Автор: Williams
Дата: 31 августа 2024
Просмотров: 731 |
CSI Bridge Advanced with Rating v26.0.0 build 2899
Modeling, analysis and design of bridge structures have been integrated into CSI Bridge to create the ultimate in computerized engineering tools. The ease with which all of these tasks can be accomplished makes CSI Bridge the most versatile and productive software program available on the market today.
Using CSI Bridge, engineers can easily define complex bridge geometries, boundary conditions and load cases. The bridge models are defined parametrically, using terms that are familiar to bridge engineers such as layout lines, spans, bearings, abutments, bents, hinges and post-tensioning. The software creates spine, shell or solid object models that update automatically as the bridge definition parameters are changed.
CSI Bridge design allows for quick and easy design and retrofitting of steel and concrete bridges. The parametric modeler allows the user to build simple or complex bridge models and to make changes efficiently while maintaining total control over the design process. Lanes and vehicles can be defined quickly and include width effects. Simple and practical Gantt charts are available to simulate modeling of construction sequences and scheduling.
CSI Bridge includes an easy to follow wizard that outlines the steps necessary to create a bridge model.
Completely integrated within the CSI Bridge design package is the power of the SAPFire analysis engine, including staged construction, creep and shrinkage analysis, cable tensioning to target forces, camber and shape finding, geometric nonlinearity (P-delta and large displacements), material nonlinearity (superstructure, bearings, substructure and soil supports), buckling and static and dynamic analysis. All of these apply to a single comprehensive model. In addition, AASHTO LRFD design is included with automated load combinations, superstructure design and the latest seismic design. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 30 августа 2024
Просмотров: 1 978 |
CSI SAP2000 v26.0.0 build 2832
CSI SAP2000 - cистема трехмерного статического и динамического анализа методом конечных элементов и проектирования сооружений.
SAP2000 следует принципам, основными чертами которых являются современный, интуитивно понятный и универсальный пользовательский интерфейс, основанный на уникальном расчетном ядре и инструментах проектирования конструкций для инженеров, разрабатывающих объекты транспортной инфраструктуры, промышленные и гражданские здания, спортивные сооружения и другие объекты.
Начиная с трехмерной объектно-ориентированной рабочей среды моделирования и до широчайшего спектра опций расчета и проектирования конструкций, комплексно интегрированных в один мощный пользовательский интерфейс, SAP2000 – это наиболее интегрированный, производительный и практичный расчетный комплекс общего назначения, существующий на сегодняшнем рынке. Интуитивно понятный интерфейс позволяет Вам создавать модели конструкций в кратчайшие сроки без долгого процесса обучения. Сегодня Вы можете использовать SAP2000 для всех Ваших задач по расчету и проектированию, в том числе и для небольших повседневных задач.
Комплексные модели могут быть созданы и разбиты на конечные элементы с использованием встроенных шаблонов. Интегрированные инструменты проектирования конструкций способны автоматически сгенерировать ветровые, волновые, нагрузки от транспорта и сейсмические нагрузки на модель, а также выполнить полную автоматическую проверку стальных и железобетонных элементов согласно нормам проектирования различных стран. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 29 августа 2024
Просмотров: 266 |
Coreform Cubit (ex. csimsoft Trelis) 2024.8

Coreform Cubit’s pre-processing capabilities and Flex IGA modeling with advanced hex meshing and hex dominant meshing minimize the time spent on model preparation for FEA and CFD while maximizing control over mesh quality to get the right mesh for quality solutions allowing you to maximize your investment in simulation technoloogy. Coreform Cubit helps you maximize the benefit of your investment in simulation technology.
Key Features & Capabilities:
- Comprehensive toolset. Everything you need for CAD Import, preprocessing, hex meshing, hex dominant meshing, and export.
- Semi-automated hex meshing. Rich set of hex meshing and hex dominant meshing tools for streamlining the creation of analysis-ready models for challenging simulations.
- Expert-level mesh control. Industry-leading mesh analysis and improvement tools for complete control from Jacobians to vertices.
- Scripting & automation. Python integration and scripting tools support automation to increase model generation throughput.
Coreform Cubit includes everything needed for streamlined progress from CAD to analysis, with full-featured capabilities for geometry preparation and mesh generation, analysis, and fine-tuning. Preparing CAD geometry for meshing consumes more time and resources than any other stage of the CAE process. Coreform Cubit provides powerful, user-guided automated tools to make geometry cleanup and simplification fast and satisfying.
