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Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers Bookware
James Wilkes - Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers, Third Edition
with Microfluidics, CFD, and COMSOL Multiphysics 5

Pearson, 2018
pdf, 807 pages, english
ISBN: 978-0-13-471282-6

Since most chemical processing applications are conducted either partially or totally in the fluid phase, chemical engineers need mastery of fluid mechanics. Such knowledge is especially valuable in the biochemical, chemical, energy, fermentation, materials, mining, petroleum, pharmaceuticals, polymer, and waste-processing industries.

Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers: with Microfluidics, CFD, and COMSOL Multiphysics 5, Third Edition, systematically introduces fluid mechanics from the perspective of the chemical engineer who must understand actual physical behavior and solve real-world problems. Building on the book that earned Choice Magazine’s Outstanding Academic Title award, this edition also gives a comprehensive introduction to the popular COMSOL Multiphysics 5 software.

This third edition contains extensive coverage of both microfluidics and computational fluid dynamics, systematically demonstrating CFD through detailed examples using COMSOL Multiphysics 5 and ANSYS Fluent. The chapter on turbulence now presents valuable CFD techniques to investigate practical situations such as turbulent mixing and recirculating flows.

Part I offers a clear, succinct, easy-to-follow introduction to macroscopic fluid mechanics, including physical properties; hydrostatics; basic rate laws; and fundamental principles of flow through equipment. Part II turns to microscopic fluid mechanics:
  • Differential equations of fluid mechanics
  • Viscous-flow problems, some including polymer processing
  • Laplace’s equation; irrotational and porous-media flows
  • Nearly unidirectional flows, from boundary layers to lubrication, calendering, and thin-film applications
  • Turbulent flows, showing how the k-ε method extends conventional mixing-length theory
  • Bubble motion, two-phase flow, and fluidization
  • Non-Newtonian fluids, including inelastic and viscoelastic fluids
  • Microfluidics and electrokinetic flow effects, including electroosmosis, electrophoresis, streaming potentials, and electroosmotic switching
  • Computational fluid mechanics with ANSYS Fluent and COMSOL Multiphysics
Nearly 100 completely worked practical examples include 12 new COMSOL 5 examples: boundary layer flow, non-Newtonian flow, jet flow, die flow, lubrication, momentum diffusion, turbulent flow, and others. More than 300 end-of-chapter problems of varying complexity are presented, including several from University of Cambridge exams. The author covers all material needed for the fluid mechanics portion of the professional engineer’s exam.
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Dongle Works with LostDongle project Advertising
Dongle Works with LostDongle project

Dongle Works with LostDongle project


I decided to write this post for several reasons. First one. Periodically, I receive questions on email/PM concerning working with dongles - how to create a dump, how to make a trace, etc. I find it very tiring to respond to these kind of messages personally. The second one. I personally know the administration of LostDongle project, we communicate for more than 15 years, and I can recommend them as extremely professional and decent people. And I want to advertise them a little bit!

In addition, a huge amount of reference information and utilities for working with dongles can be obtained on the LostDongle project. You can use them yourself for free.


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SST Systems Caepipe v10.20 Software
SST Systems Caepipe v10.20

SST Systems Caepipe v10.20

Caepipe is the first pipe stress analysis software on PC (1983), continues to be the preferred tool for static and dynamic stress analysis of piping systems of any complexity in any industry. With its world-acclaimed productivity-enhancing 3D modeler, Caepipelets you analyze for the effects of weight, pressure, temperature, earthquake, time varying and harmonic loads, among others, and interactively and iteratively design your system for optimum configuration in the shortest time. Caepipe also checks for piping code and guideline compliance (ASME, B31, International codes, API, NEMA) and can export data to select major plant design systems (AVEVA and CADMATIC currently). We offer many to import piping data from many platforms.

More info
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SOFiSTiK SOFiCAD 2020 SP 2020-4 Build 850 Software
SOFiSTiK SOFiCAD 2020 SP 2020-4 Build 850 x64 for Autodesk AutoCAD 2020

SOFiSTiK SOFiCAD 2020 SP 2020-4 Build 850

SOFiCAD is a fully featured CAD Software designed to serve SMEs, Agencies. SOFiCAD provides end-to-end solutions designed for Windows. This online CAD system offers 2D Drawing, Architectural Symbol Library, BIM Modeling, Design Templates, Drafting at one place.

