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B&B-AGEMA Thermodynamic Design Tool 2021 v2.14 Software
B&B-AGEMA Thermodynamic Design Tool 2021 v2.14

B&B-AGEMA Thermodynamic Design Tool 2021 v2.14

The TDT-software (Thermodynamic Design Tool) is an easy to use and efficient tool for analyzing, designing and dimensioning of thermodynamic processes.

It comprises process media based on NIST Refprop (there are more than 100 fluids and numerous mixtures available; such as air, water/steam, CO2, hydrogen, common alkanes and refrigerants or mixtures composed of them), whose change in state is calculated taking into account real gas effects. The thermodynamic process sequences can be visualized and scaled by common diagrams (e.g. h-s, T-s, p-T) and calculated values are precisely listed in tables.

TDT supplies to the user an easy and interactive graphical user interface and a huge number of options for setting up the thermodynamic process according to the individual requirements. Predefined turbomachinery components such as compressor/pump, combustion chamber, turbine, condenser and heat exchanger form basic elements and can be extended by additional process branches and/or loss correlations. Depending on the components, only few input values such as efficiency, outlet pressure or pressure ratio, heat or temperature change as well as pressure or mass losses are necessary to configure the single elements.
As an example, TDT has been used for optimization of a multi-stage inter-cooled compression process of CO2 for a power plant concept with Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) technology.

TDT is continuously further developed by B&B-AGEMA and has been applied in a huge number of industrial projects.
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Keysight PathWave ADS 2023.1 Software
Keysight Technologies (ex. Agilent) PathWave Advanced Design System 2023.1

Keysight PathWave ADS 2023.1

PathWave ADS is market-leading circuit design and simulation software. It offers integrated design guidance via templates to help you get started faster. Extensive component libraries make it easy to find the part you want. Automatic sync with layout allows you to visualize the physical layout while making schematic designs.

  • Achieve design success with a complete desktop flow.
  • Easily integrate with PathWave electromagnetic simulators.
  • Share and manage workspaces across teams.
  • Model nonlinear designs with X-parameters.
  • Incorporate leading foundry and industry designs.
  • Increase yield with optimization cockpit and data display.
Data helps teams visualize whether their designs meet specifications. The data display and analytics capabilities in PathWave ADS produce graphs, charts, and diagrams to give you design confidence. Quickly accelerate your design with wizards, design guides, and templates. The complete design flow includes schematic, layout, circuit, electro-thermal, and electromagnetic simulations.

Signal and power integrity are becoming more important as frequency and speed increase in printed circuit boards (PCBs). Losses associated with transmission line effects can cause failures in electronic devices. Modeling traces, vias, and interconnects are necessary to simulate the board accurately. Improve high-speed link performance in PCB designs with integrated circuit design and electromagnetic simulators customized for power and signal integrity analysis.

Power supplies, solar inverters, and electric vehicles are driving the need for more efficiency in power device designs. The technology that enables an increase in efficiency is wide-bandgap materials such as Silicon Carbide and Gallium Nitride. Model modern materials and switch-mode power supplies to optimize power device designs for maximum efficiency.
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Graitec BIMware Master 2023 v12.5 Software
Graitec BIMware Master 2023 v12.5

Graitec BIMware Master 2023 v12.5

BIMware MASTER EC2 Reinforcement is dedicated to conduct calculations for the necessary reinforcement areas or maximum capacities of concrete sections and RC elements beams and columns. The Expertise module allows a user to verify RC sections of any shapes with arbitrary defined reinforcement. All calculations are conducted in accordance with the recommendations of the EUROCODE 2 (EN 1992-1-1) with possibility to consider national annexes for the following countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Spain, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Romania, United Kingdom, Italy.

MASTER EC4 Composite Slabs is used for verification of ultimate (ULS) and serviceability (SLS) limit states of the profiled steel sheet that works as a formwork (construction phase) and the composite slab (service (composite) phase). Calculations are conducted in accordance with the recommendations of the EUROCODE 4 (EN 1994-1-1 and EN 1994-1-2 codes).

BIMware MASTER EC7 Foundations is used to analyze spread footings and continuous footings in layered soil. Calculations are conducted in accordance with the recommendations of the Eurocode 7 (EN 1997-1) with possibility to consider national annexes for the following countries Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Poland, United Kingdom. Calculations include verification of soil capacity for layered ground, analysis of stress in the foundation corners, design of the foundation base due to bending, verification of the local stability for overturning and sliding, verification of the punching resistance and analysis of settlement. In addition, BIMware MASTER EC7 Foundations allows a user to verify reinforcement of the analyzed foundation.

