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Engineering Calculations with Creo Parametric and PTC Mathcad Prime Bookware
David Martin - Engineering Calculations with Creo Parametric and PTC Mathcad Prime
Creo Power Users - Book 5

David Randolph Martin II, 2020
pdf, 210 pages, english
ISBN: 979-8649196673

Engineering Calculations with Creo Parametric and PTC Mathcad Prime

This book will teach you how to integrate your engineering calculations into your Creo Parametric Computer Aided Design (CAD) models with PTC Mathcad Prime worksheets. You will learn the basics of PTC Mathcad for creating your worksheets as well as two methods - embedded worksheets and Prime Analysis features - for connecting your worksheets to your designs. This book also focuses on the importance of managing units between your models and worksheets. There are five different exercises you can perform yourself - no lab files needed - to reinforce the concepts taught within.

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Schlumberger OilField Manager 2019.1 Software
Schlumberger OilField Manager 2019.1

Schlumberger OilField Manager 2019.1

OFM is a powerful suite of modules developed by Schlumberger Information Solutions, designed to aid in the day-to-day surveillance and management of oil and gas fields. OFM provides an intuitive, user-friendly interface enabling you to view, enhance, and analyze production and reservoir data within the Microsoft Windows environment. Using OFM 2014, you can perform basic or complex analyses for individual or multiple completions, groups of wells, an entire field, or several fields. OFM is the ideal tool for reservoir production environments and users. It is ideally suited for the occasional user, yet sophisticated enough for the experienced geoscientist or petrophysicist, whether at the well site, office, or home.

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Petroleum Geoscience, Second Edition Bookware
Knut Bjørlykke - Petroleum Geoscience, Second Edition

Springer, 2015
pdf, 666 pages, english
ISBN: 978-3-642-34131-1

This comprehensive textbook presents an overview of petroleum geoscience for geologists active in the petroleum industry, while also offering a useful guide for students interested in environmental geology, engineering geology and other aspects of sedimentary geology. In this second edition, new chapters have been added and others expanded, covering geophysical methods in general and electromagnetic exploration methods in particular, as well as reservoir modeling and production, unconventional resources and practical petroleum exploration.

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DotSoft ToolPac v20.0.0.0 Software
DotSoft ToolPac v20.0.0.0

DotSoft ToolPac v20.0.0.0

In the never ending quest for faster AutoCAD/BricsCAD systems, users go the extra mile to purchase the fastest hardware.  Faster processors, graphics cards, etc., are implemented in an attempt to speed up the processing of drawings.  These improvements come at great expense and only provide a marginal gain in the amount of time it takes to actually complete a drawing.  This expensive hardware is often underutilized as the operator wastes time doing repetitive tasks in the struggle to finalize a drawing.

If you do only one upgrade to your system this year, it should be the implementation of productivity software. Our ToolPac product was designed to eliminate the numerous bottlenecks in AutoCAD and BricsCAD. It contains over 750 functions designed with one purpose in mind, to save you time.

ToolPac is in use today by thousands of architects, engineers, and designers! This comprehensive collection of productivity tools works with AutoCAD 2007 or higher (LT not supported) or BricsCAD v12 Pro or higher.  It works equally well in all environments, including Architectural, Engineering, Civil, Mechanical and Design.

More info
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Engineering Flow and Heat Exchange, Third Edition Bookware
Octave Levenspiel - Engineering Flow and Heat Exchange, Third Edition

Springer, 2014
pdf, 409 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-4899-7453-2

The third edition of Engineering Flow and Heat Exchange is the most practical textbook available on the design of heat transfer and equipment. This book is an excellent introduction to real-world applications for advanced undergraduates and an indispensable reference for professionals.  The book includes comprehensive chapters on the different types and classifications of fluids, how to analyze fluids, and where a particular fluid fits into a broader picture.  This book includes various a wide variety of problems and solutions – some whimsical and others directly from industrial applications.