Coreform Cubit supplies a comprehensive meshing feature-set for surface and solid meshing with a wide variety of element types and methods for automating and streamlining mesh creation.
Create faster high-quality hex meshes by deploying Coreform Cubit’s interactive automation capabilities, on demand and to your precise specifications. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 28 августа 2024
Просмотров: 417 |
Schrodinger Suite 2024-3 Commercial Version Windows+Linux

Schrodinger is a scientific leader in computational chemistry, providing software solutions and services for life sciences and materials research. Schrodinger aims to provide integrated software solutions and services that truly meet its customers' needs. We want to empower researchers around the world to achieve their goals of improving human health and quality of life through advanced computational techniques that transform the way chemists design compounds and materials. By building and deploying breakthrough scientific software solutions and forming collaborations and partnerships, we help scientists accelerate their research and development activities, reduce costs, and make novel discoveries that might otherwise not be possible.
Schrodinger software suite is a drug design software using both ligand and structure-based methods. Schrodinger provides accurate, reliable, and high performance computational technology to solve real-world problems in life science research. It provides superior solutions and services for the design, selection, and optimization of novel drug candidates. Schrodinger's predictive models will enable drug discovery scientists to assess properties of chemical compounds early in the discovery process and to select drug candidates that have optimal profiles. The predictive power of Schrodinger's software allows scientists to accelerate their research and development activities, reduce research costs, and make novel discoveries that might not be possible with other computational or experimental approaches. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 27 августа 2024
Просмотров: 388 |
UKTN TNflow v4.0
TNflow is addressing the needs of engineers dealing with fluid flow measurement by means of pressure differential devices. TNflow may be used to calculate:
- primary device diameter (bore diameter) for declared full scale flowrate and related value of differential pressure;
- differential pressure for declared bore diameter and flowrate;
- flowrate for declared bore diameter and differential pressure.
Any of the above calculations is supplemanted by:
- diameters corrections for thermal expansion;
- bounds of measurement range calculations;
- upper limit of upstream pipe roughness calculations;
- upper limit of sharp edge radius calculations;
- required upstream and downstream straight lengths calculations;
- uncertainty analysis of flowrate measurement at a single point and in the entire measurement range;
- bias "linear scale" error analysis.
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 26 августа 2024
Просмотров: 522 |
Hexagon Cabinet Vision 2024.1
Cabinet Vision makes it simple for furniture, woodworking, or casegood manufacturers of all sizes to play to their strengths, by using a single, fully modular software package to go from design to manufacture. With Cabinet Vision you buy only the features you need. This allows you to evolve and grow your software usage in line with your business, making Cabinet Vision highly scalable and cost-effective. Enhanced usability makes it even easier to visualise and efficiently perform a full range of tasks, while responding to changing design requirements, whether making high-end bespoke pieces or basic elements. Fast, practical and precise, Cabinet Vision excels at rapidly and seamlessly converting designs into all the information you need on the factory floor to manage manufacturing process. And an intuitively simple parametric function means you can capitalise on previous bespoke designs by resizing elements without reprogramming. The result is a faithful reproduction of designs and the reduction of both time-consuming processes and human error. Cabinet Vision also enables you to support sales with features that include the production of professional reports that help customers understand and visualise the scope of services as well as the end product. Cabinet Vision provides you with a choice of core components that enable you to enhance productivity and improve quality and customer service within your chosen specialism..Each core component provides layout, cut listing, basic rendering and primary estimating functions. Once you have chosen the core package that suits your needs, you can then opt to add specific modules, known as multipliers, in line with your individual manufacturing processes, business focus, customer requirements and employee growth plans. Further additions are also available to enhance the capability of each multiplier, depending on the depth of functionality you seek. |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 24 августа 2024
Просмотров: 1 340 |
Bentley Seequent GEO-SLOPE GeoStudio 2024.2.0.298
GEO-SLOPE GeoStudio - программный комплекс для решения инженерно-геологических задач и моделирования грунтовых конструкций. Данны пакет состоит из 8 продуктов: SLOPE/W - анализ устойчивости откосов; QUAKE / W - динамический анализ землетрясения; AIR / W - анализ потока воздуха; SEEP / W - анализ просачивания грунтовых вод; TEMP / W - геотермальный анализ; VADOSE/W - анализ зон аэрации и анализ почвенного покрова; SIGMA / W - анализ напряженно-деформированного состояния; CTRAN / W - анализ загрязнений транспорта.
