of checking 3D nodes of real structures has not been solved by automatic computing tools. Also, because a general method of tackling all these problems is apparently still lacking, usually a few "cooking recipes” have been used to solve a limited number of typical, recurring (2D assimilated) nodes. Indeed, it often happens that true, real world nodes have to be analyzed by such recipes, despite the fact that the basic hypotheses needed to apply these recipes do not always hold true. This poses a serious problem because although these "cooking recipes” have been widely used, in the past few years they have been applied to 3D structures designed using computer tools, in the non-linear range, perhaps in seismic areas, and with the aim of reducing the weight of steel. The effects of such oversimplification have already been seen in many structures where steel connections have failed, especially in seismic areas (e.g. Booth 2014), but even in non-seismic areas (e.g. White et al. 2013, Bruneau et al. 2011). Generally speaking, it is well known that connections are one of the most likely points of weakness of steel structures, one of the most cumbersome to design – indeed one of the least designed – and one of the least software-covered in structural engineering.

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Carlson SurveyGNSS 2016 v2.1.4 Software
Carlson SurveyGNSS 2016 v2.1.4

Carlson SurveyGNSS 2016 v2.1.4

Carlosn SurveyGNSS post-processing software is a fully automated solution designed to easily process raw GNSS data from different receiver brands. It is an open solution that processes GPS as well as Glonass signal. With Carlosn SurveyGNSS, all you need is your GNSS data files and a link to the Internet. At the touch of a single key, Carlosn SurveyGNSS searches the Internet to retrieve the best base station data. It's advanced algorithms process your source data to get the best accuracy out of your GNSS raw data. Carlosn SurveyGNSS is compatible with multiple base station networks as well as multiple raw data formats. It provides all the flexibility you need with its graphical (Plan View) and Windows Explorer (Project Manager) user interfaces.

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Technodigit 3DReshaper Meteor 2017 MR1 v17.1.11.25190 Software
Technodigit 3DReshaper Meteor 2017 MR1 v17.1.11.25190

Technodigit 3DReshaper Meteor 2017 MR1 v17.1.11.25190

3DReshaper Meteor is a software dedicated to metrology. It is a polyvalent software in terms of 3D modeling, supplemented by 3D inspection tools and CAD. Moreover, its interface with measuring arms of the Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence group makes it a complete software finding its place in many applications and all types of industries.

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Technodigit 3DReshaper 2017 MR1 v17.1.11.25190 Software
Technodigit 3DReshaper 2017 MR1 v17.1.11.25190

Technodigit 3DReshaper 2017 MR1 v17.1.11.25190

3DReshaper is the easy-to-use and versatile software solution dedicated to processing any type of point clouds in a wide array of applications. From point cloud to deliverables, from engineering to heritage, from surveying to manufacturing, 3DReshaper is the complete toolbox to meet your 3D modeling and inspection needs.

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Fundamentals of Petrophysics Second Edition Bookware
Shenglai Yang - Fundamentals of Petrophysics Second Edition

Springer Geophysics, 2017
pdf, 509 pages, english
ISBN 978-3-662-55028-1

Fundamentals of Petrophysics Second Edition

This book presents fundamental physical and physicochemical knowledge involved in oil and gas development engineering, such as physical and chemical phenomena, physical process. It is arranged to provide the knowledge of porous rock properties of reservoir rocks, and properties of fluids, i.e., gases, hydrocarbon liquids, and aqueous solutions, and the mechanism of multiphase fluid flow in porous media. The book also brings together the application of the above theories and knowledge. This textbook is written to serve the undergraduate teaching of the petroleum engineering major. It focuses on the introduction of basic conceptions, terms, definitions, and theories, placing more emphasis on the width of knowledge rather than the depth. What should be learned through the course includes the definitions of some essential physical parameters, the physical process, important physical phenomena, influencing factors, and engineering applications. In addition, the measuring methods and experimental procedures for the key parameters are also included. Through the study of this book, good foundation of knowledge frame for petroleum engineering should be established for students, which is benefit for both their further studying and their work in the future when they are engaged in job.

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Artsoft Gearotic v3.03 Software
Artsoft Gearotic v3.03

Artsoft Gearotic v3.03

Gearotic is a CAD/CAM 3D software package aimed to assist with your geared mechanical creations. It was primarily designed as a gear template generator, but developed into a utility package we hope you'll find useful. Gearotic will generate gears individually or combine them to create a moving gear train. Software allows you to simulate, animate, create toolpaths for cnc mode or export as 3D models. Gearotic has grown a great deal over the past few years. It is now not only a gear template generator, but can create objects for 3d printing, design clock escapements, tabbed boxing, circular and non circular gears and even Celtic Knots. We hope you enjoy the new and added functions of Gearotic. It continues to grow and have features added and upgraded at users request. We consider it an adjunct to CAD programs of all types and hope it helps you in your design work. It is our hope that G2 will allow what in the past could be done by dedicated hobbiests to be done by the more casual hobbiest. Gearotic is written by Art Fenerty, the original creator of the Mach series of machine controllers. It is supported by Art , and by Bob Landry, a fellow Gearhead. So whether your interest is in clockworks, window openers, whirlygigs or rube-goldberg machines, we hope you find a comfortable spot to meet and discuss such things. Gearotic is more of an interest group than a normal software company, as with Mach3 the program grows around the community of its users.

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PVsyst v6.6.8 Software
PVsyst v6.6.8

PVsyst v6.6.8

PVsyst is a software package for the study, sizing, simulation and data analysis of complete PV systems.

PVsyst - пакет программного обеспечения для изучения, отладки, моделирования и анализа данных для фотогальванических систем (Photovoltaic Systems). PVSYST подходит для изучения связанных сетей, наводнений и прямых потоков энергосистем, и предлагает большую базу данных по метеорологии и фотогальваническим системам.
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CADS 2018.1 Analysis-Modelling-Design Suite Software
CADS 2018.1 Analysis-Modelling-Design Suite

CADS 2018.1 Analysis-Modelling-Design Suite

CADS is a leading international software company specialising in civil and structural engineering design and detailing software.

More info about products included in the suite.
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S-FRAME P-FRAME Professional 2017.1.1 Software
S-FRAME P-FRAME Professional 2017.1.1

S-FRAME P-FRAME Professional 2017.1.1

P-FRAME is general 2D structural analysis software.

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Magicplot Systems MagicPlot Pro v2.7.2 Software
Magicplot Systems MagicPlot Pro v2.7.2

Magicplot Systems MagicPlot Pro v2.7.2

MagicPlot - приложение для анализа данных, построения графиков и нелинейной аппроксимации.

Нелинейная аппроксимация. Введите формулу, задайте интервал графически и аппроксимируйте. MagicPlot был успешно протестирован данными NIST для проверки алгоритмов аппроксимации. 

Аппроксимация пиками. Задавайте модель пик за пиком, двигая пики и базовую линию мышкой. Вычтете часть пиков из спектра, чтобы увидеть разность.

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Пакетная обработка. Самый простой способ обработать и аппроксимировать множество данных одинаковым способом без программирования и получить сводную таблицу параметров.

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