  • Numerous practical examples of heat transfer.
  • Different from other introductory books on fluids.
  • Clearly written, simple to understand, written for students to absorb material quickly.
  • Discusses non-Newtonian as well as Newtonian fluids.
  • Covers the entire field concisely.
  • Solutions manual with worked examples and solutions provided.
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nFrames SURE v4.1.1 Software
nFrames SURE v4.1.1

nFrames SURE v4.1.1

SURE is specifically designed for aerial image datasets captured with large frame nadir cameras, oblique cameras and hybrid systems with additional LiDAR sensors. Without limitation in image resolution, it empowers the production of 3D Meshes, True Orthophotos, Point Clouds and Digital Surface Models on common workstation hardware and in cluster environments. Simple to setup and operate, SURE is compliant with mapping industry standards and accessible for web streaming technologies. Connect seamlessly with interfaces such as various Aerotriangulation import options, shapefile definitions and several output formats.

What's new in SURE 4.1
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Irrigation and Drainage Engineering Bookware
Peter Waller, Muluneh Yitayew - Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
+ Irragation and Drainage Excel Files

Springer, 2016
pdf, 747 pages, english
ISBN: 978-3-319-05698-2

This textbook focuses specifically on the combined topics of irrigation and drainage engineering. It emphasizes both basic concepts and practical applications of the latest technologies available. The design of irrigation, pumping, and drainage systems using Excel and Visual Basic for Applications programs are explained for both graduate and undergraduate students and practicing engineers. The book emphasizes environmental protection, economics, and engineering design processes. It includes detailed chapters on irrigation economics, soils, reference evapotranspiration, crop evapotranspiration, pipe flow, pumps, open-channel flow, groundwater, center pivots, turf and landscape, drip, orchards, wheel lines, hand lines, surfaces, greenhouse hydroponics, soil water movement, drainage systems design, drainage and wetlands contaminant fate and transport. It contains summaries, homework problems, and color photos. The book draws from the fields of fluid mechanics, soil physics, hydrology, soil chemistry, economics, and plant sciences to present a broad interdisciplinary view of the fundamental concepts in irrigation and drainage systems design.

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Trimble Tekla Structural Design Suite 2020: Designer v20.0.2.33, Tedds v22.1.0000 Software
Trimble Tekla Structural Design Suite 2020: Designer v20.0.2.33, Tedds v22.1.0000

Trimble Tekla Structural Design Suite 2020: Designer v20.0.2.33, Tedds v22.1.0000

Tekla Structural Designer - мощный инструмент для анализа и проектирования зданий, созданного для инженеров-проектировщиков, работающих в сфере проектирования коммерческих строительных объектов. Tekla Structural Designer дополняет основную программу Tekla Structures и позволяет полноценно использовать все преимущества 3D-моделирования, благодаря единому рабочему процессу, включающему и анализ и проектирование. Tekla Structural Designer - это интеллектуальная загрузка данных, широкий набор аналитических функций, полная автоматизация проектирования, высокое качество документации и готовая полноценная система BIM-моделирования. Все это помогает инженерам повысить эффективность и сократить расходы/издержки при создании проектов.

Tekla Structural Designer предлагает мощные инструменты для работы с железобетонными и металлическими конструкциями, позволяя инженерам быстро сравнивать различные варианты схем проектирования, эффективно управлять изменениями, а также создавать удобную среду для совместной работы. Полностью автоматизированное проектирование и анализ, улучшенные инструменты и повышенная производительность позволяют инженерам предлагать больше альтернативных вариантов проектов, независимо от размера и сложности объекта, тем самым обеспечивая высокое качество обслуживания заказчика.

Эффективное использование BIM-технологий - именно это было в умах разработчиков при создании Tekla Structural Designer. Используя Tekla Structural Designer, инженеры могут неоднократно синхронизировать модели с Tekla Structures и другими программами без ущерба для ключевых проектных данных. Постоянный аудит инструментов в Tekla Structural Designer позволяет инженерам видеть, что было добавлено, изменено или удалено в процессе интеграции, тем самым уменьшая риск ошибок и повышая эффективность сотрудничества с другими членами команды проекта, в том числе техниками, переработчиками и архитекторами. Tekla Structural Designer создает внутреннюю связь и эффективную коммуникацию между всеми специалистами, работающими над проектом.

