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MathWorks Matlab & Simulink R2021a Books & Users Guides Bookware
MathWorks Matlab & Simulink R2021a Books & Users Guides

MathWorks, 2021
pdf, 37'981 pages, english

MATLAB 3-D visualization

MATLAB 5G Toolbox Users Guide
MATLAB Antenna Toolbox Users Guide
MATLAB Deep Learning HDL Toolbox Users Guide
MATLAB Deep Learning Toolbox Users Guide
MATLAB Econometrics Toolbox Users Guide
MATLAB Financial Toolbox Users Guide
MATLAB Fixed-Point Designer Users Guide
MATLAB GPU Coder Users Guide
MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox Users Guide
MATLAB Mathematics
MATLAB Parallel Computing Toolbox Users Guide
MATLAB Programming Fundamentals
MATLAB Signal Processing Toolbox Users Guide
MATLAB Simulink 3D Animation Users Guide
MATLAB Simulink Computer Vision Toolbox Users Guide
MATLAB Simulink DSP System Toolbox Users Guide
MATLAB Simulink HDL Coder Users Guide
MATLAB Simulink Phased Array System Toolbox Users Guide
MATLAB Simulink Radar Toolbox User Guide
MATLAB Simulink UAV Toolbox Users Guide
MATLAB Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox Users Guide
MATLAB Wavelet Toolbox Users Guide
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Schlumberger Peterl 2011 - Геология & Геофизика Bookware
Schlumberger Peterl 2011 - Геология. Геофизика. Учебные курсы.

Schlumberger , 2011
pdf, 285+455 pages, russian

Schlumberger Peterl 2011 - Геология & Геофизика

Два учебных курса на базе одноимённой программы.

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Civil Engineering PE All-in-One Exam Guide Bookware
Indranil Goswami - Civil Engineering PE All-in-One Exam Guide: Breadth and Depth, Fourth Edition

McGraw-Hill, 2020

epub, 1376 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-260-457223
Civil Engineering PE All-in-One Exam Guide
Fully updated for the latest technical standards and exam content, this effective study guide contains all the information you need to pass the challenging Civil Engineering PE exam. Written by a registered PE and experienced educator, Civil Engineering PE All-in-One Exam Guide: Breadth and Depth, Fourth Edition, features equations, diagrams, and study strategies along with nearly 200 accurate practice questions and solutions. Beyond exam preparation, this comprehensive resource also serves as an essential on-the-job reference. 

Covers all material on the NCEES PE Civil exam, including:
  • Reinforced concrete beams, slabs, and columns.
  • Steel beams, tension members, and compression members.
  • Bridge, timber, and masonry design.
  • Soil sampling, testing, and classification.
  • Design loads on buildings and other structures.
  • Shallow and deep foundations and retaining walls.
  • Seismic topics in geotechnical engineering.
  • Water and wastewater treatment.
  • Freeways, multilane highways, and two-lane highways.
  • Engineering economics, project scheduling, and statistics.
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Soft Clay Engineering and Ground Improvement Bookware
Jay Ameratunga, Nagaratnam Sivakugan, Braja M. Das - Soft Clay Engineering and Ground Improvement

CRC Press, 2021
pdf, 480 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-138-31653-9

Soft Clay Engineering and Ground Improvement

Soft Clay Engineering and Ground Improvement covers the design and implementation of ground improvement techniques as applicable to soft clays. This particular subject poses major geotechnical challenges in civil engineering. Not only civil engineers, but planners, architects, consultants and contractors are now aware what soft soils are and the risks associated with development of such areas.

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Aspen Plus: Chemical Engineering Applications Bookware
Kamal I.M. Al-Malah - Aspen Plus: Chemical Engineering Applications

Wiley, 2017
pdf, 623 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-11-913123-6

Aspen Plus: Chemical Engineering Applications

  • Facilitates the process of learning and later mastering Aspen Plus with step by step examples and succinct explanations.
  • Step-by-step textbook for identifying solutions to various process engineering problems via screenshots of the Aspen Plus platforms in parallel with the related text.
  • Includes end-of-chapter problems and term project problems.
  • Includes online exam and quiz problems for instructors that are parametrized (i.e., adjustable) so that each student will have a standalone version.
  • Includes extra online material for students such as Aspen Plus-related files that are used in the working tutorials throughout the entire textbook.
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GIS Tutorial 1 for ArcGIS Pro Bookware
Wilpen L. Gorr, Kristen S. Kurland - GIS Tutorial 1 for ArcGIS Pro: A Platform Workbook, 1st Edition

Esri Press, 2020
epub, 470 pages, english
ISBN: 9781589484665

GIS Tutorial 1 for ArcGIS Pro

GIS Tutorial 1 for ArcGIS Pro features step-by-step exercises for learning GIS focusing on the latest desktop and online technologies. Building on Esri’s best-selling GIS Tutorial series for analysts, developers, students, managers, and others, this workbook teaches readers how to make maps, work with spatial data, and solve problems quickly using the ArcGIS platform.

