Tower Numerics tnxFoundation v1.1.0.5 beta

tnxFoundation is a standalone application for tower foundation design. It may be used as an extension of tnxTower, or as a separate program. tnxFoundation features automatic import of support geometry and load data from tnxTower analyses. Alternatively, this information can be entered manually for each foundation design project.
Key Features
- Multiple foundation types (Pad and Pier, Pad, Caisson, Pad with Piles, Pad and Pier with Piles, Mat and Piers, Mat, Mat with Piles, Mat and Piers with Piles)
- Material and geometry type definitions
- Soil layer definitions
- Imported or user-defined load cases and load combinations
- Foundation geometry optimization
- Foundation stability verification
- Required reinforcement determination
- Post-installed anchor analysis
- Reports with calculation results
- Import of tower support data (monopoles, self-supporting lattice towers, guyed towers, guy anchor blocks)
- Supported unit systems: US and Metric
- User-editable databases (concrete, reinforcing steel, steel pile, soils)
Powerful Design Capabilities
- Complete verification of failure modes: bearing, sliding, uplift, and overturning
- Concrete footing analysis and design: flexure, one-way and punching shear, geometry optimization
- Concrete caisson analysis and design: flexure, compression, uplift, lateral loads (Broms, p-y), geometry optimization
- Pile and pile cap analysis and design: single pile and pile group compression/tension, pile axial capacity, pile cap flexure, one-way and punching shear, geometry optimization
- tnxFoundation caisson diagrams
Extensive Analysis and Design Reporting
- Geotechnical and structural design reports
- Summary and detailed reports for all foundation types
- Shear, moment, and deflection diagrams for caissons
- Clear and comprehensive presentation of the results
- MS Word and PDF formatted documents