Lidor Systems IntegralUI Studio 2014

IntegralUI Studio is a a suite of advanced .NET user interface components. The package includes docking and tabbed document management controls, advanced data visualization controls, multiple containers and controls for grouping and organizing your application layout. All controls have highly customizable appearance, multiple styles, supports XML load/save and fast data loading time.
IntegralUI Studio features the following advanced .NET controls: Bar, CheckBox, ComboBox, DateTimePicker, Expander, ExplorerBar New, Group, ListBar New, ListBox, ListControl, ListView, MonthCalendar, NumberedListControl, NumericUpDown, OutlookBar New, Page, Panel, ProgressBar, RatingControl, RichContentControl, SplitContainer, TabControl, TabDockContainer, TextControl, TransparentPanel, TreeListView, TreeView.