SOFiCAD Detailing
Creation of formwork-, position- and shop drawings. Contains all functionalities and elements required for structural design drawings such as associative dimensioning, level marks, hatching, symbols, etc.

SOFiCAD Reinforcement
Steel bar and mesh layout for any reinforcing situation. Smooth integration in AutoCAD, flexible settings for office standards using styles, direct generation of the schedule, user-defined shapes, export of existing reinforcement for calculation according theory 2nd order, polygonal mesh layout, macros to create parametric members (For Macros Module Detailing is required).

Fully automatic creation of carpets including all required drawings within one file, subsequent arrangement of areas, extensive editing functions, additional areas with different options. (As-value or diameter/number of bars)

SOFiCAD Steelwork
Creation of plans and shop drawing with schedules.

SOFiCAD Alignment
Allows planning of highway structures according to user-defined alignments including axis, gradients and slope bands, tapered and widened regular cross sections including level marks, many arbitrary coordinate systems with additional constants and corresponding stakeout points.

SOFiCAD Plan Management
Project journal, organisation of all the plan’s attributes, individual plotting, automatic update of plan data, management of all drawings of the project, search functionalities, direct opening of the drawings.

SOFiCAD Quantities
Bills of quantities out of any AutoCAD drawings. Positioning on the drawing in the form of tag.
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С Днем Победы!!! News

Спасибо Вам, родные ветераны,

 Что Вы смогли Победу ту добыть.

  Священ Ваш подвиг, святы Ваши раны.

 Спасённый мир не сможет Вас забыть!

 Спасибо Вам, что много сил отдали.

  От пуль врага не прятали сердца.

  Что честь страны достойно отстояли.

  Свой путь прошли геройски, до конца!

Спасибо Вам, что жизни отдавая,

  Вы думали о майском этом дне.

 Вам виделась из ада жизнь другая

  И за неё Вы гибли в той войне ...

  Спасибо Вам, что жизнь теперь иная,

  Что отвели от нас ужасную беду.

  Простите, что о Вас мы забываем

 И вспоминаем всех один лишь раз в году.

  Спасибо Вам, что время то настало,

 Когда живём достойно на земле.

  Простите нас, что сделали так мало

  Для Вас, для победителей в стране ...

  Спасибо Вам за бескорыстье Ваше,

  Ведь никогда не ждали Вы наград.

 Простите нас за невниманье наше

 К Великой доблести и подвигу солдат.

Так дай же Бог ещё Вам долги лета,

 Пусть не иссякнет Ваша доброта.

 И майским солнцем будет жизнь согрета,

    А подвиг Ваш переживет века!!!

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Cloud Computing for Engineering Applications Bookware
Benito Stradi-Granados - Cloud Computing for Engineering Applications

Springer, 2020
pdf, 384 pages, english
ISBN: 978-3-030-40444-4

This book explains the use of cloud computing systems for engineering applications to satisfy the need for enterprise level, state-of-the-art computational capacities at an affordable cost. As huge costs are involved in the maintenance and timely renovation of computational capabilities, particularly for projects that require significant computational capacity, cloud services can achieve considerable savings for users and organizations engaged in engineering research and development. Dr. Stradi-Granados explains how to extract a maximum value from every dollar invested in cloud computer server. The types of facilities located around the world that lease their resources to customers interested in reducing the internal overhead and implementation time. The volume features chapters on model generation, motion studies, and prototyping is ideal for students, researchers, practitioners, and facility's managers across a range of engineering domains.

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DotSoft C3DTools v9.0.0.1 Software
DotSoft C3DTools v9.0.0.1

DotSoft C3DTools v9.0.0.1

C3DTools is a collection of Civil/Survey Mapping & GIS tools specifically for Civil3D (2015 & Higher). It is a modular system covering the major areas of alignments, design, geotech, parcels, points, sections, surfaces, and more.

