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Miri Technologies MiriMap2000+ v3.38.374 Software
Miri Technologies MiriMap2000+ v3.38.374

Miri Technologies MiriMap2000+ v3.38.374

Miri Technologies provides a comprehensive range of professional services and radio based equipment solutions for remote infrastructure management. We have been providing products and services for wireless monitoring and control solutions since 1984 and our ongoing engineering commitment to product development and the pursuit of excellence will ensure that our wireless SCADA solutions will continue to be used by Public Utilities, Mining and all aspects of Industry for many years to come. We offer services for all aspects of radio based monitoring and control systems from initial Consultancy and System Design through to Manufacture and Commissioning.

What is MiriMap2000+? It is a software package that contains the application interface for programming the AD200x devices. One of the main functions of the AD200x devices is to send data from point A to point B via various communications paths (cable, radio, dialup, satellite, Ethernet, GSM etc.). This software sets up the communications ports, defines the memory variables, determines the method of transmission and the conditions that will allow this to occur (i.e. polled, periodic or on event). The software also transfers the configured parameters, the necessary operating code and communication protocol drivers into the AD200x device via the programming port. The added functionality of a Ladder Logic programming interface for writing PLC type logic functions has also been introduced into the MiriMap2000+ version of software. There is the added capability to set the AD200x devices up as data-logger units and a separate logger configuration interface has been included. The MiriMap2000+ software package uses a graphical interface to make the configuration process easier and more intuitive. MiriMap2000+ Version 4.00 and above no longer supports Windows versions earlier than XP due to Microsoft© itself no longer supporting these products. The software package does not allow configuration of the interconnected devices supplied by third parties such as PLCs. These must use the programming packages supplied by the manufacturer.
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ifu e!Sankey Pro v4.5.2.0 Software
ifu e!Sankey Pro v4.5.2.0

ifu e!Sankey Pro v4.5.2.0

The software e!Sankey lets you create Sankey diagrams quickly and easily. No matter whether you wish to depict energy flows, material streams, or goods being transported along a supply chain: use e!Sankey to create convincing visualizations for your presentations, reports and publications. Sankey diagrams are a great way to visualize flows – e.g. energy, material, or cost flows. The width of each arrow in a Sankey diagram is proportional to the flow quantity, i.e. a flow with double the volume as another flow is shown with an arrow twice as wide. Sankey diagrams immediately draw the attention to the most important flows. They are gaining increasing importance in energy management, facility management, process engineering and in the area of resource efficient manufacturing. When visualizing costs along a supply chain or within a production plant, they can help to better understand value streams.

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Veesus Arena4D & Arena4D Renderer v2.0 for Rhino 6 Software
Veesus Arena4D & Arena4D Renderer v2.0 for Rhino 6

Veesus Arena4D & Arena4D Renderer v2.0 for Rhino 6

Arena4D is the name of our core product range and features client, server and plug-in applications. At the heart of all our applications is our cross platform point cloud rendering engine for viewing and editing large point cloud data sets. Whether you are an engineer, surveyor, site manager or end user, we have a solution to help you deal with the complexities of point cloud data.

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САПРОТОН NormCAD v10.4 Software
САПРОТОН NormCAD v10.4 x32+x64


NormCAD выполняет расчеты строительных конструкций по СНиП и готовит проектную документацию для представления заказчику и в органы экспертизы:

  • расчет стальных конструкций (расчет балок, колонн сплошного и составного сечения, профнастила и узлов ферм из гнутых профилей);
  • расчет железобетонных конструкций (расчет балок, колонн, стен и плит: подбор арматуры, проверка сечений - в т.ч. тавровых и двутавровых, косое внецентренное сжатие, расчет круглых колонн и колонн с распределенной арматурой, трещиностойкость, проверка прогиба, расчет на смятие и продавливание);
  • расчет каменных и армокаменных конструкций (проверка сечений - прямоугольных и тавровых на центральное и внецентренное сжатие, растяжение, срез, трещиностойкость и смятие);
  • расчет фундаментов;
  • теплотехнический расчет (сопротивление теплопередаче и паропроницанию стен, покрытий, перекрытий и светопрозрачных конструкций).
  • другие строительные и машиностроительные расчеты.
Главное преимущество - на сегодня это единственная программа, в которой расчет оформляется в виде текстового документа (в формате Word), подобному созданному опытным конструктором вручную, что позволяет легко проконтролировать любую часть расчета.

О новом в версии 10.4 тут
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Wyler INSERT v1.1.6.45 Software
Wyler INSERT v1.1.6.45

Wyler INSERT v1.1.6.45

wylerINSERT is an easy-to-use, yet powerful, tool to read inclination values from WYLER BlueSYSTEM devices and insert them into any program at the current position of the cursor - just as if the values were typed in. It can be configured to add a key stroke like {TAB} or {ENTER} or a combination of key strokes after each inserted value. This way it is possible to move the cursor to the correct next insert position. As soon as the measurement starts, the wylerINSERT window is disappearing to the background to free the input to the desired application like EXCEL or WORD. To stop the measurement, double-click on the wylerINSERT icon in the system tray at the lower right corner. The wylerINSERT window comes back to the front and the measurement can be stopped.

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KnowWare QI Macros 2018.07 Software
KnowWare QI Macros 2018.07

KnowWare QI Macros 2018.07

QI Macros is long on Six Sigma capabilities, with some Lean tools and techniques built in as well. Chances are many Green Belts and some Black Belts will be able to do everything they need with QI Macros and Excel. The familiar Excel interface reduces the learning curve and makes it a viable option for anyone who needs to create control charts, conduct statistical analysis or perform data manipulations.

