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Dealing with Aging Process Facilities and Infrastructure Bookware
CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety) - Dealing with Aging Process Facilities and Infrastructure

Wiley, 2018
pdf, 198 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-119-43075-9

This book explores the many ways in which process facilities, equipment, and infrastructure might deteriorate upon continuous exposure to operating and climatic conditions. It covers the functional and physical failure modes for various categories of equipment and discusses the many warning signs of deterioration. Dealing with Aging Process Facilities and Infrastructure also explains how to deal with equipment that may not be safe to operate. The book describes a risk-based strategy in which plant leaders and supervisors can make more informed decisions on aging situations and then communicate them to upper management effectively. Additionally, it discusses the dismantling and safe removal of facilities that are approaching their intended lifecycle or have passed it altogether.

Filled with numerous case studies featuring photographs to illustrate the positive and negative experiences of others who have dealt with aging facilities, Dealing with Aging Process Facilities and Infrastructure covers the causes of equipment failures due to aging and their consequences; plant management commitment and responsibility; inspection and maintenance practices for managing life cycle; specific aging asset integrity management practices; and more.
  • Describes symptoms and causal mechanisms of aging in various categories of process equipment.
  • Presents key considerations for making informed risk-based decisions regarding the repair or replacement of aging process facilities and infrastructure.
  • Discusses practices for managing process facility and infrastructure life cycle.
  • Includes examples and case histories of failures related to aging.
Dealing with Aging Process Facilities and Infrastructure is an important book for industrial practitioners who are often faced with the challenge of managing process facilities and infrastructure as they approach the end of their useful lifecycle.
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S.T.S. WinRoad 2020 v25.1.1.2646 Software
S.T.S. WinRoad 2020 v25.1.1.2646

S.T.S. WinRoad 2020 v25.1.1.2646

Il package WinROAD è un potente strumento software finalizzato alla risoluzione di problematiche topografiche, di modellazione 3D del terreno, di progettazione stradale e di progettazione di reti tecnologiche. Winroad si interfaccia e si integra con gli altri programmi della STS costituendo un Ambiente di Progettazione Integrata (A.P.I.) che permette la gestione unitaria ed automatizzata di tutte le fasi progettuali di un opera. WinROAD vanta, tra le tante caratteristiche, alcune innovative peculiarità. Una di queste è senz'altro quella di essere un applicativo di WinCAD, un potente CAD tridimensionale a 32 bit appositamente sviluppato dalla STS per il disegno tecnico ingegneristico. Ciò consente all'utente di "miscelare", secondo le proprie necessità, i comandi della procedura stradale con quelli propri del CAD. Grazie a questa particolare caratteristica WinROAD consente di ottenere elaborati grafici altamente professionali, senza dover ricorrere a farraginose operazioni di interscambio di dati, tramite file DXF, tra la procedura stradale ed il CAD esterno.

Программа служит для топографической, кадастровая съемкок, моделирование ландшафта, проектирования автомобильных и железных дорог.
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Bow Ties in Risk Management: A Concept Book for Process Safety Bookware
CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety) - Bow Ties in Risk Management: A Concept Book for Process Safety

Wiley, 2018
pdf, 198 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-119-49039-5

From a collaborative effort of the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) and the Energy Institute (EI) comes an invaluable book that puts the focus on a specific qualitative risk management methodology – bow tie barrier analysis. The book contains practical advice for conducting an effective bow tie analysis and offers guidance for creating bow tie diagrams for process safety and risk management. Bow Ties in Risk Management clearly shows how bow tie analysis and diagrams fit into an overall process safety and risk management framework.

Implementing the methods outlined in this book will improve the quality of bow tie analysis and bow tie diagrams across an organization and the industry. This important guide:
  • Explains the proven concept of bow tie barrier analysis for the preventing and mitigation of incident pathways, especially related to major accidents.
  • Shows how to avoid common pitfalls and is filled with real-world examples.
  • Explains the practical application of the bow tie method throughout an organization.
  • Reveals how to treat human and organizational factors in a sound and practical manner.
  • Includes additional material available online.
Although this book is written primarily for anyone involved with or responsible for managing process safety risks, this book is applicable to anyone using bow tie risk management practices in other safety and environmental or Enterprise Risk Management applications. It is designed for a wide audience, from beginners with little to no background in barrier management, to experienced professionals who may already be familiar with bow ties, their elements, the methodology, and their relation to risk management.

The missions of both the CCPS and EI include developing and disseminating knowledge, skills, and good practices to protect people, property and the environment by bringing the best knowledge and practices to industry, academia, governments and the public around the world through collective wisdom, tools, training and expertise. The CCPS has been at the forefront of documenting and sharing important process safety risk assessment methodologies for more than 30 years. The EI's Technical Work Program addresses the depth and breadth of the energy sector, from fuels and fuels distribution to health and safety, sustainability and the environment. The EI program provides cost-effective, value-adding knowledge on key current and future international issues affecting those in the energy sector.
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Pix4Dmapper Enterprise v4.5.6 Software

Pix4Dmapper Enterprise v4.5.6

Pix4Dmapper is the leading photogrammetry software for professional drone mapping.

