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Thomas S. Weir, Jamie D. Richardson, Eric Wing - Mastering Revit Structure 2009 Bookware
Thomas S. Weir, Jamie D. Richardson, Eric Wing -
Mastering Revit Structure 2009
Wiley Publishing, 2008
english, pdf - 818 стр.
ISBN: 978-0-470-38440-4
Thomas S. Weir, Jamie D. Richardson, Eric Wing - Mastering Revit Structure 2009

In this book you will learn the basics as well as more advanced techniques used to create a BIM model for a structural engineering project using Autodesk Revit Structure software. You will learn how to prepare construction documents after you have developed your model and how to collaborate with others by linking models or exporting to AutoCAD. You will learn how to detail and schedule the elements in your virtual building. In the last portion of the book, advanced subjects such as standards, rendering, and creating structural families will add a new dimension to your knowledge and abilities.
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Curtis Waguespack, Sean Dotson, Bill Bogan - Mastering Autodesk Inventor 2009 and Autodesk Inventor LT 2009 Bookware
Curtis Waguespack, Sean Dotson, Bill Bogan -
Mastering Autodesk Inventor 2009 and Autodesk Inventor LT 2009
Wiley Publishing, 2008
english, pdf - 603 стр.
ISBN-10: 978-0-470-29314-0
Curtis Waguespack, Sean Dotson, Bill Bogan - Mastering Autodesk Inventor 2009 and Autodesk Inventor LT 2009

This book is written with a wide range of Inventor users in mind, varying from beginning to advanced users:
- Beginning Inventor users who are making the move from traditional 2D CAD design to Inventor 2009. These readers will have experience with AutoCAD and an understanding of basic design and engineering concepts, as well as a desire to improve their skill set and stay competitive in the market place.
- Intermediate Inventor users who have gone through formal Inventor training during their company’s initial implementation of Inventor and are looking for more information on a specific module within Inventor. This book also targets users looking for a desktop reference to turn to when they come upon an area of Inventor that they do not encounter on a day-to-day basis.
- Advanced Inventor users who have mastered the Inventor tools they use over and over daily but want to conquer the parts of the program they do not utilize during their normal design tasks. This book also targets advanced users who want to add to their skill set to move up the ranks within their present company or want to expand their knowledge in pursuit of a new position with another employer. Attempting to learn all the tools in Inventor can be an intimidating experience, because of the wide range of task-specific modules available. It was the goal of this book’s authors to separate these modules into easy-to-tackle chapters relating to real-world situations for which the tools were designed, while also including chapters on general Inventor tools, techniques, and design principles.
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RhinoCeros 4.0 Visual Tips Bookware
RhinoCeros 4.0 Visual Tips

RhinoCeros 4.0 Visual Tips

480 видеоуроков (800х600), общей продолжительностью более 14 часов, помогут вам досконально изучить продукт.
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James Wedding, Dana Probert - Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009 Bookware
James Wedding, Dana Probert - Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009
Wiley Publishing, 2008
english, pdf - 866 стр.
ISBN-10: 978-0-470-37315-6

James Wedding, Dana Probert - Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009

If you already possess some background in Civil 3D but want to broaden your understanding of this popular civil engineering software, Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009 will provide you with detailed coverage of advanced topics like surveying, LandXML and LDT Project Transfer, cross-sections, pipe networks, visualization, project management, and data shortcuts. Many of the featured topics and techniques, directly applicable to the civil engineering profession, are previously undocumented. Practical tutorials, tips, tricks, real-world examples and easy-to-follow explanations detail all aspects of a civil engineering project.
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Lynn Allen, Scott Onstott - AutoCAD Professional Tips and Techniques Bookware
Lynn Allen, Scott Onstott - AutoCAD Professional Tips and Techniques
Wiley Publishing, 2007
english, pdf - 339 стр.
ISBN-10: 0-470-08454-5

Lynn Allen, Scott Onstott - AutoCAD Professional Tips and Techniques

Two AutoCAD experts distill years of combined experience into hundreds of the most useful AutoCAD tips and techniques you'll ever find. Fun, easy to read, and packed with information, this beautiful guide equips you with inside tricks on critical AutoCAD features and functions - all in fast, easy-to-digest nuggets. Discover keyboard shortcuts and little-known system variables or punch up your style with expert tips on visualizing, publishing, and 3D modeling. No matter what your experience level, you're sure to increase productivity and master professional-level techniques with this lively, practical book.
- Tweak Windows and AutoCAD to get the UI you want.
- Handle layers and select objects.
- Create dimensions, hatch patterns, and text correctly the first time.
- Comprehend the complexities of Sheet Sets and Paperspace.
- Unleash the power of dynamic blocks.
- Get visualization tips from the experts.
- Plot or publish in the background while you keep drawing.
- Take control of AutoCAD with customization techniques.
- Master the friendly new world of 3D in AutoCAD.
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CADmaster #44/4.2008 (октябрь-декабрь) Bookware
Читаем журнальчик.
Особо ценного я ничего не нашел. Может кто-то для себя чего нароет.
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Docs for Bricsys Bricscad Bookware
Docs for Bricsys Bricscad eng

Docs for Bricsys Bricscad

Contains: User Guide, Developer Reference and Commans Reference.
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Eddy Krygiel, Greg Demchak, Tatjana Dzambazova - Mastering Revit® Architecture 2009 Bookware
Eddy Krygiel, Greg Demchak, Tatjana Dzambazova
- Mastering Revit® Architecture 2009
Wiley Publishing, 2008
english, pdf - 802 стр.
ISBN: 978-0-470-29528-1
Eddy Krygiel, Greg Demchak, Tatjana Dzambazova - Mastering Revit® Architecture 2009
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Ellen Finkelstein - AutoCAD 2009 & AutoCAD LT 2009 Bible Bookware
Ellen Finkelstein - AutoCAD 2009 & AutoCAD LT 2009 Bible
Wiley Publishing, 2008
english, pdf - 1274 стр.
ISBN: 978-0-470-26017-3

Ellen Finkelstein - AutoCAD 2009 & AutoCAD LT 2009 Bible

В книге подробно рассмотрены новейшие средства программы Autodesk AutoCAD 2009 — наиболее мощной и самой популярной из всех систем автоматизированного проектирования, предназначенных для настольных компьютеров. 
В книге детально описываются вопросы инсталляции, методики двухмерного и трехмерного черчения, принципы взаимодействия с операционной системой и документами других приложений. Показаны различия между версиями AutoCAD и AutoCAD LT.
Широкий охват материала, систематичность изложения и наличие многочисленных упражнений позволяют использовать книгу и как справочник, и как учебное пособие, делая ее полезной не только для начинающих, но и для опытных пользователей AutoCAD.
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CadMaster 2008 Bookware
Вообще, я подписан на все, что сдержит аббривиатуру ИТ и САПР, в этм году мимо меня пролетел весь Кадмастер, бумажных не присылали, интернет-версии не был, видимо как-то связан с "Нан".
Меня заинтересовали две темы: AutomatiCS 2008 и ModelStudio Трубопроводы - кто видел???
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