GeoStudio is a product suite for geotechnical and geo-environmental modeling, broad enough to handle all your modeling needs. The suite consists of 8 products: SLOPE/W for slope stability; SEEP/W for groundwater seepage; SIGMA/W for stress-deformation; QUAKE/W for dynamic earthquake; TEMP/W for geothermal; CTRAN/W for contaminant transport; AIR/W for air flow; VADOSE/W for vadose zone & covers.
More info
Examples can be found here |
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 23 августа 2024
Просмотров: 328 |
Luxion KeyShot Studio Enterprise 2024.2 v13.1.1
Luxion KeyShot - средство интерактивной визуализации 3D сцен и моделей, позволяет получать результат в режиме реального времени и по утверждению разработчиков - это цифровой фотоаппарат для 3D моделей.
Это один из первых рендеров, с которым даже новички смогут создавать фото-реалистичные изображения, 3D модели за считанные секунды, проектировать трехмерные сцены так, что они будут похожи на реалистичную фотографию, а не на 3D модель.
Основные особенности:
- Программа может работать как отдельное приложение, либо как дополнение (plugin), со следующими форматами: OBJ, Autodesk Alias Maya, FBX, 3DS, Rhinoceros Plugin, SketchUp, SolidWorks, Pro/ENGINEER Plugin, ALIAS, JT.
- Учитывая,что используется глобальное освещение и материалы, основанные на реальных физических параметрах, итоговые изображения получаются фотографического качества.
- Результат вы получаете в режиме реального времени.
- KeyShot поддерживает много собственных форматов файлов, включая Pro/ENGINEER, SolidWorks, Rhino, SketchUp, Obj, IGES и STEP и другие.
- Управляемый процессор, работающий на любом современном PC.
- Использование "методики несмещённой выборки" (Unbiased Sampling Technique), которая вычисляет математически правильные результаты.
- Использование точных материалов с научной точки зрения.
- Многоядерное фотонное проецирование (Photon Mapping).
- Адаптивная выборка материала и использование ядра динамического освещения (Dynamic Light Core), позволяющего увидеть результаты во время изменений.
- KeyShot Pro использует физически правильный и проверенный CIE движок визуализации, обладающий многими новшествами.
- Программа не требует никаких специальных навыков.
- KeyShot позволяет Вам видеть результаты сразу же, когда Вы производите какие-либо изменения.
- KeyShot — прекрасный инструмент для любого, кто связан с трехмерными данными: художников, инженеров, фотографов. Единственное ограничение — Ваш творческий потенциал.
Возможности реалтайм-рэйтрейсинга:
- Interactive wysiwyg raytracing
- Photon mapping
- HDRI lighting
- Global illumination
- Ambient occlusion
- Final gathering
- Environment shadow casting
- Self and inter-object shadow casting
- Environment reflections
- Refraction
- Caustics
- Inter-object light bouncing
Поддержка форматов:
- ALIAS 2015 and prior
- CATIA v5
- PTC Creo 2.0 and prior
- Inventor 2015 and prior
- NX 8.5 and prior
- Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2 – 5
- Rhinoceros 5 and prior
- SketchUp 2015 and prior
- Solid Edge ST5 and prior
- SolidWorks 2015 and prior
- JT
- Maya 2015 and prior
- STEP AP203/214
- Parasolid
- Collada
- 3DS
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Автор: Williams
Дата: 22 августа 2024
Просмотров: 281 |
Imagine That ExtendSim Pro 2024 R1
ExtendSim consists of a full range of tools for any type of simulation. No matter how you want to use ExtendSim - building models, running models, analysis, etc. - there is a package that will fit your needs.
Each Model Developer Edition (MDE) of ExtendSim has the same core set of capabilities. In them you can create and build:
- Models and interfaces, change values and settings, run simulations and animations, perform experiments, do analysis and optimization, save and export results.
- Models to share with others to use in the Analysis RunTime, Player RunTime, Cloud, Student, and in other MDE versions of ExtendSim.
- Custom blocks and libraries.
Model Developer products:
- ExtendSim CPExtendSim CP - Continuous Process Modeling - A robust set of core features plus specialized constructs for modeling continuous processes.
- ExtendSim DEExtendSim DE - Discrete Event Simulation - Adds a comprehensive message-based discrete event architecture and capabilities to ExtendSim CP.
- ExtendSim ProExtendSim Pro - Advanced Simulation Technologies - Adds capabilities to ExtendSim DE that go far beyond the typical continuous or discrete event capabilities of other simulation applications.
More info |
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