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Handbook of Multiphase Flow Assurance Bookware
Taras Makogon - Handbook of Multiphase Flow Assurance

Elsevier, 2019
pdf, 479 pages, english
ISBN: 978-0-12-813062-9

Handbook of Multiphase Flow Assurance

Handbook of Multiphase Flow Assurance allows readers to progress in their understanding of basic phenomena and complex operating challenges. The book starts with the fundamentals, but then goes on to discuss phase behavior, fluid sampling, fluid flow properties and fluid characterization. It also covers flow assurance impedance, deliverability, stability and integrity issues, as well as hydraulic, thermal and risk analysis. The inclusion of case studies and references helps provide an industrial focus and practical application that makes the book a novel resource for flow assurance management and an introductory reference for engineers just entering the field of flow assurance.

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GeoTeric 2018.1 Software
GeoTeric 2018.1 + Demo Data

GeoTeric 2018.1

GeoTeric - программа для динамической интерпретации 3D сейсмических данных.

Cognitive Interpretation is at the heart of GeoTeric’s software and informs our entire approach, combining the power of sophisticated computation with an appreciation of the essential role of the geoscientist in interpretation. By revealing the geology before interpretation, the Cognitive Interpretation approach adds considerable value to both conventional and QI workflows. Example Driven frameworks and Adaptive Interpretation techniques harness the principles of cognitive decision-making to ensure the software is always working in tandem with the interpreter's cognitive processes. GeoTeric's cognitive design means standard workflows require 5x fewer windows, and 10x fewer mouse clicks, than those of conventional interpretation platforms. Why Cognitive Interpretation? Over 40% of the human brain is devoted to visual cognition – more than any other function. Our ability to reference novel visual stimulus against experience and learning allows us to recognise and classify features, even when the objects in the current scene differ significantly from what has been seen previously. No technology yet comes close to the power of the human brain when it comes to this visual recognition and understanding. So GeoTeric is designed to harness and complement every interpreter’s cognitive ability.

GeoTeric fully utilises your mountains of seismic data and incorporates your geological understanding, to help you make the right decisions at every stage of interpretation. Our "Condition – Reveal – Interpret – Classify” approach complements the human visual cognitive process that is so essential to seismic interpretation. Seeing the Geology Before You Interpret. The Geological Expression Approach to Seismic Interpretation. GeoTeric supports a complete post-stack seismic interpretation workflow from data conditioning to delineation of the geological elements required to build a 3D model. Based around the Geological Expression approach, GeoTeric combines advanced algorithms with intelligent user interface design to ensure the software is easy to use and delivers maximum productivity. GeoTeric, gives you the power to interpret 3D seismic data more effectively and efficiently, screen & rank prospects much more quickly and to reveal information from seismic data that has not been seen before. This means your time is spent exploring and understanding the imaged geology allowing you to have full confidence in the geological models you produce. With GeoTeric you develop a more in-depth understanding of the geology through intuitively examining different interpretation scenarios leading to a more detailed understanding of key reservoir factors such as extent, thickness, continuity and potential fluid migration pathways. GeoTeric helps ensure that all team members – engineers, geophysicists, geologists and managers - have a full understanding of the geology. GeoTeric’s data conditioning workflows enhance your 3D seismic data, to give a sharper, clearer image of the geology. Data conditioning has two aspects: noise cancellation and spectral enhancement. Noise Cancellation. Advanced noise cancellation algorithms, which are adaptive and structurally oriented, enable you to attenuate both random and coherent noise whilst maintaining subtle amplitude variations and edges / discontinuities. Spectral Enhancement. The spectral enhancement workflow in GeoTeric allows you to increase the bandwidth of your seismic data by balancing the contribution of different frequency bands within the data set.
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Applied Multiphase Flow in Pipes and Flow Assurance Bookware
Eissa M. Al-Safran, James P. Brill - Applied Multiphase Flow in Pipes and Flow Assurance - Oil and Gas Production

Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2017
epub, 358 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-61399-492-4

Applied Multiphase Flow in Pipes and Flow Assurance

Applied Multiphase Flow in Pipes and Flow Assurance - Oil and Gas Production delivers the most recent advancements in multiphase flow technology while remaining easy to read and appropriate for undergraduate and graduate petroleum engineering students. Responding to the need for a more up-to-the-minute resource, this highly anticipated new book represents applications on the fundamentals with new material on heat transfer in production systems, flow assurance, transient multiphase flow in pipes and the TUFFP unified model. The complex computation procedure of mechanistic models is simplified through solution flowcharts and several example problems.  Containing over 50 solved example problems and 140 homework problems, this new book will equip engineers with the skills necessary to use the latest steady-state simulators available.

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Agisoft Metashape Pro v1.7.4 build 12950 FINAL x64 Software
Agisoft Metashape Pro v1.7.4 build 12950 FINAL x64

Agisoft Metashape Pro v1.7.4 build 12950 FINAL x64

Agisoft Metashape Professional - это передовое программное обеспечение, максимально раскрывающее возможности фотограмметрии, а также включающее в себя технологии машинного обучения для анализа и пост-обработки, что позволяет получать максимально точные результаты.

Metashape позволяет обрабатывать изображения, получаемые с помощью RGB- или мультиспектральных камер, включая мультикамерные системы, преобразовывать снимки в плотные облака точек, текстурированные полигональные модели, геопривязанные ортофотопланы и цифровые модели рельефа/местности (ЦМР/ЦММ).

Дальнейшая постобработка позволяет удалять тени и искажения текстур с поверхности моделей, рассчитывать вегетационные индексы и составлять файлы предписаний для агротехнических мероприятий, автоматически классифицировать плотные облака точек и т.д.

Возможность экспорта во все внешние пакеты для постобработки делает Agisoft Metashape Professional универсальным фотограмметрическим инструментом.

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Manufacturing Engineering and Technology Bookware
Serope Kalpakjian, Steven Schmid, Vijay Sekar - Manufacturing Engineering and Technology
SI Edition, 7-th Edition

Pearson, 2021
pdf, 1214 pages, english
ISBN-10: 9810694067

Manufacturing Engineering and Technology

An excellent overview of manufacturing concepts is provided with a balance of relevant fundamentals and real-world practices. Coverage of the latest technological advances, like rapid prototyping, the most dramatic change in manufacturing in recent years. Also includes coverage of nanofabrication, rapid tooling, and semisolid metalworking (Chapter 20) Lists and process comparisons give students a through look at manufacturing processes and operations. The chapters on specific groups of manufacturing processes and operations feature lists of typical parts produced by the processes described in the chapter, as well as a list of competing and alternative processes to produce the same types of parts. Four kinds of end-of-chapter problems help reinforce concepts in each chapter: Review Questions; Qualitative Problems; Quantitative Problems; and Synthesis, Design, and Projects. Comprehensive bibliographies are far more complete than any other manufacturing textbooks.

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Dassault Systemes CATIA Composer R2022 HF1 v7.9.1.22088 Software
Dassault Systemes CATIA Composer R2022 HF1 v7.9.1.22088 x64

Dassault Systemes CATIA Composer R2022 HF1 v7.9.1.22088

Продукт компании Dassault Systemes, предназначенный для создания интерактивных руководств, презентаций и технических иллюстраций на основе 3х-мерной модели изделия. Благодаря поддержке широкого диапазона форматов файлов, CATIA Composer позволяет работать с продуктом целиком, даже если он был создан в различных CAD-системах. Результаты работы можно сохранить в собственном формате CATIA Composer вместе с автоматически добавляемым свободным просмотровщиком, либо экспортировать в распространённые стандартные форматы данных, такие как PDF, HTML, AVI и SVG. CATIA Composer – удобная и функциональная система разработки мультимедийного контента, автоматизирующая процесс создания инструкций по сборке/разборке, технических иллюстраций, интерактивных 3D анимаций, маркетинговых материалов, каталогов продукции, учебных материалов, web-страниц и много другого.