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The Finite Volume Method in Computational Fluid Dynamics Bookware
F. Moukalled, L. Mangani, M. Darwish - The Finite Volume Method in Computational Fluid Dynamics
An Advanced Introduction with OpenFOAM and Matlab

Springer, 2016
pdf, 799 pages, english
ISBN: 978-3-319-16873-9

This textbook explores both the theoretical foundation of the Finite Volume Method (FVM) and its applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Readers will discover a thorough explanation of the FVM numerics and algorithms used for the simulation of incompressible and compressible fluid flows, along with a detailed examination of the components needed for the development of a collocated unstructured pressure-based CFD solver. Two particular CFD codes are explored. The first is uFVM, a three-dimensional unstructured pressure-based finite volume academic CFD code, implemented within Matlab. The second is OpenFOAM®, an open source framework used in the development of a range of CFD programs for the simulation of industrial scale flow problems.

With over 220 figures, numerous examples and more than one hundred exercise on FVM numerics, programming, and applications, this textbook is suitable for use in an introductory course on the FVM, in an advanced course on numerics, and as a reference for CFD programmers and researchers.
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CADprofi 2020.05 build 200402 Software
CADprofi 2020.05 build 200402

CADprofi 2020.05 build 200402

CADprofi HVAC & Piping - параметрическое CAD-приложение для проектирования технического оборудования зданий. Поддерживаются все виды технических установок: отопление, вентиляция, кондиционирование воздуха, трубопроводы и воздуховоды.

CADprofi Mechanical содержит широкий набор унифицированных деталей, стальной арматуры, стальных профилей и других компонентов, соответствующих стандартам DIN, EN, ISO и национальным нормам. Библиотека включает в себя болты, винты, шайбы, гайки, соединения, заклепки, шпильки, уголки, и детали, используемые в конструкции теплообменников и других устройств. Отличный редактор схем и проектов значительно облегчает создание чертежей гидравлических и пневматических систем.

CADprofi Architectural может быть использовано чтобы создать строительные планы, поперечные сечения и вид с фасада. Удобные функции приложения облегчают проектирование многослойных стен, архитектурное определение размеров, и быстрое создание описания конструкций. Модуль включает в себя полную библиотеку окон, дверей, мебели, и других объектов обстановки. Как дополнительная особенность, приложение может использоваться, чтобы проектировать планы эвакуации и пожаротушения.

CADprofi Electrical может быть использовано для проектирования сложных объектов, таких как электроснабжения, освещения, низковольтных систем, телекоммуникации, систем безопасности и антенных установок. Приложение содержит несколько тысяч электрических элементов и символов (светильники, распределительные устройства и многое другое) Приложение предоставляет легкий способ проектировать проводку и кабельные каналы. Среди наиболее полезных функций автоматическая нумерация (адресация) электрических цепей, и удобное проектирование и редактирование схемы подключения проводов.

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ArcGIS for Environmental and Water Issues Bookware
William Bajjali - ArcGIS for Environmental and Water Issues

Springer, 2019
pdf, 363 pages, english
ISBN: 978-3-319-61157-0

This textbook is a step-by-step tutorial on the applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in environmental and water resource issues. It provides information about GIS and its applications, specifically using the most advanced ESRI GIS technology and its extensions. 

Eighteen chapters cover GIS applications in the field of earth sciences and water resources in detail from the ground up. Author William Bajjali explains what a GIS is and what it is used for, the basics of map classification, data acquisition, coordinate systems and projections, vectorization, geodatabase and relational database, data editing, geoprocessing, suitability modeling, working with raster, watershed delineation, mathematical and statistical interpolation, and more advanced techniques, tools and extensions such as ArcScan, Topology, Geocoding, Hydrology, Geostatistical Analyst, Spatial Analyst, Network Analyst, 3-D Analyst. ArcPad, ESRI’s cutting-edge mobile GIS software, is covered in detail as well.

Each chapter contains concrete case studies and exercises – many from the author’s own work in the United States and Middle East. This volume is targeted toward advanced undergraduates, but could also be useful for professionals and for anyone who utilizes GIS or practices spatial analysis in relation to geology, hydrology, ecology, and environmental sciences.
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TRL TRANSYT v16.0.0.8411 Software
TRL TRANSYT v16.0.0.8411

TRL TRANSYT v16.0.0.8411

TRANSYT is a software suite containing a macroscopic traffic model, a signal optimiser, and a simulation model for the purpose of designing, evaluating and modelling everything from single isolated road junctions to large mixed signal-controlled and priority control traffic networks.

