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ArcGIS for Environmental and Water Issues Bookware
William Bajjali - ArcGIS for Environmental and Water Issues

Springer, 2019
pdf, 363 pages, english
ISBN: 978-3-319-61157-0

This textbook is a step-by-step tutorial on the applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in environmental and water resource issues. It provides information about GIS and its applications, specifically using the most advanced ESRI GIS technology and its extensions. 

Eighteen chapters cover GIS applications in the field of earth sciences and water resources in detail from the ground up. Author William Bajjali explains what a GIS is and what it is used for, the basics of map classification, data acquisition, coordinate systems and projections, vectorization, geodatabase and relational database, data editing, geoprocessing, suitability modeling, working with raster, watershed delineation, mathematical and statistical interpolation, and more advanced techniques, tools and extensions such as ArcScan, Topology, Geocoding, Hydrology, Geostatistical Analyst, Spatial Analyst, Network Analyst, 3-D Analyst. ArcPad, ESRI’s cutting-edge mobile GIS software, is covered in detail as well.

Each chapter contains concrete case studies and exercises – many from the author’s own work in the United States and Middle East. This volume is targeted toward advanced undergraduates, but could also be useful for professionals and for anyone who utilizes GIS or practices spatial analysis in relation to geology, hydrology, ecology, and environmental sciences.
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TRL TRANSYT v16.0.0.8411 Software
TRL TRANSYT v16.0.0.8411

TRL TRANSYT v16.0.0.8411

TRANSYT is a software suite containing a macroscopic traffic model, a signal optimiser, and a simulation model for the purpose of designing, evaluating and modelling everything from single isolated road junctions to large mixed signal-controlled and priority control traffic networks.

Signal timings at road junctions have an important effect on levels of traffic congestion, both at the junction itself and at surrounding junctions which may be signalised or priority-controlled. Ensuring traffic signals are timed effectively is one of the most cost-effective methods for reducing congestion.

Based on decades of research and development, TRANSYT is a now a comprehensive global product used for optimising traffic signals at single junctions and large traffic networks of mixed control.  It is designed specifically to give quick solutions with minimal user input, and also more considered solutions when needed.

TRANSYT modelling can feed into many processes – Its signal plans used for fixed time signals; cableless linking facilities; SCOOT base timings; vehicle actuation maximum timings and also used to predict the performance of the aforementioned.

Furthermore, through the addition of a simulation model, TRANSYT’s capability is extended to include the modelling of non-cyclic signalling scenarios.

TRANSYT is used across the globe by traffic engineers, traffic modellers, junction designers, students and tutors, working for local authorities; municipal, state and regional authorities; consultancies of all sizes from multi-nationals to the smallest businesses; universities; other educational establishments.

TRANSYT can model mixed networks of signalised and unsignalised junctions.  Furthermore, when used in conjunction with a Junctions licence, it has the capability to predict the performance of priority junctions using standard ARCADY PICADY geometric data.
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Structural Dynamics, Theory and Computation, Sixth Edition Bookware
Mario Paz, Young Hoon Kim - Structural Dynamics, Theory and Computation, Sixth Edition

Springer, 2019
pdf, 629 pages, english
ISBN: 978-3-319-94742-6

Structural Dynamics, Theory and Computation, Sixth Edition

The sixth edition of Structural Dynamics: Theory and Computation is the complete and comprehensive text in the field. It presents modern methods of analysis and techniques adaptable to computer programming clearly and easily. The book is ideal as a text for advanced undergraduates or graduate students taking a first course in structural dynamics. It is arranged in such a way that it can be used for a one- or two-semester course, or span the undergraduate and graduate levels. In addition, this text will serve the practicing engineer as a primary reference.

The text differs from the standard approach of other presentations in which topics are ordered by their mathematical complexity. This text is organized by the type of structural modeling. The author simplifies the subject by presenting a single degree-of-freedom system in the first chapters, then moves to systems with many degrees-of-freedom in the following chapters. Finally, the text moves to applications of the first chapters and special topics in structural dynamics.

