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Siemens FEMAP literature Bookware
Siemens FEMAP literature

Siemens FEMAP literature

FEMAP Tips and Tricks, FEMAP User Guide, Introduction to FEMAP, FEMAP - Геометрическое и конечно-элементное моделирование конструкций.

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RIBtec v19.0 build 22.05.2019 Software
RIBtec v19.0 build 22.05.2019

RIBtec v19.0 build 22.05.2019

RIBtec is an integrated software which allows structural member design and CAD/ FEM-applications at the same time for structural and soil engineering as well as for sophisticated tunnel and bridge constructions. A wide range of multi-purpose tools are available which cover routine work as well as challenging engineering tasks in the high-end range. RIBtec includes all structural engineering tools. An object oriented, context sensitive functionality under Windows is the base for excellent comfort in application and high security in usage. All applications have the background of more than 45 years of software development in the area of structural and geotechnical analysis, design and construction. The available engineering tools are supplemented by an overall office- and project-management application.

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Siemens Simcenter FEMAP 2019.1 Software
Siemens Simcenter FEMAP 2019.1

Siemens Simcenter FEMAP 2019.1

Femap – независимый от САПР пре- и постпроцессор от Siemens PLM Software для проведения инженерного анализа методом конечных элементов (МКЭ) (Finite Element Analysis – FEA). Femap является связующим звеном между пользователем и решателем - ядром, осуществляющим вычисления в задачах инженерного анализа. Система Femap, интегрированная с решателем NX Nastran, входит в линейку продуктов Velocity Series и является независимой полнофункциональной средой для моделирования, имитации и оценки результатов анализа характеристик изделия. Femap 11.3 x64 на базе решателя NX Nastran 10p2 x64 позволяет проводить анализ динамики и прочности конструкций, машин и сооружений, получать решение нестационарных нелинейных пространственных задач, задач механики композитов и композитных структур, строительной и технологической механики, проводить анализ теплопереноса, получать решение задач механики жидкости и газа, связанных многодисциплинарных задач.

Базовые модули Femap с NX Nastran позволяют проводить основные виды инженерного анализа, такие как линейный статический анализ, анализ частот и форм свободных колебаний, анализ потери устойчивости конструкций, анализ задач стационарного и нестационарного теплообмена, базовые возможности нелинейного анализа. Базовый нелинейный анализ включает учет таких нелинейностей, как геометрическая (большие деформации, перемещения, следящие нагрузки) и физическая (учет нелинейных материалов – пластичности, ползучести, вязкоупругости), учет контактного взаимодействия при малых перемещениях – «линейный» контакт, учет контакта с условием сплошности. Расширенный нелинейный модуль (Advanced Nonlinear) используется при анализе больших нелинейностей (в том числе деформирование [Эластомер|эластомеров], учет пространственного контактного взаимодействия), сочетании различных видов нелинейностей, а также при моделировании и расчете быстропротекающих нелинейных динамических процессов на основе явной схемы интегрирования. Femap включает три дополнительных модуля: Femap Flow Solver – позволяет осуществлять анализ гидро- и газодинамики; Femap Advanced Thermal Solver – предоставляет набор возможностей для анализа тепломассопереноса, включая моделирование жидкостных каналов, связанной конвекции и анализ гидро-, газодинамических потоков; Femap Thermal Solver – решение для температурного анализа и анализа теплопереноса. Femap используется специалистами проектных организаций для моделирования сложных конструкций, систем и процессов, таких как, спутники, самолеты, электронная аппаратура военного назначения, тяжелое строительное оборудование, подъемные краны, морской транспорт и технологическое оборудование. Femap обеспечивает решение сложных задач инженерного анализа в различных отраслях, например, таких как авиационно-космическая, вертолетостроение, оборонная промышленность и судостроение.
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ProtaStructure Suite Enterprise 2019 SP2 TURKISH Software
ProtaStructure Suite Enterprise 2019 SP2 TURKISH

ProtaStructure Suite Enterprise 2019 SP2 TURKISH

ProtaStructure Suite is the most comprehensive solution for multi-material analysis, design and automated detail drawings of structures. ProtaStructure Suite combines the power of ProtaStructure together with the full detailing capability of ProtaDetails for the ultimate building design and detailing solution for structural engineering professionals. See below for information on which system is best for your business. ProtaStructure Professional Suite is the all-in-one package for multi-material modelling with steel, concrete and composite members, 3-D finite element analysis, code-compliant design and detailing of building structures. ProtaStructure Enterprise Suite extends professional edition with advanced time-history, staged construction and nonlinear analyses, seismic isolators, nonlinear link elements and  seismic assessment/retrofitting. ProtaStructure includes new module - ProtaSteel - for steel connection design and detailing. Hundreds of new features and enhancements in ProtaStructure and ProtaDetails for rapidly designing and documenting your building projects, and our dynamic new ProtaBIM for coordination with other leading BIM systems.

