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CADValley infraWizard v24.0.0 Software

CADValley infraWizard v24.0.0

infraWizard is a smart AutoCAD add-in for utility networks design. With infraWizard you can create pipe networks simply by converting AutoCAD entities into pipes, or by importing from other sources such as hydraulic modeling applications. Super flexible, infraWizard allows you to import data in several formats including Shapefiles, EPANET and EPASWMM files. Any missing data can be manually defined or calculated during the importing process. Wish you could create plan styles that keep your plans as clear and informative as possible? infraWizard has you covered. With infraWizard, you’ll be able to add annotations to pipes and nodes to clearly show geometry information, such as size, invert levels, lengths and coordinates. Plus, take your plan styles even further by using AutoCAD layers, colors, line types and text styles to enrich your formatting. Thanks to one of infraWizard’s most innovative features, you’ll be able to create first-class longitudinal profiles for pressure and gravity lines in no more than a few clicks. Choose profile elements on your screen, or simplify things even further by using the intelligent automatic selection feature, which will define your profile lines by following the node names or the network hierarchy. Get a single profile or a group of them created in seconds, fully formatted, with data bands and crossing pipes. Not a single touch needed before submission! One of infraWizard’s most powerful features, Crossing Points Check will automatically and instantly analyze every crossing point between two pipes and calculate the vertical clearance between them. Your crossing points will be annotated while you create, import and edit your pipes. With infraWizard, you’ll have full control over which crossings are annotated based on the clearance value and network combinations. infraWizard makes editing your pipe networks geometry easier than ever. All you need to do is double click on a pipe or a node and you can edit levels, sizes, materials and more. Work whichever way is best for you, using infraWizard’s intuitive editing tools as well as the standard AutoCAD commands. And even better still, you can also easily modify the properties of a group of elements all at once with the handy Group Edit feature. Save yourself even more time and effort by exporting BIM models of networks in the form of 3D AutoCAD elements. This invaluable function will save all data to the BIM model and allow you to carry on editing in AutoCAD. Plus, you’ll be able to quickly and easily integrate your BIM model with other project components on BIM modeling applications, such as Autodesk Navisworks.

In this new release of infraWizard, we've introduced a smart feature for automatic assignment of pipe fittings based on pipe sizes and the deflection angle between pipes. With this new feature, infraWizard will add Bends, Tees, Reducers, Collars, or End Caps to your network nodes and will model them in 3D when you export a BIM model. The new release includes several more features for better quality and higher productivity in pipe networks design.


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Gstarsoft GstarCAD Pro 2025 build 241024 Software

Gstarsoft GstarCAD Pro 2025 build 241024

GstarCAD - это программа для создания чертежей в формате DWG/DXF, ставшем общепринятым стандартом. Она является не только достойной заменой AutoCAD, но и по соотношению цена/качество отличной альтернативой распространенным российским и зарубежным «аналогам автокад» и САПР, таким как Bricscad, Btocad, Nanocad, progeCAD, ZWCAD, Infrasoftcad. Благодаря применению в GstarCAD современных технологий производства систем проектирования, основанных на новейших разработках Open Design Alliance и ITC (консорциум Intellicad ), САПР GstarCAD обеспечивает практически полную совместимость со всеми существующими САПР-системами и cad программами, использующими формат векторной графики DWG (OpenDWG или RealDWG). Файлы, подготовленные в этих форматах, не только открываются и редактируются в GstarCAD, измененные в GstarCAD файлы Вы можете отправлять вашим партнерам, не беспокоясь о потере информации.

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Celi APS Woodwork for Inventor 2024 v15.28.24260.1606 Software

Celi Automatizuoto Projektavimo Sistemos Woodwork for Inventor 2024 v15.28.24260.1606

Woodwork for Inventor is a CAD/CAM solution that helps you design, document and CNC program furniture using Autodesk Inventor. Professional furniture design solution tailored exclusively for the industry. Powered by Autodesk Inventor, Woodwork for Inventor CAD/CAM offers unparalleled design capabilities and streamlines data preparation with seamless automation.

