Автор: Williams Дата: 22 июля 2019
Просмотров: 3 327
Sachidanand Jhas - Solidworks 200 Exercises
CADin360, 2019
pdf, 207 pages, english
ISBN-10: 1094964824
ISBN-13: 978-1094964829
SOLIDWORKS 200 EXERCISES book contains 200 CAD practice exercises and drawings. This book does not provide step by step tutorial to design 3D models.
This book consists 200 Practice Exercises, 3D Models & Drawings which can be used for practice on SOLIDWORKS, CATIA, NX, CREO, SOLID EDGE, AUTODESK INVENTOR and other feature based modeling softwares. This book is for Beginner, Intermediate and Advance CAD users.
These exercises are from Basics to Advance level. Each exercises can be assigned and designed separately. No Exercise is a prerequisite for another. All dimensions are in mm.
To design & develop models, you should have knowledge of Solidworks. Student should have knowledge of Orthographic views and projections. Student should have basic knowledge of engineering drawings.