Tutorial data, companion & data assignments, supplements containing updates can be downloaded from here
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Structures Strengthened With Bonded Composites Bookware
Zhishen Wu, Yufei Wu, Mohamed F. M. Fahmy - Structures Strengthened With Bonded Composites

Elsevier, 2020
pdf, 554 pages, english
ISBN: 978-0-12-821088-8

Structures Strengthened with Bonded Composites presents a comprehensive resource on the strengthening of concrete, reinforced and prestressed concrete, masonry, steel and other composite structures using externally-bonded FRP composites. The book emphasizes a systematic and fundamental investigation on bonding and debonding behavior of the FRP-concrete interface and structural performances of FRP-strengthened structures with a combination of experimental, theoretical and numerical studies. This book will appeal to all those concerned with strengthening and retrofitting of existing structures from the effect of additional anticipated loads in the civil sector.

  • Discusses the FRP strengthening of different types of structures, including bridges, tunnels, buildings, historic structures and underwater constructions.
  • Establishes a systematic theory on interfacial fracture mechanics and clarifies different debonding mechanisms.
  • Describes design methods and makes comparison of design considerations and methods among different countries.
  • Presents temperature and fatigue effects and long-term behavior for different strengthening methods.
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Structural Mechanics with a Pen Bookware
Andreas Ochsner - Structural Mechanics with a Pen: A Guide to Solve Finite Difference Problems

Springer, 2021
epub, 160 pages, english
ISBN: 978-3-030-65891-5

Structural Mechanics with a Pen

This book is focused on the introduction of the finite difference method based on the classical one-dimensional structural members, i.e., rods/bars and beams. It is the goal to provide a first introduction to the manifold aspects of the finite difference method and to enable the reader to get a methodical understanding of important subject areas in structural mechanics. The reader learns to understand the assumptions and derivations of different structural members. Furthermore, she/he learns to critically evaluate possibilities and limitations of the finite difference method. Additional comprehensive mathematical descriptions, which solely result from advanced illustrations for two- or three-dimensional problems, are omitted. Hence, the mathematical description largely remains simple and clear.

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Mechanics of Civil Engineering Structures Bookware
Laszlo Kollar, Gabriella Tarjan - Mechanics of Civil Engineering Structures

Elsevier, 2021
pdf, 576 pages, english
ISBN: 978-0-12-820321-7
Mechanics of Civil Engineering Structures
Practicing engineers designing civil engineering structures, and advanced students of civil engineering, require foundational knowledge and advanced analytical and empirical tools. Mechanics in Civil Engineering Structures presents the material needed by practicing engineers engaged in the design of civil engineering structures, and students of civil engineering. The book covers the fundamental principles of mechanics needed to understand the responses of structures to different types of load and provides the analytical and empirical tools for design. The title presents the mechanics of relevant structural elements - including columns, beams, frames, plates and shells - and the use of mechanical models for assessing design code application. Eleven chapters cover topics including stresses and strains; elastic beams and columns; inelastic and composite beams and columns; temperature and other kinematic loads; energy principles; stability and second-order effects for beams and columns; basics of vibration; indeterminate elastic-plastic structures; plates and shells. This book is an invaluable guide for civil engineers needing foundational background and advanced analytical and empirical tools for structural design.

The book includes 110 fully worked-out examples of important problems and 130 practice problems with an interaction solution manual
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GIS Tutorial for ArcGIS Desktop 10.8 7th Edition Bookware
Wilpen L. Gorr, Kristen S. Kurland - GIS Tutorial for ArcGIS Desktop 10.8 7th Edition

Esri Press, 2020
pdf, 660 pages, english
ISBN: 9781589486140

GIS Tutorial for ArcGIS Desktop 10.8 7th Edition

GIS Tutorial for ArcGIS Desktop 10.8 is the updated replacement for GIS Tutorial 1: Basic Workbook, 10.3 Edition, a classic textbook for teaching ArcGIS Desktop.

GIS Tutorial for ArcGIS Desktop 10.8 teaches the fundamentals of using ArcGIS Desktop, the popular professional geographic information systems (GIS) application from Esri. Rooted in the science of geography, GIS is a framework for gathering, managing, and analyzing data using map visualizations and location intelligence. GIS and ArcGIS have become the mainstay of many businesses, organizations, and institutions.

Updated with new images and simplified steps for using the latest version of the software, GIS Tutorial for ArcGIS Desktop 10.8 introduces readers to the tools and functionality of ArcGIS Desktop 10.8. Learn how to use ArcMap and ArcCatalog to make maps, work with spatial data, and analyze spatial data for proximity analysis and site suitability analysis. Gain hands-on experience using ArcGIS 3D Analyst, ArcGIS Spatial Analyst, and ArcGIS Network Analyst extensions, as well as ArcGIS Online and other software products.

Each chapter is designed from decades of GIS teaching experience by authors Wilpen L. Gorr (ret.) and Kristen S. Kurland, professors at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Incorporating proven teaching methods in detailed exercises, "Your Turn" sections, and homework assignments, this book is suited to learning GIS in the classroom or by self-learners. Data for completing the exercises is available for free download.

Renewing a proven standard: GIS Tutorial for ArcGIS Desktop 10.8 helps users explore GIS concepts, apply ArcGIS software, and instill GIS skills, regardless of learning style.
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