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ASDIP Suite 2025/11 Retail Software

ASDIP Suite 2025/11 Retail

Concrete v5.4.2.5, Foundation v5.4.0.3, Retain v6.0.0.0, Steel v6.3.2.5, Wood v3.1.2.4

ASDIP STEEL is structural engineering software utilized by engineers for design of steel base plate, steel and composite beam, steel columns, and other structural steel members. ASDIP STEEL is based upon the latest AISC specifications (AISC 360). ASDIP STEEL substantially simplifies time-consuming calculations for structural engineering design.
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ASDIP Foundation is a suite of modules specifically dedicated to the design of concrete footings, based on the latest IBC / ACI 318 specifications, that greatly simplifies the time-consuming calculations in any structural engineering office. ASDIP Foundation includes the design of the following types of concrete footings:

  • Spread Footings: Design of a concrete spread footing under the action of vertical load, horizontal load and biaxial bending. This module designs the footing per the load combinations of the ASCE 7.
  • Strap Footings: Design of a concrete strap footing under the action of vertical loads, horizontal loads and bending moments. This module designs the two footings and the strap beam per the load combinations of the ASCE 7.Combined Footings: Design of a concrete combined footing under the action of vertical loads, horizontal loads and bending moments. This module designs the combined footing per the load combinations of the ASCE 7.

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ASDIP Concrete is a suite of modules specifically dedicated to the design of concrete members such as beams, columns and walls, based on the latest ACI 318 specifications, that greatly simplifies the time-consuming calculations in any structural engineering office. ASDIP Concrete includes the design of the following types of concrete elements:

  • Concrete Columns: design of a concrete column under the action of axial loads and bending moments. This module calculates the magnified moments for slenderness of ASCE 7 load combinations, and generates the column strength interaction diagram.
  • Concrete Beams: design of a concrete muti-span continuous beam under the action of uniform and concentrated loads. This module accurately calculate the bending and shear strength for different types of beams. Load combinations per ASCE 7.
  • Bearing Walls: design of a concrete wall under the action of vertical and out-of-plane lateral loads. This module calculates the magnified moments for slenderness of ASCE 7 load combinations, and generates the wall strength interaction diagram.
  • ASDIP Concrete is an integrated, interactive system that combines the flexibility of a fill-in-the-blanks format with the power of Windows Forms to effortlessly develop either an optimal design or a quick investigation.
  • Using a screen with tabbed pages, ASDIP Concrete allows you enter your data directly onto the forms and see the result immediately. This way you are always in control of the design process, since what you see is really what you get. In addition, the detailed results and the graphics are always available for you to follow by the touch of a tab. 

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ASDIP Retain is a suite of modules specifically dedicated to the design of retaining walls, based on the latest IBC / ACI 318 specifications, that greatly simplifies the time-consuming calculations in any structural engineering office. ASDIP Retain includes the design of the following two types of retaining walls: 

  • Cantilever Retaining Walls: Design of a retaining wall supported only at the base under the combination of earth pressure, surcharge, wind and seismic loads. The module designs the wall per the load combinations of the ASCE 7.
  • Restrained Retaining Walls: Design of a retaining wall supported at the base and laterally restrained at the top, also known as a basement wall, under the combination of earth pressure, surcharge, wind and seismic loads. The module designs the wall per the load combinations of the ASCE 7.