BIMware MASTER EC3 Steel Connections is used to design and verify the capacity of typical connections used in steel structures. The verification of connections is conducted in accordance with the recommendations of the EUROCODE 3 (EN 1993-1-8, EN 1993-1-1) with a possibility to consider national annexes for the following countries United Kingdom, France, and Poland.

BIMware MASTER EC5 Timber Connections is designed for verification of load-carrying capacity of bolted splice connections for timber, wood-based and steel elements. Calculations are conducted in accordance with the recommendations of the EUROCODE 5 (EN 1995-1-1 standard).
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SoftTruck CargoWiz v50.50.04 Software
SoftTruck CargoWiz v50.50.04

SoftTruck CargoWiz v50.50.04

CargoWiz is a container loading calculator. You can find the optimal way how to load a container or a truck or you can find how many containers do you need for specific boxes. You can add rules how to load the boxes.

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Golden Software Surfer v25.1.229 Software
Golden Software Surfer v25.1.229 x32+x64

Golden Software Surfer v25.1.229

Golden Software Surfer – мощная система создания трехмерных карт, моделирования и анализа поверхностей, визуализации ландшафта, генерирования сетки и многого другого. Продукт позволяет создавать реалистичные 3D карты с учетом освещенности и теней, использовать изображения местности в различных форматах, экспортировать созданные карты в различные графические форматы и печатать в цвете размером до 50 м по диагонали. Мощные интерполяционные функции позволяют создавать точные поверхности высочайшего качества.

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С Праздником ---
Долго думал, какие у меня чувства в этот день. Что было бы уместно. Как-то так получилось ...

С Праздником

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Bentley DYNAMEQ 2023.0.0.8 Software
Bentley DYNAMEQ 2023.0.0.8

Bentley DYNAMEQ 2023.0.0.8

DYNAMEQ is a vehicle-based traffic simulation and dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) software for operational traffic planning, providing high resolution traffic modeling at a wide range of scales.

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Feldmann + Weynand CoP2 Pro v3.0.2 Software
Feldmann + Weynand CoP2 Pro v3.0.2

Feldmann + Weynand CoP2 Pro v3.0.2

CoP2 is an innovative computer program for the design of joints in steel and composite structures. The calculations are made in full accordance with the new Eurocode 3 (EN 1993-1-8) using the so-called component method. This new calculation method not only leads to a more economic structural design, it also gives a better insight into the behavior of the joint. The joint is central here, as it is an important factor in determining the costs of a structure. In close cooperation and with the support of the steel industry, a user-friendly calculation program has been developed. Using modern software techniques the software fits perfectly with the needs of engineers and draughtsman. All joint details will be defined in clearly arranged data input masks. During input, all data will be visualized in scaled 2D or 3D views. A data check module monitors if the requirements of Eurocode 3 (for example bolt end distances, required weld sizes, etc.) are fulfilled. If needed, valid values are proposed.

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StruSoft WIN-Statik v6.5 Software
StruSoft WIN-Statik v6.5

StruSoft WIN-Statik v6.5

WIN-Statik is an easy to use structural engineering software for common design tasks. It contains both analysis and design that is performed in accordance to Eurocode with different national annex. The software is widely used in Scandinavia and has been the main design tool for structural engineers for the last 35 years.

WIN-Statik includes design software for concrete beams, columns, corbels, punching and sections as well as retaining walls, masonry structures and foundation plates. In addition to this, the well-known frame analysis is part of the WIN-Statik software package.

Frame analysis is used to evaluate 2D frames of steel, timber and/or concrete. The analysis considers 2nd order effects and redistribution of forces due to cracking of concrete.

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Bentley Orbit 3DM Content Manager & Feature Extraction Standard Software
Bentley Orbit 3DM Content Manager & Feature Extraction Standard

Bentley Orbit 3DM Content Manager & Feature Extraction Standard

Orbit 3DM Content Manager provides management, optimization, and delivery of any 3D Mapping content. More info

Orbit 3DM Feature Extraction Standard is a complete mapping unit for Image, LiDAR and DSM mapping. More info
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