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Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography, 10th Edition Bookware
Robert Christopherson, Ginger Birkeland - Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography, 10th Edition

Pearson, 2018
pdf, 694 pages, english
ISBN-13: 9780134642512

Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography, 10th Edition

Among the most highly regarded texts in physical geography, Robert Christopherson’s best-selling Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography is known for its meticulous attention to detail, up-to-date accuracy, and rich integration of climate change science. Uniquely organized, the text presents Earth systems topics as they naturally occur: atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. This interconnected and organic systems-based approach is highlighted in strong pedagogical tools, a structured learning path, and current, updated information. The 10th Edition includes new features and activities that help students apply geography to the real world, revised infographics, and new exercises designed to enhance learning.

Mastering Geography is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product proven to improve results by helping students quickly master concepts. Students benefit from self-paced coaching activities that feature personalized wrong-answer feedback and hints that emulate the office-hour experience and help keep students on track. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain challenging physical geography concepts.
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Hexagon CAESAR II 2019 v11.00.00.4800 build 190424 Software
Hexagon CAESAR II 2019 v11.00.00.4800 build 190424

Hexagon CAESAR II 2019 v11.00.00.4800 build 190424

CAESAR II is the world’s most widely used pipe flexibility and stress analysis software, CAESAR II is a complete solution that enables quick and accurate analysis of piping systems subjected to a wide variety of loads, taking into account weight, pressure, thermal, seismic and other static and dynamic conditions, based on user-defined variables and accepted industry guidelines. CAESAR II analyzes piping systems of any size or complexity, whether the need is to design a new system or trouble-shoot an existing one. And, CAESAR II features the only bi-directional link between analysis and CAD design, allowing engineers and designers to easily share information while keeping the drawing and related data in sync.

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Howden Group VentSim Design Premium v5.1.4.5 Software
Howden Group (ex. Chasm Consulting) VentSim Design Premium v5.1.4.5

Howden Group VentSim Design Premium v5.1.4.5

As part of Howden’s strategy to become the world’s leading provider of mine ventilation solutions, we are pleased to announce the acquisition of Chasm Consulting and its world leading products Ventsim/PumpSim. Providing industry-leading 3D design and simulation capability, the Ventsim/PumpSim software is widely used among the global mine ventilation community. Howden will now offer a full suite of solutions for mine ventilation, from modelling and design software to full turnkey projects including main and auxiliary fans, instrumentation, automation and Ventilation on Demand via the Simsmart product line.

Ventsim was originally introduced to mining operations in 1994 to help visually design, improve and optimize underground ventilation systems. It is now licensed to over 1000 mine sites, consultants, universities, governments and research agencies around the world. The new Ventsim Visual ventilation software was released in 2009 and offers a graphically rich and dynamic ventilation environment with many more features than the original Ventsim Classic. Ventsim Visual is available in three versions: Standard, Advanced and Premium.

Ventsim Visual Standard is a lower cost version based on incompressible flow simulation routines and includes dynamic animated 3D graphics showing real airway dimensions and shapes together with animated air flows. Colours show over 30 different data types including airflow, velocities, various pressures and costs. In addition, the Standard version comes with contaminant spread routines to help predict steady state flow of gases, dust, fumes and smoke.

Ventsim Visual Advanced uses advanced compressible flow modelling, including automatic density and fan curve adjustment, automatic natural ventilation simulation and prediction of temperatures and humidity due to rock strata, auto compression, diesel equipment and electric motors.

Ventsim Visual Premium includes all features of Ventsim Visual Advanced as well as VentFIRE fire simulation, VentLog ventilation survey record software, and the optional LiveView remote data connection and display module.
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Boole & Partners StairDesigner Pro-PP v7.11a Software
Boole & Partners StairDesigner Pro-PP v7.11a

Boole & Partners StairDesigner Pro-PP v7.11a

StairDesigner – программное обеспечение для проектирования лестниц и ступенек для любых жилых и промышленных строений.Быстрый расчёт для угловых,закруглённых и прочих вариантов,вычисление конфигурации ступеньки,стойки,перил,выбор нужного материала (дерево,камень,мрамор,железо).Готовый результат можно распечатать на принтере или экспортировать в формате DXF.