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ASDIP WOOD is a structural engineering software utilized by engineers for the design of wood members, such as biaxial columns, continuous beams, wood shear walls, and out-of-plane bearing walls. This structural design software is based on the latest NDS provisions. Load combinations as per ASCE 7 and CSA A23.3. ASDIP WOOD substantially simplifies time-consuming calculations for structural engineering design.
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Deswik Suite 2024.2.1611 Software

Deswik Suite 2024.2.1611

Deswik Mining Consultants is an international company offering innovative mining engineering and geology services. We also produce cutting edge mine planning software by merging technical mining domain skills from each sector, with specialist programming expertise and the latest software development technologies. Our consulting acts as R&D for our software, and our software gives our consultants and clients a competitive edge. The company was formed in 2008, by the founders of African Computer Mining Services Pty Ltd (ACMS) who originally developed the popular Mine2-4D mine planning software. Deswik was also involved in minerals processing, however this part of the business has since been sold. Though Deswik is a relatively young company, our heritage of almost 20 years of delivering mine planning software solutions means that we have come a long way in a short period of time ... and we've only just begun. Our culture of high performance and innovation will ensure we remain a formidable force in the industry for a long time to come.

Deswik.CAD has been designed by mining engineers with decades of professional software development experience and a proven history of building technical mining applications. Programmed in the latest technologies to take advantage of high performance and cutting-edge computing developments, Deswik.CAD provides the user with a simple, modern and intuitive CAD-style interface. Deswik.CAD is effectively a spatial database combining the power of CAD with the ability to attribute, filter and report data visually and in tabular format. The file format is XML, so all data is open and transferable to other systems. Deswik.CAD is used across all mining sectors and is used in underground and open pit mines, both coal and metal, throughout the world. A list of all available modules and their functionality is outlined below.

Deswik.Scheduler. From interactive Gantt charts to PERT network diagrams, Deswik Scheduler is tailored for the needs of open pit or underground mine planners and can handle massive data sets while remaining responsive. For project managers, Deswik Scheduler provides Work Breakdown Structures and detailed Critical and Point to Point path analysis. Create detailed shift calendars for long term down to shift by shift scheduling or import your time usage model. Deswik Scheduler directly integrates with Deswik.CAD and the Deswik Interactive Scheduler to allow simple updating of mining task information from the graphics. Deswik Scheduler can import and import schedules from most of the popular scheduling packages including Microsoft Project, Primavera, and EPS.

The Deswik Landform and Haulage solution has the power, flexibility and ease of use to enable all engineers to answer questions which have hitherto been very difficult to answer. How many trucks do I require? What is the best truck to apply to my mining geometry? Is in-pit crushing and conveying more economical than a traditional truck haul? How does my fixed fleet affect my mining schedule and shovel productivities? What is the incremental value of adding a truck to my current fleet? Traditionally haulage has been performed by taking centroids from mining and dumping locations and manually calculating cycle times. Due to the manual nature of the process, only a handful cycletimes are practically possible and larger data sets are consequently used. Deswik has found that this can result in up to a 20% margin of error and, in addition, few options can be explored which leads to sub-optimal planning outcomes. The Deswik Landform and Haulage solution has the power, flexibility and ease of use to enable all engineers to answer questions which have hitherto been very difficult to answer. How many trucks do I require?

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Leica Hexagon MinePlan 2024 Release 2 Software

Leica Hexagon MinePlan (ex. MineSight ) 2024 Release 2 v16.3.0

HxGN MinePlan provides geologists and engineers with powerful 3D modeling and data visualization. It supports seamless workflows, from exploration to production and it's backed by more than 50 years of innovation in partnership with thousands of global users.

Productive mines depend on being able to build detailed geological surfaces and solids. Statistical and geo-statistical analysis of project data is essential to producing an accurate block model with confidence.

The Geosciences suite empowers resource geologists to store, manage and analyse drillhole data.

Open pit engineering
MinePlan open pit engineering suite offers software packages that help you improve efficiency and make informed decisions.

Underground engineering
CAD offers solutions for underground design challenges, including 3D visualisation and tools for pillar design, plus more.

HxGN MinePlan Survey
MinePlan Survey allows for management of survey data throughout the mining lifecycle using a comprehensive software solution.

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ESRI CityEngine 2024.1 Software

ESRI CityEngine 2024.1.10650

CityEngine - мощнейшее и инновационное программное обеспечение, являющееся уникальной 3D системой для создания крупных городов и моделирования всех отраслей промышленности города. Независимо от того, что нуждаетесь ли вы в построении города для создания игры, моделировании окружающей среды заднего плана для кино и телевидения, создании содержимого для наполнения виртуальных миров, или создании городского планирования - данное решение будет всегда отвечать вашим потребностям. С помощью этого уникального инструмента буквально за 2 часа была создана трехмерная копия Древнего Рима.

