Автор: Williams
Дата: 27 октября 2024
Просмотров: 926 |
Revolutio CHECKPOLE v10.1.3, CHECKSTEEL v4.1.6, CHECKWIND v8.1.0

Revolutio uniquely combines structural engineering and software engineering skills to develop specialised structural engineering software for different markets around the world.
CHECKPOLE is the only commercially available integrated monopole analysis and design package. Utilising our groundbreaking Google Maps integration via CHECKWIND, users from both technical and non-technical backgrounds can design monopoles from scratch for various international standards in less than 10 minutes.
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CHECKSTEEL is a structural steel design solution to AS 4100, AS/NZS 5100.6 and NZS 3404 to easily calculate the capacity of steel members subject to bending, torsion, shear, bearing, compression, tension and combined actions. It is officially endorsed by InfraBuild (formerly OneSteel).
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CHECKWIND is an integrated wind calculation package for determining all site-specific wind load parameters within seconds to AS 4055-2012/2021, AS/NZS 1170.2-2011/2021, ASCE 7-10/16/22 (USA), CSA S37-18 (Canada), EN 1991 (Europe), EN 40 (Europe), IS 875 (India), AASHTO LRFD LTS-1, NSCP 2015 (Philippines), TIA-222-H and TIA-222-I utilising our groundbreaking Google Maps integration. You can also integrate CHECKWIND into your existing software solutions using the Hazard API.
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 26 октября 2024
Просмотров: 1 393 |
Leica Infinity v4.2.1.45798

Leica Infinity - интуитивно понятное офисное программное обеспечение от компании Leica Geosystems - пришло на смену Leica Geo Office. Геодезическая съемка сегодня предполагает наличие возможности гибко и быстро обрабатывать полевые данные и информацию их офиса в любом месте и передавать их. Сегодня более, чем когда-либо прежде, существует потребность в едином Рабочем процессе для всех проектов. Для реализации этой потребности и было разработано Leica Infinity : дружественная, интеллектуальная программная платформа с интеллектуальной информационной архитектурой, которая открывает безграничные возможности по организации рабочего процесса. В результате получаем повышение эффективности, прозрачности и просто улучшения всего процесса съемки.
Опционально программа имеет следующие модули и возможности:
- Обработка данных тахеометрии.
- Обработка нивелирования с возможностью уравнивания по высоте.
- 3D уравнивание.
- Работа с поверхностями.
- Работа с результатами сканирования.
- Обработка одночастотных и многочастотных GNSS.
Leica Infinity осуществит для Вашего проекта комплексную обработку различных видов данных: TPS, GNSS , изображения, сканирование. Многочисленные форматы данных можно легко редактировать, архивировать и экспортировать в CAD-приложения(системы проектирования) без потери целостности и «борьбы» с трудностями, часто встречающимися при преобразованиях. Это относится не только к данным от различных типов инструментов, но и данных, полученных с разных сайтов и от изыскательских команд. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 25 октября 2024
Просмотров: 544 |
Watercom PIPE++ 2021.1
PIPES++ is a program that does Single Balance or Extended Period Simulations of flow and water quality in a town water supply system.
Components that can be modelled include: Reservoirs; Pipes; Pumping Stations; Minor Head Losses; Check Valves; Reservoir Inlet Control Valves; Various specialised control valves; Pressure Reducing Valves; Pressure Sustaining Valves; Flow Control Valves; Sprinklers.
Pipe flows may be calculated using either the Colebrook White equation or the Hazen Williams equation. You draw the network on screen using lines to represent pipes and pre defined symbols to represent pumps, valves, reservoirs etc. If you already have the pipes drawn in a CAD system (eg Autocad) you can create a DXF file directly from that. Data is entered via dialog boxes, which are accessed by right clicking on the pipe or symbol, and selecting Edit Data from the pop up menu. Extended Period simulations (typically for 24 hours) can be carried out and during the simulation pumps can be started and stopped and valves opened and closed based on control rules which you specify (eg when a reservoir fills, stop a pump; when it falls 2 metres start the pump). Results can be displayed in several ways including:
- Detailed results shown on a network diagram at any time during the simulation.
- Trace graphs showing how a value varies with time (eg flow in a pipe, HGL at a node, Water Level in a reservoir).
- Minimum and maximum pressure occurring at each node at any time during the simulation
Water quality analyses can also be carried out to simulate how the concentration of Chlorine, Fluoride or some other chemical varies with time. Chemical injection points can be specified with the chemical concentration specified as data for the duration of the analysis. Trace graphs are available for these results also. The various graphs can be sent to a printer or plotter or file or copied via the Clipboard directly to a word processor (eg Word for Windows) for inclusion in a report. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 24 октября 2024
Просмотров: 505 |
Bentley OpenPaths Ultimate 2024 (AGENT, EMME, CUBE, DYNAMEQ, CityPhi)

