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Blue Marble Global Mapper Pro v23.0.0 build 091421 Software
Blue Marble Global Mapper Pro v23.0.0 build 091421 x64

Blue Marble Global Mapper Pro v23.0.0 build 091421

Вышла новая версия программы для просмотра карт и векторных изображений - Global Mapper v23.0

Global Mapper позволяет не только просматривать но и преобразовывать или редактировать, а даже и распечатывать всевозможные карты и векторные наборы данных. Global Mapper позволяет вам загружать ваши данные как слои ( только с условием, что вы работаете в Digital Elevation Model), или же как отсканированную карту, если вам надо изобразить местность в 3D. Есть также хорошая особенность, что позволяет вести работу в реальном времени. Происходит это путем загрузки данных с GPS приемника который подключен к компьютеру. 

Global Mapper поддерживает огромнейшее число форматов. Работать с ней легко и просто, интерфейс не перенасыщен различными опциями, вы можете смело работать в ней и не задумываться о том, куда нажать, что бы сделать что-то.
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ArqCOM CivilCAD Suite build September, 2021 Software
ArqCOM CivilCAD Suite build September, 2021
for AutoCAD, BricsCAD, ZWCAD

ArqCOM CivilCAD Suite build September, 2021

CivilCAD, creado por ARQCOM, es el software diseñado para crear funciones adicionales que automatizan y simplifican las tareas dentro de AutoCAD Full, Bricscad PRO y ZWCAD+ Professional, cubriendo diversas necesidades del profesional de la Ingeniería Civil y Topografía de habla hispana; utilizado por dependencias de gobierno, constructoras y universidades.

Con CivilCAD, puede obtener rápidamente perfiles, secciones, curvas de nivel, cálculo de volúmenes en plataformas y vialidades, cuadros de construcción, subdivisión de polígonos, entre otras más de 100 rutinas.

La licencia base de CivilCAD sólo incluye rutinas de topografía básica (ver rutinas). Existen 6 módulos adicionales que agregan rutinas especializadas a su licencia base de CivilCAD y son:
  • Cálculo de Redes de Agua Potable
  • Cálculo de Redes de Alcantarillado
  • Diseño de Carreteras SCT
  • Exportación de Datos al Programa Curva Masa SCT
  • Cálculo de Redes de Alcantarillado Pluvial ADSInterfase con Google Earth
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Renga Architecture v4.6.34667.0 Software
Renga Architecture v4.6.34667.0

Renga Software, a joint venture of ASCON and 1C, develops software products to design buildings and structures by using Building Information Modeling (BIM). As the first Russian developer of BIM solutions, Renga Software creates 3D design products with user-friendly features, intuitive interface, and affordable cost. All the documents created in the program comply with the regulatory framework used in Russia. The company sets an ambitious goal to promote the use of BIM in Russia and CIS countries, so that the design of any civil or industrial construction objects starts with the creation of its information model. At the same time, the labor intensity of the process would not be higher than drafting designs with 2D drawings. The products of Renga Software are intended for integrated design: the information model of a construction object created in the Renga system can be used in other stages of its life cycle.

Possibilities Renga
At the first stage of design, the project architect needs a tool to create a quick and easy conceptual prototype of a future building. The Renga BIM system is based on two general principles: designing in 3D space (for enhanced visualization) and using intuitive, context-based interface (for simplicity of interaction with the 3D model. An architect can create a building in the 3D view, using object tools like walls, beams, windows, etc. You can also switch to the 2D drawing plan at any moment and continue the creation of 3D modeling in that view.
For more detailed model architecture Renga provides tools for fast object creation and editing in a Styles, Assembly and Profile Editor. In only minutes you can create your own customized window style or door style, place in horizontal or vertical mullions, assign structural material, define the type of frame opening, as well as set dimension of window frame, mullions and frames. You can assign the customized style to door openings of any forms and sizes. 
In the Renga BIM system, the architects and structural engineers work in a single environment with the same 3D model. Each member of the project team can track the changes their colleagues have made. This feature reduces the chance for discrepancies between architectural, structural and MEP models, validating the accuracy and consistency of the model. It also shortens the approval cycle.
To perform accurate labor volume calculations and material quantity calculations, use the Schedule tool. It automatically collects object data and generates reports in a table format. In the event of changes to the 3D model, schedule recalculates automatically. An architect can create their own customized schedules or use predefined templates. Standard templates are already defined in compliance with the Russian State Standards (GOST) – such as room schedule and window and door schedule. Architects can modify schedule views, group schedules by properties, apply filters, and add custom properties.
If you want to impress your clients, you can easily create high-quality images of the model (renderings) by using a texture map and assigning materials. For this purpose, Pictorex Company developed the Artisan Rendering app which can be installed with Renga. Additionally, you can export any information model to 3D graphics formats such as OBJ, DAE, or STL to perform rendering in popular products like 3Ds Max, Blender, Lumion, etc. Export your model in STL format and use a 3D printer to get an architectural 3D model to scale.
The built-in Drawing Editor allows to create project documentation. Editor is designed to take drawings generation automation to the maximum. Main views of the building (floor plans, elevations, sections) are checked out automatically right from the 3D model. Production tools will help to create drawings in accordance with both Russian System of Design Documentation for Construction (SPDS) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). 
Changes may occur during any design development phase of a design project. The Renga BIM system provides architects with tools that can significantly reduce the cost of modifications. Dimensions added by user would track changes made in the 3D model, whether it be a floor plan or a smaller element. If a user moves a partition or modifies the window height, any corresponding dimensions will recalculate automatically. 
A BIM model created in Renga software contains not only 3D geometry, but also physical properties of construction materials (type of material, thickness, conductivity), interior finish types and elevation finish types. This data along with a 3D model can be exported to analytical software solutions, where you can perform thermo-technical calculations of outer walls or daylight factor calculations.
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Agisoft Metashape Pro v1.7.5 build 13100 Software
Agisoft Metashape Pro v1.7.5 build 13100 x64

