Автор: Williams Дата: 14 июня 2019
Просмотров: 2 097
Emerson PRV2SIZE v2.8.6481
PRV2SIZE software is an easy to use and comprehensive program that offers sizing, selection and configuration capabilities for Anderson Greenwood, Crosby and Varec brand Over Pressure Protection Valves and for Yarway brand Automatic Recirculation Control Valves:
PRV2Size Software Sizing Methods include:
ASME Section VIII (API 520, Part I, 9th edition) Gas, Liquid or Steam phase Orifice Area and Flow Calculations
Non-Code (API 520, Part I, 9th edition) Gas, Liquid or Steam phase Orifice Area and Flow Calculations
API 2000/ISO 28300, 6th edition Gas phase Orifice Area and Flow Calculations
ISO 4126-7 (2nd Edition) Gas Liquid or Steam phase Orifice Area and Flow Calculations
ASME Section I Steam phase Orifice Area and Flow Calculations
Fire Sizing Calculations per API 521 /API 520, Part I, 9th edition for Wetted or Unwetted Vessels
2-Phase ASME Appendix 11: Saturated Water Orifice Area and Flow Calculations
2-Phase API 520, Part I, 9th Edition C.2.1(Mass Flux Direct Integration), C.2.2(Flashing/Non-Flashing) and C.2.3(Sub-cooled/Saturated Liquid) Orifice Area and Flow Calculations
2-Phase API 520, Part I, 7th Edition D.2.1(Flashing Liquid and its Vapor), D.2.1( Non-Flashing Liquid and Gas), D.2.2(Sub-cooled/Saturated Liquid) and D.2.3(Flashing Liquid, Vapor and Gas) Orifice Area and Flow Calculations
2-Phase API 520, Part I, 6th Edition: Separated Flow Method Orifice Area and Flow Calculations
Tank Blanketing, Back Pressure or Pressure Reducing Regulator Sizing
Varec Flame Arrester Sizing
Yarway ARC Flow Control Valve Sizing
Tank Vent Sizing for Pressure Relief Valve (API 200/ISO 28300) or Free Vent (API 2000/ ISO 28300, 6th edition) Sizing
Reaction Force Calculations
Noise Calculations
Sizing Inputs can be in English or Metric Units for:
Fluid Properties
Pressures, Vacuum and Back Pressures
Flow Capacity
Valve Selection simplified with Filter Bar Options like:
Valve Type Filter Option
ASME or API dataset for K and A Values Filter Option
Valve Configuration allows:
Main Valve Materials of Construction, Accessory Selection with display of Catalog Model and ERP Number