What is OpenPaths?
OpenPaths Answers Your Transport Planning “What If?” Questions and Opens Paths To More Efficient, Resilient, and Sustainable Mobility. OpenPaths incorporates both multimodal transport network modeling and modern travel demand forecasting capabilities to deliver the most comprehensive transport modeling platform for strategic and operational transport planning. Generational shifts to travel behavior, mobility service, and technology challenge every decision. You need the capabilities to build a model that represents your city or region, including multimodal networks, travel demand, and operational data, to successfully inform 21st century planning initiatives–faster and more accurately than ever before.
OpenPaths AGENT is game-changing travel demand modeling software used to forecast mobility decisions at any level of detail, from zones to individual people. From changing demographics, or residential and work locations, to daily trip patterns including time, location, and mode choice, OpenPaths AGENT captures realistic representations of mobility to address 21st-century transport planning challenges. And with machine learning built-in, OpenPaths AGENT takes advantage of new mobility data sources to achieve improved model calibration at reduced time and cost.
OpenPaths EMME is a complete transportation forecasting application for planning the urban, regional, and national movement of people. OpenPaths EMME is used to create digital transport models for travel demand forecasting, traffic planning, transit service planning, and related needs to provide an evidence base for transport strategy and policy decision-making. By modeling the people, places, processes, and options involved in travel, transport planners can evaluate transport system performance on any number of virtual scenarios prior to implementation.
OpenPaths CUBE Is multimodal transport planning software that is used to develop and apply predictive multimodal transportation models to simulate how changes in infrastructure, operations, technology, and demographics will impact movement and accessibility of a given area. OpenPaths CUBE lets you analyze the effects of new projects and policies on a city’s transportation network and its population. OpenPaths CUBE provides a desktop interface to link a model, data, and geographic information system (GIS), easing the development and application of your models.
OpenPaths DYNAMEQ is a traffic simulation and dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) software for transport planning and traffic management studies of virtually any size. Whether you are implementing freeway or urban congestion pricing, planning major infrastructure rehabilitation, or undertaking road improvements, transit planning or neighborhood redevelopments, OpenPaths DYNAMEQ allows you to accurately assess the related traffic and mobility impacts.
OpenPaths CityPhi provides an API to produce captivating data visualizations, interactive animations, and insightful analytics about mobility and location by turning data about the movement of people and things, their location, and their changing social, economic, and physical characteristics into dynamic scenes. With OpenPaths CityPhi you can create applications that let users explore time, space, and motion with interactive animations that stay responsive at scale. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 23 октября 2024
Просмотров: 857 |
Bentley OpenRoads ConceptStation 2024
Bentley OpenRoads SignCAD 2024
Bentley OpenRail ConceptStation 2024

OpenRoads ConceptStation enables you to create conceptual road and bridge designs to evaluate more options during the planning and pre-bid stage of your project. You can design more efficiently, identify high-risk items, and minimize costs. Easily visualize and analyze real-world traffic patterns leveraging design-time visualization with 3D modeling and traffic analysis, as OpenRoads ConceptStation provides interoperability with VISSIM.
OpenRoads SignCAD automates the design of standards for driven traffic signage and seamlessly progresses through the workflow to manufacturing. Quickly design and define panels, route markers, arrows, text, graphics, and layouts while maintaining alignments and spacing as you edit. Easily complete the workflow with a seamless transition to manufacturing.
OpenRail ConceptStation gives you rail, electrification, tunnel, and bridge conceptual design capabilities to help you create intelligent models in context. Evaluate conceptual design options with real-world data and cost analysis to rapidly determine optimal designs. Utilize data acquisition, reality modeling, and conceptual design to eliminate high-cost and high-risk items in the preliminary and planning design stages of your rail network projects. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 21 октября 2024
Просмотров: 1 064 |
Gstarsoft GstarCAD Pro 2025 build 240628

GstarCAD - это программа для создания чертежей в формате DWG/DXF, ставшем общепринятым стандартом.Она является не только достойной заменой AutoCAD, но и по соотношению цена/качество отличной альтернативой распространенным российским и зарубежным «аналогам автокад» и САПР, таким как Bricscad, Btocad, Nanocad, progeCAD, ZWCAD, Infrasoftcad. Благодаря применению в GstarCAD современных технологий производства систем проектирования, основанных на новейших разработках Open Design Alliance и ITC (консорциум Intellicad ), САПР GstarCAD обеспечивает практически полную совместимость со всеми существующими САПР-системами и cad программами, использующими формат векторной графики DWG (OpenDWG или RealDWG). Файлы, подготовленные в этих форматах, не только открываются и редактируются в GstarCAD, измененные в GstarCAD файлы Вы можете отправлять вашим партнерам, не беспокоясь о потере информации. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 20 октября 2024
Просмотров: 1 462 |
Arqcom CAD-Earth v8.1.5 for AutoCAD 2017-2025

