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Parking Generation Manual, 6th Edition Bookware

Parking Generation Manual, 6th Edition

Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2023
pdf, 787 pages, english
ISBN-13: 978-1-933452-92-0


The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) is an international membership association of transportation professionals who work to improve safety and mobility for all transportation system users and help build smart and livable communities. Through its products and services, ITE promotes professional development and career advancement for its members, supports and encourages education, identifies necessary research, develops technical resources including standards and recommended practices, develops public awareness programs, and serves as a conduit for the exchange of professional information. ITE develops the next generation of transportation professionals through its K–12 STEM program and its more than 150 student chapters.

Parking Generation Manual, 5th Edition is a publication of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). Parking Generation Manual is an educational tool for planners, transportation professionals, zoning boards, and others who are interested in estimating parking demand of a proposed development. Parking Generation Manual includes a complete set of searchable electronic files including land use descriptions and data plots for all available combinations of land uses, time periods, independent variables, and settings. Data contained in Parking Generation Manual are presented for informational purposes only and do not include ITE recommendations on the best course of action or the preferred application of the data. The information is based on parking generation studies submitted voluntarily to ITE by public agencies, developers, consulting firms, student chapters, and associations.

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Seismic Retrofit of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings Bookware
Stelios Antoniou - Seismic Retrofit of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings
Wiley, 2023
pdf, 538 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-11-998732-1

Across the world, buildings are gradually becoming structurally unsound. Many were constructed before seismic load capacity was a mandatory component of building standards, and were often built with low-quality materials or using unsafe construction practices. Many more are simply aging, with materials degrading, and steel corroding. As a result, efforts are ongoing to retrofit existing structures, and to develop new techniques for assessing and enhancing seismic load capacity in order to create a safer building infrastructure worldwide.

Seismic Retrofit of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings provides a thorough book-length discussion of these techniques and their applications. Balancing theory and practice, the book provides engineers with a broad base of knowledge from which to approach real-world seismic assessments and retrofitting projects. It incorporates knowledge and experience frequently omitted from the building design process for a fuller account of this critical engineering subfield.
Seismic Retrofit of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings readers will also find:
  • Detailed treatment of each available strengthening technique, complete with advantages and disadvantages.
  • In-depth guidelines to select a specific technique for a given building type and/or engineering scenario.
  • Step-by-step guidance through the assessment/retrofitting process.
Seismic Retrofit of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings is an ideal reference for civil and structural engineering professionals and advanced students, particularly those working in seismically active areas.
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Transportation Impact Analyses for Site Development Bookware
Institute of Transportation Engineers - Transportation Impact Analyses for Site Development

Transportation Impact Analyses for Site Development

Transportation Impact Analyses for Site Development: An ITE Recommended Practice, RP-020D was approved in 2010 as a recommended practice of ITE. It supersedes the proposed recommended practice, Transportation Impact Analyses for Site Development: An ITE Proposed Recommended Practice, RP-020C, dated December 2005. The comment period on the proposed recommended practice closed on April 30, 2006. Comments on the proposed recommended practice have been incorporated into this document.

This report also replaces the recommended practice adopted by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) in 1991 (Traffic Access and Impact Studies for Site Development: A Recommended Practice). It was developed in accordance with formally adopted ITE procedures that are designed to help ensure that a representative cross-section of parties is given an opportunity to provide input.

It should be noted that this report provides guidelines, not an exclusive set of acceptable procedures. It is not expected that all items or issues contained in this recommended practice will be required in every study. Items to include will vary by conditions, local requirements, the size and complexity of development and other factors. It is considered important that there be latitude for addressing unique situations on a case-by-case basis. New procedures for predicting transportation needs and impacts should also be considered as they are developed and validated.

This report describes the key elements required for preparing and reviewing transportation impact studies for new and expanding land developments. It has been prepared for use by practicing traffic/transportation engineers and planners, including public agency reviewers involved in the development approval process.

It is intended that the material in this report be used as guidelines for conducting transportation impact studies and that local policies and priorities also be considered. It is not intended that this report be formally adopted as a whole or otherwise be used as an exclusive set of acceptable procedures.

Furthermore, not all analyses described in this report will be required for each study. Applicable analyses should be determined in an initial meeting or discussion between the study preparer and the agency reviewer. Only those analyses needed to address issues relevant to the proposed development, its site and vicinity and current and anticipated traffic conditions should be required.

