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Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Asphalt Pavements & Environment Bookware

Marco Pasetto, Manfred Partl, Gabriele Tebaldi - Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Asphalt Pavements & Environment (APE)

Springer, 2020
pdf, 506 pages, english
ISBN: 978-3-030-29778-7

Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Asphalt Pavements & Environment

This volume highlights the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of asphalt pavement technology, as presented by leading international researchers and engineers at the 5th International Symposium on Asphalt Pavements & Environment (ISAP 2019 APE Symposium), held in Padua, Italy on September 11-13, 2019. It covers a diverse range of topics concerning materials and technologies for asphalt pavements, designed for sustainability and environmental compatibility: sustainable pavement materials, marginal materials for asphalt pavements, pavement structures, testing methods and performance, maintenance and management methods, urban heat island mitigation, energy harvesting, and Life Cycle Assessment. The contributions, which were selected by means of a rigorous international peer-review process, present a wealth of exciting ideas that will open novel research directions and foster multidisciplinary collaboration among different specialists.

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SolidWorks 2021 Essential Training Bookware
Lynda.com - SolidWorks 2021 Essential Training

SolidWorks 2021 Essential Training

SolidWorks is the premier product-design software - enabling you to deliver innovative solutions to market faster. In this course, Gabriel Corbett teaches you how to build ready-to-manufacture parts and assemblies as well as detailed drawings and itemized bills of materials in SolidWorks 2021. Learn how to create 2D sketches and then extrude, revolve, loft, and sweep these features into 3D objects. Find out how to make cuts and create standard holes, and explore more advanced modeling techniques using blocks, mirroring, and the SolidWorks pattern tools. Then review best practices for putting parts together in assemblies and creating detailed drawings. Along the way, Gabriel highlights new features from the 2021 release, as well as features designed for users with pen or touch devices.ется в замкнутом объёме, разновидность двигателя внешнего сгорания. Основан на периодическом нагреве и охлаждении рабочего тела с извлечением энергии из возникающего при этом изменения давления. Может работать не только от сжигания топлива, но и от любого источника тепла.

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Фотограмметрия и дистанционное зондирование Bookware
Ниязгулов У.Д. - Фотограмметрия и дистанционное зондирование

РУТ (МИИТ), 2020
pdf, 544 pages, russian
УДК 528.74

Рассмотрены теория и практика получения информации о поверхности Земли, об объектах на ней и явлениях дистанционными методами. Изложены современные методы и технические средства съемочных систем, технологии обработки и интерпретации результатов съемок для решения задач землеустройства и кадастра недвижимости. Особое внимание обращено на цифровую обработку материалов съемок.

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SolidWorks: Designing a Stirling Engine Bookware
Johno Ellison - SolidWorks: Designing a Stirling Engine

SolidWorks: Designing a Stirling Engine

Expand your SolidWorks 3D CAD skills by learning how to design a machine with moving parts. In this course, learn through designing the components of an early-19th-century rival to the steam engine. Follow along with Johno Ellison as he leads you through the steps for creating a Stirling engine, a closed-cycle heat engine invented by Robert Stirling in 1816. Johno shows how to use SolidWorks to create all the parts, combine the parts into an assembly, and prepare drawings for the final product. Johno also provides tips and ideas for moving the creation from a virtual to physical design.

Двигатель Стирлинга — тепловая машина, в которой рабочее тело в виде газа или жидкости движется в замкнутом объёме, разновидность двигателя внешнего сгорания. Основан на периодическом нагреве и охлаждении рабочего тела с извлечением энергии из возникающего при этом изменения давления. Может работать не только от сжигания топлива, но и от любого источника тепла.
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Finite Element Analysis for Civil Engineering with DIANA Software Bookware
Shun Chai - Finite Element Analysis for Civil Engineering with DIANA Software

Springer, 2020
pdf, 644 pages, english
ISBN: 978-981-15-2944-3

Finite Element Analysis for Civil Engineering with DIANA Software

This book systematically introduces readers to the finite element analysis software DIANA (DIsplacement ANAlyzer) and its applications in civil engineering. Developed by TNO Corporation in the 1970s, DIANA is frequently used in civil engineering and engineering mechanics.

Unlike the software user’s manual, which provides a comprehensive introduction and theoretical analysis, this book presents a simplified overview of the basic background theory to help beginners master the software quickly. It also discusses GUI operation and the command console in Python language, and includes examples involving classical modeling operations to help readers review each section.

Both the book and DIANA itself are valuable resources for students and researchers in all the structural engineering fields, such as civil engineering, bridge engineering, geotechnical engineering, tunnel engineering, underground structural engineering, irrigation, municipal engineering and fire engineering.
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AutoCAD 2021 Beginners Guide, 8 Edition Bookware
CADFolks - AutoCAD 2021 Beginners Guide, 8 Edition

CADFolks, 2020
pdf, 404 pages, english

If you want to learn AutoCAD to create technical drawings, this is the book for you. You will learn to use commands and techniques by following the step-by-step examples given in this book. This book covers everything from creating two-dimensional (2D) and three dimensional (3D) drawings to printing and publishing. The topics covered in this book are illustrated with the help of real world examples such as gaskets, flanges, brackets, schematic line diagrams, and more. Also, this book is well organized and can be used for a course or self-study.

