Автор: Williams
Дата: 7 апреля 2019
Просмотров: 628 |
Heat Transfer Consultant ACX v3.5 repack
for wXP users only
The ACX program will design or analyze API type air cooled (or air heated) heat exchangers. These exchangers consist of rectangular tube bundles with air flowing once across the outside of the tubes. The tubes may be high fin, low fin or plain (no fins). The primary equipment type considered is that of an aerial cooler (heater) where axial flow fans force the air across the tubes. Other exchanger types considered by ACX are preheaters, recuperators and regenerators. The fluid outside the tubes may be air or other gases or gas mixtures. Applications include coolers, heaters, condensers and evaporators. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 6 апреля 2019
Просмотров: 21 792 |
x-Force keygen v2 for ALL Autodesk products v2020
These are original (x-force) and c7111981/LAVteam (based on x-force code) keygens. Product keys are in the file \product keys\product.keys.2020.txt
This time some fucking clowns going by the name of Shit Heads (we won't mention them) decided to HexEdit our Autodesk Keygen.
Put your resources into something worth it instead of stealing the work of REAL Crackers. You wasted our time again.
You Will get a new Keygen, new design, for the matter. V2
All our OLD friends ... and to all our fans |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 5 апреля 2019
Просмотров: 448 |
Heat Transfer Consultant ACX v3.5
for wXP users only
The ACX program will design or analyze API type air cooled (or air heated) heat exchangers. These exchangers consist of rectangular tube bundles with air flowing once across the outside of the tubes. The tubes may be high fin, low fin or plain (no fins). The primary equipment type considered is that of an aerial cooler (heater) where axial flow fans force the air across the tubes. Other exchanger types considered by ACX are preheaters, recuperators and regenerators. The fluid outside the tubes may be air or other gases or gas mixtures. Applications include coolers, heaters, condensers and evaporators. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 4 апреля 2019
Просмотров: 3 429 |
Autodesk Inventor Nastran 2020 eng x64
Autodesk Inventor Nastran - программный комплекс для расчетов задач механики твердого деформируемого тела, основанный на методе конечных элементов. Решатель Nastran является одним из лучших решателей для задач механики деформируемого тела.
Задачи, которые позволяет рассчитывать программный комплекс Autodesk Inventor Nastran:
- линейный и нелинейный статический анализ;
- расчет устойчивости;
- модальный анализ;
- стационарный и нестационарный тепловой расчет;
- расчет композитных материалов;
- расчет температурных напряжений;
- тепловой расчет с нелинейными граничными условиями;
- отклик на случайные частотные нагрузки;
- расчет вынужденных колебаний;
- расчет динамических нагрузок;
- расчет пластических и гиперупругих свойств;
- расчет падения тела.
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 1 апреля 2019
Просмотров: 1 638 |
GeoStru RSL-III 2019.20.5.541 ITA repack
Risposta sismica locale RSL III – Software per la valutazione della risposta sismica locale di III livello.
Con il metodo di III livello è possibile valutare puntualmente l’effettiva amplificazione stratigrafica sfruttando la soluzione dell’equazione differenziale che governa il problema della propagazione di onde di taglio in un solido alla Kelvin-Voigt ed un comportamento dei terreni secondo curve di decadimento per G e lo smorzamento tratte dalla letteratura scientifica e/o normative (Regione Lombradia), o ancora, curve di decadimento personalizzate.
La procedura di calcolo utilizzata da RSL III per la risposta sismica locale è di tipo lineare equivalente su un modello di n strati piani e paralleli di estensione orizzontale infinita su un semispazio corrispondente al bedrock.
L’input sismico, rappresentato da uno o più accelerogrammi (REXEL permette la ricerca di combinazioni di accelerogrammi naturali compatibili con gli spettri di normativa), viene applicato al bedrock e viene valutato il moto di propagazione delle onde in direzione perpendicolare alla superficie utilizzando l’equazione di equilibrio dinamico in funzione dello spostamento.
I valori finali forniti dall’analisi di III livello sono gli accelerogrammi e i relativi spettri di risposta, lo spettro medio e quello medio normalizzato da confrontare con lo spettro di normativa. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 30 марта 2019
Просмотров: 2 337 |
Klokan MapTiler Plus v10.0.24
MapTiler allows efficient and fast multi-core paralellized rendering of raster geodata (TIFF/GeoTIFF, MrSID, ECW, JPEG2000, Erdas HFA, NOAA BSB/KAP, Ozi Explorer OZF2/OZFx3, JPEG, GIF, PNG and more…) into map tiles suitable for Google Maps API mashups (OpenStreetMap, Microsoft Bing, MapQuest, MapBox, Google Earth; MBTiles format is supported), native mobile applications (iPhone/iPad/Android) with Apple MapKit, RouteMe or OSMDroid.
It automatically produces large seamless maps from several input files (MapTiler Pro) and directly optimizes the produced tiles for minimal filesize which allows extremely fast distribution of maps from any ordinary webserver or from a cloud CDN (Rackspace Cloud Files, Apache, PHP, Linux, DropBox, Google Drive, Amazon S3/CloudFront, Google Cloud Storage).
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