This revised textbook intends to provide enhanced learning materials for students to learn structural dynamics, ranging from basics to advanced topics, including their application. When a line-by-line programming language is included with solved problems, students can learn course materials easily and visualize the solved problems using a program. Among several programming languages, MATLAB® has been adopted by many academic institutions across several disciplines. Many educators and students in the U.S. and many international institutions can readily access MATLAB, which has an appropriate programming language to solve and simulate problems in the textbook. It effectively allows matrix manipulations and plotting of data. Therefore, multi-degree-of freedom problems can be solved in conjunction with the finite element method using MATLAB.
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Marshall Day Acoustics INSUL v9.0.22 Software
Marshall Day Acoustics INSUL v9.0.22

Marshall Day Acoustics INSUL v9.0.22

INSUL is a program for predicting the sound insulation of walls, floors, roofs, ceilings and windows. Impact sound and rain noise of floors and roof. The programme can make good estimates of the Transmission Loss (TL) or Impact Sound (Ln)  in 1/3 octave bands and Weighted Sound Reduction Index (STC or Rw) or Impact Rating (IIC/LnTw) for use in noise transfer calculations or acoustical design or specification.

INSUL can be used to quickly evaluate new materials and systems, or to investigate the effects of changes to existing designs. It models materials using well known elastic plate theory including allowances for thick panel effects as published by Ljunggren, Rindell and others. More complex partitions are modelled using work by Sharp, Cremer and others.

INSUL has been available for over 15 years, and has undergone considerable improvements over this time.  It has evolved over many releases and  into a very easy to use tool that takes advantage of the Windows and Mac environments, and has been refined by continued comparison with laboratory tests to provide acceptable accuracy for a wide range of constructions. Test data can be entered for easy comparison with predictions and constructions can be saved for later recall. INSUL takes account of finite size effects which are very important when predicting small samples such as windows and also for normal elements at low frequencies. Like any prediction tool INSUL is not a substitute for measurement. However, comparisons with test data indicate that INSUL reliably predicts STC values to within 3dB for most constructions. INSUL will greatly enhance the ability of acoustic consultants and product manufacturers to quickly and confidently specify constructions in order to achieve a desired airborne sound insulation.

INSUL takes account of finite size effects which are very important when predicting small samples such as windows and also for normal elements at low frequencies. Like any prediction tool INSUL is not a substitute for measurement. However, comparisons with test data indicate that INSUL reliably predicts STC values to within 3dB for most constructions. INSUL will greatly enhance the ability of acoustic consultants and product manufacturers to quickly and confidently specify constructions in order to achieve a desired airborne sound insulation.
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Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science: C, C++, and MATLAB Bookware
B. S. Grewal - Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science: C, C++, and MATLAB

Mercury Learning and Information, 2019
pdf, 951 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-68392-128-8

This book is intended as an introduction to numerical methods for scientists and engineers. Providing an excellent balance of theoretical and applied topics, it shows the numerical methods used with C, C++, and MATLAB.

The limitations of analytical methods in practical applications have led scientists and engineers to evolve numerical methods. We know that exact methods often fail in drawing plausible inferences from a given set of tabulated data or in finding roots of transcendental equations or in solving non-linear differential equations. There are many more such situations where analytical methods are unable to produce desirable results. Even if analytical solutions are available, these are not amenable to direct numerical interpretation.

The aim of numerical analysis is therefore, to provide constructive methods for obtaining answers to such problems in a numerical form.

With the advent of high speed computers and increasing demand for numerical solution to various problems, numerical techniques have become indispensible tools in the hands of engineers and scientists.

The input information is rarely exact since it comes from some measurement or the other and the method also introduces further error. As such, the error in the final result may be due to an error in the initial data or in the method or both. Our effort will be to minimize these errors, so as to get the best possible results. We therefore begin by explaining various kinds of approximations and errors which may occur in a problem and derive some results on error propagation in numerical calculations.
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Deltares Wanda v4.6.1218 Software
Deltares Wanda v4.6.1218

Deltares Wanda v4.6.1218

WANDA is a powerful and user-friendly program for the hydraulic design, control and optimization of pipeline systems. Design engineers and operators use WANDA to assess the steady state characteristics of the system and the dynamic and multi-phase (transient) behaviour of different media transported through their often complex, pipeline networks.

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Control Engineering & Control Engineering: MATLAB Exercises Bookware
Laszlo Keviczky, Ruth Bars, Jeno Hetthessy, Csilla Banyasz -
Control Engineering & Control Engineering: MATLAB Exercises

Springer, 2019
pdf, 545+284 pages, english
ISBN: 978-981-10-8296-2
ISBN: 978-981-10-8320-4

Control Engineering & Control Engineering: MATLAB Exercises

This book offers fundamental information on the analysis and synthesis of continuous and sampled data control systems. It includes all the required preliminary materials (from mathematics, signals and systems) that are needed in order to understand control theory, so readers do not have to turn to other textbooks. Sampled data systems have recently gained increasing importance, as they provide the basis for the analysis and design of computer-controlled systems. Though the book mainly focuses on linear systems, input/output approaches and state space descriptions are also provided. Control structures such as feedback, feed forward, internal model control, state feedback control, and the Youla parameterization approach are discussed, while a closing section outlines advanced areas of control theory. Though the book also contains selected examples, a related exercise book provides Matlab/Simulink exercises for all topics discussed in the textbook, helping readers to understand the theory and apply it in order to solve control problems. Thanks to this combination, readers will gain a basic grasp of systems and control, and be able to analyze and design continuous and discrete control systems.  