More info
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Intermediate Dynamics for Engineers: Newton-Euler and Lagrangian Mechanics Bookware
Oliver O’Reilly - Intermediate Dynamics for Engineers:
Newton-Euler and Lagrangian Mechanics, 2nd Edition

Cambridge University Press, 2020
pdf, 545 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-108-49421-2

Intermediate Dynamics for Engineers: Newton-Euler and Lagrangian Mechanics

Suitable for both senior-level and first-year graduate courses, this fully revised edition provides a unique and systematic treatment of engineering dynamics that covers Newton-Euler and Lagrangian approaches. New to this edition are: two completely revised chapters on the constraints on, and potential energies for, rigid bodies, and the dynamics of systems of particles and rigid bodies; clearer discussion on coordinate singularities and their relation to mass matrices and configuration manifolds; additional discussion of contravariant basis vectors and dual Euler basis vectors, as well as related works in robotics; improved coverage of navigation equations; inclusion of a 350-page solutions manual for instructors, available online; a fully updated reference list. Numerous structured examples, discussion of various applications, and exercises covering a wide range of topics are included throughout, and source code for exercises, and simulations of systems are available online.

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ADINA v9.6.0 Software
ADINA v9.6.0 x64

ADINA v9.6.0

ADINA (Automatic Dynamic Incremental Nonlinear Analysis) - универсальная программа, работающая на основе метода конечных элементов, используемой для инженерных линейных и нелинейных расчётов. ADINA позволяет решать структурные и температурные задачи, рассчитывать течение, проводить мультифизические и электростатические симуляции. Внедрение программы при разработке или производстве продукта является лучшим решением для снижения затрат на производство прототипов и сокращения времени их тестирования. Современные расчётные методы, лежащие в основе программы ADINA , выгодно отличают её от остальных программ благодаря точным и надёжным результатам решения нелинейных задач.

Основные функциональные возможности пакета:
  • Линейный анализ конструкций.
  • Высоконелинейный анализ конструкций.
  • Тепловой анализ.
  • Гидродинамика.
  • Взаимодействие потоков с конструкциями.
NX Nastran использует ADINA как модуль нелинейных расчетов.

Пакет ADINA состоит из следующих модулей:
  • ADINA Structures - модуль расчёта статической и динамической прочности твёрдых тел и конструкций. Расчёт может быть проведён как в линейной, так и в высоконелинейной постановке с учётом нелинейности материала, больших деформаций и контакта.
  • ADINA CFD – программный комплекс для моделирования течений сжимаемой и несжимаемой жидкости, использующий конечно-объемную и конечно-элементную дискретизацию.
  • ADINA Thermal - программный модуль для решения задач теплопереноса в твёрдых телах и конструкциях.
  • ADINA-FSI - модуль, предназначенный для анализа взаимодействия потока и конструкции, причём возможно рассмотрение высоконелинейного поведения материала вследствие больших перемещений, неупругости, контакта и температурной зависимости.
  • ADINA-TMC - программный модуль, предназначенный для решения связанных термопрочностных задач, когда термические явления влияют на прочностные, и наоборот.
  • ADINA User Interface (AUI) - пре- и постпроцессорный модуль, дающий возможность создавать и редактировать геометрические и конечно-элементные модели и осуществлять визуализацию результатов расчёта. Совместим со всеми модулями комплекса.
Дополнительные модули:
  • ADINA Modeler (ADINA M) - встраиваемый в AUI модуль, использующий графическое ядро Parasolid и обеспечивающий твёрдотельное моделирование и прямое взаимодействие с другими CAD-системами, использующими Parasolid (Unigraphics, SolidWorks, Solid Edge).
  • TRANSOR for I-DEAS, Patran - отдельный модуль, дающий возможность импортировать в ADINA и экспортировать из ADINA файлы данных в форматах I-DEAS и MSC.Patran
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DotSoft MapWorks v9.0.0.1 Software
DotSoft MapWorks v9.0.0.1

DotSoft MapWorks v9.0.0.1

MapWorks is Civil/Survey Mapping & GIS software for AutoCAD and BricsCAD. It is a modular system covering the major areas of alignments, design, geotech, parcels, points, sections, surfaces, and more.

More info
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