CATIA Composer - базовый модуль, обеспечивающий разработку интерактивной технической документации на основе конструкторских CAD-моделей изделий. CATIA Composer создан специально для разработчиков технической документации и не требует специальных навыков и знаний в области применения CAD/CAM/CAE-систем. Наглядный и интуитивно-понятный пользовательский интерфейс обеспечивает удобство и высокую производительность работы с графическими и текстовыми объектами, их свойствами, представлением. Все эти параметры могут быть сохранены в библиотеке стилей для повторного использования в новых проектах. Интерактивные анимации (процессы сборки/разборки, ТОиР, демонстрация модели изделия в различных ракурсах, аннотации и поясняющие графические элементы), высококачественные векторные изображения (SVG,CGM) и технические иллюстрации (выноски, виды, спецификации) могут быть созданы чрезвычайно легко и быстро.

CATIA Player - бесплатная утилита, предназначенная для просмотра проектов CATIA Composer. Эта утилита встраивается в интерактивные руководства CATIA Composer (EXE-файлы), что позволяет просматривать эти документы на любом компьютере без специализированного программного обеспечения. CATIA Player обеспечивает работу OLE-объектов, внедрённых в стандартные документы Microsoft Office, системы PDM (например ENOVIA SmarTeam) и web-сраницы.

CATIA Safe – этот модуль предназначен для управления правами доступа к интерактивной документации, созданной с применением CATIA Composer (просмотр, печать, отображение элементов, качество/точность модели и т.д.) и обеспечивает надёжную защиту интеллектуальной собственности компании.

CATIA Sync и CATIA Sync Integration – эти модули обеспечивают синхронизацию и автоматическое обновление геометрии, метаданных и спецификаций при изменении исходных CAD-моделей изделий.

CATIA Path Planning и CATIA Check – эти модули обеспечивают автоматизированное создание последовательности сборки/разборки узлов и механизмов с контролем столкновений.
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DotSoft ToolPac v21.0.0.0 build 16.08.2021 Software
DotSoft ToolPac v21.0.0.0 build 16.08.2021

DotSoft ToolPac v21.0.0.0 build 16.08.2021

In the never ending quest for faster AutoCAD/BricsCAD systems, users go the extra mile to purchase the fastest hardware.  Faster processors, graphics cards, etc., are implemented in an attempt to speed up the processing of drawings.  These improvements come at great expense and only provide a marginal gain in the amount of time it takes to actually complete a drawing.  This expensive hardware is often underutilized as the operator wastes time doing repetitive tasks in the struggle to finalize a drawing.

If you do only one upgrade to your system this year, it should be the implementation of productivity software. Our ToolPac product was designed to eliminate the numerous bottlenecks in AutoCAD and BricsCAD. It contains over 750 functions designed with one purpose in mind, to save you time.

ToolPac is in use today by thousands of architects, engineers, and designers! This comprehensive collection of productivity tools works with AutoCAD 2007 or higher (LT not supported) or BricsCAD v12 Pro or higher.  It works equally well in all environments, including Architectural, Engineering, Civil, Mechanical and Design.

More info
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Increasing Autodesk Revit Productivity for BIM Projects Bookware
Fabio Roberti, Decio Ferreira - Increasing Autodesk Revit Productivity for BIM Projects

Packt, 2021
pdf, 493 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-80056-680-4

Increasing Autodesk Revit Productivity for BIM Projects

Revit software helps architects, BIM coordinators, and BIM managers to create BIM models and analyze data to improve design and construction. Building Information Modeling (BIM) has promoted a transformation in the engineering and construction industries where information is at the core of a methodology that improves productivity, providing several benefits in comparison to the traditional 2D CAD process. This book takes a hands-on approach to implementing this new methodology effectively.