The MATLAB exercise book accompanies the textbook Control Engineering, providing a platform for students to practice problem solving in the analysis and design of continuous and discrete control problems reflected in the main textbook. The book starts off with a brief introduction to MATLAB, control toolbox and Simulink. Subsequent chapters include a short theoretical summary of the topic followed by exercises on solving complex problems using MATLAB commands. These exercises are ideal for students in computer laboratory classes.
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Siemens Simcenter FloEFD 2020.1.0 build 4949 Software
Siemens Simcenter FloEFD 2020.1.0 build 4949 Standalone x64

Siemens Simcenter FloEFD 2020.1.0 build 4949

FloEFD Standalone версия не требует предустановленных CAD-систем, базируется на передовой технологии Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) и позволяет анализировать широкий спектр сложных проблем, в том числе:

  • Анализ гидро-аэродинамики и теплообмена двух - и трехмерных моделей
  • Анализ внешнего и внутреннего течений потока
  • Анализ установившегося и неустановившегося течения
  • Течение несжимаемой жидкости и сжимаемого газа, включая в том числе горючей смеси, при дозвуковом, околозвуковом,сверхзвуковом и гиперзвуковом режимах итечения
  • Конденсация водяного пара
  • Расчет относительной влажности воздуха в газовых потоках
  • Течение а Неньютоновских жидкостях (только ламинарный режим течения)
  • Течение в сжимаемой жидкости (плотность жидкости зависит от давления)
  • Течения в реальных газах
  • Анализ Ламинарный, турбулентных и неустановившихся потоков
  • Анализ вихревых потоков и вентиляторов
  • Анализ потоков с твердыми включениями
  • Анализ теплообмена внутри и между жидкостями и твердыми телами
  • Анализ теалопередачи внутри твердых тел в отсутсвие омывающего потока
  • Расчет теплового контактного сопротивления
  • Расчет электрического контактного сопротивления
  • Термоэлектрические охладители
  • Теплопередача излучением
  • Джоулево нагревание
  • Потоки с гравитационными эффектами (также известные как эффект плавучести)
  • Пористые среды
  • Тепловые трубы
  • Теплопередача в печатных платах
  • Теплопередача в перфорированные пластинах
  • Течение аерозольных потоков
  • Учет шероховатости тел при обтекании
  • Учет тангенциального движения стен (перемешение и вращение)
  • Течение во вращающихся устройствах
  • Кавитации в потоках жидкости
  • Сгорание в газовых смесях
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Excel Data Analysis Modeling and Simulation Software
Hector Guerrero - Excel Data Analysis Modeling and Simulation, 2 Edition

Springer, 2020
pdf, 358 pages, english
ISBN: 978-3-030-01278-6

Excel Data Analysis Modeling and Simulation

This book offers a comprehensive and readable introduction to modern business and data analytics. It is based on the use of Excel, a tool that virtually all students and professionals have access to. The explanations are focused on understanding the techniques and their proper application, and are supplemented by a wealth of in-chapter and end-of-chapter exercises. In addition to the general statistical methods, the book also includes Monte Carlo simulation and optimization. The second edition has been thoroughly revised: new topics, exercises and examples have been added, and the readability has been further improved. The book is primarily intended for students in business, economics and government, as well as professionals, who need a more rigorous introduction to business and data analytics – yet also need to learn the topic quickly and without overly academic explanations.

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Studio Tecnico Guerra Thopos 2020 v7.07.01 Software
Studio Tecnico Guerra Thopos 2020 v7.07.01 x64

Studio Tecnico Guerra Thopos 2020 v7.07.01

Thopos is a software topography equipped with CAD autonomous instruments, entities and functionality targeted for use in field surveying. The program is suitable for surveyors and engineers and surveyors is a comprehensive and reliable to manage all operations topographic relief in the country, thanks to the controller integrated GPS, development, design to final drafting of the drawings.

Video tutorials
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