StairDesigner is a polyvalent straight, helicoidal, and balanced stair design software, used in the wood, marble, stone, and metal industries. StairDesigner allows a quick stairway parameters entry. Its Help and Control Function checks the Riser Height, Tread Length, and Stair Rule parameters (Blondel’s law), and helps reaching the stair compliance. StairDesigner is based on the Boole & Partners exclusive Global Balancing Function, which summarizes major balancing theories, and calculates «S-shaped» stairs, cut-off corners stairs, English styled stairs, and rounded stairs, and also optimizes concrete stairs coverage (StairDesigner-Pro_RB). StairDesigner calculates all the stair components : steps, risers, stringboards, racks, straws, poles, handrails and banisters, which may be printed, plotted in a scale 1/1 (jigs), or exported in DXF format.
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TECE Instal-Therm HCR v4.13 Software
TECE Instal-Therm HCR v4.13

TECE Instal-Therm HCR v4.13

Instal-Therm HCR предназначена для проектирования систем поверхностного и радиаторного отопления, а также систем холодоснабжения на основе архитектурных чертежей. Возможен импорт и экспорт чертежей из AutoCad. Ввод данных происходит посредством выполнения схемы - плоской аксонометрической развертки либо посредством выполнения чертежа сети на проекции. После этого возможно проведение комплексных вычислений гидравлических и тепловых систем, а именно:

  • подбор диаметров труб и арматуры;
  • автоматический подбор тройников, распределителей, фасонных изделий и проходных муфт;
  • установочная регулировка сети с применением регулировочной арматуры;
  • подбор требуемой высоты подъема насосов, размещенных на участках либо в смесителях системы;
  • подбор теплоизоляции трубопроводов;
  • тепловые и гидравлические расчеты отопительных поверхностей с автоматическим подбором оптимальной температуры питания (входа);
  • подбор радиаторов с учетом охлаждения рабочего агента в трубопроводах.
Программа создана польской фирмой instalSOFT Они же делали проги для Uponor и еще для десятка фирм (отличаются только базами оборудования).
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Emerson PRV2SIZE v2.8.6481 Software
Emerson PRV2SIZE v2.8.6481

Emerson PRV2SIZE v2.8.6481

PRV2SIZE software is an easy to use and comprehensive program that offers sizing, selection and configuration capabilities for Anderson Greenwood, Crosby and Varec brand Over Pressure Protection Valves and for Yarway brand Automatic Recirculation Control Valves:

PRV2Size Software Sizing Methods include:
  • ASME Section VIII (API 520, Part I, 9th edition) Gas, Liquid or Steam phase Orifice Area and Flow Calculations
  • Non-Code (API 520, Part I, 9th edition) Gas, Liquid or Steam phase Orifice Area and Flow Calculations
  • API 2000/ISO 28300, 6th edition Gas phase Orifice Area and Flow Calculations
  • ISO 4126-7 (2nd Edition) Gas Liquid or Steam phase Orifice Area and Flow Calculations
  • ASME Section I Steam phase Orifice Area and Flow Calculations
  • Fire Sizing Calculations per API 521 /API 520, Part I, 9th edition for Wetted or Unwetted Vessels
  • 2-Phase ASME Appendix 11: Saturated Water Orifice Area and Flow Calculations
  • 2-Phase API 520, Part I, 9th Edition C.2.1(Mass Flux Direct Integration), C.2.2(Flashing/Non-Flashing) and C.2.3(Sub-cooled/Saturated Liquid) Orifice Area and Flow Calculations
  • 2-Phase API 520, Part I, 7th Edition D.2.1(Flashing Liquid and its Vapor), D.2.1( Non-Flashing Liquid and Gas), D.2.2(Sub-cooled/Saturated Liquid) and D.2.3(Flashing Liquid, Vapor and Gas) Orifice Area and Flow Calculations
  • 2-Phase API 520, Part I, 6th Edition: Separated Flow Method Orifice Area and Flow Calculations
  • Tank Blanketing, Back Pressure or Pressure Reducing Regulator Sizing
  • Varec Flame Arrester Sizing
  • Yarway ARC Flow Control Valve Sizing
  • Tank Vent Sizing for Pressure Relief Valve (API 200/ISO 28300) or Free Vent (API 2000/ ISO 28300, 6th edition) Sizing
  • Reaction Force Calculations
  • Noise Calculations
Sizing Inputs can be in English or Metric Units for:
  • Fluid Properties
  • Pressures, Vacuum and Back Pressures
  • Temperature
  • Flow Capacity
Valve Selection simplified with Filter Bar Options like:
  • Valve Type Filter Option
  • ASME or API dataset for K and A Values Filter Option
Valve Configuration allows:
  • Main Valve Materials of Construction, Accessory Selection with display of Catalog Model and ERP Number
  • Valve Customization
  • Addition of Notes for Sizing Reports
  • Generation of Valve Weight and Dimensions
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