Agisoft Metashape Pro v1.7.5 build 13100

Agisoft Metashape Professional - это передовое программное обеспечение, максимально раскрывающее возможности фотограмметрии, а также включающее в себя технологии машинного обучения для анализа и пост-обработки, что позволяет получать максимально точные результаты.

Metashape позволяет обрабатывать изображения, получаемые с помощью RGB- или мультиспектральных камер, включая мультикамерные системы, преобразовывать снимки в плотные облака точек, текстурированные полигональные модели, геопривязанные ортофотопланы и цифровые модели рельефа/местности (ЦМР/ЦММ).

Дальнейшая постобработка позволяет удалять тени и искажения текстур с поверхности моделей, рассчитывать вегетационные индексы и составлять файлы предписаний для агротехнических мероприятий, автоматически классифицировать плотные облака точек и т.д.

Возможность экспорта во все внешние пакеты для постобработки делает Agisoft Metashape Professional универсальным фотограмметрическим инструментом.

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Seismic Reservoir Modeling Bookware
Dario Grana, Tapan Mukerji, Philippe Doyen - Seismic Reservoir Modeling, Theory, Examples, and Algorithms

Wiley-Blackwell, 2021
pdf, 259 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-119-08618-5

Seismic Reservoir Modeling

Seismic reservoir characterization aims to build 3-dimensional models of rock and fluid properties, including elastic and petrophysical variables, to describe and monitor the state of the subsurface for hydrocarbon exploration and production and for CO₂ sequestration. Rock physics modeling and seismic wave propagation theory provide a set of physical equations to predict the seismic response of subsurface rocks based on their elastic and petrophysical properties. However, the rock and fluid properties are generally unknown and surface geophysical measurements are often the only available data to constrain reservoir models far away from well control. Therefore, reservoir properties are generally estimated from geophysical data as a solution of an inverse problem, by combining rock physics and seismic models with inverse theory and geostatistical methods, in the context of the geological modeling of the subsurface. A probabilistic approach to the inverse problem provides the probability distribution of rock and fluid properties given the measured geophysical data and allows quantifying the uncertainty of the predicted results. The reservoir characterization problem includes both discrete properties, such as facies or rock types, and continuous properties, such as porosity, mineral volumes, fluid saturations, seismic velocities and density.  

Seismic Reservoir Modeling: Theory, Examples and Algorithms presents the main concepts and methods of seismic reservoir characterization. The book presents an overview of rock physics models that link the petrophysical properties to the elastic properties in porous rocks and a review of the most common geostatistical methods to interpolate and simulate multiple realizations of subsurface properties conditioned on a limited number of direct and indirect measurements based on spatial correlation models. The core of the book focuses on Bayesian inverse methods for the prediction of elastic petrophysical properties from seismic data using analytical and numerical statistical methods. The authors present basic and advanced methodologies of the current state of the art in seismic reservoir characterization and illustrate them through expository examples as well as real data applications to hydrocarbon reservoirs and CO₂ sequestration studies.
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Arqcom CAD-Earth v7.0.2 for AutoCAD 2018-2022 Software
Arqcom CAD-Earth v7.0.2 for AutoCAD 2018-2022

Arqcom CAD-Earth v7.0.2 for AutoCAD 2018-2022

CAD-Earth is designed to easily import/export images, objects and terrain meshes between Google Earth and major CAD programs and create dynamic contour lines and profiles.