Complete with step-by-step explanations of essential concepts and practical examples, this Revit book begins by explaining the principles of productivity in Revit and data management for BIM projects. You'll get to grips with the primary BIM documentation to start a BIM project, including the contract, Exchange Information Requirements (EIR), and BIM Execution Plan (BEP/BXP). Later, you'll create a Revit template, start a Revit project, and explore the core functionalities of Revit to increase productivity. Once you've built the foundation, you'll learn about Revit plugins and use Dynamo for visual programming and Power BI for analyzing BIM information.

By the end of this book, you'll have a solid understanding of Revit as construction and design software, how to increase productivity in Revit, and how to apply multiple workflows in your project to manage BIM.
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Robert McNeel & Associates Rhinoceros 7 SR9 v7.9.21222.15001 Software
Robert McNeel & Associates Rhinoceros 7 SR9 v7.9.21222.15001 Corporate ENG+RUS build 10.08.2021

Robert McNeel & Associates Rhinoceros 7 SR9 v7.9.21222.15001

Rhinoceros - профессиональная система концептуального 3D проектирования и моделирования, основанная на технологии AGLib NURBS. Rhinoceros позволяет создавать, редактировать, анализировать кривые, поверхности и твердые тела, и работать с NURBS-объектами. Система эффективно работает объектами любой сложности и размеров. Это может быть моделирование как техническое от клапана до лайнера, так и моделирование биологических объектов от мышонка до человека. Rhinoceros обеспечивает гибкость моделирования благодаря широчайшему набору возможностей рабочей среды. Функциональные возможности системы ставят ее на одну ступень с системами верхнего уровня. Открытость Rhinoceros позволяет легко интегрироваться с любыми CAD/CAM/CAE пакетами.

Rhinoceros is a commercial 3D computer graphics and computer-aided design application software developed by Robert McNeel & Associates. Rhinoceros geometry is based on the NURBS mathematical model, which focuses on producing mathematically precise representation of curves and freeform surfaces in computer graphics (as opposed to polygon mesh-based applications). Rhinoceros is used in processes of computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), rapid prototyping, 3D printing and reverse engineering in industries including architecture, industrial design (e.g. automotive design, watercraft design), product design (e.g. jewelry design) as well as for multimedia and graphic design. Rhinoceros is primarily a free form surface modeler that utilizes the NURBS mathematical model. Rhinoceros's application architecture and open SDK make it modular and enable the user to customize the interface and create custom commands and menus. There are dozens of plug-ins available from both McNeel and other software companies that complement and expand Rhinoceros's capabilities in specific fields, such as rendering and animation, architecture, marine, jewelry, engineering, prototyping, and others.
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Mechanical Engineering Design, Third Edition Bookware
Ansel Ugural - Mechanical Engineering Design, Third Edition

CRC, 2021
pdf, 1240 pages, english
ISBN: 978-0-367-51347-4

Mechanical Engineering Design, Third Edition

Mechanical Engineering Design, Third Edition strikes a balance between theory and application, and prepares students for more advanced study or professional practice. Updated throughout, it outlines basic concepts and provides the necessary theory to gain insight into mechanics with numerical methods in design. Divided into three sections, the text presents background topics, addresses failure prevention across a variety of machine elements, and covers the design of machine components as well as entire machines. Optional sections treating special and advanced topics are also included.

  • Places a strong emphasis on the fundamentals of mechanics of materials as they relate to the study of mechanical design.
  • Furnishes material selection charts and tables as an aid for specific uses.
  • Includes numerous practical case studies of various components and machines.
  • Covers applied finite element analysis in design, offering this useful tool for computer-oriented examples.
  • Addresses the ABET design criteria in a systematic manner.
  • Presents independent chapters that can be studied in any order.
  • Introduces optional MATLAB® solutions tied to the book and student learning resources.
  • Mechanical Engineering Design, Third Edition allows students to gain a grasp of the fundamentals of machine design and the ability to apply these fundamentals to various new engineering problems.
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