More info.

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DNV GL AS Phast / Safeti Offshore v8.0.33.0 Software
DNV GL AS Phast / Safeti Offshore v8.0.33.0

DNV GL AS Phast / Safeti Offshore v8.0.33.0

Phast is the world's most comprehensive process industry hazard analysis software tool for all stages of design and operation. Phast examines the progress of a potential incident from the initial release to far-field dispersion including modelling of pool spreading and evaporation, and flammable and toxic effects. More info.

Safeti Offshore is a formal, structured and systematic approach for conducting an offshore QRA analysis. More info.
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Dlubal RFEM v5.13.01.140108 Software
Dlubal RFEM v5.13.01.140108 x64

Dlubal RFEM v5.13.01.140108

Программа RFEM для расчета методом конечных элементов - это мощное программное обеспечение для быстрого и простого моделирования, структурного анализа и проектирования 2D и 3D моделей, состоящих из стержней, плит, стен, составных плит, оболочек и твердых элементов. Благодаря модульному концепту программного обеспечения, возможно объединение основной программы RFEM с соответствующими дополнительными модулями для удовлетворения ваших индивидуальных требований.

Программа для расчета конструкций RFEM является основой модульного программного комплекса. Базовая программа RFEM используется для задания конструкций, материалов и нагрузок для  плоских и пространственных конструктивных систем, состоящих из плит, стен, оболочек и стержней. Возможно создание комбинированных конструкций, а также моделирование объемных и контактных элементов. В программе RFEM рассчитываются деформации, внутренние силы, напряжения, опорные реакции, а также контактные напряжения основания. Дополнительные модули облегчают ввод данных путем автоматического создания конструкций и соединений либо могут выполнять дальнейший анализ и моделирование в соответствии с различными стандартами.

Благодаря широкому спектру интерфейсов RFEM обеспечивает идеальное взаимодействие с программами САПР и расчета конструкций в информационном моделировании зданий (BIM). Например существует двусторонний обмен данными между RFEM и программами Tekla Structures, Revit Structure, Bentley ISM.
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Four Pillars & Feng Shui v4.2 Software
Four Pillars & Feng Shui v4.2

Four Pillars & Feng Shui v4.2

Four Pillars & Feng Shui is the leading software package for professional Feng Shui consultants, Chinese astrologers, and researchers. The program is easy to use and also a great learning tool for beginners in the field. FP & FS 4.2 is your complete Chinese metaphysics laboratory. The software consists of four complete programs for Feng Shui, Four Pillars (Ba Zi), Nine Star Ki and I Ching. New in version 4.2 is a program for the Wen Wang Gua divination method in the I Ching.

In the Feng Shui program you can:
  • Calculate the Flying Stars charts, with the option to use replacement stars if needed.
  • Watch the yearly, monthly, daily and hourly visiting stars fly through the palaces.
  • Consult the database with interpretation texts about the Stars, Star combinations, and their cures.
  • Find the exact center of any shape building.
  • Draw floorplans, or import floorplans from scanner or graphics file.
  • Produce a professional printout with the star combinations drawn in over the floorplan of your choice.
  • Save your charts in a bitmap file and attach them to email, etc.
The Four Pillars program includes:
  • Calculation of Four Pillars charts for any date between 3000 BC and 3000 AD (using Swiss Ephemeris for up to the minute precision).
  • Automatic correction to true local time (= Solar time)
  • Automatic correction for "Equation of Time". This results in the most accurate 4P chart calculation one can do.
  • Calculation of Day Master strength.
  • Suggested chart type if there is a potential "special life"
  • Easy to use analysis module showing the Clashes and Combinations, and the Symbolic Stars (Shen Sha).
  • Quickly spot the potential ups and downs in a life, using the special "Luck Graphs".
  • Timeliness of the elements, and Void branches.
  • Browse the 10 year luck periods and the yearly, monthly and daily luck.
  • Interpret the chart with the editable interpretation texts that give information about the Stems and Branch and their combinations.
  • Professional print out showing all Luck Pillars and Day Master strength.
  • In built Atlas with coordinates and standard timezones for 60000 places.
  • Text output utility to easily share your charts on internet groups or copy/paste into any other written work.
In the Nine Star Ki program you have:
  • Calculate and interpret the Nine Star Ki charts for any date between 3000 BC and 3000 AD (using Swiss Ephemeris for up to the minute precision).
  • Track the yearly, monthly, daily and hourly flying stars and make accurate predictions.
  • Consult the editable database with information about the Nine Stars and their combinations.
  • Create Directionology maps showing the favourable and unfavourable directions.
  • 180 country and regio maps are available. Also new topographic maps and satellite images.
  • 4 different Day Star formulas to choose from.
  • Printout showing the Stars and/or Directionology map.
In the I Ching program you can:
  • Consult the I Ching using 6 different methods, including a new Date/Time based method and "Visual I Ching".
  • Study the I Ching texts and line comments by Wilhelm or Legge.
  • Use the Wen Wang Gua interpretation method.
  • Save your own comments in the editable database.
  • Cast hexagrams directly by clicking on world maps, stock charts, photograps,... in the special "Visual I Ching" module.
  • Text output utility to easily share your divination on internet groups or copy/paste into any other written work.
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Dlubal RSTAB v8.13.01.140108 Software
Dlubal RSTAB v8.13.01.140108 х64

Dlubal RSTAB v8.13.01.140108

RSTAB - программа для расчета плоских и пространственных каркасных конструкций, учитывающая современный уровень развития технологий и помогающая инженерам успешно решать задачи по проектированию конструкций. При помощи RSTAB можно определить внутренние силы, деформации и опорные реакции.

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