Автор: Williams
Дата: 23 декабря 2018
Просмотров: 1 759
APF Nexus WoodTruss v3.3
APF WoodTruss lets you design timber trusses (King post, Fink, Howe), according to Eurocode 5 (EC5). All You have to do is specify the dimensions, the constraints and the loads. APF WoodTruss creates the load combinations according to Eurocode 0 and Eurocode 1 and performs all the required checks for ULS and SLS. APF WoodTruss reports warns you in case of unacceptable design of the timber structure. The results are displayed in the graphic environment and the user can save a detailed report with calculation details and images. The user interface is designed to simplify your work. You can change every value (cross sections’ size, truss span, etc.), recalculate and the results are immediately available. All the design variables, such as load coefficients, material properties (mechanical properties of timber) can be adjusted by you, according to your needs (or the requirements of any National Standard or National annex to the Eurocodes). APF WoodTruss performs a finite element analysis of the timber truss, as a two dimensional timber structure, with the supports having the degree of stiffness selected by the user. Internal forces, support reactions and deflections are displayed by the graphical interface separately for each load case. APF WoodTruss performs structural fire design according to Eurocode 5, using the reduced cross section method, for both unprotected and protected surfaces. Surfaces can be protected by fire protective claddings whose properties are defined by the user.