It is also considered important that there be latitude for addressing unique situations on a case-by-case basis. New procedures for predicting transportation needs and impacts should also be considered as they are developed and validated.
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Bentley PLAXIS 2D & 3D CE V22.01 Russian Manual Bookware
Bentley PLAXIS 2D & 3D CE V22.01 Russian Manual

Bentley PLAXIS 2D & 3D CE V22.01 Russian Manual

PLAXIS - программная система, основанная на методе конечных-элементов, используемая для решения задач инженерной геотехники, проектирования и инженерной геологии. Представляет собой пакет вычислительных программ для конечно-элементного расчёта напряжённо-деформированного состояния сооружений, фундаментов и оснований.

PLAXIS 2D. Выполняйте геотехнический 2D анализ деформаций и устойчивости с помощью PLAXIS 2D WorkSuite, мощного пакета инструментов для анализа методом конечных элементов и предельного равновесия, который включает специализированный функционал для анализа вибраций, грунтовых вод и теплового потока.

PLAXIS 3D. Выполняйте 3D анализ деформаций и устойчивости в своем следующем геотехническом проекте с использованием PLAXIS 3D WorkSuite. Он представляет собой пакет для анализа методом конечных элементов и предельного равновесия, который включает в себя специализированный функционал для анализа вибраций и грунтовых вод.

Команда Plaxis Ru проделала большую работу и перевела учебные пособия к новым версиям как для 3D так и для 2D, более того выложила мануалы в открытый доступ!
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Trip Generation Manual, 11 Edition Bookware
Institute of Transportation Engineers - Trip Generation Manual, 11 Edition

Trip Generation Manual, 11 Edition

Trip Generation Manual, 11 Edition is a publication of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). Trip Generation Manual is an educational tool for planners, transportation professionals, zoning boards, and others who are interested in estimating trip generation at a proposed development.

Trip Generation Manual includes a complete set of searchable electronic files including land use descriptions and data plots for all available combinations of land uses, time periods, independent variables, and settings. Data contained in Trip Generation Manual are presented for informational purposes only and do not include ITE recommendations on the best course of action or the preferred application of the data. The information is based on trip generation studies submitted voluntarily to ITE by public agencies, developers, consulting firms, student chapters, and associations.

Trip Generation Manual provides access for users to the ITETripGen web app. This desktop application allows electronic access to the entire trip generation dataset with numerous filtering capabilities including site setting (i.e., rural, general urban/suburban, dense multi-use urban, center city core), geographic location, age of data, and development size. Instructions for using ITETripGen are included within the app.

Additional data are needed from the profession to create a data-rich environment for trip generation analysis. ITE will continue to prepare updates to Trip Generation Manual.

User comments on Trip Generation Manual are invited. ITE continually seeks ways to increase the value of this document and requests that users provide recently collected data for the land uses presented in Trip Generation Manual or any other land uses for inclusion in future editions and updates.

Although this report provides a powerful tool to better understand site-generated vehicle and person trips, it contains information that can also be easily misinterpreted without sound professional judgment. Users are cautioned to use professional judgment in applying all data contained in this report. They also need to be cognizant of site and area characteristics that can affect trip generation (e.g., availability of transit services, demand management strategies, parking pricing) and of the continued need for additional data. Lack of appreciation of these factors may lead to an inaccurate estimate of vehicle and person trip generation and ultimately the improper design of person and vehicle site access.

The 11th edition is a four (4) volume printed set that features:
  • All the latest multimodal trip generation data for urban, suburban and rural applications.
  • Reclassified land uses to better meet user needs.
  • Copies of all land use definitions, plots and supporting materials.
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Mastering ArcGIS Pro, Second Edition Bookware
Maribeth Price - Mastering ArcGIS Pro, Second Edition

McGraw Hill, 2023
epub, 436 pages, english
ISBN: 978-1-265-12771-8

Mastering ArcGIS Pro, Second Edition

Mastering ArcGIS Pro introduces the basic ideas behind GIS, teaching the concepts and skills needed to enter this rapidly evolving industry or use GIS in your current discipline. Based on the widely used ArcGIS software developed by Esri, Inc., this text integrates learning fundamental concepts with practicing software skills and is suitable for classroom use or for professionals studying independently.

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Дьяков Б. Н. - Геодезия Bookware
Дьяков Б. Н. - Геодезия

Лань, 2022
pdf, 417 pages, russian
ISBN: 978-5-8114-9235-0

Дьяков Б. Н. - Геодезия

Учебник написан в соответствии с рабочей программой учебной дисциплины «Геодезия» для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по направлению подготовки бакалавриата «Землеустройство и кадастры». Текст учебника включает 11 глав, в которых приведены общие сведения о геодезии, подробно изложены методы определения прямоугольных координат точек, включая новый метод — произвольная линейно-угловая сеть, описаны приборы и методики измерения углов, расстояний, превышений, рассмотрены методы крупномасштабных топографических съёмок с целью получения топографических планов для проведения инженерных изысканий и проектирования инженерных сооружений, описаны способы определения площади участков с оценкой её точности. Кроме того, изложены начальные сведения из инженерной геодезии и рассмотрена в авторской интерпретации новая для учебников тема «надёжность геодезических построений». Учебник предназначен для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по направлению подготовки бакалавриата «Землеустройство и кадастры», специалитета «Прикладная геология», «Технология геологической разведки», «Горное дело».

