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Mechanical Design and Manufacture of Hydraulic Machinery Bookware
Mei Zu-yan - Mechanical Design and Manufacture of Hydraulic Machinery

Routledge, 2016
pdf, 563 pages, english
ISBN 13: 978-1-85628-820-0 (hbk)
ISBN 13: 978-1-138-26897-5 (pbk)

Mechanical Design and Manufacture of Hydraulic Machinery

This volume in the Hydraulic Machinery Book Series covers the most important types of hydraulic machinery: hydraulic turbines for transforming water power to mechanical output; and pumps for producing fluid pressure for many purposes. It describes the features of mechanical design of various types of turbines and pumps. The structure of a hydraulic machine is decided primarily to satisfy the need of fluid flow, so hydraulic characteristics of the machines are also stressed. Manufacturing processes of turbines and pumps and their requirements are referred to in chapters on mechanical construction.

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Process Plant Layout, Second Edition Bookware
Sean Moran - Process Plant Layout, Second Edition
Elsevier, 2017
pdf, 758 pages, english
ISBN: 978-0-12-803355-5

Process Plant Layout, Second Edition

Process Plant Layout, Second Edition, explains the methodologies used by professional designers to layout process equipment and pipework, plots, plants, sites, and their corresponding environmental features in a safe, economical way. It is supported with tables of separation distances, rules of thumb, and codes of practice and standards. The book includes more than seventy-five case studies on what can go wrong when layout is not properly considered. Sean Moran has thoroughly rewritten and re-illustrated this book to reflect advances in technology and best practices, for example, changes in how designers balance layout density with cost, operability, and safety considerations.

Key Features:
  • Based on interviews with over 200 professional process plant designers.
  • Explains multiple plant layout methodologies used by professional process engineers, piping engineers, and process architects.
  • Includes advice on how to choose and use the latest CAD tools for plant layout.
  • Ensures that all methodologies integrate to comply with worldwide risk management legislation.
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SolidWorks 2018 for Designers (16th Edition) Bookware
Sham Tickooo - SolidWorks 2018 for Designers (16th Edition)

CADCIM Technologies, 2018
pdf, 1987 pages, english
ISBN 978-1-64057-009-2

SolidWorks 2018 for Designers (16th Edition)

SolidWorks 2018 for Designers book is written to help the readers effectively use the modeling and assembly tools by utilizing the parametric and feature based approach of SolidWorks 2018. This book provides detailed description of the tools that are commonly used in modeling, assembly, and sheet metal as well as in surfacing. The SolidWorks 2018 for Designers book further elaborates on the procedure of generating the drawings of a model or assembly, which are used for documentation of a model or assembly. Special emphasis has been laid on the introduction of concepts, which have been explained using text, along with graphical examples. The examples and tutorials used in this book ensure that the users can relate the information provided in this textbook with the practical industry designs. SolidWorks 2018 for Designers consists of 21 chapters that are organized in a pedagogical sequence. The author has followed the tutorial approach to explain the concepts of SolidWorks 2018. Detailed explanation of SolidWorks 2018 tools. The first page of every chapter summarizes the topics that are covered in it. Consists of hundreds of illustrations and a comprehensive coverage of SolidWorks 2018 concepts and techniques. Step-by-step instructions that guide the users through the learning process. Several real-world mechanical engineering designs as tutorials and projects. Additional information is provided throughout the book in the form of notes and tips. Self-Evaluation Tests and Review Questions are given at the end of chapters so that the users can assess their knowledge.

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Siemens FEMAP literature Bookware
Siemens FEMAP literature

Siemens FEMAP literature

FEMAP Tips and Tricks, FEMAP User Guide, Introduction to FEMAP, FEMAP - Геометрическое и конечно-элементное моделирование конструкций.

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Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography, 10th Edition Bookware
Robert Christopherson, Ginger Birkeland - Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography, 10th Edition

Pearson, 2018
pdf, 694 pages, english
ISBN-13: 9780134642512

Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography, 10th Edition

Among the most highly regarded texts in physical geography, Robert Christopherson’s best-selling Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography is known for its meticulous attention to detail, up-to-date accuracy, and rich integration of climate change science. Uniquely organized, the text presents Earth systems topics as they naturally occur: atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. This interconnected and organic systems-based approach is highlighted in strong pedagogical tools, a structured learning path, and current, updated information. The 10th Edition includes new features and activities that help students apply geography to the real world, revised infographics, and new exercises designed to enhance learning.

Mastering Geography is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product proven to improve results by helping students quickly master concepts. Students benefit from self-paced coaching activities that feature personalized wrong-answer feedback and hints that emulate the office-hour experience and help keep students on track. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain challenging physical geography concepts.
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Golden Sofware User Guide Manuals Bookware
Golden Sofware User Guide Manuals

Golden Sofware User Guide Manuals

eBooks: Golden Software Didger v5.x, Golden Software Grapher v13.x, Golden Software MapViewer v8.x, Golden Software Strater v4, Golden Software Surfer v16 (added), v15, Golden Software Voxler v4
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Hydrogeology Bookware
Bernward Holting, Wilhelm G. Coldewey - Hydrogeology

Springer, 2018
pdf, 368 pages, english
ISBN 978-3-662-56373-1

ISBN 978-3-662-56375-5 (eBook)


This hydrogeology book is the English translation of the German textbook "Hydrogeologie” by Hölting and Coldewey. Published since 1980, this book is in its eighth edition. Its great success is attributed to the concept of the book. It was important for the authors to write a text that is generally easy to understand, both for experts and for persons who do not work in this special field. Consistent use of the internationally accepted SI units as well as the formula symbols in the text also contribute to the comprehensibility. All technical terms and their definitions match the various standards and are used consistently. Moreover, the original literature citations were completely revised in order to avoid misunderstandings and errors due to secondary sources. All of these points improve the readability and facilitate the understanding of the relatively complex concepts of general and applied hydrogeology.