Signal timings at road junctions have an important effect on levels of traffic congestion, both at the junction itself and at surrounding junctions which may be signalised or priority-controlled. Ensuring traffic signals are timed effectively is one of the most cost-effective methods for reducing congestion.

Based on decades of research and development, TRANSYT is a now a comprehensive global product used for optimising traffic signals at single junctions and large traffic networks of mixed control.  It is designed specifically to give quick solutions with minimal user input, and also more considered solutions when needed.

TRANSYT modelling can feed into many processes – Its signal plans used for fixed time signals; cableless linking facilities; SCOOT base timings; vehicle actuation maximum timings and also used to predict the performance of the aforementioned.

Furthermore, through the addition of a simulation model, TRANSYT’s capability is extended to include the modelling of non-cyclic signalling scenarios.

TRANSYT is used across the globe by traffic engineers, traffic modellers, junction designers, students and tutors, working for local authorities; municipal, state and regional authorities; consultancies of all sizes from multi-nationals to the smallest businesses; universities; other educational establishments.

TRANSYT can model mixed networks of signalised and unsignalised junctions.  Furthermore, when used in conjunction with a Junctions licence, it has the capability to predict the performance of priority junctions using standard ARCADY PICADY geometric data.
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Structural Dynamics, Theory and Computation, Sixth Edition Bookware
Mario Paz, Young Hoon Kim - Structural Dynamics, Theory and Computation, Sixth Edition

Springer, 2019
pdf, 629 pages, english
ISBN: 978-3-319-94742-6

Structural Dynamics, Theory and Computation, Sixth Edition

The sixth edition of Structural Dynamics: Theory and Computation is the complete and comprehensive text in the field. It presents modern methods of analysis and techniques adaptable to computer programming clearly and easily. The book is ideal as a text for advanced undergraduates or graduate students taking a first course in structural dynamics. It is arranged in such a way that it can be used for a one- or two-semester course, or span the undergraduate and graduate levels. In addition, this text will serve the practicing engineer as a primary reference.

The text differs from the standard approach of other presentations in which topics are ordered by their mathematical complexity. This text is organized by the type of structural modeling. The author simplifies the subject by presenting a single degree-of-freedom system in the first chapters, then moves to systems with many degrees-of-freedom in the following chapters. Finally, the text moves to applications of the first chapters and special topics in structural dynamics.

This revised textbook intends to provide enhanced learning materials for students to learn structural dynamics, ranging from basics to advanced topics, including their application. When a line-by-line programming language is included with solved problems, students can learn course materials easily and visualize the solved problems using a program. Among several programming languages, MATLAB® has been adopted by many academic institutions across several disciplines. Many educators and students in the U.S. and many international institutions can readily access MATLAB, which has an appropriate programming language to solve and simulate problems in the textbook. It effectively allows matrix manipulations and plotting of data. Therefore, multi-degree-of freedom problems can be solved in conjunction with the finite element method using MATLAB.
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Marshall Day Acoustics INSUL v9.0.22 Software
Marshall Day Acoustics INSUL v9.0.22

Marshall Day Acoustics INSUL v9.0.22

INSUL is a program for predicting the sound insulation of walls, floors, roofs, ceilings and windows. Impact sound and rain noise of floors and roof. The programme can make good estimates of the Transmission Loss (TL) or Impact Sound (Ln)  in 1/3 octave bands and Weighted Sound Reduction Index (STC or Rw) or Impact Rating (IIC/LnTw) for use in noise transfer calculations or acoustical design or specification.

INSUL can be used to quickly evaluate new materials and systems, or to investigate the effects of changes to existing designs. It models materials using well known elastic plate theory including allowances for thick panel effects as published by Ljunggren, Rindell and others. More complex partitions are modelled using work by Sharp, Cremer and others.

INSUL has been available for over 15 years, and has undergone considerable improvements over this time.  It has evolved over many releases and  into a very easy to use tool that takes advantage of the Windows and Mac environments, and has been refined by continued comparison with laboratory tests to provide acceptable accuracy for a wide range of constructions. Test data can be entered for easy comparison with predictions and constructions can be saved for later recall. INSUL takes account of finite size effects which are very important when predicting small samples such as windows and also for normal elements at low frequencies. Like any prediction tool INSUL is not a substitute for measurement. However, comparisons with test data indicate that INSUL reliably predicts STC values to within 3dB for most constructions. INSUL will greatly enhance the ability of acoustic consultants and product manufacturers to quickly and confidently specify constructions in order to achieve a desired airborne sound insulation.

INSUL takes account of finite size effects which are very important when predicting small samples such as windows and also for normal elements at low frequencies. Like any prediction tool INSUL is not a substitute for measurement. However, comparisons with test data indicate that INSUL reliably predicts STC values to within 3dB for most constructions. INSUL will greatly enhance the ability of acoustic consultants and product manufacturers to quickly and confidently specify constructions in order to achieve a desired airborne sound insulation.
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