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Schrodinger PyMOL v3.1.1 Software

Schrodinger PyMOL v3.1.1 Windows+Linux+Macos

PyMOL is a comprehensive software package for rendering and animating 3D structures. PyMOL is a user-sponsored molecular visualization system on an open-source foundation, maintained and distributed by Schrцdinger.

This was the vision of the original PyMOL author Warren L. DeLano.

PyMOL — система визуализации молекул. Позволяет создавать высококачественные трёхмерные изображения как малых молекул, так и биологических макромолекул, в первую очередь белков. Примерно четверть всех публикуемых в научной литературе изображений структур белков сделана с помощью PyMOL. PyMOL — одна из немногих систем молекулярной визуализации с открытым исходным кодом, пригодная для использования в структурной биологии.

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ZwSoft CADbro 2025 v10.0.24.1105 Software

ZwSoft CADbro 2025 v10.0.24.1105

CADbro - полнофункциональный и экономичный просмотрщик 3D-моделей различных форматов c функциями анализа, проверки, редактирования модели и добавления комментариев, инструментами автоматического исправления геометрии и подготовки дизайна пресс-форм. CADbro позволяет проводить эффективную совместную работу над проектом различным отделам организации, таким как инженерные, сбытовые, маркетинговые, управленческие, производственные и закупочные отделы.

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SeismoSoft Seismo Suite 2025 Release-1 Build-1 Software

SeismoSoft Seismo Suite 2025 Release-1 Build-1

SeismoBuild is an innovative Finite Element package wholly and exclusively dedicated to seismic assessment and strengthening of reinforced concrete structures that is targeted to the design office. It is the only civil engineering software worldwide that is totally committed to structural assessment and retrofitting.

SeismoStruct is an award-winning Finite Element package capable of predicting the large displacement behaviour of space frames under static or dynamic loading, taking into account both geometric nonlinearities and material inelasticity.

SeismoSelect is an easy and efficient way to search, select, scale and download ground motion data from different strong motion databases that are available on-line. Different criteria may be employed as the parameters of interest, with which to carry out the searches. These include a target response spectrum, different ground motion parameters (e.g. PGA, PGV, Arias or Housner Intensity), information regarding the event (e.g. magnitude, faulting style location, date) or the recording site (e.g. Vs30, epicentral distance).

SeismoSignal constitutes an easy and efficient way for signal processing of strong-motion data, featuring a user-friendly visual interface and being capable of deriving a number of strong-motion parameters often required by engineer seismologists and earthquake engineers.

SeismoMatch is an application capable of adjusting earthquake accelerograms to match a specific target response spectrum, using the wavelets algorithm proposed by Abrahamson and Hancock or the algorithm proposed by Al Atik and Abrahamson. After loading some accelerograms and defining the target response spectrum, users need only to define the spectral matching algorithm, adjust the spectral matching period range, set the required tolerance and the spectral matching is executed.

SeismoArtif is an application capable of generating artificial earthquake accelerograms matched to a specific target response spectrum using different calculation methods and varied assumptions. It is noted that the use of real accelerograms and spectrum matching techniques, together with records selection tools, tends to be recommended for the derivation of suites of records for use in nonlinear dynamic analysis of structures. However, in those cases where access to real accelerograms is, for whatever reason, challenging or inappropriate, then a tool such as SeismoArtif will be of pertinence and usefulness.

SeismoSpect constitutes a simple and efficient platform for signal processing that allows to create a personal library of ground motion records and save them all in a single file making it easy to handle and share large numbers of records.

FRP Designer provides an efficient solution for designing FRP strengthening of reinforced concrete columns and beams by computing the strength of reinforced concrete members strengthened with FRP laminates.

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