Because this textbook is translated from the German edition, many of the hydrogeological examples depict the Central European region. Even though they have general relevance, knowledge of the local situation is not required. Furthermore, the book cites laws and regulations of the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union (EU), whose meaning and handling are certainly also interesting for readers from other countries.

May this book promote understanding of the complex material of hydrogeology as well as the correlations between the fields of geology, hydrochemistry, geohydraulics and engineering for a wide international public and contribute to solving global problems with groundwater development, exploitation, and protection.
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Practical Channel Hydraulics: Roughness, Conveyance and Afflux Bookware
Donald W. Knight, Caroline Hazlewood, Rob Lamb, Paul G. Samuels, Koji Shiono
Practical Channel Hydraulics: Roughness, Conveyance and Afflux

2nd Edition

CRC Press, 2018
pdf, 634 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-138-06858-2 (Hbk)
ISBN: 978-1-315-15777-1 (eBook)
Practical Channel Hydraulics: Roughness, Conveyance and Afflux
Practical Channel Hydraulics is a technical guide for estimating flood water levels in rivers using the innovative software known as the Conveyance and Afflux Estimation System (CES-AES). The stand alone software is freely available at HR Wallingford’s website www.river-conveyance.net. The conveyance engine has also been embedded within industry standard river modelling software such as InfoWorks RS and Flood Modeller Pro. This 2nd Edition has been greatly expanded through the addition of Chapters 6-8, which now supply the background to the Shiono and Knight Method (SKM), upon which the CES-AES is largely based.

With the need to estimate river levels more accurately, computational methods are now frequently embedded in flood risk management procedures, as for example in ISO 18320 (‘Determination of the stage-discharge relationship’), in which both the SKM and CES feature. The CES-AES incorporates five main components: A Roughness Adviser, A Conveyance Generator, an Uncertainty Estimator, a Backwater Module and an Afflux Estimator. The SKM provides an alternative approach, solving the governing equation analytically or numerically using Excel, or with the short FORTRAN program provided.

Special attention is paid to calculating the distributions of boundary shear stress distributions in channels of different shape, and to appropriate formulations for resistance and drag forces, including those on trees in floodplains. Worked examples are given for flows in a wide range of channel types (size, shape, cover, sinuosity), ranging from small scale laboratory flumes (Q = 2.0 1s-1) to European rivers (~2,000 m3s-1), and large-scale world rivers (> 23,000 m3s-1), a ~ 107 range in discharge. Sites from rivers in the UK, France, China, New Zealand and Ecuador are considered.

Topics are introduced initially at a simplified level, and get progressively more complex in later chapters. This book is intended for post graduate level students and practising engineers or hydrologists engaged in flood risk management, as well as those who may simply just wish to learn more about modelling flows in rivers.
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Contaminant Hydrogeology 3-rd Edition Bookware
C.W. Fetter, Thomas Boving, David Kreamer - Contaminant Hydrogeology Third Edition

Waveland Press, 2018
pdf, 663 pages, english
ISBN-13: 978-1478632795
ISBN-10: 1478632798

Contaminant Hydrogeology 3-rd Edition

Tremendous progress has been made in the field of remediation technologies since the second edition of Contaminant Hydrogeology was published two decades ago, and its content is more important than ever. Recognizing the extensive advancement and research taking place around the world, the authors have embraced and worked from a larger global perspective. Boving and Kreamer incorporate environmental innovation in studying and treating groundwater/soil contamination and the transport of those contaminants while building on Fetter's original foundational work.

Thoroughly updated, expanded, and reorganized, the new edition presents a wealth of new material, including new discussions of emerging and potential contaminant sources and their characteristics like deep well injection, fracking fluids, and in situ leach mining. New sections cover BET and Polanyi adsorption potential theory, vapor transport theory, the introduction of the Capillary and Bond Numbers, the partitioning interwell tracer testing technique for investigating NAPL sites, aerial photographic interpretation, geophysics, immunological surveys, high resolution vertical sampling, flexible liner systems, groundwater tracers, and much more.

Contaminant Hydrogeology is intended as a textbook in upper level courses in mass transport and contaminant hydrogeology, and remains a valuable resource for professionals in both the public and private sectors.
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Heat Exchanger Design Handbook, 1983 Bookware
Heat Exchanger Design Handbook, 1983

Hemisphere Publishing, 1983
pdf, 2305 pages, english
ISBN: 3-1841-9080-3

Heat Exchanger Design Handbook, 1983

The Heat Exchanger Design Handbook (HEDH) had its origins in the 1970s when, under the chairmanship of Professor Ernst Schlilnder, a group of us began to discuss the possibility of a handbook dealing with all aspects of heat exchanger design and operation including the basic design methodology, the associated heat transfer and fluid flow technology and the physical data required for design. This led to the adoption of a structure consisting of 5 Parts as follows:

  • Part 1: Heat exchanger theory and generic application technology
  • Part 2: Fluid mechanics and heat transfer
  • Part 3: Thermal and hydraulic design of heat exchangers
  • Part 4: Mechanical design of heat exchangers
  • Part 5: Physical properties
The first (loose-leaf) edition of HEDH was published in 1983 by Hemisphere Publishing Corporation and contained about 1500 pages of new material structured as indicated above; the reception from reviewers and users was very positive and this encouraged the publishers to publish a series of five Supplements of additional material for inclusion in the loose-leaf binders. This process added around 500 pages to the material. In order to achieve a more systematic updating, a quarterly update journal Heat Exchanger Design Update (HEDU) was started in 1983 which carried new material for HEDH.
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