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IDEA StatiCa v9.1.31.50722 Software
IDEA StatiCa v9.1.31.50722

IDEA StatiCa v9.1.31.50722

IDEA RS is developing a new generation of designing and checking programs. Structural engineers and consultants use them to design residential, civil and industrial structures. We deliver a flexible system of programs to enhance output and working comfort of every engineering office.

IDEA StatiCa enables engineers to design every new construction cheaper and safer by minimizing risks of structural defects, decreasing material consumption of construction members/details by up to 30%, reducing time spent on designing of construction members/details by up to 50%, providing 100% ”white box” results for engineers, general contractors, checkers and construction authorities.

IDEA StatiCa has three main parts:
  • IDEA StatiCa Concrete is used by engineers dealing with members/details of concrete structures. Designing is based on internal forces model created either in IDEA StatiCa or imported from FEA programs like Midas, Axis VM, SCIA Engineer and others. More info.
  • IDEA StatiCa Prestressing is used by engineers for the design of members, cross-sections, and details of prestressed concrete structures and bridges. The program is suitable for an extensive range of applications in both pre- and post-tensioned concrete market. More info.
  • IDEA StatiCa Steel is used by engineers dealing with members, joints, connections, details and cross-sections of steel structures. Its functionality is organized into modules depending on the member which is to be analyzed and designed – Connection, Beam, Column, Frame etc. More info.
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Rarlab WinRAR v5.61 Software
Rarlab WinRAR v5.61 bra+chi+eng+ger+rus+tur x32+x64

Rarlab WinRAR v5.61

Архиватор RAR является самой распространенной программой после операционной системы и браузера, ведь большинство программ и в Интернете, и у пользователей хранятся в сжатом виде в архивах.

WinRAR – мощная утилита для создания и управления архивами, содержащая целый спектр дополнительных полезных функций. Программа WinRAR ежедневно используется миллионами людей во всем мире для экономии места на ПК и быстрой передачи файлов.

WinRAR больше не поддерживает Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT.

What's new in the latest version:

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LizardSystems Remote Process Explorer v5.1.0.245 Software
LizardSystems Remote Process Explorer v5.1.0.245

LizardSystems Remote Process Explorer v5.1.0.245

With Remote Process Explorer, you will be able to get the list of processes and will also be in a position to manage them. On a local or remote computer, users can kill a process, run a new one or change the priority of a process. In order to do this, you are not required to install additional software on a remote computer since the program uses the in-built functions of the operating system. With Remote Process Explorer, you will be able to see complete information about each running process. It will also indicate the time the process began, the user who started the process the path to its executable file as well as the amount of memory and CPU it uses. This information is available in the Task Manager and can be obtained for a local as well as a remote computer. For managing a remote computer, Remote Process Explorer has in-built tools built that it uses.

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Schlumberger VMGSim v10.0 build 04.2018 Software
Schlumberger Virtual Materials Group VMGSim v10.0 build 04.2018

Schlumberger VMGSim v10.0 build 04.2018

VMGSim is used around the world to model existing processes and to design new facilities from the ground up. With over 20,000 chemicals, more than 80 thermodynamic property packages and hundreds of unit operations, VMGSim provides unparalleled model sophistication and precision, giving you more time to solve processing challenges creatively. As a result, you'll find innovative ways to increase the value of your product while reducing your operating costs and wasted material. Let VMGSim be like your own engineering advisor: propagating information, anticipating your questions, and suggesting effective methods for model development and exploration. Better still, it builds your models based on rigorous thermodynamic relationships and needs only the information absolutely required to do so, saving you time and processing power.

Experiment with different equipment configurations in your simulation models to see the effects of changes to the whole system instantly and economically. VMGSim does this by instantly calculating process changes, intelligently propagating information, and continually monitoring degrees of freedom when you modify any unit operation parameters or process conditions.

Model your plants using a relatively small number of inputs because VMGSim can extract only the most useful information from your data. That information is then spread throughout your flowsheet automatically, allowing you to develop creative solutions to extremely difficult problems you may not be able to easily solve using traditional sequential simulators. VMGSim tracks all of your data inputs, making it possible to immediately see what was added to the system and the result. The bi-directional information propagation capability also eliminates the need for artificial recycle blocks and simultaneous convergence of recycles and controllers throughout your flowsheet.

VMGSim is a true Gibbs-based simulator that is capable of monitoring each variable’s state and its thermodynamic significance. By means of the Gibbs phase rule, with enough degrees of freedom fulfilled, calculations are automatically completed and the results transmitted throughout your flowsheet. Simulations are automatically recalculated every time you change the value of a variable without the need for special estimates. You can now concentrate on understanding your process while VMGSim handles the math.

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SatHunter v2.5.0.62 Software
SatHunter v2.5.0.62

SatHunter v2.5.0.62

SatHunter contains all the necessary information for adjusting the satellite antenna to the selected satellite. The adjustment is made with the help of available tools (a compass or a protractor, a plumb, a tape measure) and requires neither expensive equipment nor deep knowledge about satellite television.