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Highway Engineering: Planning, Design, and Operations, 2nd Edition Bookware
Daniel Findley, Christopher Cunningham, Thomas Brown, Lorraine Cahill, Guangchuan Yang, Leta Huntsinger -
Highway Engineering: Planning, Design, and Operations, 2nd Edition

Elsevier, 2022
pdf, 740 pages, english
ISBN: 978-0-12-822185-3

Highway Engineering: Planning, Design, and Operations, 2nd Edition

Highway Engineering: Planning, Design, and Operations, Second Edition, presents a clear and rigorous exposition of highway engineering concepts, including project development and the relationship between planning, operations, safety and highway types. The book includes important topics such as corridor selection and traverses, horizontal and vertical alignment, design controls, basic roadway design, cross section elements, intersection and interchange design, and the integration of new vehicle technologies and trends. It also presents end of chapter exercises to further aid understanding and learning. This edition has been fully updated with the current design policies and reference manuals essential for highway, transportation, and civil engineers who are required to work to these standards.

Key Features
  • Provides an updated resource on current design standards from the Highway Capacity Manual and the Green Book.
  • Covers fundamental traffic flow relationships and traffic impact analysis, collision analysis, road safety audits and advisory speeds.
  • Presents the latest applications and engineering considerations for highway planning, design and construction.
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Innovative Bridge Design Handbook, 2nd Edition Bookware
Alessio Pipinato - Innovative Bridge Design Handbook
Construction, Rehabilitation and Maintenance
2nd Edition

Elsevier, 2022
pdf, 1048 pages, english
ISBN: 978-0-12-823550-8

As known, each bridge presents a unique set of design, construction, and maintenance challenges. The designer must determine the appropriate methods and level of refinement necessary to design and analyze each bridge on a case-by-case basis. The Innovative Bridge Design Handbook: Construction, Rehabilitation, and Maintenance encompasses the state of the art in bridge design, construction, maintenance, and safety assessment. Written by an international group of experts, this book provides innovative design approaches used in various parts of the world and explores concepts in design, construction, and maintenance that will reduce project costs and increase structural safety and durability. Furthermore, research and innovative solutions are described throughout chapters.

The Innovative Bridge Design Handbook: Construction, Rehabilitation, and Maintenance brings together the specific knowledge of a bevy of experts and academics in bridge engineering in the areas of design, assessment, research, and construction. The handbook begins with an analysis of the history and development of bridge aesthetics and design; various types of loads including seismic and wind loads are then described, together with fatigue and fracture. Bridge design based on material such as reinforced concrete, prestressed reinforced concrete, steel and composite, timber, masonry bridges is analyzed and detailed according to international codes and standards. Then bridge design based on geometry, such as arch bridges, girders, cable stayed and suspension bridges, is illustrated. This is followed by a discussion of a number of special topics, including integral, movable, highway and railway bridges, together with seismic component devices, cables, orthotropic decks, foundations, and case studies. Finally, bridge construction equipment, bridge assessment retrofit and management, bridge monitoring, fiber-reinforced polymers to reinforce bridges, bridge collapse issues are covered.
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Construction Materials Methods and Techniques Bookware
Eva Kultermann, William Spence - Construction Materials Methods and Techniques

Cengage, 2022
pdf, 914 pages, english
ISBN10: 0-357-51383-5
ISBN13: 978-0-357-51383-5

Get a thorough overview of sustainable methods for site, residential and commercial building construction with this comprehensive text, which covers both traditional and contemporary materials, current industry standards and new and emerging technologies. The only text organized according to the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) MasterFormat standards, CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, METHODS AND TECHNIQUES: BUILDING FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE, Fifth Edition, features a reader-friendly style and logical structure, which follows the construction process step-by-step from project inception to completion.

The new edition provides up-to-date coverage of dramatic changes underway in the construction industry, including advances in pre-fabricated construction; increased use of drones, robotics and artificial intelligence; net-zero buildings and lean construction. You'll learn about key current industry developments and standards, as well as latest relevant building codes, all presented within a dynamic, richly illustrated new design. Beyond the text itself, you can access a wealth of helpful learning resources to help you gain a clear understanding of today's construction materials, methods and techniques, providing a critical foundation for your career success.
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