Tedds automates your daily structural calculations.
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MathWorks Matlab 2020a - Deep Learning & Neural Network Toolboxes Bookware
Mark Hudson Beale, Martin T. Hagan, Howard B. Demuth - MathWorks Matlab 2020a
Deep Learning Toolbox (Started Guide, Users Guide, Reference)
Neural Network Toolbox (Started Guide, Users Guide, Reference)

MathWorks, 2020
pdf, 5590 pages (146+2192+1412+136+558+1146), english

MathWorks Matlab 2020a - Deep Learning & Neural Network Toolboxes

Deep Learning Toolbox provides a framework for designing and implementing deep neural networks with algorithms, pretrained models, and apps. You can use convolutional neural networks (ConvNets, CNNs) and long short-term memory (LSTM) networks to perform classification and regression on image, time-series, and text data. You can build network architectures such as generative adversarial networks (GANs) and Siamese networks using automatic differentiation, custom training loops, and shared weights. With the Deep Network Designer app, you can design, analyze, and train networks graphically. The Experiment Manager app helps you manage multiple deep learning experiments, keep track of training parameters, analyze results, and compare code from different experiments. You can visualize layer activations and graphically monitor training progress. You can exchange models with TensorFlow and PyTorch through the ONNX format and import models from TensorFlow-Keras and Caffe. The toolbox supports transfer learning with DarkNet-53, ResNet-50, NASNet, SqueezeNet and many other pretrained models. You can speed up training on a single- or multiple-GPU workstation (with Parallel Computing Toolbox), or scale up to clusters and clouds, including NVIDIA GPU Cloud and Amazon EC2 GPU instances (with MATLAB Parallel Server).

ANNs are a computational model used in computer science, built on a large series of simple neural units, called artificial neurons, which draw inspiration from the behavior observed in the axons of a human brain. Each neural unit is connected with many others, and such link defines the activation status of the adjacent neural units. Every single neural unit performs calculations using the summation function. The models based on ANNs are self-learning and training, rather than explicitly programmed, which his is particularly suitable in cases where the solution function is hard to express in a traditional computer program. The Neural Network Toolbox provides algorithms, pre-trained models, and apps to create, train, visualize, and simulate neural networks with one hidden layer (called shallow neural network) and neural networks with several hidden layers (called deep neural networks). Through the use of the tools offered, we can perform classification, regression, clustering, dimensionality reduction, time series forecasting, and dynamic system modeling and control. Deep learning networks include convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and autoencoders for image classification, regression, and feature learning. For training sets of moderated sized, we can quickly apply deep learning by performing transfer learning with pre-trained deep networks. To make working on large amounts of data faster, we can use the Parallel Computing Toolbox (another MATLAB toolbox) to distribute computations and data across multicore processors and GPUs on the desktop, and we can scale up to clusters and clouds with MATLAB Distributed Computing Server.
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CSoft Project Studio CS 2019 ЭЛЕКТРИКА v19.0.4969.4969 Software
CSoft Project Studio CS 2019 ЭЛЕКТРИКА v19.0.4969.4969

CSoft Project Studio CS 2019 ЭЛЕКТРИКА v19.0.4969.4969

Программный продукт Project StudioCS Электрика предназначен для автоматизированного проектирования в части силового электрооборудования (ЭМ), внутреннего (ЭО) и наружного (ЭН) электроосвещения промышленных и гражданских объектов.

Функционал программы позволяет инженеру-проектировщику сосредоточить внимание на решении концептуальных вопросов, освободившись от трудоемкой рутинной работы: маркировки оборудования, проведения необходимых расчетов, подсчета всего оборудования, изделий, материалов и сведения их в спецификацию, составления кабельного журнала, формирования принципиальных схем сети. При этом риск появления в проектной документации ошибок, вызванных действием так называемого «человеческого фактора», сведен к минимуму. Таким образом Project StudioCS Электрика позволяет существенно сократить сроки проектирования и при этом повысить качество проектной документации.

Project StudioCS Электрика позволяет решить следующие задачи:
  • проведение всех необходимых светотехнических расчетов;
  • проведение всех необходимых электротехнических расчетов;
  • расстановка оборудования и прокладка кабельных трасс;
  • выбор уставок защитных аппаратов и сечений кабелей;
  • кабельная раскладка по кабельным трассам;
  • формирование информационной модели (BIM);
  • интеграция с другими BIM-системами (Revit, ARCHICAD, Tekla, Allplan и т.д.);
  • формирование проектной документации.
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