  • Import Google Earth image to CAD.
  • Export CAD screenshot to Google Earth.
  • Insert georeferenced images.
  • Import Google Earth objects to CAD.
  • Export CAD objects to Google Earth.
  • Import Google Earth terrain.
  • More than 3000 supported coordinate systems worldwide.
  • Cross section from mesh.
  • Profile from mesh.
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Modelling Emergency Situations in the Drilling of Deep Boreholes Bookware
Valery Gulyayev, Sergii Glazunov, Olga Glushakova,
Elena Vashchilina, Lyudmyla Shevchuk, Nataliya Shlyun, Elena Andrusenko -

Modelling Emergency Situations in the Drilling of Deep Boreholes

Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019
pdf, 515 pages, english
ISBN-10: 1-5275-4020-0

The era of easily acquiring oil and gas is over. Now, to extract these resources, deep vertical and curvilinear, off-shore and ground-based boreholes are drilled in inclement climate conditions and in complex heterogeneous tectonic rocks. Additional novelties have also been assimilated into these technologies by the shale revolution. The techniques and methods of borehole drivage are developing so fast that scientific understanding and substantiation have no time to refine them. Therefore, as a rule, different unpredictable emergency effects and overall failures accompany these procedures. The gravest of these are buckling of the drill strings, their resonant vibrations, their sticking during dragging and twisting, the self-triggering of torsional relaxation vibration, and the self-excitation of forward, backward, and superfast bit whirlings. To analyze these phenomena, this volume elaborates new mathematic models and numerical methods. On the basis of these, a special software was created, which allowed new results concerning the peculiarities of the affected phenomena to be achieved. The book will be of interest to borehole designers and specialists in mechanics and applied mathematics.

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Bentley RAM SBeam Software
Bentley RAM SBeam

Bentley RAM SBeam

RAM SBeam is a powerful and versatile program for the design of steel beams. Using one of several design codes, RAM SBeam can select the optimum beam size or check the adequacy of existing construction. The program provides rapid evaluation and comparison between various beams under various load conditions. RAM SBeam has a user interface unparalleled for simplicity and ease of use, while providing a very powerful design capability. This results in substantial time savings for the Engineer and a more economical design for the client

Features of RAM SBeam include:
  • Composite Beam Design and Investigation
  • Non-composite Beam Design and Investigation
  • Cantilevers
  • Braced or Unbraced Compression Flange
  • AISC LRFD and ASD, Canadian, Eurocode, British, Australian, and Indian design
  • English, SI, and Metric Units
  • Rolled and Built-up Shapes
  • Castellated and Cellular Beams (AISC Design)
  • Foreign and Domestic Steel Tables
  • Web Opening Design (AISC, British, and Eurocode)
  • Beam Self-weight Automatically Included
  • Load Diagrams
  • Shear, Moment, and Deflection Diagrams
  • User Control of Design Criteria and Parameters, including Camber, Deflection limits, and limits on Demand / Capacity ratio
  • Can be run as a stand-alone program, or it can be launched from the RAM Structural System or from RAM Elements
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Gas Engineering Vol. 1: Origin and Reservoir Engineering Bookware
James G. Speight - Gas Engineering Vol. 1: Origin and Reservoir Engineering

De Gruyter, 2021
pdf, 488 pages, english
ISBN: 978-3-11-069089-7

The three volumes cover the full range of origin, properties and uses of gases. Part 1 presents new technology and discusses future potential for reservoir engineering.

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Sensors & Software EKKO_Project V6 R1 build 7775 Software
Sensors & Software EKKO_Project V6 R1 build 7775

Sensors & Software EKKO_Project V6 R1 build 7775

EKKO_Project is the all-inclusive software solution for managing, displaying, processing and interpreting GPR data. Once the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) data collection in the field is complete, the next step is to pull out the key information and images and generate a final report. The EKKO_Project software makes complex GPR analysis easy with intuitive tools to organize, edit, process and plot your GPR data. Powerful visualization, analysis and integration tools allow you to quickly and easily produce impressive reports. EKKO_Project consists of a base program with optional modules. The base package provides file organization, quick visualization of your project information in a single window and automated reporting. EKKO_Project works with project .gpz files automatically exported from current GPR systems. An embedded database structure allows all GPR data and ancillary files (GPS, topography, photos, notes, etc.) to be housed in a single .gpz file for a specific project. A project file could contain a single GPR line or several hundred lines from a complex survey. Legacy .dt1 and .hd files can also be imported. Any available project information can easily be added to the .gpz file, providing a single point for all your survey information.

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