  • Get familiarized with user interface and navigation tools.
  • Create print ready drawings.
  • Create smart drawings using parametric tools.
  • Have a good command over AutoCAD tools and techniques.
  • Explore the easiest and quickest ways to perform operations.
  • Know how to reuse existing data.
  • Create 3D models and generate 2D drawings.
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SolidWorks 2020: Step-By-Step Guide Bookware
CADFolks - SolidWorks 2020: Step-By-Step Guide

CADFolks, 2020
pdf, 430 pages, english

This book starts with SolidWorks 2020 using step-by-step examples. It begins with creating sketches and parts, assembling them, and then creating print ready drawings. This book gives you an idea about how you can design and document various mechanical components, and helps you to learn some advanced tools and techniques. This book also follows some of the best practices in creating parts. In addition to this, there are some additional chapters covering sheet metal and surface design. Each topic in this book has a brief introduction and a step-by-step example. This will help you to learn SolidWorks 2020 quickly and easily.

  • Go through with the User Interface.
  • A step-by-step practice to create sketches and 3D models.
  • Teach you about advance Part Modeling tools.
  • Learn the procedure to create Multiple-body parts.
  • Learn to modify components at each step.
  • Learn to create assemblies.
  • Learn Top-down assembly design.
  • Learn to create 2D drawings.
  • Learn basic tools available in Sheet Metal and Surface Environment.
  • Create sheet metal drawings.
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MathWorks Matlab Database Toolbox & Report Generator User's Guides Bookware
MathWorks Matlab R2020b:
Database Toolbox User's Guide
Report Generator User's Guide

MathWorks, 2020
pdf, 3218 pages (1246+1972), english

MathWorks Matlab Database Toolbox & Report Generator User's Guides

MATLAB Database Toolbox provides functions and an app for exchanging data with relational and nonrelational databases. It enables this exchange by automatically converting between database and MATLAB data types.

MATLAB Report Generator provides functions and APIs that integrate reporting capabilities into MATLAB applications. You can develop programs that generate reports in PDF, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and HTML. MATLAB Report Generator enables you to dynamically capture results and figures from your MATLAB code and document those results in a single report that can be shared with others in your organization. You can use the prebuilt, customizable Word and HTML templates or design reports based on your organization’s templates and standards.
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Structural Concrete: Theory and Design, 7 Edition Bookware
M. Nadim Hassoun, Akthem Al-Manaseer - Structural Concrete: Theory and Design, 7 Edition

Wiley, 2020
pdf, 956 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-11960-513-3

Structural Concrete: Theory and Design, 7 Edition

The leading structural concrete design reference for over two decades―updated to reflect the latest ACI 318-19 code.

A go-to resource for structural engineering students and professionals for over twenty years, this newly updated text on concrete structural design and analysis reflects the most recent ACI 318-19 code. It emphasizes student comprehension by presenting design methods alongside relevant codes and standards. It also offers numerous examples (presented using SI units and US-SI conversion factors) and practice problems to guide students through the analysis and design of each type of structural member.

New to Structural Concrete: Theory and Design, Seventh Edition are code provisions for transverse reinforcement and shear in wide beams, hanger reinforcement, and bi-directional interaction of one-way shear. This edition also includes the latest information on two-way shear strength, ordinary walls, seismic loads, reinforcement detailing and analysis, and materials requirements. This book covers the historical background of structural concrete; advantages and disadvantages; codes and practice; and design philosophy and concepts. It then launches into a discussion of the properties of reinforced concrete, and continues with chapters on flexural analysis and design; deflection and control of cracking; development length of reinforcing bars; designing with the strut-and-tie method; one-way slabs; axially loaded columns; and more.

Updated to align with the new ACI 318-19 code with new code provisions to include: transverse reinforcement and shear in wide beams, hanger reinforcement, bi-directional interaction of one-way shear, and reference to ACI certifications:
  • Includes dozens of worked examples that explain the analysis and design of structural members.
  • Offers updated information on two-way shear strength, seismic loads, materials requirements, and more.
  • Improves the design ability of students by explaining code requirements and restrictions.
  • Provides examples in SI units in every chapter as well as conversion factors from customary units to SI.
  • Offers instructors access to a solutions manual via the book's companion website
Structural Concrete: Theory and Design, Seventh Edition is an excellent text for undergraduate and graduate students in civil and structural engineering programs. It will also benefit concrete designers, structural engineers, and civil engineers focused on structures.
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Advanced UAV Photogrammetry - Part 1 - Planning and Execution - 2019 Bookware
Udemy (Cezary Wozniak) - Advanced UAV Photogrammetry - Part 1 - Planning and Execution - 2019

Advanced UAV Photogrammetry - Part 1 - Planning and Execution - 2019

It is a Drone Mapping Tutorial. Master image acquisition, flight planning and learn all about GCPs from a professional surveyor! 

  • Recommended equipment for UAV Photogrammetry.
  • Optimal camera and drone settings for image acquisition.
  • Optimal GCP distribution, marking and measurement.
  • Planning and execution of UAV Photogrammetry missions in various apps.
  • Planning the flight boundary in KML file.
  • UAV Photogrammetry theory.
  • Planning the location of GCPs (Ground Control Points).
  • Calculation of GCP’s elevation coordinate in relation to the existing survey marks.
  • Various image acquisition plans.
Original link
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