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SourceTec Sothink SWF Decompiler v7.4 Software
SourceTec Sothink SWF Decompiler v7.4

SourceTec Sothink SWF Decompiler v7.4

Sothink SWF Decompiler - прекрасный инструмент по конвертированию SWF в FLA. Загружайте, играйте и просматривайте Shockwave Flash видео (swf или exe). SWF Decompiler, полностью совместимый с ActionScript 2.0/3.0. Программа совместима со всеми SWF элементами, такими, как ActionScripts, звуки, изображения, видео, формы, рамки, точки, тексты, кнопки в различных форматах. Программа предназначения для извлечения различных ресурсов из Flash-клипов. Простой и понятный интерфейс, поддержка экспорта в .FLA-формат. Имеется удобный модуль для захвата Flash-клипов прямо из браузера.

Sothink SWF Decompiler is a professional tool to convert SWF to FLA fully and extract elements from SWF into variable formats. Compatible with all SWF versions and converted FLA is from version 6.0 to version 8.0. You can get the fully FLA file including linkage, components, *.as, etc. Also you can choose to extract ActionScripts as txt or bin, sounds as mp3 or wav, images as jpg or bmp or png, videos as flv, shapes as gls, frames/fonts/texts/buttons/sprites as swf to your local computer after an SWF is decompiled. Both SWF and EXE (Flash project) files are supported. Sothink SWF Decompiler provides a user-friendly interface. A built-in player enables you to preview the movie and every element before exporting. And you can customize the interface layout to meet your needs. To make SWF Decompiler even more appealing, SWF Catcher is offered freely. It is a free tool that can capture Flash movies you are viewing in the browser.
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AC-Tek Newton v2.60.00 Software
Advanced Conveyor Technologies Newton v2.60.00

AC-Tek Newton v2.60.00

Newton is a general purpose Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulation package used to quickly and accurately model three-dimensional behavior of granular flow. A variety of constitutive models have been included to model a wide range of material properties including wet, sticky, cohesive material. Material degradation, surface wear, impact damage, energy dissipation, and other fundamental parameters can easily be analyzed. Newton is extremely flexible and can handle a wide variety of material properties and geometries including conveyor transfer chutes, apron feeders, chain feeders, bucket elevators, and more. It is developed and maintained by the engineering group at AC-Tek.

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LizardSystems Terminal Services Manager v3.0.0.233 Software
LizardSystems Terminal Services Manager v3.0.0.233

LizardSystems Terminal Services Manager v3.0.0.233

Terminal Services Manager shows which user is connected to the remote host, what processes they are running, and how much of the server resources (CPU and memory) they are using. You can send users messages, disconnect them from the server, or connect to their sessions remotely. With Terminal Services Manager you can send bulk messages to users, disconnect idle users, and end sessions of multiple disconnected users simultaneously. Terminal Services Manager allows you to work with several hosts at once. Terminal Services Manager displays information in both table form and by drawing graphs of the usage of CPU, memory, and other resources over time for each server, session, and user.

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AvtodorPave v1.0 Software
Криворуким и хитрожопым строителям юго-восточной хорды у платформы Плющево посвящвется ... 
AvtodorPave v1.0

AvtodorPave v1.0

AvtodorPave - программный комплекс по конструированию и расчету дорожных одежд.

Основной функционал:
  • Конструирование нежестких дорожных одежд в соответствии с требованиями СТО АВТОДОР 2.6-2013 «Требования к нежестким дорожным одеждам» и СТО АВТОДОР 2.25 -2016 «Каталог типовых конструкций»
  • Расчет суммарного числа приложений расчетной нагрузки с учетом требований СТО АВТОДОР 2.25 -2016 «Каталог типовых конструкций» и СТО АВТОДОР 2.4-2013 «Оценка остаточного ресурса»
  • Возможность анализа напряженно-деформированного состояния нежестких дорожных конструкций на основе точного решения теории упругости
  • Вывод подробного отчета о результатах расчета и чертежей с вариантами конструкций дорожных одежд
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Split Engineering Split-Desktop v4.0.0.42 Software
Split Engineering Split-Desktop v4.0.0.42 x64

Split Engineering Split-Desktop v4.0.0.42

Split-Desktop is the industry approved software standard for manual, off-line coarse rock fragmentation size determination. More than 500 licenses have been sold in its 16 year history. Digital images acquired in the field can be analyzed on a laptop or at the office to determine the particle size distribution of your fragmented rock at any stage in the comminution process. The source of these images can be a muck pile, haul truck, leach pile, draw point, waste dump, stockpile, conveyor belt, rip rap, sediment or any other situation where clear images of rock fragments can be obtained. Within Split-Desktop, the images are manually scaled and edited for optimum accuracy.

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