CAD-Earth is designed to easily import/export images, objects and terrain meshes between Google Earth and major CAD programs and create dynamic contour lines and profiles.
- Import Google Earth image to CAD.
- Export CAD screenshot to Google Earth.
- Insert georeferenced images.
- Import Google Earth objects to CAD.
- Export CAD objects to Google Earth.
- Import Google Earth terrain.
- More than 3000 supported coordinate systems worldwide.
- Cross section from mesh.
- Profile from mesh.
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 19 октября 2024
Просмотров: 202 |
HOMER Energy HOMER Grid v1.11.3

HOMER Grid is robust EV charging analytics and revenue calculator enables you to reduce the time and uncertainty of evaluating the ROI of a proposed charging station, forecast revenue, maximize project value and demonstrate that value to your customer in minutes. You can quickly and confidently:
- Size and optimize charging stations, whether grid-connected or powered by a microgrid or distributed energy.
- Optimize on-demand and deferrable EV charging strategies.
- Compare multiple locations and system configurations to find the most profitable solution and site.
- Gain control over demand charges and time of use rates.
- Determine, maximize and demonstrate the value of on-site generation and storage.
- Use modeling results to speed the permitting process, reduce the time from quote to construction and mitigate project risk.
Rapidly optimize ROI, charge electric vehicles, cut carbon and make smarter development decisions. Robust and easy-to-use, HOMER Grid combines economics, engineering and multiple value streams in one model, then rapidly performs complex calculations to find the least-cost solution. You can save time and improve accuracy in early-stage feasibility analysis, compare design outcomes and demonstrate the value of on-site generation and storage to support electric vehicle (EV) charging, carbon reduction and resilience.
With one powerful model you can:
- Forecast and optimize return on investment (ROI).
- Maximize EV charging revenue and energy savings.
- Minimize cost.
- Increase resilience.
- Reduce carbon emissions.
- Explore combined heat and power.
- Reduce uncertainty, speed decision-making and win sales.
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 18 октября 2024
Просмотров: 278 |
HOMER Energy HOMER Pro v3.18.3

Целевая аудитория данного инструментария — проектировщики, исследователи и системные инженеры, проектирующие/настраивающие электрические микросети для кампусов, небольших поселков и деревень, военных баз или островов. Если для расчета мощности солнечной электростанции в программе используется достаточно простая формула, дающая в целом удовлетворительный результат с достаточно большой погрешностью, то основным достоинством её является возможность моделирования гибридных микросистем — сложных энергетических конструкций, включающих в себя несколько энергетических ресурсов. Программа позволяет интегрировать в единую систему различные источники энергии — ветровые и гидрогенераторы, солнечные батареи, промышленную/бытовую электросеть, топливные элементы, комбинированные производители тепла и электроэнергии, а также различные устройства накопления и хранения электроэнергии. Основной принцип, заложенный в основу моделирования энергосистем от HOMER Pro — минимизация затрат. Программа, исходя из стартовых условий, может предложить одновременно до сотни различных системных конфигураций, которые затем проанализирует, исходя из действующих цен на коммунальные услуги и стоимости используемого оборудования. Другой вариант — проведение расчета того, насколько изменится стоимость генерируемой электроэнергии при замене одного источника/генератора на другой.
The HOMER Pro microgrid software by HOMER Energy is the global standard for optimizing microgrid design in all sectors, from village power and island utilities to grid-connected campuses and military bases. Originally developed at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and enhanced and distributed by HOMER Energy, HOMER (Hybrid Optimization Model for Multiple Energy Resources) nests three powerful tools in one software product, so that engineering and economics work side by side. At its core, HOMER is a simulation model. It will attempt to simulate a viable system for all possible combinations of the equipment that you wish to consider. Depending on how you set up your problem, HOMER may simulate hundreds or even thousands of systems. HOMER simulates the operation of a hybrid microgrid for an entire year, in time steps from one minute to one hour. HOMER lets you ask as many ”What if?” questions as you’d like, because you cannot control all aspects of a system, and you cannot know the importance of a particular variable or option without running hundreds or thousands of simulations and comparing the results. HOMER makes it easy to compare thousands of possibilities in a single run. This allows you to see the impact of variables that are beyond your control, such as wind speed, fuel costs, etc, and understand how the optimal system changes with these variations. |
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